def __init__(self, ip="", port="11211"): # connect to the memcache-python self.m = memcache.Client([ip + ":" + port]) # connect to the local memcached file self.mem_s = MemcachedStats(ip, port)
class mem: # regular expression for keys saved in the cache _miss_key_regex = re.compile(ur"(.*)_miss$") _hash_key_regex = re.compile(ur"(.*)_hash$") def __init__(self, ip="", port="11211"): # connect to the memcache-python self.m = memcache.Client([ip + ":" + port]) # connect to the local memcached file self.mem_s = MemcachedStats(ip, port) def stats(self): """ stats """ # data from the cache stats_dict = self.m.get_stats()[0][1] # filter for analysis stats_analysis = self.__stats_analysis(stats_dict) return stats_dict, stats_analysis def __stats_analysis(self, stats_dict): """ hits%, miss%, get%, set%, occupy%, unfteched_evicted%, unfetched_expired% """ hits_p, miss_p, get_p, set_p, unftch_evict, unftch_exp = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ana_dict = {} if float(stats_dict["cmd_get"]) != 0: # percentage hits, miss hits_p = float(stats_dict["get_hits"]) / float(stats_dict["cmd_get"]) * 100 miss_p = float(stats_dict["get_misses"]) / float(stats_dict["cmd_get"]) * 100 if float(stats_dict["cmd_get"]) != 0 or float(stats_dict["cmd_set"]) != 0: # percentage gets, sets get_p = (float(stats_dict["cmd_get"]) / (float(stats_dict["cmd_get"]) + float(stats_dict["cmd_set"]))) * 100 set_p = 100 - get_p # percentage occupied occupy_p = (float(stats_dict["bytes"]) / float(stats_dict["limit_maxbytes"])) * 100 if stats_dict.has_key("evicted_unfetched"): if float(stats_dict["evictions"]) != 0: # percentage evicted unfetched out of total evicted unftch_evict = float(stats_dict["evicted_unfetched"]) / float(stats_dict["evictions"]) * 100 ana_dict["unftc_ev"] = "%.2f" % unftch_evict if stats_dict.has_key("expired_unfetched"): if float(stats_dict["total_items"]) != 0: # percentage expired unfetched out of total items unftc_exp = (float(stats_dict["expired_unfetched"]) / float(stats_dict["total_items"])) * 100 ana_dict["expired_unfetched"] = "%.2f" % unftc_exp ana_dict.update( { "hits": "%.2f" % hits_p, "miss": "%.2f" % miss_p, "get": "%.2f" % get_p, "set": "%.2f" % set_p, "occupy": "%.2f" % occupy_p, } ) return ana_dict def slabs(self): """ stats slabs stats items """ slab_data = self.m.get_slabs()[0][1] slab_chunks = self.m.get_slab_chunks()[0][1] # merge the data from stats-slabs and stats-items for k, v in slab_chunks.items(): if slab_data.has_key(k): for sub_k, sub_v in slab_chunks[k].items(): slab_data[k][sub_k] = sub_v # filter the slabs data return self.__filter_slab(slab_data) def __filter_slab(self, slab_data): ban_list = ["cas_hits", "cas_badval", "decr_hits", "delete_hits", "reclaimed", "tailrepairs", "free_chunks_end"] attr_list = [ "total_pages", "total_chunks", "chunks_per_page", "used_chunks", "total_chunks", "free_chunks", "chunk_size", "mem_requested", ] evict_list = ["evicted", "evicted_time", "evicted_unfetched", "evicted_nonzero", "outofmemory"] data_list = ["number", "cmd_set", "get_hits", "incr_hits"] # data_list = ['number', 'cmd_set', 'get_hits', 'age', 'incr_hits'] label_dict = { "used_chunks": "used_ch", "chunks_per_page": "ch/page", "number": "no.", "expired_unfetched": "exp_unftch", "evicted": "evic", "evicted_time": "evic_t", "touch_hits": "tch_hits", "total_chunks": "tot_ch", "incr_hits": "i_hits", "free_chunks": "free_ch", "evicted_unfetched": "evic_unftc", "age": "age", "evicted_nonzero": "evic_nzero", "total_pages": "tot_pgs", "get_hits": "hits", "cmd_set": "set", "chunk_size": "ch_size", "mem_requested": "mem_req", "outofmemory": "out_mem", } attr_dict = {} data_dict = {} sum_slab_hits = 0 sum_slab_sets = 0 # merging the data_list and evict_list data_list = data_list + evict_list # separate the data into two dictionaries for k, v in slab_data.items(): attr_dict[k] = dict((label_dict[sub_k], sub_v) for sub_k, sub_v in v.items() if sub_k in attr_list) data_dict[k] = dict((label_dict[sub_k], sub_v) for sub_k, sub_v in v.items() if sub_k in data_list) # adding the analysis column for attr if v.has_key("mem_requested"): attr_dict[k]["%wst_mem"] = str( 100 - (float(v["mem_requested"]) / (float(v["used_chunks"]) * float(v["chunk_size"]))) * 100 )[:4] attr_dict[k]["%capacity"] = str(float(v["used_chunks"]) / float(v["total_chunks"]) * 100)[:4] data_dict[k]["hit/set%"] = str((float(v["get_hits"]) / float(v["cmd_set"])) * 100)[:4] if k in ["1", "2", "3", "42"]: # print "not", k, v['get_hits'], v['cmd_set'] pass else: # print k, sum_slab_hits, sum_slab_sets sum_slab_hits += int(v["get_hits"]) sum_slab_sets += int(v["cmd_set"]) return attr_dict, data_dict, str(float(sum_slab_hits) / float(sum_slab_sets)) # return attr_dict, data_dict, str(float(sum_slab_hits)) def sizes(self): """ stats sizes """ size = self.m.get_stat_sizes()[0][1] return size def keys(self): """ stats cachedump slab-id count using memcachedstats """ # get data from the memcachedstats data_dict = self.mem_s.key_details() # key=slab_id, value = tuple( #0=key, #1=size, #2=expiry_time) for k, v in data_dict.items(): data_dict[k] = [(sub_v[0], sub_v[1].split(" ")[0], sub_v[2].split(" ")[0]) for sub_v in v] return self.count_miss_hash_keys(data_dict) def count_miss_hash_keys(self, data_dict): """ Count the number of normal, miss and hash keys in a particular slab Count the total normal, miss and hash keys """ timeline_dict = {} count_dict = {} # total key key, miss_key, hash_key = 0, 0, 0 for slab_id, value_list in data_dict.items(): key_count, miss_key_count, hash_key_count = 0, 0, 0 for value in value_list: # key key_value = value[0] if self._miss_key_regex.findall(key_value): # miss key found miss_key_count += 1 elif self._hash_key_regex.findall(key_value): # hash key found hash_key_count += 1 else: # normal key found key_count += 1 # human_exp_time = human_time(value[2].split(" ")[0]) human_exp_time = float(value[2].split(" ")[0]) if timeline_dict.has_key(human_exp_time): timeline_dict[human_exp_time] += 1 else: timeline_dict[human_exp_time] = 1 count_dict[int(slab_id)] = { "key_count": key_count, "miss_key_count": miss_key_count, "hash_key_count": hash_key_count, } # adding the total count key += key_count miss_key += miss_key_count hash_key += hash_key_count total = key + miss_key + hash_key """ now = time.time() timeline_dict = { human_time(timeline): str((float(count_exp)/float(total))*100)[:4] for timeline, count_exp in timeline_dict.items() if float(timeline) > float(now) } """ timeline_dict = self.__max_min_timeline(timeline_dict) miss_p, hash_p, key_p = 0, 0, 0 if total != 0: miss_p, hash_p, key_p = ( (float(miss_key) / float(total)) * 100, (float(hash_key) / float(total)) * 100, (float(key) / float(total)) * 100, ) return ( count_dict, {"key": str(key_p)[:4], "miss_key": str(miss_p)[:4], "hash_key": str(hash_p)[:4]}, timeline_dict, ) def sortby_slab(self, count_dict): return [(slab_id, count_dict[slab_id]) for slab_id in sorted(count_dict)] def __max_min_timeline(self, timeline_dict): # sorted_timeline_tup = [ ( human_time(exp), timeline_dict[exp] ) for exp in sorted(timeline_dict.keys()) ] sorted_exp = sorted(timeline_dict.keys()) timeline_dict = {} expired_count, fresh_count = 0, 0 for exp in sorted_exp: if exp < time.time(): expired_count += 1 else: fresh_count += 1 if len(sorted_exp) > 0: timeline_dict["first-expiry"] = human_time(sorted_exp[0]) if len(sorted_exp) > 1: timeline_dict["last-expiry"] = human_time(sorted_exp[-1]) if len(sorted_exp) > 2: timeline_dict["second_last-expiry"] = human_time(sorted_exp[-2]) if len(sorted_exp) > 3: timeline_dict["third-last-expiry"] = human_time(sorted_exp[-3]) timeline_dict.update({"expired": expired_count, "fresh": fresh_count}) return timeline_dict