Пример #1
    def setUp(self):
        # This function runs before each test in the MelonsTest class.
        # This is useful if there are variables that you will need access to
        # in all or most of your tests.

        self.melon = Melon(
            2, 'Hybrid', 'Crenshaw', 2.0,
            'green', True)
Пример #2
    def prep_and_painting(self):
        count = 0
        melons = []

        # Pick melons until we reach the requested quantity

        while len(melons) < quantity:

            # Make sure we haven't reached our limit for the total
            # number of melons we're allowed to pick

            if count > MELON_LIMIT:
                print "\n------------------------------"
                print "ALL MELONS HAVE BEEN PICKED"
                print "ORDERS FAILED TO BE FULFILLED!"
                print "------------------------------\n"

            # Have the robot pick a 'melon' -- check to
            # see if it is a Winter Squash or not. 

            if melon_type != "Winter Squash":
                m = Melon(melon_type)

                m = Squash(melon_type)

            count += 1

            # Prepare the melon

            # Evaluate the melon

            presentable = robots.inspectorbot.evaluate(m)

            if presentable:


        print "------"
        print "Robots Picked {} {} for order of {}".format(count, melon_type, quantity)

        # Pack the melons for shipping
        boxes = robots.packerbot.pack(melons)

        # Ship the boxes

        print "------\n"
Пример #3
class MelonsTest(unittest.TestCase):
    '''Testing the functions in the melons.py file and Melon class methods'''
    def setUp(self):
        # This function runs before each test in the MelonsTest class.
        # This is useful if there are variables that you will need access to
        # in all or most of your tests.

        self.melon = Melon(
            2, 'Hybrid', 'Crenshaw', 2.0,
            'green', True)

    def test_get_by_id(self):
        '''When we call the get_by_id function we should get back the correct melon object.'''

        # Even though self.melon and the melon returned from get_by_id(2) are both
        # Crenshaw melons with all the same attributes they are not strictly equal
        # because they are different instences of the Melon class.  This is why we
        # are checking that the common_name attributes are equal, rather than
        # checking that the objects themsleves are equal.
        self.assertEqual(get_by_id(2).common_name, self.melon.common_name)

    def test_melon_price(self):
        # testing that price_string method on the melon class returns the correct value
        self.assertEqual(self.melon.price_str(), '$2.00')

    def test_read_melon_types_from_file(self):
        # testing that the output from read_melon_types_from_file contains data we expect.
        melon_dict = read_melon_types_from_file("melons.txt")
        self.assertEqual(melon_dict[35].common_name, 'Irish Grey Watermelon')
Пример #4
def assess_and_pack_orders():
    """Assesses and packs order objects.

    Distinguishes between melons/squashes."""

    # Check to make sure we've been passed an argument on the
    # command line.  If not, display instructions.

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    # Get the name of the log file to open from the command line
    logfilename = sys.argv[1]

    # Open the log file
    f = open(logfilename)

    # Read each line from the log file and process it

    for line in f:

        # Each line should be in the format:
        # <melon name>: <quantity>
        melon_type, quantity = line.rstrip().split(':')
        quantity = int(quantity)

        print "\n-----"
        print "Fullfilling order of {} {}".format(quantity, melon_type)
        print "-----\n"

        count = 0
        melons = []

        # Pick melons until we reach the requested quantity

        while len(melons) < quantity:

            # Make sure we haven't reached our limit for the total
            # number of melons we're allowed to pick

            if count > MELON_LIMIT:
                print "\n------------------------------"
                print "ALL MELONS HAVE BEEN PICKED"
                print "ORDERS FAILED TO BE FULFILLED!"
                print "------------------------------\n"

            # Have the robot pick a 'melon' -- check to
            # see if it is a Winter Squash or not.

            if melon_type != "Winter Squash":
                m = Melon(melon_type)

                m = Squash(melon_type)

            count += 1

            # Prepare the melon

            # Evaluate the melon

            presentable = robots.inspectorbot.evaluate(m)

            if presentable:


        print "------"
        print "Robots Picked {} {} for order of {}".format(count, melon_type, quantity)

        # Pack the melons for shipping
        boxes = robots.packerbot.pack(melons)

        # Ship the boxes

        print "------\n"