def main(): with session_scope() as sess: shapes = sess.query(models.Shape).all() pbar = tqdm(shapes) shape: models.Shape for shape in pbar: pbar.set_description(f"{!s}") new_obj_path = shape.models_dir / 'uvmapped_v2.resized.obj' new_mtl_path = shape.models_dir / 'uvmapped_v2.resized.mtl' if new_obj_path.exists(): continue mesh = wavefront.read_obj_file(shape.obj_path) mesh.resize(1.0) with'w') as f: wavefront.save_obj_file(f, mesh) shutil.copy2(shape.mtl_path, new_mtl_path)
def import_jsd_mesh(jsd_mesh): if jsd_mesh['type'] == 'wavefront': mesh = wavefront.read_obj_file(jsd_mesh['path']) elif jsd_mesh['type'] == 'inline': vertices = jsd_mesh['vertices'] normals = jsd_mesh['normals'] if 'normals' in jsd_mesh else [] uvs = jsd_mesh['uvs'] if 'uvs' in jsd_mesh else [] mesh = Mesh(np.array(vertices), np.array(normals), np.array(uvs), jsd_mesh['faces'], jsd_mesh['materials'], [], []) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown mesh type {}".format(jsd_mesh['type'])) if 'size' in jsd_mesh: mesh.resize(jsd_mesh['size']) elif 'scale' in jsd_mesh: mesh.rescale(jsd_mesh['scale']) if 'uv_scale' in jsd_mesh: uv_scale = float(jsd_mesh['uv_scale'])"UV scale is set to {:.04f} for mesh".format(uv_scale)) mesh.uv_scale = uv_scale return mesh
def load(self, size=100) -> object: mesh = wavefront.read_obj_file(self.obj_path) mesh.resize(size) materials = wavefront.read_mtl_file(self.mtl_path, mesh) return mesh, materials
def main():"Loading models.") with session_scope() as sess: shapes = ( sess.query(models.Shape).order_by( # .filter_by(source='hermanmiller') .all()) radmap_path = '/projects/grail/kpar/data/envmaps/rnl_cross.pfm' radmap = jsd.import_radiance_map(dict(path=radmap_path)) scene = Scene() scene.set_radiance_map(radmap) dist = 200 camera = PerspectiveCamera(size=(1000, 1000), fov=0, near=0.1, far=5000.0, position=(0, 0, -dist), clear_color=(1, 1, 1, 0), lookat=(0, 0, 0), up=(0, 1, 0)) renderer = SceneRenderer(scene, camera=camera, gamma=2.2, ssaa=3, tonemap='reinhard', reinhard_thres=3.0, show=args.preview) renderer.__enter__() for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): if shape.data_exists(config.SHAPE_REND_PHONG_NAME): continue if i < args.start: continue if args.end != -1 and i >= args.end:"Hit end {}={}.".format(i, args.end)) return"[%d/%d] Processing %d", i + 1, len(shapes), print(shape.obj_path) if not shape.obj_path.exists(): logger.error('Shape %d does not have a UV mapped model.', continue mesh = wavefront.read_obj_file(shape.obj_path) mesh.resize(100) materials = wavefront.read_mtl_file(shape.mtl_path, mesh) scene.add_mesh(mesh) for mat_name, mat in materials.items(): roughness = math.sqrt(2 / (mat.specular_exponent + 2)) # material = BlinnPhongMaterial(mat.diffuse_color, # mat.specular_color, # roughness) material = BlinnPhongMaterial(diff_color=(0.1, 0.28, 0.8), spec_color=(0.04, 0.04, 0.04), roughness=0.1) scene.put_material(mat_name, material) data_name = f'preview/phong.500x500.png' # if shape.data_exists(data_name): # continue camera.position = spherical_to_cartesian(dist, *shape.get_demo_angles()) camera.fov = 50 if args.preview: renderer.draw() renderer.swap_buffers() # Set format to RGBA so we can crop foreground using alpha. image = renderer.render_to_image(format='rgba') image = np.clip(image, 0, 1) fg_bbox = mask_bbox(image[:, :, 3] > 0) image = crop_tight_fg(image[:, :, :3], (500, 500), bbox=fg_bbox, use_pil=True) vis.image(image.transpose((2, 0, 1)), win='rend-preview') shape.save_data(config.SHAPE_REND_PHONG_NAME, image) scene.clear()
def main():"Loading models.") with session_scope() as sess: shapes = sess.query(models.Shape).order_by( radmap_path = '/projects/grail/kpar/data/envmaps2/rnl.cross.exr' radmap = jsd.import_radiance_map(dict(path=radmap_path)) scene = Scene() scene.set_radiance_map(radmap) dist = 200 camera = PerspectiveCamera( size=(200, 200), fov=0, near=0.1, far=5000.0, position=(0, 0, -dist), clear_color=(1, 1, 1, 0), lookat=(0, 0, 0), up=(0, 1, 0)) renderer = SceneRenderer(scene, camera=camera, gamma=2.2, ssaa=3, tonemap='reinhard', reinhard_thres=3.0, show=args.preview) renderer.__enter__() fovs = [50] elevations = np.linspace(math.pi/4, math.pi/2 + math.pi/16, 10) max_azimuth_samps = 36 azimuth_by_elev = {} n_viewpoints = 0 for phi in elevations: n_azimuths = int(round(max_azimuth_samps * math.sin(phi))) azimuth_by_elev[phi] = np.linspace(0, 2*math.pi, n_azimuths) n_viewpoints += n_azimuths for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): last_name = "alignment/renderings/fov=50,theta=6.28318531,phi=1.76714587.png" if shape.data_exists(last_name): tqdm.write(f'Skipping {}') continue if i < args.start: continue if args.end != -1 and i >= args.end:"Hit end {}={}.".format(i, args.end)) return"[%d/%d] Processing %d", i + 1, len(shapes), if not shape.obj_path.exists(): logger.error('Shape %d does not have a UV mapped model.', mesh = wavefront.read_obj_file(shape.obj_path) mesh.resize(100) materials = wavefront.read_mtl_file(shape.mtl_path, mesh) scene.add_mesh(mesh) for mat_name, mat in materials.items(): roughness = math.sqrt(2/(mat.specular_exponent + 2)) scene.put_material(mat_name, BlinnPhongMaterial(mat.diffuse_color, mat.specular_color, roughness)) iterables = [] for fov, phi in itertools.product(fovs, elevations): for theta in azimuth_by_elev[phi]: iterables.append((fov, theta, phi)) pbar = tqdm(iterables) for fov, theta, phi in pbar: rend_fname = f"fov={fov},theta={theta:.08f},phi={phi:.08f}.png" data_name = f'alignment/renderings/{rend_fname}' if shape.data_exists(data_name): continue pbar.set_description(rend_fname) camera.position = spherical_to_cartesian(dist, theta, phi) camera.fov = fov if args.preview: renderer.draw() renderer.swap_buffers() # Set format to RGBA so we can crop foreground using alpha. image = renderer.render_to_image(format='rgba') image = np.clip(image, 0, 1) fg_bbox = mask_bbox(image[:, :, 3] > 0) image = crop_tight_fg( image[:, :, :3], (100, 100), bbox=fg_bbox, use_pil=True) vis.image(image.transpose((2, 0, 1)), win='rend-preview') shape.save_data(data_name, image) scene.clear()