Пример #1
def test_direct_entries_access(ctx):
    from melkman.db.bucket import NewsBucket, NewsItemRef

    # if you add something to bucket.entries directly rather than going
    # through the interface, make sure it's there after saving (i.e. NewsBucket
    # is properly observing changes to the underlying nldict)
    bucket = NewsBucket.create(ctx)
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 0
    item1 = NewsItemRef.create_from_info(ctx, bucket.id, item_id=random_id())
    item2 = NewsItemRef.create_from_info(ctx, bucket.id, item_id=random_id())
    bucket.entries[item1.item_id] = item1
    bucket.entries[item2.item_id] = item2
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 2
    assert bucket.has_news_item(item1)
    assert bucket.has_news_item(item2)
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 2
    assert bucket.has_news_item(item1)
    assert bucket.has_news_item(item2)

    # directly changing the maxlen of the underlying nldict instead of using
    # NewsBucket.set_maxlen is *not* supported:
    bucket.entries.maxlen = 1  # causes items to be deleted in memory:
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 1
    # but the document's maxlen field is not updated:
    assert bucket.maxlen is None
    # so after re-retrieving the document the nldict's maxlen is the old value
    assert bucket.entries.maxlen is None
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 2 # and the bucket still has two items

    # if we save after changing the nldict's maxlen...
    bucket.entries.maxlen = 1  # items deleted in memory
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 1
    # ...items are now deleted from persistent storage too
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 1
    # but the maxlen field on the document was still never set
    assert bucket.maxlen == None

    # add back both items since one of them was discarded
    bucket.entries.update({item1.item_id: item1, item2.item_id: item2})
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 2

    # if we set the maxlen field on the bucket rather than using set_maxlen...
    bucket.maxlen = 1
    # maxlen changes in the document but the underlying nldict is not updated:
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 2
    # ...until *after* saving:
    assert len(bucket.entries) == 1
Пример #2
def test_bucket_maxlen(ctx):
    Test that bucket with maxlen behaves as expected
    from melkman.db.bucket import NewsBucket, NewsItemRef, SORTKEY
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    from operator import attrgetter
    # add 10 items spaced an hour apart to a bucket of max-length 3:

    maxlen = 3
    sortkey = SORTKEY # for now this is hardcoded in melkman.db.bucket
    bucket = NewsBucket.create(ctx, maxlen=maxlen)
    assert bucket.maxlen == maxlen
    items = []
    timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
    for i in xrange(10):
        item = NewsItemRef.create_from_info(ctx, bucket.id,
            timestamp=timestamp - timedelta(hours=i),

    # make sure the bucket has only the maxlen latest items
    # before and after saving:

    idgetter = attrgetter('item_id')
    sorteditemsids = map(idgetter, sorted(items, key=sortkey))

    def ids_by_timestamp(entries):
        return map(idgetter, sorted(entries.values(), key=sortkey))

    def check_before_and_after_save(bucket):
        bucketlen = len(bucket.entries)
        if bucket.maxlen is not None:
            assert bucketlen <= bucket.maxlen

        assert ids_by_timestamp(bucket.entries) == sorteditemsids[-bucketlen:]
        assert ids_by_timestamp(bucket.entries) == sorteditemsids[-bucketlen:]
        return bucket

    bucket = check_before_and_after_save(bucket)

    # decrease maxlen and make sure bucket.entries remains consistent:
    maxlen -= 1
    bucket = check_before_and_after_save(bucket)

    # now increase maxlen so that the bucket is under capacity and check consistency:
    maxlen += 2
    bucket = check_before_and_after_save(bucket)

    # fill to capacity and check that the new maxlen is maintained:
    for i in items:
    bucket = check_before_and_after_save(bucket)

    # now set the maxlen to None and make sure it becomes an unbounded bucket:
    maxlen = None
    for i in items:
    bucket = check_before_and_after_save(bucket)