Пример #1
def revset_pushid(repo, subset, x):

    Changesets that were part of the specified numeric push id.
    l = revset.getargs(x, 1, 1, 'pushid requires one argument')
        pushid = int(revset.getstring(l[0], 'pushid requires a number'))
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        raise error.ParseError('pushid expects a number')

    with repo.pushlog.conn(readonly=True) as conn:
        push = repo.pushlog.pushfromid(conn, pushid) if conn else None

    if not push:
        return revset.baseset()

    to_rev = repo.changelog.rev
    pushrevs = set()
    for node in push.nodes:
        except RepoLookupError:

    return subset & pushrevs
Пример #2
 def newini(fp=None):
         # TODO: optionxformvalue isn't used by INIConfig ?
         return INIConfig(fp=fp, optionxformvalue=None)
     except ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError, err:
         raise error.ParseError(err.message.splitlines()[0],
                                '%s:%d' % (err.filename, err.lineno))
Пример #3
def revset_svnrev(repo, subset, x):
    Select changesets that originate in the given Subversion revision.
    args = revset.getargs(x, 1, 1, "svnrev takes one argument")

    rev = revset.getstring(args[0],
                           "the argument to svnrev() must be a number")
        revnum = int(rev)
    except ValueError:
        raise error.ParseError("the argument to svnrev() must be a number")

    rev = rev + ' '
    revs = []
    meta = repo.svnmeta(skiperrorcheck=True)
        for l in maps.RevMap.readmapfile(meta.revmap_file, missingok=False):
            if l.startswith(rev):
                n = l.split(' ', 2)[1]
                r = repo[node.bin(n)].rev()
                if r in subset:
        return revs
    except IOError, err:
        if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
        raise hgutil.Abort("svn metadata is missing - "
                           "run 'hg svn rebuildmeta' to reconstruct it")
Пример #4
    def _readini(self):
        """Create iniparse object by reading every file"""
        if len(self._readfiles) > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError("wconfig does not support read() more "
                                      "than once")

        def newini(fp=None):
                # TODO: optionxformvalue isn't used by INIConfig ?
                return INIConfig(fp=fp, optionxformvalue=None)
            except ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError, err:
                raise error.ParseError(err.message.splitlines()[0],
                                       '%s:%d' % (err.filename, err.lineno))
            except ConfigParser.ParsingError, err:
                if err.errors:
                    loc = '%s:%d' % (err.filename, err.errors[0][0])
                    loc = err.filename
                raise error.ParseError(err.message.splitlines()[0], loc)
Пример #5
def revset_svnrev(repo, subset, x):
    Select changesets that originate in the given Subversion revision.
    args = revset.getargs(x, 1, 1, "svnrev takes one argument")

    rev = revset.getstring(args[0],
                           "the argument to svnrev() must be a number")
        revnum = int(rev)
    except ValueError:
        raise error.ParseError("the argument to svnrev() must be a number")

    meta = repo.svnmeta(skiperrorcheck=True)
    if not meta.revmapexists:
        raise error.Abort("svn metadata is missing - "
                          "run 'hg svn rebuildmeta' to reconstruct it")
    torev = repo.changelog.rev
    revs = revset.baseset(torev(r) for r in meta.revmap.revhashes(revnum))
    return subset & revs
Пример #6
def revset_svnrev(repo, subset, x):
    Select changesets that originate in the given Subversion revision.
    args = revset.getargs(x, 1, 1, "svnrev takes one argument")

    rev = revset.getstring(args[0],
                           "the argument to svnrev() must be a number")
        rev = int(rev)
    except ValueError:
        raise error.ParseError("the argument to svnrev() must be a number")

    def matches(r):
        convertinfo = repo[r].extra().get('convert_revision', '')
        if convertinfo[:4] != 'svn:':
            return False
        return int(convertinfo[40:].rsplit('@', 1)[-1]) == rev

    return [r for r in subset if matches(r)]
Пример #7
def templatelabel(context, mapping, args):
    if len(args) != 2:
        # i18n: "label" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("label expects two arguments"))

    # add known effects to the mapping so symbols like 'red', 'bold',
    # etc. don't need to be quoted
    mapping.update(dict([(k, k) for k in _effects]))

    thing = args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1])

    # apparently, repo could be a string that is the favicon?
    repo = mapping.get('repo', '')
    if isinstance(repo, str):
        return thing

    label = args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1])

    thing = templater.stringify(thing)
    label = templater.stringify(label)

    return repo.ui.label(thing, label)
Пример #8
def templatelabel(context, mapping, args):
    if len(args) != 2:
        # i18n: "label" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("label expects two arguments"))

    thing = templater.stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))
    thing = templater.runtemplate(context, mapping,
                                  templater.compiletemplate(thing, context))

    # apparently, repo could be a string that is the favicon?
    repo = mapping.get('repo', '')
    if isinstance(repo, str):
        return thing

    label = templater.stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    label = templater.runtemplate(context, mapping,
                                  templater.compiletemplate(label, context))

    thing = templater.stringify(thing)
    label = templater.stringify(label)

    return repo.ui.label(thing, label)
Пример #9
def _parse(text):
    tree, pos = parser.parser(_elements).parse(_tokenize(text))
    if pos != len(text):
        raise error.ParseError(b'invalid token', pos)
    return tree
Пример #10
def rebase(ui, repo, **opts):
    """move changeset (and descendants) to a different branch

    Rebase uses repeated merging to graft changesets from one part of
    history onto another. This can be useful for linearizing local
    changes relative to a master development tree.

    If a rebase is interrupted to manually resolve a merge, it can be
    continued with --continue/-c or aborted with --abort/-a.
    originalwd = target = None
    external = nullrev
    state = {}
    skipped = set()

    lock = wlock = None
        lock = repo.lock()
        wlock = repo.wlock()

        # Validate input and define rebasing points
        destf = opts.get('dest', None)
        srcf = opts.get('source', None)
        basef = opts.get('base', None)
        contf = opts.get('continue')
        abortf = opts.get('abort')
        collapsef = opts.get('collapse', False)
        extrafn = opts.get('extrafn')
        keepf = opts.get('keep', False)
        keepbranchesf = opts.get('keepbranches', False)

        if contf or abortf:
            if contf and abortf:
                raise error.ParseError('rebase',
                                       _('cannot use both abort and continue'))
            if collapsef:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot use collapse with continue or abort'))

            if srcf or basef or destf:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    _('abort and continue do not allow specifying revisions'))

            (originalwd, target, state, collapsef, keepf, keepbranchesf,
             external) = restorestatus(repo)
            if abortf:
                abort(repo, originalwd, target, state)
            if srcf and basef:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot specify both a '
                                'revision and a base'))
            result = buildstate(repo, destf, srcf, basef, collapsef)
            if result:
                originalwd, target, state, external = result
            else:  # Empty state built, nothing to rebase
                ui.status(_('nothing to rebase\n'))

        if keepbranchesf:
            if extrafn:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot use both keepbranches and extrafn'))

            def extrafn(ctx, extra):
                extra['branch'] = ctx.branch()

        # Rebase
        targetancestors = list(repo.changelog.ancestors(target))

        for rev in sorted(state):
            if state[rev] == -1:
                storestatus(repo, originalwd, target, state, collapsef, keepf,
                            keepbranchesf, external)
                rebasenode(repo, rev, target, state, skipped, targetancestors,
                           collapsef, extrafn)
        ui.note(_('rebase merging completed\n'))

        if collapsef:
            p1, p2 = defineparents(repo, min(state), target, state,

        if 'qtip' in repo.tags():
            updatemq(repo, state, skipped, **opts)

        if not keepf:
            # Remove no more useful revisions
            if set(repo.changelog.descendants(min(state))) - set(state):
                    _("warning: new changesets detected on source branch, "
                      "not stripping\n"))
                repair.strip(ui, repo, repo[min(state)].node(), "strip")

        ui.status(_("rebase completed\n"))
        if os.path.exists(repo.sjoin('undo')):
        if skipped:
            ui.note(_("%d revisions have been skipped\n") % len(skipped))
        release(lock, wlock)
Пример #11
def rebase(ui, repo, **opts):
    """move changeset (and descendants) to a different branch

    Rebase uses repeated merging to graft changesets from one part of
    history (the source) onto another (the destination). This can be
    useful for linearizing local changes relative to a master
    development tree.

    If you don't specify a destination changeset (``-d/--dest``),
    rebase uses the tipmost head of the current named branch as the
    destination. (The destination changeset is not modified by
    rebasing, but new changesets are added as its descendants.)

    You can specify which changesets to rebase in two ways: as a
    "source" changeset or as a "base" changeset. Both are shorthand
    for a topologically related set of changesets (the "source
    branch"). If you specify source (``-s/--source``), rebase will
    rebase that changeset and all of its descendants onto dest. If you
    specify base (``-b/--base``), rebase will select ancestors of base
    back to but not including the common ancestor with dest. Thus,
    ``-b`` is less precise but more convenient than ``-s``: you can
    specify any changeset in the source branch, and rebase will select
    the whole branch. If you specify neither ``-s`` nor ``-b``, rebase
    uses the parent of the working directory as the base.

    By default, rebase recreates the changesets in the source branch
    as descendants of dest and then destroys the originals. Use
    ``--keep`` to preserve the original source changesets. Some
    changesets in the source branch (e.g. merges from the destination
    branch) may be dropped if they no longer contribute any change.

    One result of the rules for selecting the destination changeset
    and source branch is that, unlike ``merge``, rebase will do
    nothing if you are at the latest (tipmost) head of a named branch
    with two heads. You need to explicitly specify source and/or
    destination (or ``update`` to the other head, if it's the head of
    the intended source branch).

    If a rebase is interrupted to manually resolve a merge, it can be
    continued with --continue/-c or aborted with --abort/-a.
    originalwd = target = None
    external = nullrev
    state = {}
    skipped = set()
    targetancestors = set()

    lock = wlock = None
        lock = repo.lock()
        wlock = repo.wlock()

        # Validate input and define rebasing points
        destf = opts.get('dest', None)
        srcf = opts.get('source', None)
        basef = opts.get('base', None)
        contf = opts.get('continue')
        abortf = opts.get('abort')
        collapsef = opts.get('collapse', False)
        extrafn = opts.get('extrafn')
        keepf = opts.get('keep', False)
        keepbranchesf = opts.get('keepbranches', False)
        detachf = opts.get('detach', False)

        if contf or abortf:
            if contf and abortf:
                raise error.ParseError('rebase',
                                       _('cannot use both abort and continue'))
            if collapsef:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot use collapse with continue or abort'))

            if detachf:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot use detach with continue or abort'))

            if srcf or basef or destf:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    _('abort and continue do not allow specifying revisions'))

            (originalwd, target, state, collapsef, keepf, keepbranchesf,
             external) = restorestatus(repo)
            if abortf:
                abort(repo, originalwd, target, state)
            if srcf and basef:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot specify both a '
                                'revision and a base'))
            if detachf:
                if not srcf:
                    raise error.ParseError(
                        _('detach requires a revision to be specified'))
                if basef:
                    raise error.ParseError(
                        'rebase', _('cannot specify a base with detach'))

            result = buildstate(repo, destf, srcf, basef, detachf)
            if not result:
                # Empty state built, nothing to rebase
                ui.status(_('nothing to rebase\n'))
                originalwd, target, state = result
                if collapsef:
                    targetancestors = set(repo.changelog.ancestors(target))
                    external = checkexternal(repo, state, targetancestors)

        if keepbranchesf:
            if extrafn:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot use both keepbranches and extrafn'))

            def extrafn(ctx, extra):
                extra['branch'] = ctx.branch()

        # Rebase
        if not targetancestors:
            targetancestors = set(repo.changelog.ancestors(target))

        for rev in sorted(state):
            if state[rev] == -1:
                ui.debug("rebasing %d:%s\n" % (rev, repo[rev]))
                storestatus(repo, originalwd, target, state, collapsef, keepf,
                            keepbranchesf, external)
                p1, p2 = defineparents(repo, rev, target, state,
                if len(repo.parents()) == 2:
                    repo.ui.debug('resuming interrupted rebase\n')
                    stats = rebasenode(repo, rev, p1, p2, state)
                    if stats and stats[3] > 0:
                        raise util.Abort(
                            _('fix unresolved conflicts with hg '
                              'resolve then run hg rebase --continue'))
                updatedirstate(repo, rev, target, p2)
                if not collapsef:
                    newrev = concludenode(repo, rev, p1, p2, extrafn=extrafn)
                    # Skip commit if we are collapsing
                    newrev = None
                # Update the state
                if newrev is not None:
                    state[rev] = repo[newrev].rev()
                    if not collapsef:
                        ui.note(_('no changes, revision %d skipped\n') % rev)
                        ui.debug('next revision set to %s\n' % p1)
                    state[rev] = p1

        ui.note(_('rebase merging completed\n'))

        if collapsef:
            p1, p2 = defineparents(repo, min(state), target, state,
            commitmsg = 'Collapsed revision'
            for rebased in state:
                if rebased not in skipped and state[rebased] != nullmerge:
                    commitmsg += '\n* %s' % repo[rebased].description()
            commitmsg = ui.edit(commitmsg, repo.ui.username())
            newrev = concludenode(repo,

        if 'qtip' in repo.tags():
            updatemq(repo, state, skipped, **opts)

        if not keepf:
            # Remove no more useful revisions
            rebased = [rev for rev in state if state[rev] != nullmerge]
            if rebased:
                if set(repo.changelog.descendants(min(rebased))) - set(state):
                        _("warning: new changesets detected "
                          "on source branch, not stripping\n"))
                    repair.strip(ui, repo, repo[min(rebased)].node(), "strip")

        ui.status(_("rebase completed\n"))
        if os.path.exists(repo.sjoin('undo')):
        if skipped:
            ui.note(_("%d revisions have been skipped\n") % len(skipped))
        release(lock, wlock)
Пример #12
def rebase(ui, repo, **opts):
    """move changeset (and descendants) to a different branch

    Rebase uses repeated merging to graft changesets from one part of
    history onto another. This can be useful for linearizing local
    changes relative to a master development tree.

    If a rebase is interrupted to manually resolve a merge, it can be
    continued with --continue/-c or aborted with --abort/-a.
    originalwd = target = None
    external = nullrev
    state = {}
    skipped = set()
    targetancestors = set()

    lock = wlock = None
        lock = repo.lock()
        wlock = repo.wlock()

        # Validate input and define rebasing points
        destf = opts.get('dest', None)
        srcf = opts.get('source', None)
        basef = opts.get('base', None)
        contf = opts.get('continue')
        abortf = opts.get('abort')
        collapsef = opts.get('collapse', False)
        extrafn = opts.get('extrafn')
        keepf = opts.get('keep', False)
        keepbranchesf = opts.get('keepbranches', False)
        detachf = opts.get('detach', False)

        if contf or abortf:
            if contf and abortf:
                raise error.ParseError('rebase',
                                       _('cannot use both abort and continue'))
            if collapsef:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot use collapse with continue or abort'))

            if detachf:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot use detach with continue or abort'))

            if srcf or basef or destf:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    _('abort and continue do not allow specifying revisions'))

            (originalwd, target, state, collapsef, keepf, keepbranchesf,
             external) = restorestatus(repo)
            if abortf:
                abort(repo, originalwd, target, state)
            if srcf and basef:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot specify both a '
                                'revision and a base'))
            if detachf:
                if not srcf:
                    raise error.ParseError(
                        _('detach requires a revision to be specified'))
                if basef:
                    raise error.ParseError(
                        'rebase', _('cannot specify a base with detach'))

            result = buildstate(repo, destf, srcf, basef, detachf)
            if not result:
                # Empty state built, nothing to rebase
                ui.status(_('nothing to rebase\n'))
                originalwd, target, state = result
                if collapsef:
                    targetancestors = set(repo.changelog.ancestors(target))
                    external = checkexternal(repo, state, targetancestors)

        if keepbranchesf:
            if extrafn:
                raise error.ParseError(
                    'rebase', _('cannot use both keepbranches and extrafn'))

            def extrafn(ctx, extra):
                extra['branch'] = ctx.branch()

        # Rebase
        if not targetancestors:
            targetancestors = set(repo.changelog.ancestors(target))

        for rev in sorted(state):
            if state[rev] == -1:
                ui.debug("rebasing %d:%s\n" % (rev, repo[rev]))
                storestatus(repo, originalwd, target, state, collapsef, keepf,
                            keepbranchesf, external)
                p1, p2 = defineparents(repo, rev, target, state,
                if len(repo.parents()) == 2:
                    repo.ui.debug('resuming interrupted rebase\n')
                    stats = rebasenode(repo, rev, p1, p2, state)
                    if stats and stats[3] > 0:
                        raise util.Abort(
                            _('fix unresolved conflicts with hg '
                              'resolve then run hg rebase --continue'))
                updatedirstate(repo, rev, target, p2)
                if not collapsef:
                    extra = {'rebase_source': repo[rev].hex()}
                    if extrafn:
                        extrafn(repo[rev], extra)
                    newrev = concludenode(repo, rev, p1, p2, extra=extra)
                    # Skip commit if we are collapsing
                    newrev = None
                # Update the state
                if newrev is not None:
                    state[rev] = repo[newrev].rev()
                    if not collapsef:
                        ui.note(_('no changes, revision %d skipped\n') % rev)
                        ui.debug('next revision set to %s\n' % p1)
                    state[rev] = p1

        ui.note(_('rebase merging completed\n'))

        if collapsef:
            p1, p2 = defineparents(repo, min(state), target, state,
            commitmsg = 'Collapsed revision'
            for rebased in state:
                if rebased not in skipped and state[rebased] != nullmerge:
                    commitmsg += '\n* %s' % repo[rebased].description()
            commitmsg = ui.edit(commitmsg, repo.ui.username())
            newrev = concludenode(repo,

        if 'qtip' in repo.tags():
            updatemq(repo, state, skipped, **opts)

        if not keepf:
            # Remove no more useful revisions
            rebased = [rev for rev in state if state[rev] != nullmerge]
            if rebased:
                if set(repo.changelog.descendants(min(rebased))) - set(state):
                        _("warning: new changesets detected "
                          "on source branch, not stripping\n"))
                    repair.strip(ui, repo, repo[min(rebased)].node(), "strip")

        ui.status(_("rebase completed\n"))
        if os.path.exists(repo.sjoin('undo')):
        if skipped:
            ui.note(_("%d revisions have been skipped\n") % len(skipped))
        release(lock, wlock)