Пример #1
 def build_evaluate_image_word_graph(self, image_feature):
     with tf.variable_scope("image_text_sim"):
         image_feature = self.forward_image_feature(image_feature)
         #no need for embedding lookup
         word_feature = self.forward_word_feature()
         score = melt.cosine(image_feature, word_feature, nonorm=True)
         return score
Пример #2
 def build_text_words_emb_sim_graph(self, text_max_words=TEXT_MAX_WORDS):
     with tf.variable_scope(self.scope):
         text_feature = self.gen_text_feature(
             self.get_text_feed(text_max_words), self.emb)
         word_feature = self.gen_word_feature()
         score = melt.cosine(text_feature, word_feature)
         return score
Пример #3
def dot(x, y):
    if FLAGS.dist_normalize or get_dist_type(FLAGS.loss) == DistType.cosine:
        #has already normalized
        return melt.dot(x, y)
        #TODO ...
        #return -tf.sqrt(pairwise_distance(x, y))
        ##not normalized before but for contrastive will it be better to use pairwise_distance like in pytorch ?
        return melt.cosine(x, y)
 def build_text_emb_sim_graph(self, text,  text2):
   for bow is emb sim
   for rnn is sim after rnn encoding
   with tf.variable_scope(self.scope):
     text_feature = self.gen_text_feature(text, self.emb)
     text_feature2 = self.gen_text_feature(text2, self.emb)
     score = melt.cosine(text_feature, text_feature2)
     return score
Пример #5
 def build_fixed_text_graph(self, text_feature_npy): 
   text features directly load to graph,
   used in evaluate.py for both fixed text and fixed words
   with tf.variable_scope("image_text_sim"):
     image_feature = self.forward_image_feature(self.image_feature_place)
     text_feature = melt.constant(self.sess, text_feature_npy)
     score = melt.cosine(image_feature, text_feature, nonorm=True)
     return score
Пример #6
 def build_embsim_graph(self, ltext, rtext):
 for bow is emb sim
 for rnn is sim after rnn encoding
     #TODO imporve speed by concat pos and all negs to one batch
     with tf.variable_scope(self.scope):
         ltext_feature = self.encode(ltext)
         rtext_feature = self.encode(rtext)
         score = melt.cosine(ltext_feature, rtext_feature)
         return score
Пример #7
 def build_fixed_text_feature_graph(self, text_feature_npy):
 text features directly load to graph, @NOTICE text_feature_npy all vector must of same length
 used in evaluate.py for both fixed text and fixed words
 @FIXME dump text feature should change api
     with tf.variable_scope("image_text_sim"):
         image_feature = self.forward_image_feature(self.image_feature_feed)
         text_feature = melt.load_constant(self.sess, text_feature_npy)
         score = melt.cosine(image_feature, text_feature, nonorm=True)
         return score
Пример #8
def dot(x, y):
    if FLAGS.concat_sim:
        return concat_sim_score(x, y)

    if FLAGS.dist_normalize or get_dist_type(FLAGS.loss) == DistType.cosine:
        #has already normalized
        return melt.dot(x, y)
        #TODO ...
        #return -tf.sqrt(pairwise_distance(x, y))
        ##not normalized before but for contrastive will it be better to use pairwise_distance like in pytorch ?

        #distance_L1 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(tf.subtract(vocab, tf.expand_dims(batch,1))), axis=2)

        return melt.cosine(x, y)
Пример #9
 def build_textsim_graph(self, text, text2):
     with tf.variable_scope("image_text_sim"):
         text_feature = self.forward_text(text)
         text_feature2 = self.forward_text(text2)
         score = melt.cosine(text_feature, text_feature2, nonorm=True)
         return score
Пример #10
 def build_graph(self, image_feature, text):
     with tf.variable_scope("image_text_sim"):
         image_feature = self.forward_image_feature(image_feature)
         text_feature = self.forward_text(text)
         score = melt.cosine(image_feature, text_feature, nonorm=True)
         return score