Пример #1
def get2(station):
    SELECT date(valid), max(tmpf), max(dwpf) from t2012 where
    station  = '%s' and extract(hour from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) = 16
    and extract(minute from valid) > 50 and valid > '2012-07-01'
    GROUP by date ORDER by date ASC
    """ % (station,))
    tmpf = []
    dwpf = []
    feel = []
    for row in acursor:
        tmpf.append( row[1])
        dwpf.append( row[2])
        feel.append( mesonet.heatidx(row[1], mesonet.relh(row[1], row[2])))
    return tmpf, dwpf, feel
Пример #2
def computeOthers(d):
    r = {}
    # Need something to compute other values needed for output
    for sid in d.keys():
        ob = d[sid].data
        ob["ticks"] = int(ob["ts"])
        ob["sped"] = ob["sknt"] * 1.17
        if ob.get('tmpf') is not None and ob.get('dwpf') is not None:
            ob["relh"] = mesonet.relh(ob["tmpf"], ob["dwpf"])
            ob['relh'] = None
        if ob['relh'] == 'M':
            ob['relh'] = None
        if (ob.get('tmpf') is not None and ob.get('dwpf') is not None and
            ob.get('sped') is not None):
            ob["feel"] = mesonet.feelslike(ob["tmpf"], ob["relh"], ob["sped"])
            ob['feel'] = None
        if ob['feel'] == 'M':
            ob['feel'] = None

        ob["altiTend"] = altiTxt(ob["alti_15m"])
        ob["drctTxt"] = mesonet.drct2dirTxt(ob["drct"])
        if ob["max_drct"] is None:
            ob["max_drct"] = 0
        ob["max_drctTxt"] = mesonet.drct2dirTxt(ob["max_drct"])
        ob["20gu"] = 0
        ob["gmph"] = ob["gust"] * 1.17
        ob["max_sped"] = ob["max_gust"] * 1.17
        ob["gtim"] = "0000"
        ob["gtim2"] = "12:00 AM"
        if ob["max_gust_ts"] is not None and ob["max_gust_ts"] != "null":
            ob["gtim"] = ob["max_gust_ts"].strftime("%H%M")
            ob["gtim2"] = ob["max_gust_ts"].strftime("%-I:%M %p")
        r[sid] = ob
    return r
Пример #3
        if val.mask:
            return 'M'
    return "%5.1f" % (val,)

for sid in indices:
    idx = indices[sid]['idx']
    name = nc.variables["stationName"][idx].tostring().replace('\x00','')
    latitude = nc.variables['latitude'][idx]
    longitude = nc.variables['longitude'][idx]
    tmpf = s( nc.variables['temperature'][idx] )
    dwpf = s( nc.variables['dewpoint'][idx] )
    heat = "M"
    if tmpf != "M" and dwpf != "M":
        relh = mesonet.relh(mesonet.k2f(nc.variables['temperature'][idx]), 
        heat = "%5.1f" % (mesonet.heatidx(mesonet.k2f(nc.variables['temperature'][idx]), relh),)
    drct = s2( nc.variables['windDir'][idx])
    smps = s2( nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx])
    sped = "M"
    if smps != "M":
        sped = "%5.1f" % (nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx] * 2.23694,)
    wcht = "M"
    if tmpf != "M" and sped != "M":
        wcht = "%5.1f" % (mesonet.wchtidx(mesonet.k2f(nc.variables['temperature'][idx]), 
                               nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx] * 2.23694),)
    ts = indices[sid]['ts']
    out.write("%5.5s %25.25s %8.4f %10.4f %02i %02i %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s\n" % (sid, name, latitude,
Пример #4
    snow = row[1]
    day = row[0]
    SELECT valid, tmpf, dwpf, p01i from alldata WHERE station = 'DSM'
    and valid BETWEEN '%s'::timestamp - '2 days'::interval and
    '%s 23:49'::timestamp + '2 days'::interval ORDER by valid ASC
    """ % (day, day))
    valid = []
    relh = []
    tmpf = []
    dwpf = []
    t0 = None
    for row in acursor:
        tmpf.append( row[1])
        dwpf.append( row[2])
        relh.append( mesonet.relh(row[1], row[2]) )
        valid.append( row[0] )
        if (t0 is None and row[3] >= 0.01 and row[1] <= 34 and
            row[0].day != valid[0].day):
           t0 = row[0]
    print day, t0, snow
    if t0 is None:
    x = []
    for v in valid:
        diff = (v - t0).days * 86400 + (v - t0).seconds

    ax.plot( x, tmpf)
    for i in range(len(x)):
        if x[i] > -100600:
Пример #5
import iemdb
ASOS = iemdb.connect('iem', bypass=True)
acursor = ASOS.cursor()
import mx.DateTime
import numpy
import network
nt = network.Table(("IA_ASOS", 'AWOS'))

acursor.execute("""SELECT t.id, valid, tmpf, dwpf from current_log c JOIN stations t on
    (t.iemid = c.iemid) WHERE t.network in ('IA_ASOS','AWOS') and valid 
    BETWEEN '2012-09-04' and '2012-09-05'
    and tmpf > 0 and dwpf > 0 """)

maxes = {}
for row in acursor:
    h = mesonet.heatidx(row[2], mesonet.relh(row[2], row[3]))
    maxes[row[0]] = max(h, maxes.get(row[0], 0))

vals = []
lons = []
lats = []
for sid in maxes.keys():
    vals.append( maxes[sid])
    lons.append( nt.sts[sid]['lon'] )
    lats.append( nt.sts[sid]['lat'] )
cfg = {'wkColorMap': 'WhiteYellowOrangeRed',
       '_title': '4 Sep 2012 ASOS/AWOS Maximum Heat Index',
       'lbTitleString': 'F',
       '_showvalues': True,
       '_format': '%.0f'
Пример #6
def main():
    print "Content-type: text/plain \n\n",
    form = cgi.FormContent()
    metadata = {}
    mcursor.execute("""SELECT id, x(geom) as lon, y(geom) as lat 
         from stations WHERE network ~* 'ASOS' or network = 'AWOS'
         and country = 'US' """)
    for row in mcursor:
        metadata[row[0]] = {'lon': "%.4f" % (row[1],), 'lat': "%.4f" % (row[2],)}

    year = int(form["year"][0])
    month = int(form["month"][0])
    day = int(form["day"][0])
    hour = int(form["hour"][0])
    ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(year, month, day, hour)

    queryCols = "tmpf, dwpf, relh, drct, sknt, p01i, alti, mslp, vsby, gust, skyc1, skyc2, skyc3, skyc4, skyl1, skyl2, skyl3, skyl4, metar"
    outCols = ['tmpf','dwpf','relh', 'drct','sknt','p01i','alti','mslp', 'vsby', 'gust',
          'skyc1', 'skyc2', 'skyc3', 'skyc4', 'skyl1', 'skyl2', 'skyl3', 'skyl4', 'metar']
    queryStr = """SELECT * from t%s 
      WHERE valid >= '%s' and valid < '%s'  
      ORDER by station ASC""" % (ts.year, 
            (ts - mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(minutes=10)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
            (ts + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(minutes=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))

    rD = ","

    acursor.execute("SET TIME ZONE 'GMT' ")
    #print queryStr
    acursor.execute( queryStr )

    print "station"+rD+"valid (UTC timezone)"+rD+"lon"+rD+"lat"+rD,
    print queryCols

    for row in acursor:
        if not metadata.has_key(row['station']):
        sys.stdout.write( row["station"] + rD )
        sys.stdout.write( row["valid"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + rD )
        sys.stdout.write( metadata[row['station']]['lon'] + rD )
        sys.stdout.write( metadata[row['station']]['lat'] + rD )
        for data1 in outCols:
            if data1 == 'relh':
                val = mesonet.relh( row['tmpf'], row['dwpf'] )
                if val != "M":
                    sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD))
                    sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,))
            elif data1 == 'p01m':
                if row['p01i'] >= 0:
                    sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (row['p01i'] * 25.4, rD))
                    sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,))
            elif data1 == 'tmpc':
                if row['tmpf'] is not None:
                    val = mesonet.f2c( row['tmpf'] )
                    sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD))
                    sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,))
            elif data1 == 'dwpc':
                if row['dwpf'] is not None:
                    val = mesonet.f2c( row['dwpf'] )
                    sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD))
                    sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,))
            elif data1 in ["metar","skyc1","skyc2","skyc3","skyc4"]:
                sys.stdout.write("%s%s" % (row[data1], rD))
            elif row[ data1 ] is None or row[ data1 ] <= -99.0 or row[ data1 ] == "M":
                sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,))
                sys.stdout.write("%2.2f%s" % (row[ data1 ], rD))