Пример #1
def make_network(minibatch_size=128):
    patch_size = 32
    inp = DataProvider("data",
                       shape=(minibatch_size, 3, patch_size, patch_size))
    label = DataProvider("label", shape=(minibatch_size, ))
    idxmap = np.zeros((128, 3, 32, 32, 4), dtype=np.int32)
    sample = IndexingRemap(inp, idxmap)
    network = Network(outputs=[sample])
    sample = FullyConnected("fc", sample, output_dim=1)
    network.loss_var = sample.sum()
    return network

    #lay = bn_relu_conv(inp, 3, 1, 1, 16, False, False)
    lay, conv = conv_bn(inp, 3, 1, 1, 32, True)
    out = [conv]
	for chl in [32, 64, 128]:
		for i in range(10):
			lay, conv = conv_bn(lay, 3, 1, 1, chl, True)
		if chl != 128:
			lay = dfpooling("pooling{}".format(chl), lay)
    chl = 32
    for i in range(3):
        lay, conv = dfconv(lay, chl, True, i == 0)

    #global average pooling
    feature = lay.mean(axis=2).mean(axis=2)
    #feature = Pooling2D("glbpoling", lay, window = 8, stride = 8, mode = "AVERAGE")
    pred = Softmax(
                       W=G(mean=0, std=(1 / feature.partial_shape[1])**0.5),

    network = Network(outputs=[pred] + out)
    network.loss_var = CrossEntropyLoss(pred, label)
    return network
Пример #2
def b_resize(name, inp, rate=0.8):
    #inp = ConstProvider([[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]], dtype = np.float32)
    f_size = inp.partial_shape[2]
    l = int(f_size * rate)
    s = [[0, l], [f_size - l, f_size]]
    ar0 = Linspace(0, inp.shape[0], inp.shape[0], endpoint=False)
    ar0 = ar0.add_axis(1).add_axis(2).add_axis(3).broadcast(
    ar1 = Linspace(0, inp.shape[1], inp.shape[1], endpoint=False)
    ar1 = ar1.add_axis(0).add_axis(2).add_axis(3).broadcast(

    fmaps = [inp]
    for i in range(4):
        xx = s[i % 2]
        yy = s[i // 2]
        #x = Linspace(xx[0], xx[1], f_size, endpoint = False)
        #y = Linspace(yy[0], yy[1], f_size, endpoint = False)
        x = ConstProvider(np.linspace(xx[0], xx[1], f_size, endpoint=False))
        y = ConstProvider(np.linspace(yy[0], yy[1], f_size, endpoint=False))
        fx, fy = Floor(x), Floor(y)
        cx, cy = Ceil(x), Ceil(y)
        nfmaps = []
        for sx in range(2):
            for sy in range(2):
                ix = fx if sx == 0 else cx
                iy = fy if sy == 0 else cy
                bx = (cx - x + Equal(fx, cx) if sx == 0 else x - fx)
                by = (cy - y + Equal(fy, cy) if sy == 0 else y - fy)
                arx = ix.add_axis(0).add_axis(0).add_axis(3).broadcast(
                ary = iy.add_axis(0).add_axis(0).add_axis(0).broadcast(
                idxmap = Astype(Concat([ar0, ar1, arx, ary], axis=4), np.int32)
                sample = IndexingRemap(inp, idxmap)
                sample *= bx.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 'x') * by.dimshuffle(
                    'x', 'x', 'x', 0)
        fmap = nfmaps[0]
        for i in range(1, 4):
            fmap += nfmaps[i]
    fmap = Concat(fmaps, axis=1)
    return fmap
Пример #3
def dfconv(inp, chl, isrelu, ker_shape = 3, stride = 1, padding = 1, dx = [-1, 0, 1], dy = [-1, 0, 1]):
	inp = Conv2D(
		name + "conv", inp, kernel_shape = 3, stride = 1, padding = 1,
		output_nr_channel = ker_shape**2,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = ((1) / (ker_shape**2 * inp.partial_shape[1]))**0.5),
		nonlinearity = Identity()
	inp = BN(name + "BN", inp, eps = 1e-9)

	global idx
	#idx += 1
	gamma = 0.001
	offsetx = inp.partial_shape[2] * Conv2D(
		"conv{}_offsetx".format(idx + 1), inp, kernel_shape = ker_shape, stride = stride, 
		padding = padding,
		output_nr_channel = ker_shape**2,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = gamma / (ker_shape**2 * inp.partial_shape[2])),
		nonlinearity = Identity()
	offsety = inp.partial_shape[3] * Conv2D(
		"conv{}_offsety".format(idx + 1), inp, kernel_shape = ker_shape, stride = stride, 
		padding = padding,
		output_nr_channel = ker_shape**2,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = gamma / (ker_shape**2 * inp.partial_shape[3])),
		nonlinearity = Identity()

	outputs = []
	for sx in range(2):
		for sy in range(2):
			if sx == 0:
				ofx = Floor(offsetx)
				bilx = offsetx - ofx
				ofx = Ceil(offsetx)
				bilx = ofx - offsetx
			if sy == 0:
				ofy = Floor(offsety)
				bily = offsety - ofy
				ofy = Ceil(offsety)
				bily = ofy - offsety

			No padding
			padding1 = ConstProvider(np.zeros((inp.partial_shape[0], inp.partial_shape[1], 1, inp.partial_shape[3])))
			padding2 = ConstProvider(np.zeros((inp.partial_shape[0], inp.partial_shape[1], inp.partial_shape[2] + 2, 1)))
			arg_fea = Concat([padding1, inp, padding1], axis = 2)
			arg_fea = Concat([padding2, arg_fea, padding2], axis = 3)
			arg_fea = inp

			#one_mat = ConstProvider(np.ones((inp.partial_shape[2], inp.partial_shape[3])), dtype = np.int32)
			one_mat = ConstProvider(1, dtype = np.int32).add_axis(0).broadcast((ofx.partial_shape[2], ofx.partial_shape[3]))
			affx = (Cumsum(one_mat, axis = 0) - 1) * stride
			affy = (Cumsum(one_mat, axis = 1) - 1) * stride

			ofx = ofx + affx.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1)
			ofy = ofy + affy.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1)
			one_mat = ConstProvider(np.ones((ker_shape, ofx.partial_shape[2], ofx.partial_shape[3])))
			#ofx[:, :ker_shape, :, :] -= 1
			#ofx[:, ker_shape*2:, :, :] += 1
			ofx += Concat([one_mat * i for i in dx], axis = 0).dimshuffle('x', 0, 1, 2)
			#ofy[:, ::3, :, :] -= 1
			#ofy[:, 2::3, :, :] += 1
			one_mat = ones((1, ofx.partial_shape[2], ofx.partial_shape[3]))
			one_mat = Concat([one_mat * i for i in dy], axis = 0)
			one_mat = Concat([one_mat] * ker_shape, axis = 0)
			ofy += one_mat.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1, 2)
			ofx = Max(Min(ofx, arg_fea.partial_shape[2] - 1), 0)
			ofy = Max(Min(ofy, arg_fea.partial_shape[3] - 1), 0)

			def DeformReshape(inp, ker_shape):
				inp = inp.reshape(inp.shape[0], ker_shape, ker_shape, inp.shape[2], inp.shape[3])
				inp = inp.dimshuffle(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)
				inp = inp.reshape(inp.shape[0], inp.shape[1] * inp.shape[2], inp.shape[3] * inp.shape[4])
				return inp

			ofx = DeformReshape(ofx, ker_shape)
			ofy = DeformReshape(ofy, ker_shape)
			bilx = DeformReshape(bilx, ker_shape)
			bily = DeformReshape(bily, ker_shape)

			of = ofx * arg_fea.shape[2] + ofy
			arg_fea = arg_fea.reshape(arg_fea.shape[0], arg_fea.shape[1], -1)
			of = of.reshape(ofx.shape[0], -1)
			of = of.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1)
			#of = Concat([of] * arg_fea.partial_shape[1], axis = 1)
			of = of.broadcast((of.shape[0], arg_fea.shape[1], of.shape[2]))
			arx = Linspace(0, arg_fea.shape[0], arg_fea.shape[0], endpoint = False)
			arx = arx.add_axis(1).add_axis(2).broadcast(of.shape)
			ary = Linspace(0, arg_fea.shape[1], arg_fea.shape[1], endpoint = False)
			ary = ary.add_axis(0).add_axis(2).broadcast(of.shape)
			of = of.add_axis(3)
			arx = arx.add_axis(3)
			ary = ary.add_axis(3)
			idxmap = Astype(Concat([arx, ary, of], axis = 3), np.int32)
			sample = []
			for i in range(arg_fea.partial_shape[0]):
				for j in range(arg_fea.partial_shape[1]):
					sample.append(arg_fea[i][j].ai[of[i][j]].dimshuffle('x', 0))
			sample = Concat(sample, axis = 0)
			sample = IndexingRemap(arg_fea, idxmap).reshape(inp.shape[0], inp.shape[1], bilx.shape[1], -1)
			bilx = bilx.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 2).broadcast(sample.shape)
			bily = bily.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 2).broadcast(sample.shape)
			sample *= bilx * bily
	output = outputs[0]
	for i in outputs[1:]:
		output += i
	return conv_bn(output, ker_shape, 3, 0, chl, isrelu)
Пример #4
def dfpooling(name, inp, window = 2, padding = 0, dx = [0, 1], dy = [0, 1]):
	#inp = ConstProvider([[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]], dtype = np.float32)
	Add a new conv&bn to insure that the scale of the feature map is variance 1.
	ker_shape = window
	stride = window	
	offsetlay = Conv2D(
		name + "conv", inp, kernel_shape = 3, stride = 1, padding = 1,
		output_nr_channel = ker_shape**2,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = ((1) / (3**2 * inp.partial_shape[1]))**0.5),
		nonlinearity = Identity()
	#offsetlay = BN(name + "BN", offsetlay, eps = 1e-9)

	offsetx = Conv2D(
		name + "conv1x", offsetlay, kernel_shape = ker_shape, stride = stride, 
		padding = padding,
		output_nr_channel = ker_shape**2,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = (1 / (ker_shape**2 * inp.partial_shape[2]))**0.5),
		nonlinearity = Identity()
	offsety = Conv2D(
		name + "conv1y", offsetlay, kernel_shape = ker_shape, stride = stride, 
		padding = padding,
		output_nr_channel = ker_shape**2,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = (1 / (ker_shape**2 * inp.partial_shape[3]))**0.5),
		nonlinearity = Identity()
	offset = Concat([offsetx, offsety], axis = 1)

	ndim = ker_shape**2 * offsetx.partial_shape[2] * offsetx.partial_shape[3] * 2
	offset = FullyConnected(
		name + "offset", offsetx, output_dim = ndim,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = (1 / ndim)**2),
		#W = C(0),
		b = C(0),
		nonlinearity = Identity()
	offsetx = offset[:, :ndim // 2].reshape(offsetx.shape)
	offsety = offset[:, ndim // 2:].reshape(offsety.shape)
	offsetx = FullyConnected(
		name + "offsetx", offsetx, output_dim = ndim,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = gamma / ndim),
		b = C(0),
		nonlinearity = Identity()
	offsetx = offsetx.reshape(offsety.shape)
	offsety = FullyConnected(
		name + "offsety", offsety, output_dim = ndim,
		W = G(mean = 0, std = gamma / ndim),
		b = C(0),
		nonlinearity = Identity()
	offsety = offsety.reshape(offsetx.shape)

	#offsetx = ZeroGrad(offsetx)
	#offsety = ZeroGrad(offsety)
	outputs = []
	for sx in range(2):
		for sy in range(2):
			if sx == 0:
				ofx = Floor(offsetx)
				bilx = 1 - (offsetx - ofx)
				ofx = Ceil(offsetx)
				bilx = 1 - (ofx - offsetx)
			if sy == 0:
				ofy = Floor(offsety)
				bily = 1 - (offsety - ofy)
				ofy = Ceil(offsety)
				bily = 1 - (ofy - offsety)
			No padding
			padding1 = ConstProvider(np.zeros((inp.partial_shape[0], inp.partial_shape[1], 1, inp.partial_shape[3])))
			padding2 = ConstProvider(np.zeros((inp.partial_shape[0], inp.partial_shape[1], inp.partial_shape[2] + 2, 1)))
			arg_fea = Concat([padding1, inp, padding1], axis = 2)
			arg_fea = Concat([padding2, arg_fea, padding2], axis = 3)
			arg_fea = inp

			#one_mat = ConstProvider(np.ones((inp.partial_shape[2], inp.partial_shape[3])), dtype = np.int32)
			one_mat = ConstProvider(1, dtype = np.int32).add_axis(0).broadcast((ofx.shape[2], ofx.shape[3]))
			affx = (Cumsum(one_mat, axis = 0) - 1) * stride
			affy = (Cumsum(one_mat, axis = 1) - 1) * stride

			ofx = ofx + affx.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1)
			ofy = ofy + affy.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1)
			one_mat = ConstProvider(np.ones((ker_shape, ofx.partial_shape[2], ofx.partial_shape[3])))
			#ofx[:, :ker_shape, :, :] -= 1
			#ofx[:, ker_shape*2:, :, :] += 1
			ofx += Concat([one_mat * i for i in dx], axis = 0).dimshuffle('x', 0, 1, 2)
			#ofy[:, ::3, :, :] -= 1
			#ofy[:, 2::3, :, :] += 1
			one_mat = ones((1, ofx.partial_shape[2], ofx.partial_shape[3]))
			one_mat = Concat([one_mat * i for i in dy], axis = 0)
			one_mat = Concat([one_mat] * ker_shape, axis = 0)
			ofy += one_mat.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1, 2)
			ofx = Max(Min(ofx, arg_fea.partial_shape[2] - 1), 0)
			ofy = Max(Min(ofy, arg_fea.partial_shape[3] - 1), 0)

			def DeformReshape(inp, ker_shape):
				inp = inp.reshape(inp.shape[0], ker_shape, ker_shape, inp.shape[2], inp.partial_shape[3])
				inp = inp.dimshuffle(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)
				inp = inp.reshape(inp.shape[0], inp.shape[1] * inp.shape[2], inp.shape[3] * inp.shape[4])
				return inp

			ofx = DeformReshape(ofx, ker_shape)
			ofy = DeformReshape(ofy, ker_shape)
			bilx = DeformReshape(bilx, ker_shape)
			bily = DeformReshape(bily, ker_shape)

			of = ofx * arg_fea.partial_shape[2] + ofy
			arg_fea = arg_fea.reshape(arg_fea.shape[0], arg_fea.shape[1], -1)
			of = of.reshape(ofx.shape[0], -1)
			of = of.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1)
			#of = Concat([of] * arg_fea.partial_shape[1], axis = 1)
			of = of.broadcast((of.shape[0], arg_fea.shape[1], of.shape[2]))
			arx = Linspace(0, arg_fea.shape[0], arg_fea.shape[0], endpoint = False)
			arx = arx.add_axis(1).add_axis(2).broadcast(of.shape)
			ary = Linspace(0, arg_fea.shape[1], arg_fea.shape[1], endpoint = False)
			ary = ary.add_axis(0).add_axis(2).broadcast(of.shape)
			of = of.add_axis(3)
			arx = arx.add_axis(3)
			ary = ary.add_axis(3)
			idxmap = Astype(Concat([arx, ary, of], axis = 3), np.int32)
			sample = []
			for i in range(arg_fea.partial_shape[0]):
				for j in range(arg_fea.partial_shape[1]):
					sample.append(arg_fea[i][j].ai[of[i][j]].dimshuffle('x', 0))
			sample = Concat(sample, axis = 0)
			sample = IndexingRemap(arg_fea, idxmap).reshape(inp.shape[0], inp.shape[1], bilx.shape[1], -1)
			bilx = bilx.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 2).broadcast(sample.shape)
			bily = bily.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 2).broadcast(sample.shape)
			sample *= bilx * bily
	output = outputs[0]
	for i in outputs[1:]:
		output += i
	return Pooling2D(name, output, window = 2, mode = "AVERAGE")
Пример #5
def dfpooling(name, inp, window=2, padding=0, dx=[0, 1], dy=[0, 1]):
    #inp = ConstProvider([[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]], dtype = np.float32)

    ker_shape = window
    stride = window
    gamma = 0.1
    offsetx = gamma * inp.partial_shape[2] * Conv2D(name + "offsetx",
    offsety = gamma * inp.partial_shape[3] * Conv2D(name + "offsety",
    outputs = []
    for sx in range(2):
        for sy in range(2):
            if sx == 0:
                ofx = Floor(offsetx)
                bilx = offsetx - ofx + Equal(Floor(offsetx), Ceil(offsetx))
                ofx = Ceil(offsetx)
                bilx = ofx - offsetx
            if sy == 0:
                ofy = Floor(offsety)
                bily = offsety - ofy + Equal(Floor(offsety), Ceil(offsety))
                ofy = Ceil(offsety)
                bily = ofy - offsety
			No padding
			padding1 = ConstProvider(np.zeros((inp.partial_shape[0], inp.partial_shape[1], 1, inp.partial_shape[3])))
			padding2 = ConstProvider(np.zeros((inp.partial_shape[0], inp.partial_shape[1], inp.partial_shape[2] + 2, 1)))
			arg_fea = Concat([padding1, inp, padding1], axis = 2)
			arg_fea = Concat([padding2, arg_fea, padding2], axis = 3)
            arg_fea = inp

            #one_mat = ConstProvider(np.ones((inp.partial_shape[2], inp.partial_shape[3])), dtype = np.int32)
            one_mat = ConstProvider(1, dtype=np.int32).add_axis(0).broadcast(
                (ofx.partial_shape[2], ofx.partial_shape[3]))
            affx = (Cumsum(one_mat, axis=0) - 1) * stride
            affy = (Cumsum(one_mat, axis=1) - 1) * stride

            ofx = ofx + affx.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1)
            ofy = ofy + affy.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1)
            one_mat = ConstProvider(
                    (ker_shape, ofx.partial_shape[2], ofx.partial_shape[3])))
            #ofx[:, :ker_shape, :, :] -= 1
            #ofx[:, ker_shape*2:, :, :] += 1
            ofx += Concat([one_mat * i for i in dx],
                          axis=0).dimshuffle('x', 0, 1, 2)
            #ofy[:, ::3, :, :] -= 1
            #ofy[:, 2::3, :, :] += 1
            one_mat = ones((1, ofx.partial_shape[2], ofx.partial_shape[3]))
            one_mat = Concat([one_mat * i for i in dy], axis=0)
            one_mat = Concat([one_mat] * ker_shape, axis=0)
            ofy += one_mat.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1, 2)
            ofx = Max(Min(ofx, arg_fea.partial_shape[2] - 1), 0)
            ofy = Max(Min(ofy, arg_fea.partial_shape[3] - 1), 0)

            def DeformReshape(inp, ker_shape):
                inp = inp.reshape(inp.partial_shape[0], ker_shape, ker_shape,
                                  inp.partial_shape[2], inp.partial_shape[3])
                inp = inp.dimshuffle(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)
                inp = inp.reshape(inp.partial_shape[0],
                                  inp.partial_shape[1] * inp.partial_shape[2],
                                  inp.partial_shape[3] * inp.partial_shape[4])
                return inp

            ofx = DeformReshape(ofx, ker_shape)
            ofy = DeformReshape(ofy, ker_shape)
            bilx = DeformReshape(bilx, ker_shape)
            bily = DeformReshape(bily, ker_shape)

            of = ofx * arg_fea.partial_shape[2] + ofy
            arg_fea = arg_fea.reshape(arg_fea.partial_shape[0],
                                      arg_fea.partial_shape[1], -1)
            of = of.reshape(ofx.partial_shape[0], -1)
            of = of.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1)
            #of = Concat([of] * arg_fea.partial_shape[1], axis = 1)
            of = of.broadcast((of.partial_shape[0], arg_fea.partial_shape[1],
            arx = Linspace(0,
            arx = arx.add_axis(1).add_axis(2).broadcast(of.shape)
            ary = Linspace(0,
            ary = ary.add_axis(0).add_axis(2).broadcast(of.shape)
            of = of.add_axis(3)
            arx = arx.add_axis(3)
            ary = ary.add_axis(3)
            idxmap = Astype(Concat([arx, ary, of], axis=3), np.int32)
			sample = []
			for i in range(arg_fea.partial_shape[0]):
				for j in range(arg_fea.partial_shape[1]):
					sample.append(arg_fea[i][j].ai[of[i][j]].dimshuffle('x', 0))
			sample = Concat(sample, axis = 0)
            sample = IndexingRemap(arg_fea,
                                                   bilx.partial_shape[1], -1)
            bilx = bilx.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 2).broadcast(sample.shape)
            bily = bily.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 2).broadcast(sample.shape)
            sample *= bilx * bily


    output = outputs[0]
    for i in outputs[1:]:
        output += i

    return Pooling2D(name, output, window=2, mode="AVERAGE")