Пример #1
def benchmark_model(mesh):
  Initializes a 3D volume with random noise, and execute a forward FFT
  batch_dim = mtf.Dimension("batch", FLAGS.batch_size)
  x_dim = mtf.Dimension("nx", FLAGS.cube_size)
  y_dim = mtf.Dimension("ny", FLAGS.cube_size)
  z_dim = mtf.Dimension("nz", FLAGS.cube_size)

  tx_dim = mtf.Dimension("tnx", FLAGS.cube_size)
  ty_dim = mtf.Dimension("tny", FLAGS.cube_size)
  tz_dim = mtf.Dimension("tnz", FLAGS.cube_size)

  # Create field
  field = mtf.random_normal(mesh, [batch_dim, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim])

  input_field = field
  field = mtf.cast(field, tf.complex64)
  err = 0
  # Performs several back and forth FFTs in the same session
  for i in range(FLAGS.n_ffts):
    # Apply FFT
    fft_field = mpm.fft3d(field, [tx_dim, ty_dim, tz_dim])
    # Inverse FFT
    field = mpm.ifft3d(fft_field * 1, [x_dim, y_dim, z_dim])
    err += mtf.reduce_max(mtf.abs(mtf.cast(field, tf.float32) - input_field))

  field = mtf.cast(field, tf.float32)
  # Compute errors
  err += mtf.reduce_max(mtf.abs(field - input_field))
  return err
def benchmark_model(mesh):
  Initializes a 3D volume with random noise, and execute a forward FFT
    batch_dim = mtf.Dimension("batch", FLAGS.batch_size)
    x_dim = mtf.Dimension("nx", FLAGS.cube_size)
    y_dim = mtf.Dimension("ny", FLAGS.cube_size)
    z_dim = mtf.Dimension("nz", FLAGS.cube_size)

    tx_dim = mtf.Dimension("tnx", FLAGS.cube_size)
    ty_dim = mtf.Dimension("tny", FLAGS.cube_size)
    tz_dim = mtf.Dimension("tnz", FLAGS.cube_size)

    # Create field
    field = mtf.random_uniform(mesh, [batch_dim, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim])

    # Apply FFT
    fft_field = mpm.fft3d(mtf.cast(field, tf.complex64),
                          [tx_dim, ty_dim, tz_dim])

    # Inverse FFT
    rfield = mtf.cast(mpm.ifft3d(fft_field, [x_dim, y_dim, z_dim]), tf.float32)

    # Compute errors
    err = mtf.reduce_max(mtf.abs(field - rfield))
    return err
Пример #3
def _relative_position_bucket(relative_position,
  """Translate relative position to a bucket number for relative attention.

  The relative position is defined as memory_position - query_position, i.e.
  the distance in tokens from the attending position to the attended-to
  position.  If bidirectional=False, then positive relative positions are

  We use smaller buckets for small absolute relative_position and larger buckets
  for larger absolute relative_positions.  All relative positions >=max_distance
  map to the same bucket.  All relative positions <=-max_distance map to the
  same bucket.  This should allow for more graceful generalization to longer
  sequences than the model has been trained on.

    relative_position: an int32 Tensor
    bidirectional: a boolean - whether the attention is bidirectional
    num_buckets: an integer
    max_distance: an integer
    a Tensor with the same shape as relative_position, containing int32
      values in the range [0, num_buckets)
  ret = 0
  n = -relative_position
  if bidirectional:
    num_buckets //= 2
    ret += mtf.to_int32(mtf.less(n, 0)) * num_buckets
    n = mtf.abs(n)
    n = mtf.maximum(n, 0)
  # now n is in the range [0, inf)
  max_exact = num_buckets // 2
  is_small = mtf.less(n, max_exact)
  val_if_large = max_exact + mtf.to_int32(
      mtf.log(mtf.to_float(n) / max_exact)
      / math.log(max_distance / max_exact) * (num_buckets - max_exact))
  val_if_large = mtf.minimum(val_if_large, num_buckets - 1)
  ret += mtf.where(is_small, n, val_if_large)
  return ret
Пример #4
 def _rrelu_fn(x):
     negative_scale = random.random()
     return (negative_scale * mtf.abs(x) + x) / (1 + negative_scale)
Пример #5
def get_activation_fn(params):
    activation_fn = params.get("activation_fn", "gelu")

    def _arcsinh(x):
        return mtf.log(x + mtf.sqrt(1 + x**2))

    def _var(x, init):
        return mtf.get_variable(x.mesh,
                                f"activation-{random.randint(0, 2 ** 32):x}",

    def _pos_var(x, val):
        return mtf.softplus(_var(x, 0)) + val

    if activation_fn == "gelu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.08415
        return mtf.gelu
    elif activation_fn == "relu":
        return mtf.relu
    elif activation_fn == "sigmoid":
        return mtf.sigmoid
    elif activation_fn == "tanh":
        return mtf.tanh
    elif activation_fn == "selu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02515
        return mtf.selu
    elif activation_fn == "elu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07289
        return mtf.elu
    elif activation_fn == "lrelu001":
        return lambda x: mtf.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.01)
    elif activation_fn == "lrelu020":
        return lambda x: mtf.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.20)

    elif activation_fn == "abs":
        return mtf.abs
    elif activation_fn == "id":
        return lambda x: x
    elif activation_fn == "sin":
        return mtf.sin
    elif activation_fn == "cos":
        return mtf.cos
    elif activation_fn == "sign":
        return mtf.sign
    elif activation_fn == "triangle_relax":
        return lambda x: mtf.sin(x) - mtf.sin(3 * x) / 9 + mtf.sin(
            5 * x) / 25 - mtf.sin(7 * x) / 49
    elif activation_fn == "square_relax":
        return lambda x: mtf.cos(x) - mtf.cos(3 * x) / 3 + mtf.cos(
            5 * x) / 5 - mtf.cos(7 * x) / 7
    elif activation_fn == "spike":
        return lambda x: 1 / (1 + x**2)
    elif activation_fn == "spike2":
        return lambda x: mtf.exp(-x**2)

    elif activation_fn == "tanhshrink":
        return lambda x: x - tanh(x)
    elif activation_fn == "softsign":
        return lambda x: x / (mtf.abs(x) + 1)
    elif activation_fn == "softmax":
        return lambda x: mtf.softmax(x, x.shape[-1])
    elif activation_fn == "logsoftmax":
        return lambda x: mtf.log_softmax(x, x.shape[-1])
    elif activation_fn == "bipolarsigmoid":
        return lambda x: mtf.sigmoid(x) * 2 - 1
    elif activation_fn == "rrelu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.00853

        def _rrelu_fn(x):
            negative_scale = random.random()
            return (negative_scale * mtf.abs(x) + x) / (1 + negative_scale)

        return _rrelu_fn
    elif activation_fn == "elish":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.00783v1

        def _elish_fn(x):
            cond = mtf.cast(mtf.greater(x, 0), x.dtype)
            exp = mtf.exp(x)
            return cond * x / (1 + exp) + (1 - cond) * (exp - 1) / (1 / exp +

        return _elish_fn

    elif activation_fn == "silu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.05941
        return mtf.swish

    elif activation_fn == "arcsinh":
        return _arcsinh

    # parametric
    elif activation_fn == "aria":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.08878
        return lambda x: x * (_var(x, 0) + _var(x, 1) / (_pos_var(x, 0) + _var(
            x, 1) * mtf.exp(_var(x, -1) * x)**(1 / _pos_var(x, 1))))
    elif activation_fn == "prelu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852
        return lambda x: mtf.leaky_relu(x, alpha=_var(x, 0.2))
    elif activation_fn == "parcsinh":
        return lambda x: _var(x, 1) * _arcsinh(x * _pos_var(x, 1))
    elif activation_fn == "psoftplus":
        return lambda x: _var(x, 1) * mtf.softplus(x * _var(x, 1)) + _var(x, 0)
    elif activation_fn == "proottanh":
        return lambda x: (x**_pos_var(x, 2) + _pos_var(x, 1))**(1 / _pos_var(
            x, 3)) * mtf.tanh(x)

    # https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.05941, https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.02671
    elif activation_fn == "maxsig":
        return lambda x: mtf.maximum(x, mtf.sigmoid(x))
    elif activation_fn == "cosid":
        return lambda x: mtf.cos(x) - x
    elif activation_fn == "minsin":
        return lambda x: mtf.minimum(x, mtf.sin(x))
    elif activation_fn == "maxtanh":
        return lambda x: mtf.maximum(x, mtf.tanh(x))

    elif activation_fn == "softplus":
        return mtf.softplus
    elif activation_fn == "mish":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.08681
        return lambda x: x * mtf.tanh(mtf.softplus(x))
    elif activation_fn == "tanhexp":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.09855
        return lambda x: x * mtf.tanh(mtf.exp(x))
    elif activation_fn == "lisht":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.05894
        return lambda x: x * mtf.tanh(x)
    elif activation_fn == "seagull":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.11713
        return lambda x: mtf.log(1 + x**2)
    elif activation_fn == "snake":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.08195
        return lambda x: x + mtf.sin(x)**2

    elif activation_fn == "roottanh":  # made up
        return lambda x: (x**2 + 1)**(1 / 3) * mtf.tanh(x)
    elif activation_fn == "softplusmone":  # made up
        return lambda x: mtf.softplus(x) - 1

        raise ValueError(
            'unknown activation function "activation_fn" in config')
Пример #6
def get_activation_fn(params):
    activation_fn = params.get("activation_fn", "gelu")
    if activation_fn == "gelu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.08415
        return mtf.gelu
    elif activation_fn == "relu":
        return mtf.relu
    elif activation_fn == "sigmoid":
        return mtf.sigmoid
    elif activation_fn == "tanh":
        return mtf.tanh
    elif activation_fn == "selu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02515
        return mtf.selu
    elif activation_fn == "elu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07289
        return mtf.elu

    elif activation_fn == "abs":
        return mtf.abs
    elif activation_fn == "id":
        return lambda x: x
    elif activation_fn == "sin":
        return mtf.sin
    elif activation_fn == "cos":
        return mtf.cos
    elif activation_fn == "sign":
        return mtf.sign
    elif activation_fn == "triangle_relax":
        return lambda x: mtf.sin(x) - mtf.sin(3 * x) / 9 + mtf.sin(
            5 * x) / 25 - mtf.sin(7 * x) / 49
    elif activation_fn == "square_relax":
        return lambda x: mtf.cos(x) - mtf.cos(3 * x) / 3 + mtf.cos(
            5 * x) / 5 - mtf.cos(7 * x) / 7
    elif activation_fn == "spike":
        return lambda x: 1 / (1 + x**2)
    elif activation_fn == "spike2":
        return lambda x: mtf.exp(-x**2)

    elif activation_fn == "tanhshrink":
        return lambda x: x - tanh(x)
    elif activation_fn == "softsign":
        return lambda x: x / (mtf.abs(x) + 1)
    elif activation_fn == "softmax":
        return lambda x: mtf.softmax(x, x.shape[-1])
    elif activation_fn == "logsoftmax":
        return lambda x: mtf.log_softmax(x, x.shape[-1])
    elif activation_fn == "bipolarsigmoid":
        return lambda x: mtf.sigmoid(x) * 2 - 1
    elif activation_fn == "rrelu":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.00853

        def _rrelu_fn(x):
            negative_scale = random.random()
            return (negative_scale * mtf.abs(x) + x) / (1 + negative_scale)

        return _rrelu_fn
    elif activation_fn == "elish":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.00783v1

        def _elish_fn(x):
            cond = mtf.cast(mtf.greater(x, 0), x.dtype)
            exp = mtf.exp(x)
            return cond * x / (1 + exp) + (1 - cond) * (exp - 1) / (1 / exp +

        return _elish_fn

    # swish activations
    elif activation_fn == "swish":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.05941
        return mtf.swish

    # https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.05941, https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.02671
    elif activation_fn == "maxsig":
        return lambda x: mtf.maximum(x, mtf.sigmoid(x))
    elif activation_fn == "cosid":
        return lambda x: mtf.cos(x) - x
    elif activation_fn == "minsin":
        return lambda x: mtf.minimum(x, mtf.sin(x))
    elif activation_fn == "maxtanh":
        return lambda x: mtf.maximum(x, mtf.tanh(x))

    elif activation_fn == "softplus":
        return mtf.softplus
    elif activation_fn == "mish":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.08681
        return lambda x: x * mtf.tanh(mtf.softplus(x))
    elif activation_fn == "tanhexp":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.09855
        return lambda x: x * mtf.tanh(mtf.exp(x))
    elif activation_fn == "lisht":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.05894
        return lambda x: x * mtf.tanh(x)
    elif activation_fn == "seagull":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.11713
        return lambda x: mtf.log(1 + x**2)
    elif activation_fn == "snake":  # https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.08195
        return lambda x: x + mtf.sin(x)**2

    elif activation_fn == "roottanh":  # made up
        return lambda x: (x**2 + 1)**(1 / 3) * mtf.tanh(x)
    elif activation_fn == "softplusmone":  # made up
        return lambda x: mtf.softplus(x) - 1

        raise ValueError(
            'unknown activation function "activation_fn" in config')
Пример #7
 lambda x: x,
 lambda x: mtf.sin(x) - mtf.sin(3 * x) / 9 + mtf.sin(5 * x) / 25 - mtf.sin(
     7 * x) / 49,
 lambda x: mtf.cos(x) - mtf.cos(3 * x) / 3 + mtf.cos(5 * x) / 5 - mtf.cos(
     7 * x) / 7,
 lambda x: 1 / (1 + x**2),
 lambda x: mtf.exp(-x**2),
 lambda x: x - tanh(x),
 lambda x: x / (mtf.abs(x) + 1),
 lambda x: mtf.softmax(x, x.shape[-1]),
 lambda x: mtf.log_softmax(x, x.shape[-1]),
 lambda x: mtf.sigmoid(x) * 2 - 1,
 lambda x: x * (_var(x, 0) + _var(x, 1) /
                (_pos_var(x, 0) + _var(x, 1) * mtf.exp(_var(x, -1) * x)**