def do_GET(self): # Parse query string, make sure we have a callback. url = urlparse(self.path) if '.jsonp' != url.path[-6:]: return SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self) query = parse_qs(url.query) if 'callback' not in query: raise Exception('No callback specified') callback = query['callback'][-1] # Get data for different JSONp calls try: if '/colorvalue.jsonp' == url.path: data = color.colorvalue(query['colordef'][0], query['txo[]']) elif '/makeconversion.jsonp' == url.path: data = color.makeconversion(loads(query['txspec'][0])) elif '/receive.jsonp' == url.path: data = message.receive() elif '/send.jsonp' == url.path: data = message.send(query['subject'][0], query['body'][0]) elif '/signrawtransaction.jsonp' == url.path: data = bitcoin.signrawtransaction( query['rawtx'][0], loads(query['inputs'][0]), query['keys[]'] ) else: data = {'error': 'Did not understand ' + url.path} except (KeyError, ValueError): data = {'error': 'Wrong parameters', 'query': query} # Send the reply as jsonp self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/javascript') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(callback + '(' + dumps(data) + ');', 'UTF-8'))
def test_channel_messages_start_excess(): 'Start >= total messages case' workspace_reset() ret = register_and_create() user1 = ret['user'] token1 = user1['token'] channelInfo = ret['channel'] channel_id = channelInfo['channel_id'] payload = {'token': token1, 'channel_id': channel_id, 'message': "hello"} # Send message message.send(payload) # InputError when start >= total messages, e.g. 50 >= 1 with pytest.raises(InputError) as e: channel.messages(token1, channel_id, 50)
def create_cmake(self, cmake_path=None): """ Create CMakeLists.txt file in wanted path :param cmake_path: path where CMakeLists.txt should be write :type cmake_path: str """ if cmake_path is None: send('CMakeLists will be build in current directory.', '') self.cmake = open('CMakeLists.txt', 'w') else: send('CmakeLists.txt will be build in : ' + str(cmake_path), 'warn') if cmake_path[-1:] == '/' or cmake_path[-1:] == '\\': self.cmake = open(str(cmake_path) + 'CMakeLists.txt', 'w') else: self.cmake = open(str(cmake_path) + '/CMakeLists.txt', 'w')
def write_include_dir(self): """ Include Directories : Add include directories required for compilation. """ incl_dir = self.tree.find( '//ns:ItemGroup/ns:ClCompile/ns:AdditionalIncludeDirectories', namespaces=self.ns) if incl_dir is not None: self.cmake.write('# Include directories \n') inc_dir = incl_dir.text.replace('$(ProjectDir)', './') for i in inc_dir.split(';'): i = i.replace('\\', '/') i = re.sub(r'\$\((.+?)\)', r'$ENV{\1}', i) self.cmake.write('include_directories(' + i + ')\n') msg.send('Include Directories found : ' + i, 'warn') self.cmake.write('\n') else: msg.send('Include Directories not found for this project.', 'warn')
def create_data(self): # Write variables variables = ProjectVariables( variables.define_variable() files = ProjectFiles( files.write_variables() variables.define_project() variables.define_target() # Write Macro macros = Macro() macros.write_macro( # Write Output Variables variables.write_output() # Write Include Directories depends = Dependencies( if['includes']: depends.write_include_dir() else: send('Include Directories is not set.', '') # Write Dependencies depends.write_dependencies() # Add additional code or not if['additional_code'] is not None: files.add_additional_code(['additional_code']) # Write Flags all_flags = Flags( all_flags.write_flags() # Write and add Files files.write_files() files.add_artefact() # Link with other dependencies depends.link_dependencies() # Close CMake file['cmake'].close()
def test_channel_messages_invalid_channel(): 'Invalid channel case' workspace_reset() ret = register_and_create() user1 = ret['user'] token1 = user1['token'] channelInfo = ret['channel'] channel_id = channelInfo['channel_id'] payload = {'token': token1, 'channel_id': channel_id, 'message': "hello"} # Send message message.send(payload) # InputError when we try to check messages in an invalid channel # Invalid channel_id = 100 with pytest.raises(InputError) as e: channel.messages(token1, 100, 0)
def add_additional_code(self, file_to_add): if file_to_add != '': try: fc = open(file_to_add, 'r') self.cmake.write( '############# Additional Code #############\n') self.cmake.write( '# Provides from external file. #\n') self.cmake.write( '###########################################\n\n') for line in fc: self.cmake.write(line) fc.close() self.cmake.write('\n') send('File of Code is added = ' + file_to_add, 'warn') except OSError: send( 'Wrong data file ! Code was not added, please verify file name or path !', 'error')
def send_msg1(user1, channel1): ''' Helper function to send a message ''' payload = { 'token':user1['token'], 'channel_id': channel1['channel_id'], 'message' : 'testing' } message_test = message.send(payload) return message_test
def displayOptions(index, client, users): while True: option = input("\nWhat would you like to do?\n").strip().lower() if option == "c": return -2 else: if not option: return index + 1 elif option == "b": if index > 0: return index - 1 elif option == "s": message.send(users[index].uid, client) elif option == "q": client.logout() sys.exit() else: print("\nPlease enter a valid command.") continue return -1
def cmd_test(update, context): is_manager(update) # try if there are 2 arguments passed try: url = context.args[0] except IndexError: update.effective_message.reply_text( 'ERROR: 格式需要为: /test RSS 条目编号(可选)') raise try: rss_d = feed_get(url, update, verbose=True) except (IndexError, requests.exceptions.RequestException): return if len(context.args) < 2 or len(rss_d.entries) <= int(context.args[1]): index = 0 else: index = int(context.args[1]) rss_d.entries[index]['link'] # update.effective_message.reply_text(rss_d.entries[0]['link']) message.send(chatid, rss_d.entries[index]['summary'], rss_d.feed.title, rss_d.entries[index]['link'], context)
def test_channel_messages_unauthorised(): 'User is not a member case' workspace_reset() ret = register_and_create() user1 = ret['user'] token1 = user1['token'] channelInfo = ret['channel'] channel_id = channelInfo['channel_id'] user2 = reg_user2() token2 = user2['token'] payload = {'token': token1, 'channel_id': channel_id, 'message': "hello"} # Send message message.send(payload) # AccessError when user sends message to channel they aren't a member of # user2 isn't a member with pytest.raises(AccessError) as e: channel.messages(token2, channel_id, 0)
def write_output(self): """ Set output for each target """ if ProjectVariables.out_deb or ProjectVariables.out_rel: self.cmake.write('############## Artefacts Output #################\n') self.cmake.write('# Defines outputs , depending Debug or Release. #\n') self.cmake.write('#################################################\n\n') if ProjectVariables.out_deb: self.cmake.write('if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug")\n') self.cmake.write(' set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_DEBUG}")\n') self.cmake.write(' set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_DEBUG}")\n') self.cmake.write(' set(CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_DEBUG}")\n') if ProjectVariables.out_rel: self.cmake.write('else()\n') self.cmake.write(' set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_REL}")\n') self.cmake.write(' set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_REL}")\n') self.cmake.write(' set(CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_REL}")\n') self.cmake.write('endif()\n\n') else: msg.send('No Output found or define. CMake will use default ouputs.', 'warn')
def create_data(self, vcxproj=''): """ Get xml data from vcxproj file """ try: tree = etree.parse(vcxproj) namespace = str(tree.getroot().nsmap) ns = {'ns': namespace.partition('\'')[-1].rpartition('\'')[0]} self.vcxproj = { 'tree': tree, 'ns': ns } assert '' in ns['ns'] except AssertionError: send( '.vcxproj file cannot be import, because this file does not seem to comply with' ' Microsoft xml data !', 'error' ) exit(1) except (OSError, IOError): send( '.vcxproj file cannot be import. ' 'Please, verify you have rights to this directory or file exists !', 'error' ) exit(1) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: send('This file is not a ".vcxproj" file or XML is broken !', 'error') exit(1)
def link_dependencies(self): """ Link : Add command to link dependencies to project. """ references = self.tree.xpath('//ns:ProjectReference', namespaces=self.ns) if references: self.cmake.write('# Link with other dependencies.\n') self.cmake.write('target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ') for ref in references: reference = str(ref.get('Include')) path_to_reference = os.path.splitext( ntpath.basename(reference))[0] lib = os.path.splitext(ntpath.basename(reference))[0] if lib == 'g3log': lib += 'ger' self.cmake.write(lib + ' ') message = 'External librairy found : %s' % path_to_reference send(message, '') self.cmake.write(')\n') try: if self.tree.xpath('//ns:AdditionalDependencies', namespaces=self.ns)[0] is not None: depend = self.tree.xpath('//ns:AdditionalDependencies', namespaces=self.ns)[0] listdepends = depend.text.replace( '%(AdditionalDependencies)', '') if listdepends != '': send('Additional Dependencies = %s' % listdepends, 'ok') windepends = [] for d in listdepends.split(';'): if d != '%(AdditionalDependencies)': if os.path.splitext(d)[1] == '.lib': windepends.append(d) if windepends: self.cmake.write('if(MSVC)\n') self.cmake.write( ' target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ') for dep in windepends: self.cmake.write(dep + ' ') self.cmake.write(')\n') self.cmake.write('endif(MSVC)\n') except IndexError: send('No dependencies', '') else: send('No dependencies.', '')
def rss_monitor(context): update_flag = False for name, (feed_url, last_url) in rss_dict.items(): try: rss_d = feed_get(feed_url) except IndexError: # print(f'Get {name} feed failed!') print('F', end='') continue except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('N', end='') continue if last_url == rss_d.entries[0]['link']: print('-', end='') else: print('\nUpdating', name) update_flag = True # workaround, avoiding deleted weibo causing the bot send all posts in the feed # TODO: log recently sent weibo, so deleted weibo won't be harmful. (If a weibo was deleted while another # weibo was sent between delay duration, the latter won't be fetched.) BTW, if your bot has stopped for # too long that last fetched post do not exist in current RSS feed, all posts won't be fetched and last # fetched post will be reset to the newest post (through it is not fetched). last_flag = False for entry in rss_d.entries[::-1]: # push all messages not pushed if last_flag: #, rss_d.entries[0]['link']) print('\t- Pushing', entry['link']) message.send(chatid, entry['summary'], rss_d.feed.title, entry['link'], context) if last_url == entry['link']: # a sent post detected, the rest of posts in the list will be sent last_flag = True sqlite_write(name, feed_url, str(rss_d.entries[0]['link']), True) # update db if update_flag: print('Updated.') rss_load() # update rss_dict
def add_artefact(self): """ Library and Executable """ configurationtype = self.tree.find('//ns:ConfigurationType', namespaces=self.ns) if configurationtype.text == 'DynamicLibrary': self.cmake.write('# Add library to build.\n') self.cmake.write('add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED\n') msg.send('CMake will build a SHARED Library.', '') elif configurationtype.text == 'StaticLibrary': self.cmake.write('# Add library to build.\n') self.cmake.write('add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC\n') msg.send('CMake will build a STATIC Library.', '') else: self.cmake.write('# Add executable to build.\n') self.cmake.write('add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} \n') msg.send('CMake will build an EXECUTABLE.', '') self.cmake.write(' ${SRC_FILES}\n') self.cmake.write(')\n\n')
def throwBall(ball): message.send("==> Throwing ball %s" % ball) channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=other_queue, body=ball)
import message OLDBAUD = 9600 print "Setting NAV5 config to airborne mode..." navconfig = message.UBXMessage('CFG-NAV5', "\x01\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00") (ack, null) = message.send(navconfig, baudrate=OLDBAUD) if ack: print "ACK: ", ack.emit() else: print "Didn't get ACK." print "\nSaving settings to flash..." (ack, null) = message.send(message.UBXSaveConfig(), OLDBAUD) if ack: print "ACK: ", ack.emit() else: print "Didn't get ACK." print "Verifying NAV settings..." (settings, ack) = message.send(message.UBXPollNav5(), OLDBAUD) print "New settings: ", settings.payload
import message print "Setting NAV5 config to airborne mode..." navconfig = message.UBXMessage( "CFG-NAV5", "\x01\x00\x07\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10'\x00\x00\x05\x00\xfa\x00\xfa\x00d\x00,\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", ) (ack, null) = message.send(navconfig) if ack: print "ACK: ", ack.emit() else: print "Didn't get ACK." print "\nSetting GLL message rate to 0.." glloff = message.NMEA_SetRateMsg("GLL", 0) message.send(glloff) print "Done." # NMEA messages don't get ACK'd print "\nSaving settings to flash..." (ack, null) = message.send(message.UBXSaveConfig()) if ack: print "ACK: ", ack.emit() else: print "Didn't get ACK." print "Verifying NAV settings..." (settings, ack) = message.send(message.UBXPollNav5()) print "New settings: ", settings.payload
def test_send(): assert message.send(12345, 1 ,"Hello") == 1
for k, v in result.iteritems(): print '%s : %s' % (k, v) is_success, result = auth.get_access_token(CorpID, secret) access_token = result.get('access_token') # department # is_success, result = department.get_department_list(access_token) # print_dict(result) # message touser = '******' toparty = '1868210' # send_type = 'text' # content = {'content': 'dingding'} send_type = 'image' content = {'media_id': '@lADOAMnd1M0Bqc0CgA'} is_success, result = message.send(access_token, touser, toparty, send_type, content) print result # media # media_type = 'image' # media_file = open('./picture_test.jpg', 'rb') # is_success, result = media.upload_media(access_token, media_type, media_file) # print result # picture_media_id = '@lADOAMnd1M0Bqc0CgA'
import message OLDBAUD = 9600 NEWBAUD = 9600 print "Setting NAV5 config to airborne mode..." navconfig = message.UBXMessage( 'CFG-NAV5', "\x01\x00\x07\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10'\x00\x00\x05\x00\xfa\x00\xfa\x00d\x00,\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ) (ack, null) = message.send(navconfig, baudrate=OLDBAUD) if ack: print "ACK: ", ack.emit() else: print "Didn't get ACK." print "\nSetting GLL message rate to 0.." glloff = message.NMEA_SetRateMsg('GLL', 0) message.send(glloff, baudrate=OLDBAUD) print "Done." # NMEA messages don't get ACK'd print "\nSetting NEWBAUD rate to %d..." % NEWBAUD print "Port 1" setbaudmsg = message.NMEA_SetBaudMessage(1, NEWBAUD) message.send(setbaudmsg, OLDBAUD) print "Port 2" setbaudmsg = message.NMEA_SetBaudMessage(2, NEWBAUD) message.send(setbaudmsg, baudrate=OLDBAUD) print "Done." print "\nSaving settings to flash..."
def define_variable(self): """ Variable : define main variables in CMakeLists. """ # PropertyGroup prop_deb_x86 = Vcxproj.get_propertygroup_platform('debug', 'x86') prop_deb_x64 = Vcxproj.get_propertygroup_platform('debug', 'x64') prop_rel_x86 = Vcxproj.get_propertygroup_platform('release', 'x86') prop_rel_x64 = Vcxproj.get_propertygroup_platform('release', 'x64') ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86 = self.tree.find('%s/ns:OutDir' % prop_deb_x86, namespaces=self.ns) if ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86 is None: ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86 = self.tree.find(prop_deb_x86, namespaces=self.ns) ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64 = self.tree.find('%s/ns:OutDir' % prop_deb_x64, namespaces=self.ns) if ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64 is None: ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64 = self.tree.find(prop_deb_x64, namespaces=self.ns) ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86 = self.tree.find('%s/ns:OutDir' % prop_rel_x86, namespaces=self.ns) if ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86 is None: ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86 = self.tree.find(prop_rel_x86, namespaces=self.ns) ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64 = self.tree.find('%s/ns:OutDir' % prop_rel_x64, namespaces=self.ns) if ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64 is None: ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64 = self.tree.find(prop_rel_x64, namespaces=self.ns) # CMake Minimum required. self.cmake.write( 'cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0 FATAL_ERROR)\n\n') # Project Name self.cmake.write( '################### Variables. ####################\n' '# Change if you want modify path or other values. #\n' '###################################################\n\n') root_projectname = self.tree.xpath('//ns:RootNamespace', namespaces=self.ns) project = False if root_projectname: projectname = root_projectname[0] if projectname.text: self.cmake.write('set(PROJECT_NAME ' + projectname.text + ')\n') project = True if not project: self.cmake.write( 'set(PROJECT_NAME <PLEASE SET YOUR PROJECT NAME !!>)\n') send( 'No PROJECT NAME found or define. Please set VARIABLE in CMakeLists.txt.', 'error') # Output DIR of artefacts self.cmake.write('# Output Variables\n') output_deb_x86 = '' output_deb_x64 = '' output_rel_x86 = '' output_rel_x64 = '' if self.output is None: if ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86 is not None: output_deb_x86 = ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86.text.replace( '$(ProjectDir)', '').replace('\\', '/') if ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64 is not None: output_deb_x64 = ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64.text.replace( '$(ProjectDir)', '').replace('\\', '/') if ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86 is not None: output_rel_x86 = ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86.text.replace( '$(ProjectDir)', '').replace('\\', '/') if ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64 is not None: output_rel_x64 = ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64.text.replace( '$(ProjectDir)', '').replace('\\', '/') elif self.output: if self.output[-1:] == '/' or self.output[-1:] == '\\': build_type = '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' else: build_type = '/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' output_deb_x86 = self.output + build_type output_deb_x64 = self.output + build_type output_rel_x86 = self.output + build_type output_rel_x64 = self.output + build_type else: output_deb_x86 = '' output_deb_x64 = '' output_rel_x86 = '' output_rel_x64 = '' if output_deb_x64 != '': send('Output Debug = ' + output_deb_x64, 'ok') self.cmake.write('set(OUTPUT_DEBUG ' + output_deb_x64 + ')\n') ProjectVariables.out_deb = True elif output_deb_x86 != '': send('Output Debug = ' + output_deb_x86, 'ok') self.cmake.write('set(OUTPUT_DEBUG ' + output_deb_x86 + ')\n') ProjectVariables.out_deb = True else: send('No Output Debug define.', '') if output_rel_x64 != '': send('Output Release = ' + output_rel_x64, 'ok') self.cmake.write('set(OUTPUT_REL ' + output_rel_x64 + ')\n') ProjectVariables.out_rel = True elif output_rel_x86 != '': send('Output Release = ' + output_rel_x86, 'ok') self.cmake.write('set(OUTPUT_REL ' + output_rel_x86 + ')\n') ProjectVariables.out_rel = True else: send('No Output Release define.', '')
def define_win_flags(self): # Warning warning = self.tree.xpath('//ns:WarningLevel', namespaces=self.ns)[0] if warning.text != '': lvl = ' /W' + warning.text[-1:] self.win_deb_flags += lvl self.win_rel_flags += lvl msg.send('Warning : ' + warning.text, 'ok') else: msg.send('No Warning level.', '') """ PropertyGroup """ prop_deb_x86 = '//ns:PropertyGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Debug|Win32\'"]' prop_deb_x64 = '//ns:PropertyGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Debug|x64\'"]' prop_rel_x86 = '//ns:PropertyGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Release|Win32\'"]' prop_rel_x64 = '//ns:PropertyGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Release|x64\'"]' # WholeProgramOptimization gl_debug_x86 = self.tree.find(prop_deb_x86 + '/ns:WholeProgramOptimization', namespaces=self.ns) gl_debug_x64 = self.tree.find(prop_deb_x64 + '/ns:WholeProgramOptimization', namespaces=self.ns) if gl_debug_x86 is not None and gl_debug_x64 is not None: if 'true' in gl_debug_x86.text and 'true' in gl_debug_x64.text: self.win_deb_flags += ' /GL' msg.send('WholeProgramOptimization for Debug', 'ok') else: msg.send('No WholeProgramOptimization for Debug', '') gl_release_x86 = self.tree.find(prop_rel_x86 + '/ns:WholeProgramOptimization', namespaces=self.ns) gl_release_x64 = self.tree.find(prop_rel_x64 + '/ns:WholeProgramOptimization', namespaces=self.ns) if gl_release_x86 is not None and gl_release_x64 is not None: if 'true' in gl_release_x86.text and 'true' in gl_release_x64.text: self.win_rel_flags += ' /GL' msg.send('WholeProgramOptimization for Release', 'ok') else: msg.send('No WholeProgramOptimization for Release', '') # UseDebugLibraries md_debug_x86 = self.tree.find(prop_deb_x86 + '/ns:UseDebugLibraries', namespaces=self.ns) md_debug_x64 = self.tree.find(prop_deb_x64 + '/ns:UseDebugLibraries', namespaces=self.ns) if md_debug_x64 is not None and md_debug_x86 is not None: if 'true' in md_debug_x86.text and 'true' in md_debug_x64.text: self.win_deb_flags += ' /MD' msg.send('UseDebugLibrairies for Debug', 'ok') else: msg.send('No UseDebugLibrairies for Debug', '') md_release_x86 = self.tree.find(prop_rel_x86 + '/ns:UseDebugLibraries', namespaces=self.ns) md_release_x64 = self.tree.find(prop_rel_x64 + '/ns:UseDebugLibraries', namespaces=self.ns) if md_release_x86 is not None and md_release_x64 is not None: if 'true' in md_release_x86.text and 'true' in md_release_x64.text: self.win_rel_flags += ' /MD' msg.send('UseDebugLibrairies for Release', 'ok') else: msg.send('No UseDebugLibrairies for Release', '') """ ItemDefinitionGroup """ item_deb_x86 = '//ns:ItemDefinitionGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Debug|Win32\'"]' item_deb_x64 = '//ns:ItemDefinitionGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Debug|x64\'"]' item_rel_x86 = '//ns:ItemDefinitionGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Release|Win32\'"]' item_rel_x64 = '//ns:ItemDefinitionGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Release|x64\'"]' # RuntimeLibrary mdd_debug_x86 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:RuntimeLibrary', namespaces=self.ns) mdd_debug_x64 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:RuntimeLibrary', namespaces=self.ns) if mdd_debug_x64 is not None and mdd_debug_x86 is not None: if 'MultiThreadedDebugDLL' in mdd_debug_x86.text and 'MultiThreadedDebugDLL' in mdd_debug_x64.text: self.win_deb_flags += ' /MDd' msg.send('RuntimeLibrary for Debug', 'ok') else: msg.send('No RuntimeLibrary for Debug', '') mdd_release_x86 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:RuntimeLibrary', namespaces=self.ns) mdd_release_x64 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:RuntimeLibrary', namespaces=self.ns) if mdd_release_x86 is not None and mdd_release_x64 is not None: if 'MultiThreadedDebugDLL' in mdd_release_x86.text and 'MultiThreadedDebugDLL' in mdd_release_x64.text: self.win_rel_flags += ' /MDd' msg.send('RuntimeLibrary for Release', 'ok') else: msg.send('No RuntimeLibrary for Release', '') # Optimization opt_debug_x86 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:Optimization', namespaces=self.ns) opt_debug_x64 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:Optimization', namespaces=self.ns) if opt_debug_x86 is not None and opt_debug_x64 is not None: if 'Disabled' in opt_debug_x64.text and 'Disabled' in opt_debug_x86.text: self.win_deb_flags += ' /Od' msg.send('Optimization for Debug', 'ok') else: msg.send('No Optimization for Debug', '') opt_release_x86 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:Optimization', namespaces=self.ns) opt_release_x64 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:Optimization', namespaces=self.ns) if opt_release_x86 is not None and opt_release_x64 is not None: if 'MaxSpeed' in opt_release_x64.text and 'MaxSpeed' in opt_release_x86.text: self.win_rel_flags += ' /Od' msg.send('Optimization for Release', 'ok') else: msg.send('No Optimization for Release', '') # IntrinsicFunctions oi_debug_x86 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:IntrinsicFunctions', namespaces=self.ns) oi_debug_x64 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:IntrinsicFunctions', namespaces=self.ns) if oi_debug_x86 is not None and oi_debug_x64 is not None: if 'true' in oi_debug_x86.text and 'true' in oi_debug_x64.text: self.win_deb_flags += ' /Oi' msg.send('IntrinsicFunctions for Debug', 'ok') else: msg.send('No IntrinsicFunctions for Debug', '') oi_release_x86 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:IntrinsicFunctions', namespaces=self.ns) oi_release_x64 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:IntrinsicFunctions', namespaces=self.ns) if oi_release_x86 is not None and oi_release_x64 is not None: if 'true' in oi_release_x86.text and 'true' in oi_release_x64.text: self.win_rel_flags += ' /Oi' msg.send('IntrinsicFunctions for Release', 'ok') else: msg.send('No IntrinsicFunctions for Release', '') # RuntimeTypeInfo gr_debug_x86 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:RuntimeTypeInfo', namespaces=self.ns) gr_debug_x64 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:RuntimeTypeInfo', namespaces=self.ns) if gr_debug_x64 is not None and gr_debug_x86 is not None: if 'true' in gr_debug_x64.text and gr_debug_x86.text: self.win_deb_flags += ' /GR' msg.send('RuntimeTypeInfo for Debug', 'ok') else: msg.send('No RuntimeTypeInfo for Debug', '') gr_release_x86 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:RuntimeTypeInfo', namespaces=self.ns) gr_release_x64 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:RuntimeTypeInfo', namespaces=self.ns) if gr_release_x86 is not None and gr_release_x64 is not None: if 'true' in gr_release_x64.text and gr_release_x86.text: self.win_rel_flags += ' /GR' msg.send('RuntimeTypeInfo for Release', 'ok') else: msg.send('No RuntimeTypeInfo for Release', '') # FunctionLevelLinking gy_release_x86 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:FunctionLevelLinking', namespaces=self.ns) gy_release_x64 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:FunctionLevelLinking', namespaces=self.ns) if gy_release_x86 is not None and gy_release_x64 is not None: if 'true' in gy_release_x86.text and 'true' in gy_release_x64.text: self.win_rel_flags += ' /Gy' msg.send('FunctionLevelLinking for release.', 'ok') else: msg.send('No FunctionLevelLinking for release.', '') # GenerateDebugInformation zi_debug_x86 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x86 + '/ns:Link/ns:GenerateDebugInformation', namespaces=self.ns) zi_debug_x64 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x64 + '/ns:Link/ns:GenerateDebugInformation', namespaces=self.ns) if zi_debug_x86 is not None and zi_debug_x64 is not None: if 'true' in zi_debug_x86.text and zi_debug_x64.text: self.win_deb_flags += ' /Zi' msg.send('GenerateDebugInformation for debug.', 'ok') else: msg.send('No GenerateDebugInformation for debug.', '') zi_release_x86 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x86 + '/ns:Link/ns:GenerateDebugInformation', namespaces=self.ns) zi_release_x64 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x64 + '/ns:Link/ns:GenerateDebugInformation', namespaces=self.ns) if zi_release_x86 is not None and zi_release_x64 is not None: if 'true' in zi_release_x86.text and zi_release_x64.text: self.win_rel_flags += ' /Zi' msg.send('GenerateDebugInformation for release.', 'ok') else: msg.send('No GenerateDebugInformation for release.', '') # ExceptionHandling ehs_debug_x86 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:ExceptionHandling', namespaces=self.ns) ehs_debug_x64 = self.tree.find(item_deb_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:ExceptionHandling', namespaces=self.ns) if ehs_debug_x86 is not None and ehs_debug_x64 is not None: if 'false' in ehs_debug_x86.text and ehs_debug_x64.text: msg.send('No ExceptionHandling for debug.', '') else: self.win_deb_flags += ' /EHsc' msg.send('ExceptionHandling for debug.', 'ok') ehs_release_x86 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x86 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:ExceptionHandling', namespaces=self.ns) ehs_release_x64 = self.tree.find(item_rel_x64 + '/ns:ClCompile/ns:ExceptionHandling', namespaces=self.ns) if ehs_release_x86 is not None and ehs_release_x64 is not None: if 'false' in ehs_release_x86.text and ehs_release_x64.text: msg.send('No ExceptionHandling option for release.', '') else: self.win_rel_flags += ' /EHsc' msg.send('ExceptionHandling for release.', 'ok') # Define FLAGS for Windows self.cmake.write('if(MSVC)\n') if self.win_deb_flags != '': msg.send('Debug FLAGS found = ' + self.win_deb_flags, 'ok') self.cmake.write(' set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}' + self.win_deb_flags + '")\n') else: msg.send('No Debug FLAGS found', '') if self.win_rel_flags != '': msg.send('Release FLAGS found = ' + self.win_rel_flags, 'ok') self.cmake.write(' set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}' + self.win_rel_flags + '")\n') else: msg.send('No Release FLAGS found', '') self.cmake.write('endif(MSVC)\n')
def bot(): incoming_msg = request.values.get('Body', '').lower() incoming_num1 = request.values.get( 'To', '').lower() #although not necessary but still incoming_num2 = request.values.get( 'From', '').lower() #the incoming message mobile number current = str( resp = MessagingResponse() msg = resp.message() completionMsg = "" #this is to store the displayed result responded = False now = # now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") logs = "Current Time =", current_time + incoming_num2 + "Message : " + incoming_msg print(logs) if 'bothelp' in incoming_msg: reply = "Hi I am PicoBot, How can I help you ?\n\nType 'contact' for developers contact \n\nType 'tasks' for list of available tasks" msg.body(reply) # msg.body("test msg") responded = True completionMsg = reply elif ('covidhelp' in incoming_msg): l = incoming_msg.split() reply = "" try: city = l[1] required = l[2] leads = twitter.input_triggers_spinner(city, required) print("Lead length=") print(len(leads)) for lead in leads: reply += "\n" + lead['full_text'] + "\n-----------------" except: reply = "Please put your query in given format" msg.body(reply) responded = True completionMsg = reply elif ('covidnews' in incoming_msg): l = incoming_msg.split() reply = "" try: category = l[1] news = getNews(category) newstock = news["data"] for i in range(len(newstock)): reply = news["data"][i]["title"] + "\n\n" + news["data"][i][ "content"] alink = news["data"][i]["imageUrl"] # message.send(incoming_num2, reply, [alink]) except: reply = "Please put your query in given format" msg.body(reply) responded = True completionMsg = reply elif ('covidvaccine' in incoming_msg): if ('drive' in incoming_msg): reply = cowin.states() msg.body(reply) responded = True completionMsg = reply elif ('state' in incoming_msg): l = incoming_msg.split() id = int(l[2]) reply = cowin.districts(id) # except: # reply= "Please put your query in given format" msg.body(reply) responded = True completionMsg = reply else: l = incoming_msg.split() reply = "" # try: # pincode = l[1] # date = l[2] # min_age_limit = 45 # reply = cowin.driver(pincode,date,min_age_limit) # except: # reply= "Please put your query in given format" pincode = l[1] # date = l[2] min_age_limit = 45 reply = cowin.driver(pincode) # print(reply[10]) try: msg.body(reply[:699]) except: msg.body(reply) responded = True completionMsg = reply if 'covidinfo' in incoming_msg: l = incoming_msg.split() state = 'india' if (len(l) > 1): state = "" for i in l[1:]: state += i + " " state = state[:-1] c, r, d, a = statistics.driver(state) reply = "\n✅Confirmed: " + str(c) + "\n✅Recovered: " + str( r) + "\n✅Active: " + str(a) + "\n✅Deceased: " + str(d) msg.body(reply) responded = True completionMsg = reply if 'contact' in incoming_msg: reply = "Hi I am Gauransh Soni\nSophomore @ IIT Delhi\nEmail - [email protected]\nContact No. 9462447291" msg.body(reply) responded = True completionMsg = reply if 'task' in incoming_msg: reply = "Here is a list of items I can do\n1)Type 'covidhelp <cityname> <Oxygen or Remedesivir or Plasma>' to get recent leads for asked item\n2)Type 'covidinfo <state>' to get recent statistics of covid cases in your state\n3)Type 'emergency <pincode>' to get the contact number of emergency services in your area\n4)Type 'covidvaccine <pincode>' to check availability of vaccine in your area\n5)Type 'help' to get more info" msg.body(reply) responded = True completionMsg = reply if 'quote' in incoming_msg: # return a quote r = requests.get('') if r.status_code == 200: data = r.json() quote = f'{data["content"]} ({data["author"]})' else: quote = 'I could not retrieve a quote at this time, sorry.' msg.body(quote) responded = True completionMsg = quote if 'aurbhai' in incoming_msg: # return a cat pic msg.body('I love cats')'') responded = True completionMsg = '' if 'wallpaper' in incoming_msg: l = incoming_message.split() url = l[1] try: from googlesearch import search except ImportError: print("No module named 'google' found") completionMsg = "No module named 'google' found" # to search query = url + " unsplash" for j in search(query, tld="", num=1, stop=4, pause=2): if "" in j: url = j a = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ctx).read() soup = bs(a, 'html.parser') L = soup.find_all('a', {'title': "Download photo"}) x = randint(1, len(L) - 1) alink = L[x].get('href') completionMsg = alink responded = True if 'unsplash' in incoming_msg: # return a cat pic msg.body('Here You Go ') un_img = '' responded = True completionMsg = un_img if 'spam' in incoming_msg: # spams l = incoming_msg.split() countSpam = int(l[1]) mess = " ".join(l[2:]) for i in range(countSpam): msg.body(mess) completionMsg = "Succesfully spammed" responded = True if 'dank-joke' in incoming_msg: #sends a random dank joke responseDog = requests.get( "") l = responseDog.json() msg.body(l['joke']) completionMsg = l['joke'] responded = True if 'dict' in incoming_msg: headersDict = { 'Authorization': 'Token e3d0b4298a9592eb23efa0419b031d2ffadc94d4', } urlForDict = '' incoming_msg = 'dict cat' l = incoming_msg.split() searchTerm = l[1] urlForDict += searchTerm response = requests.get(urlForDict, headers=headersDict) ans = response.json() pronounciation = ans['pronunciation'] defination = ans['definitions'][0]['definition'] img = ans['definitions'][0]['image_url'] example = ans['definitions'][0]['example'] returnString = "*Defination* : " + defination + "\n" + "*usage*: " + example msg.body(returnString) completionMsg = "successfully sent" responded = True if 'que' in incoming_msg: import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import ssl from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE url = ' '.join(incoming_msg.split()[1:]) try: from googlesearch import search except ImportError: print("No module named 'google' found") # to search query = url + " stackoverflow" for j in search(query, tld="", num=1, stop=1, pause=2): url = j a = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ctx).read() soup = bs(a, 'html.parser') L = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'post-text'}) i = L[1] msg.body(i.text) print(i.text) completionMsg = i.text responded = True if not responded: msg.body('type bothelp') completionMsg = "Job Done" row = [ current, incoming_num1[9:], incoming_num2[9:], incoming_msg, completionMsg ] f = open("output.txt", "a") if incoming_msg != "": myadd = "" for string in row: myadd += string + " " f.write(myadd + "\n") f.close() # sheet.insert_row(row,index=2) return str(resp)
import message OLDBAUD = 9600 NEWBAUD = 4800 print "Setting NAV5 config to airborne mode..." navconfig = message.UBXMessage('CFG-NAV5', "\x01\x00\x07\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10'\x00\x00\x05\x00\xfa\x00\xfa\x00d\x00,\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00") (ack, null) = message.send(navconfig, baudrate=OLDBAUD) if ack: print "ACK: ", ack.emit() else: print "Didn't get ACK." print "\nSetting GLL message rate to 0.." glloff = message.NMEA_SetRateMsg('GLL', 0) message.send(glloff, baudrate=OLDBAUD) print "Done." # NMEA messages don't get ACK'd print "\nSetting NEWBAUD rate to %d..." % NEWBAUD print "Port 1" setbaudmsg = message.NMEA_SetBaudMessage(1, NEWBAUD) message.send(setbaudmsg, OLDBAUD) print "Port 2" setbaudmsg = message.NMEA_SetBaudMessage(2, NEWBAUD) message.send(setbaudmsg, baudrate=OLDBAUD) print "Done." print "\nSaving settings to flash..." (ack, null) = message.send(message.UBXSaveConfig(), OLDBAUD) (ack, null) = message.send(message.UBXSaveConfig(), NEWBAUD) if ack:
def parse_argument(): """ Main script : define arguments and send to convertdata. """ data = { 'vcxproj': None, 'cmake': None, 'additional_code': None, 'includes': None, 'dependencies': None, 'cmake_output': None, 'data': None } # Init parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Convert file.vcxproj to CMakelists.txt') parser.add_argument('-p', help='absolute or relative path of a file.vcxproj') parser.add_argument('-o', help='define output.') parser.add_argument( '-a', help='import cmake code from file.cmake to your final CMakeLists.txt') parser.add_argument( '-D', help='replace dependencies found in .vcxproj, separated by colons.') parser.add_argument('-O', help='define output of artefact produces by CMake.') parser.add_argument( '-i', help='add include directories in CMakeLists.txt. Default : False') # Get args args = parser.parse_args() # Vcxproj Path if args.p is not None: temp_path = os.path.splitext(args.p) if temp_path[1] == '.vcxproj': send('Project to convert = ' + args.p, '') project = Vcxproj() project.create_data(args.p) data['vcxproj'] = project.vcxproj else: send( 'This file is not a ".vcxproj". Be sure you give the right file', 'error') exit(1) # CMakeLists.txt output if args.o is not None: cmakelists = CMake() if os.path.exists(args.o): cmakelists.create_cmake(args.o) data['cmake'] = cmakelists.cmake else: send( 'This path does not exist. CMakeList.txt will be generated in current directory.', 'error') cmakelists.create_cmake() data['cmake'] = cmakelists.cmake else: cmakelists = CMake() cmakelists.create_cmake() data['cmake'] = cmakelists.cmake # CMake additional Code if args.a is not None: data['additional_code'] = args.a # If replace Dependencies if args.D is not None: data['dependencies'] = args.D.split(':') # Define Output of CMake artefact if args.O is not None: data['cmake_output'] = args.O # Add include directories found in vcxproj if args.i is not None: if args.i == 'True': data['includes'] = True # Give all to class: conversata all_data = ConvertData(data) all_data.create_data()
def listen_print_loop(responses, number): """Iterates through server responses and prints them. The responses passed is a generator that will block until a response is provided by the server. Each response may contain multiple results, and each result may contain multiple alternatives; for details, see Here we print only the transcription for the top alternative of the top result. In this case, responses are provided for interim results as well. If the response is an interim one, print a line feed at the end of it, to allow the next result to overwrite it, until the response is a final one. For the final one, print a newline to preserve the finalized transcription. """ num_chars_printed = 0 for response in responses: if not cont: print('exiting...') return if not response.results: continue # The `results` list is consecutive. For streaming, we only care about # the first result being considered, since once it's `is_final`, it # moves on to considering the next utterance. result = response.results[0] if not result.alternatives: continue # Display the transcription of the top alternative. transcript = result.alternatives[0].transcript # Display interim results, but with a carriage return at the end of the # line, so subsequent lines will overwrite them. # # If the previous result was longer than this one, we need to print # some extra spaces to overwrite the previous result overwrite_chars = ' ' * (num_chars_printed - len(transcript)) if not result.is_final: sys.stdout.write(transcript + overwrite_chars + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() num_chars_printed = len(transcript) else: print(transcript + overwrite_chars) text = str(transcript) # The text to analyze document = language_types.Document( content=text, type=language_enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT) # Detects the sentiment of the text sentiment = language_client.analyze_sentiment( document=document).document_sentiment if sentiment.score < -.5: message_text = "Hey, where is your relax bro?\nThis was not very chill:\n\"" + str( document.content) + "\"" print(message_text) send(message_text, number) elif sentiment.score < -.15: message_text = "I think saying this was a little uncool, dude:\n\"" + str( document.content) + "\"" print(message_text) send(message_text, number) else: pass # # Exit recognition if any of the transcribed phrases could be # # one of our keywords. # if'\b(exit|quit)\b', transcript, re.I): # print('Exiting..') # break num_chars_printed = 0
import message as ms ms.setup_connection() rank = ms.node_id nodes = ms.n_node nxt = (rank + 1) % nodes pre = (rank - 1 + nodes) % nodes print "My ID is", rank ms.send(nxt, "Next to %i is %i" % (rank, nxt)) msg = ms.recv(pre) print msg ms.close_connection()
def define_variable(self): """ Variable : define main variables in CMakeLists. """ ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86 = self.tree.find( '//ns:PropertyGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Debug|Win32\'"]/ns:OutDir', namespaces=self.ns) if ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86 is None: ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86 = self.tree.find( '//ns:PropertyGroup/ns:OutDir[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Debug|Win32\'"]', namespaces=self.ns) ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64 = self.tree.find( '//ns:PropertyGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Debug|x64\'"]/ns:OutDir', namespaces=self.ns) if ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64 is None: ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64 = self.tree.find( '//ns:PropertyGroup/ns:OutDir[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Debug|x64\'"]', namespaces=self.ns) ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86 = self.tree.find( '//ns:PropertyGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Release|Win32\'"]/ns:OutDir', namespaces=self.ns) if ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86 is None: ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86 = self.tree.find( '//ns:PropertyGroup/ns:OutDir[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Release|Win32\'"]', namespaces=self.ns) ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64 = self.tree.find( '//ns:PropertyGroup[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Release|x64\'"]/ns:OutDir', namespaces=self.ns) if ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64 is None: ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64 = self.tree.find( '//ns:PropertyGroup/ns:OutDir[@Condition="\'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\'==\'Release|x64\'"]', namespaces=self.ns) # CMake Minimum required. self.cmake.write('cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0 FATAL_ERROR)\n\n') # Project Name projectname = self.tree.xpath('//ns:RootNamespace', namespaces=self.ns)[0] self.cmake.write('################### Variables. ####################\n' '# Change if you want modify path or other values. #\n' '###################################################\n\n') self.cmake.write('set(PROJECT_NAME ' + projectname.text + ')\n') # Output DIR of artefacts self.cmake.write('# Output Variables\n') output_deb_x86 = '' output_deb_x64 = '' output_rel_x86 = '' output_rel_x64 = '' if self.output is None: if ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86 is not None: output_deb_x86 = ProjectVariables.out_deb_x86.text.replace('$(ProjectDir)', '').replace('\\', '/') if ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64 is not None: output_deb_x64 = ProjectVariables.out_deb_x64.text.replace('$(ProjectDir)', '').replace('\\', '/') if ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86 is not None: output_rel_x86 = ProjectVariables.out_rel_x86.text.replace('$(ProjectDir)', '').replace('\\', '/') if ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64 is not None: output_rel_x64 = ProjectVariables.out_rel_x64.text.replace('$(ProjectDir)', '').replace('\\', '/') elif self.output: if self.output[-1:] == '/' or self.output[-1:] == '\\': build_type = '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' else: build_type = '/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' output_deb_x86 = self.output + build_type output_deb_x64 = self.output + build_type output_rel_x86 = self.output + build_type output_rel_x64 = self.output + build_type else: output_deb_x86 = '' output_deb_x64 = '' output_rel_x86 = '' output_rel_x64 = '' if output_deb_x64 != '': msg.send('Output Debug = ' + output_deb_x64, 'ok') self.cmake.write('set(OUTPUT_DEBUG ' + output_deb_x64 + ')\n') ProjectVariables.out_deb = True elif output_deb_x86 != '': msg.send('Output Debug = ' + output_deb_x86, 'ok') self.cmake.write('set(OUTPUT_DEBUG ' + output_deb_x86 + ')\n') ProjectVariables.out_deb = True else: msg.send('No Output Debug define.', '') if output_rel_x64 != '': msg.send('Output Release = ' + output_rel_x64, 'ok') self.cmake.write('set(OUTPUT_REL ' + output_rel_x64 + ')\n') ProjectVariables.out_rel = True elif output_rel_x86 != '': msg.send('Output Release = ' + output_rel_x86, 'ok') self.cmake.write('set(OUTPUT_REL ' + output_rel_x86 + ')\n') ProjectVariables.out_rel = True else: msg.send('No Output Release define.', '')
for (img1, img2) in itertools.combinations(args.imgs, 2): i = i + 1 if i < len(member): try: d = getRep(img1) - getRep(img2) percent = -25 *, d) + 100 print("Comparing {} with {}.".format(img1, img2)) print( " + Squared l2 distance between representations: {:0.3f}" .format(, d))) print("{:0.2f}".format(percent)) except Exception as err: print(err) i = len(member) break if percent > 90: msg = '1' message.send(i - 1) break else: break path.move(member[i - 1]) c = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) c.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT)) c.sendall(msg.encode()) c.close()
print ("Checking cache %s" % key) value = red.get(key) if value is None: print ("Nothing in the cache") message.send ("Nothing found in the cache") else: # Cleans the cache print ("Found a ball %r " % value) message.send ("Found a ball %r " % value) def initCache(): print ("Initializing cache") global red red = redis.StrictRedis(host=CACHE) print(welcome_message) # Init message message.init () message.send (welcome_message) # Init cache initCache() # Check cache checkCache('ping-0') checkCache('ping-1')
def run(self): message.send(self.conn)