Пример #1
def batched_nms(boxes: Tensor,
                scores: Tensor,
                idxs: Tensor,
                iou_thresh: float,
                max_output: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
    Performs non-maximum suppression (NMS) on the boxes according to
    their intersection-over-union (IoU).

    :param boxes: tensor of shape `(N, 4)`; the boxes to perform nms on;
        each box is expected to be in `(x1, y1, x2, y2)` format.
    :param iou_thresh: ``IoU`` threshold for overlapping.
    :param idxs: tensor of shape `(N,)`, the class indexs of boxes in the batch.
    :param scores: tensor of shape `(N,)`, the score of boxes.
    :return: indices of the elements that have been kept by NMS.


    .. testcode::

        import numpy as np
        from megengine import tensor

        x = np.zeros((100,4))
        x[:,:2] = np.random.rand(100,2) * 20
        x[:,2:] = np.random.rand(100,2) * 20 + 100
        scores = tensor(np.random.rand(100))
        idxs = tensor(np.random.randint(0, 10, 100))
        inp = tensor(x)
        result = batched_nms(inp, scores, idxs, iou_thresh=0.6)


    .. testoutput::

        [75 41 99 98 69 64 11 27 35 18]

    assert (boxes.ndim == 2
            and boxes.shape[1] == 4), "the expected shape of boxes is (N, 4)"
    assert scores.ndim == 1, "the expected shape of scores is (N,)"
    assert idxs.ndim == 1, "the expected shape of idxs is (N,)"
    assert (boxes.shape[0] == scores.shape[0] ==
            idxs.shape[0]), "number of boxes, scores and idxs are not matched"

    idxs = idxs.detach()
    max_coordinate = boxes.max()
    offsets = idxs.astype("float32") * (max_coordinate + 1)
    boxes = boxes + offsets.reshape(-1, 1)
    return F.nn.nms(boxes, scores, iou_thresh, max_output)
Пример #2
def test_astype():
    a = Tensor(1.0)
    assert a.astype("int32").ndim == 0