Пример #1
def _update_total_views(id):
    Only update item in the DB, it doesn't actually matter whether we update
    the cache
    with execute_session() as session:
        Cellar.get_row_by_id(id, session).total_views += 1
Пример #2
def handle_bottle_info(id):
    The request is in form of  flask.request

    Try to get data from cache first, if not available there search the DB.
        bottle = dumps(redis_get(id))
        logging.debug("item: {} was taken from the cache".format(bottle))
    except TypeError:  # cPickle will error out if it tries to decode None
        with execute_session() as session:
            bottle = dumps(sqla_obj_to_dict(Cellar.get_row_by_id(id, session)))
            logging.debug("item: {} was taken from the db".format(bottle))

    return bottle