Пример #1
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self.ts_simulation = Ts
        self._state = np.array(
            [MAV.pn0, MAV.pe0, MAV.pd0, MAV.u0, MAV.v0, MAV.w0, MAV.e0, MAV.e1, MAV.e2, MAV.e3, MAV.p0, MAV.q0, MAV.r0
        self._wind = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec
        # store forces to avoid recalculation in the sensors function
        self._forces = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])
        self.f_g = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        self._Va = MAV.Va0
        self._Vg = self._Va
        self._alpha = 0
        self._beta = 0
        self.thrust = 0
        self._chi = 0
        # initialize true_state message
        self.msg_true_state = msg_state()

         # initialize the sensors message
        self._sensors = msg_sensors()
        # random walk parameters for GPS
        self._gps_eta_n = 0.
        self._gps_eta_e = 0.
        self._gps_eta_h = 0.
        # timer so that gps only updates every ts_gps seconds
        self._t_gps = 999.  # large value ensures gps updates at initial time.
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, ts_control):
        # initialized estimated state message
        self.estimated_state = msg_state()
        self.estimated_state.pn = MAV.pn0  # initial north position
        self.estimated_state.pe = MAV.pe0  # initial east position
        self.estimated_state.h = -MAV.pd0  # initial down position
        self.estimated_state.phi = MAV.phi0
        self.estimated_state.theta = MAV.theta0
        self.estimated_state.psi = MAV.psi0
        self.estimated_state.Va = MAV.Va0
        self.estimated_state.p = MAV.p0
        self.estimated_state.q = MAV.q0
        self.estimated_state.r = MAV.r0
        self.estimated_state.Vg = MAV.Va0

        # use alpha filters to low pass filter gyros and accels
        self.lpf_gyro_x = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_gyro_y = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_gyro_z = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_accel_x = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_accel_y = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_accel_z = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        # use alpha filters to low pass filter static and differential pressure
        self.lpf_static = alpha_filter(alpha=0.9)
        self.lpf_diff = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        # ekf for phi and theta
        self.attitude_ekf = ekf_attitude(self.estimated_state)
        # ekf for pn, pe, Vg, chi, wn, we, psi
        self.position_ekf = ekf_position()
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, ts_control):
        # instantiate lateral controllers
        self.roll_from_aileron = pd_control_with_rate(kp=AP.roll_kp,
        self.course_from_roll = pi_control(kp=AP.course_kp,
        self.sideslip_from_rudder = pi_control(kp=AP.sideslip_kp,
        self.yaw_damper = transfer_function(
            num=np.array([[AP.yaw_damper_kp, 0]]),
            den=np.array([[1, 1 / AP.yaw_damper_tau_r]]),

        # instantiate lateral controllers
        self.pitch_from_elevator = pd_control_with_rate(kp=AP.pitch_kp,
        self.altitude_from_pitch = pi_control(kp=AP.altitude_kp,
        self.airspeed_from_throttle = pi_control(kp=AP.airspeed_throttle_kp,
        self.commanded_state = msg_state()
    def _follow_straight_line(self, path=msg_path(), state=msg_state()):
        q = np.copy(path.line_direction)
        chi_q = atan2(q[1], q[0])
        chi_q = self._wrap(chi_q, state.chi)

        Rp_i = np.array([[cos(chi_q), sin(chi_q), 0],
                         [-sin(chi_q), cos(chi_q), 0], [0, 0, 1]])

        r = path.line_origin
        p = np.array([state.pn, state.pe, -state.h])

        # chi_c: Course direction of path
        ei_p = p - r
        ep = Rp_i @ ei_p
        chi_d = self.chi_inf * (2 / np.pi) * atan(self.k_path * ep[1])

        chi_c = chi_q - chi_d

        # h_c: Altitude
        product = np.cross(q, np.array([0, 0, 1]))
        n = product / np.linalg.norm(product)
        s = ei_p - (ei_p @ n) * n

        hc = -r[2] - np.sqrt(s[0]**2 + s[1]**2) / np.sqrt(q[0]**2 +
                                                          q[1]**2) * q[2]

        self.autopilot_commands.airspeed_command = path.airspeed
        self.autopilot_commands.course_command = chi_c
        self.autopilot_commands.altitude_command = hc
        self.autopilot_commands.phi_feedforward = 0
    def __init__(self, ts_control):
        self.estimated_state = msg_state()
        self.estimated_state.pn = MAV.pn0_n      # inertial north position in meters
        self.estimated_state.pe = MAV.pe0_n      # inertial east position in meters
        self.estimated_state.h = -MAV.pd0_n       # inertial altitude in meters
        self.estimated_state.phi = MAV.phi0_n    # roll angle in radians
        self.estimated_state.theta = MAV.theta0_n   # pitch angle in radians
        self.estimated_state.psi = MAV.psi0_n     
        # yaw angle in radians
        self.estimated_state.Va = MAV.Va0_n      # airspeed in meters/sec
        self.estimated_state.alpha = 0.   # angle of attack in radians
        self.estimated_state.beta = 0.    # sideslip angle in radians
        self.estimated_state.p = 0.       # roll rate in radians/sec
        self.estimated_state.q = 0.       # pitch rate in radians/sec
        self.estimated_state.r = 0.       # yaw rate in radians/sec
        self.estimated_state.Vg = 0.      # groundspeed in meters/sec
        self.estimated_state.gamma = 0.   # flight path angle in radians
        self.estimated_state.chi = 0.     # course angle in radians
        self.estimated_state.wn = 0.      # inertial windspeed in north direction in meters/sec
        self.estimated_state.we = 0.      # inertial windspeed in east direction in meters/sec
        self.estimated_state.bx = 0.      # gyro bias along roll axis in radians/sec
        self.estimated_state.by = 0.      # gyro bias along pitch axis in radians/sec
        self.estimated_state.bz = 0.      # gyro bias along yaw axis in radians/sec

        # estimators
        self.directEKF = indirectExtendedKalmanFilter()
        self.lpf_gyro_x = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.gyro_alpha)
        self.lpf_gyro_y = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.gyro_alpha)
        self.lpf_gyro_z = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.gyro_alpha)
        self.lpf_accel_x = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.accel_alpha)
        self.lpf_accel_y = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.accel_alpha)
        self.lpf_accel_z = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.accel_alpha)
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, Ts):
     self._ts_simulation = Ts
     # set initial states based on parameter file
     # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
     # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
     # We will also need a variety of other elements that are functions of the _state and the wind.
     # self.true_state is a 19x1 vector that is estimated and used by the autopilot to control the aircraft:
     # true_state = [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]
     self._state = np.array([
         [MAV.pn0],  # (0)
         [MAV.pe0],  # (1)
         [MAV.pd0],  # (2)
         [MAV.u0],  # (3)
         [MAV.v0],  # (4)
         [MAV.w0],  # (5)
         [MAV.e0],  # (6)
         [MAV.e1],  # (7)
         [MAV.e2],  # (8)
         [MAV.e3],  # (9)
         [MAV.p0],  # (10)
         [MAV.q0],  # (11)
     ])  # (12)
     # store wind data for fast recall since it is used at various points in simulation
     self._wind = np.array([[0.], [0.],
                            [0.]])  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec
     # store forces to avoid recalculation in the sensors function
     self._forces = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])
     self._Va = MAV.u0
     self._alpha = 0
     self._beta = 0
     # initialize true_state message
     self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, ts_control):
        # instantiate lateral controllers
        self.roll_from_aileron = pdControlWithRate(kp=AP.roll_kp,
        self.course_from_roll = piControl(kp=AP.course_kp,
        self.yaw_damper = transfer_function(
            num=np.array([[AP.yaw_damper_kp, 0]]),
            den=np.array([[1, 1 / AP.yaw_damper_tau_r]]),

        # instantiate lateral controllers
        self.pitch_from_elevator = pdControlWithRate(kp=AP.pitch_kp,
        self.altitude_from_pitch = piControl(kp=AP.altitude_kp,
        self.airspeed_from_throttle = piControl(kp=AP.airspeed_throttle_kp,
        self.commanded_state = msg_state()
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, ts_control):
     self.control = lqr_control(CON.A, CON.B, CON.Q, CON.R, ts_control)
     self.commanded_state = msg_state()
     self.trim_input = CON.trim_input
     self.inputs = self.trim_input
     self.limit = CON.limit_lqr
     self.Kp = CON.K_p
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self.ts_simulation = Ts
        # set initial states based on parameter file
        # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:

        self._state = np.array([MAV.pn0, MAV.pe0, MAV.pd0, MAV.u0, MAV.v0, MAV.w0, MAV.e0, MAV.e1, MAV.e2, MAV.e3, MAV.p0, MAV.q0, MAV.r0
        self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, Ts):
     self.ts_simulation = Ts
     # set initial states based on parameter file
     # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
     # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
     self._state = np.array([
     self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
 def __init__(self, Ts):
     self.ts_simulation = Ts
     # set initial states based on parameter file
     # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
     # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
     self._state = np.array([[MAV.pn0], [MAV.pe0], [MAV.pd0], [0], [MAV.v0],
                             [MAV.w0], [MAV.e0], [MAV.e1], [MAV.e2],
                             [MAV.e3], [MAV.p0], [MAV.q0], [MAV.r0]])
     self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
def update_holodeck(env, true_state=msg_state()):
    # Set up arrays for calling set_state with holodeck
    pos = np.array([true_state.pn, true_state.pe, true_state.h]) * 100 * DIST_SCALE
    pos += np.array([OFFSET_N, OFFSET_E, 0])
    att = np.array([true_state.phi, true_state.theta, true_state.psi]) * 180.0/np.pi
    vel = [0,0,0]
    angvel = [0,0,0]
    env.set_state("uav0", pos, att, vel, angvel)["uav0"]
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, ts_control):
        # instantiate lateral controllers
        self.lat = lqr_control(mat.A_lat, mat.B_lat, mat.C_lat, mat.Klat,
                               mat.xlat_eq, mat.ylat_eq, mat.ulat_eq,
                               mat.limitlat, mat.Kilat, ts_control)
        self.lon = lqr_control(mat.A_lon,

        # self.roll_from_aileron = pid_control( #pd_control_with_rate(
        #                 kp=AP.roll_kp,
        #                 kd=AP.roll_kd,
        #                 Ts=ts_control,
        #                 limit=np.radians(45))
        # self.course_from_roll = pid_control( #pi_control(
        #                 kp=AP.course_kp,
        #                 ki=AP.course_ki,
        #                 Ts=ts_control,
        #                 limit=np.radians(30))
        # self.sideslip_from_rudder = pid_control( #pi_control(
        #                 kp=AP.sideslip_kp,
        #                 ki=AP.sideslip_ki,
        #                 Ts=ts_control,
        #                 limit=np.radians(45))
        # self.yaw_damper = matlab.tf([0.5, 0.],[1.0, ],ts_control)
        #                 #
        #                 # num=np.array([[AP.yaw_damper_kp, 0]]),
        #                 # den=np.array([[1, 1/AP.yaw_damper_tau_r]]),
        #                 # Ts=ts_control)
        # # instantiate longitudinal controllers
        # self.pitch_from_elevator = pid_control( #pd_control_with_rate(
        #                 kp=AP.pitch_kp,
        #                 kd=AP.pitch_kd,
        #                 limit=np.radians(45))
        # self.altitude_from_pitch = pid_control( #pi_control(
        #                 kp=AP.altitude_kp,
        #                 ki=AP.altitude_ki,
        #                 Ts=ts_control,
        #                 limit=np.radians(30))
        # self.airspeed_from_throttle = pid_control( #pi_control(
        #                 kp=AP.airspeed_throttle_kp,
        #                 ki=AP.airspeed_throttle_ki,
        #                 Ts=ts_control,
        #                 limit=1.5,
        #                 throttle_flag=True)
        self.commanded_state = msg_state()
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        # set initial states based on parameter file
        # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
        # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
        # We will also need a variety of other elements that are functions of the _state and the wind.
        # self.true_state is a 19x1 vector that is estimated and used by the autopilot to control the aircraft:
        # true_state = [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]

        self._state = np.array([
            [MAV.pn0],  # (0)  # inertial north position
            [MAV.pe0],  # (1)  # inertial east position
            [MAV.pd0],  # (2)  # inertial down position, neg of altitude
            [MAV.u0],  # (3)  # Body frame velocity nose direction (i)
            [MAV.v0],  # (4)  # Body frame velocity right wing direction (j)
            [MAV.w0],  # (5)  # Body frame velocity down direction (l)
            # Quaternion rotation from inertial frame to the body frame
             ],  # (6)  # related to scalar part of rotation = cos(theta/2)
            ],  # (7)  # related to vector we are rotating about = v*sin(theta/2)
            [MAV.e2],  # (8)  # " "
            [MAV.e3],  # (9)  # " "
            [MAV.p0],  # (10) # roll rate in body frame
            [MAV.q0],  # (11) # pitch rate in body frame
        ])  # (12) # yaw rate in body frame

        #rotation from vehicle to body
        self.h = -self._state[2, 0]
        self.Rbv = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0],
                             [0, 0, 1]])  #rotation from vehicle to body
        # store wind data for fast recall since it is used at various points in simulation
        self._wind = np.array([[0.], [0.], [
        ]])  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec (velocity of wind [uw, vw, ww])
        # store forces to avoid recalculation in the sensors function
        self._forces = np.array(
            [[0.], [0.], [0.]])  #forces acting on mav in body frame [fx,fy,fz]
        self._Va = MAV.Va0  # velocity magnitude of airframe relative to airmass
        self._alpha = 0  #angle of attack
        self._beta = 0  #sideslip angle
        temp1, temp2, temp3 = Quaternion2Euler(self._state[6:10])
        self.phi = temp1[0]  # roll
        self.theta = temp2[0]  # pitch
        self.psi = temp3[0]  #yaw
        self.gamma = 0  #flight path angle (pitch up from horizontal velocity)
        self.chi = 0  #course angle (heading)
        self.Vg = np.linalg.norm(
            np.dot(self.Rbv.T, np.array([[MAV.u0], [MAV.v0], [MAV.w0]])))
        # initialize true_state message
        self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
        self.breakpoint = True
Пример #15
 def __init__(self, Ts):
     self.ts_simulation = Ts
     # set initial states based on parameter file
     # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
     # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
     self._state = np.array([
         MAV.pn0, MAV.pe0, MAV.pd0, MAV.u0, MAV.v0, MAV.w0, MAV.e0, MAV.e1,
         MAV.e2, MAV.e3, MAV.p0, MAV.q0, MAV.r0
     self._state = self._state.reshape((13, 1))
     self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
Пример #16
 def __init__(self, Ts, posVel):
     self.Ts = Ts
     self.posVel = posVel
     #for plotting
     self.state = msg_state()
     self.state.pn = posVel.item(0)
     self.state.pe = posVel.item(1)
     self.state.h = -posVel.item(2)
     self.state.phi = 0.0
     self.state.theta = 0.0
     self.state.psi = 0.0
     self.sigma = 5.0
Пример #17
 def __init__(self):
     self.estimated_state = msg_state()
     xhat0 = SENSOR.xhat_0
     self.estimated_state.u = xhat0.item(0)
     self.estimated_state.v = xhat0.item(1)
     self.estimated_state.w = xhat0.item(2)
     self.estimated_state.phi = xhat0.item(3)
     self.estimated_state.theta = xhat0.item(4)
     self.estimated_state.psi = xhat0.item(5)
     self.estimated_state.p = xhat0.item(6)
     self.estimated_state.q = xhat0.item(7)
     self.estimated_state.r = xhat0.item(8)
     self.kalman = kalman_filter(SIM.ts_simulation)
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        # set initial states based on parameter file
        # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
        # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
        # We will also need a variety of other elements that are functions of the _state and the wind.
        # self.true_state is a 19x1 vector that is estimated and used by the autopilot to control the aircraft:
        # true_state = [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]
        self._state = np.array([
            [MAV.pn0],  # (0)
            [MAV.pe0],  # (1)
            [MAV.pd0],  # (2)
            [MAV.u0],  # (3)
            [MAV.v0],  # (4)
            [MAV.w0],  # (5)
            [MAV.e0],  # (6)
            [MAV.e1],  # (7)
            [MAV.e2],  # (8)
            [MAV.e3],  # (9)
            [MAV.p0],  # (10)
            [MAV.q0],  # (11)
        ])  # (12)
        # store wind data for fast recall since it is used at various points in simulation
        self._wind = np.array([[0.], [0.],
                               [0.]])  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec

        self._forces = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])
        self._Va = MAV.u0
        self._alpha = 0
        self._beta = 0
        # initialize the sensors message
        self.sensors = msg_sensors()

        # initialize true_state message
        self.msg_true_state = msg_state()

        # random walk parameters for GPS
        self._gps_eta_n = 0.
        self._gps_eta_e = 0.
        self._gps_eta_h = 0.
        # timer so that gps only updates every ts_gps seconds
        self._t_gps = 999.  # large value ensures gps updates at initial time.

        # update velocity data and forces and moments
        self._forces_moments(delta=np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.5]]))
Пример #19
 def __init__(self, ts_control):
     # initialized estimated state message
     self.estimated_state = msg_state()
     # use alpha filters to low pass filter gyros and accels
     self.lpf_gyro_x = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
     self.lpf_gyro_y = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
     self.lpf_gyro_z = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
     self.lpf_accel_x = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
     self.lpf_accel_y = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
     self.lpf_accel_z = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
     # use alpha filters to low pass filter static and differential pressure
     self.lpf_static = alpha_filter(alpha=0.9)
     self.lpf_diff = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
     # ekf for phi and theta
     self.attitude_ekf = ekf_attitude()
     # ekf for pn, pe, Vg, chi, wn, we, psi
     self.position_ekf = ekf_position()
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, Ts):

        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
        # true_state = [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]
        self._state = np.array([
            [MAV.pn0],  # (0)
            [MAV.pe0],  # (1)
            [MAV.pd0],  # (2)
            [MAV.u0],  # (3)
            [MAV.v0],  # (4)
            [MAV.w0],  # (5)
            [MAV.e0],  # (6)
            [MAV.e1],  # (7)
            [MAV.e2],  # (8)
            [MAV.e3],  # (9)
            [MAV.p0],  # (10)
            [MAV.q0],  # (11)
        ])  # (12)
        # store wind data for fast recall since it is used at various points in simulation
        self._wind = np.array([[0.], [0.],
                               [0.]])  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec
        # store forces to avoid recalculation in the sensors function
        self._forces = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])
        self._Va = MAV.Va0
        self.Va_b = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])
        self.Vg_b = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])
        self._Vg = MAV.Va0
        self.Vg_i = np.array([[MAV.u0, MAV.v0, MAV.w0]]).T
        self._alpha = 0
        self._beta = 0
        # initialize true_state message
        self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
        self.msg_true_state.h = -MAV.pd0

        # initialize the sensors message
        self._sensors = msg_sensors()
        # random walk parameters for GPS
        self._gps_eta_n = 0.
        self._gps_eta_e = 0.
        self._gps_eta_h = 0.
        # timer so that gps only updates every ts_gps seconds
        self._t_gps = 999.  # large value ensures gps updates at initial time.
    def __init__(self, ts_control):
        # initialized estimated state message
        self.estimated_state = msg_state()
        # use alpha filters to low pass filter gyros and accels
        self.lpf_gyro_x = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_gyro_y = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_gyro_z = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_accel_x = alpha_filter(alpha=0.9)
        self.lpf_accel_y = alpha_filter(alpha=0.9)
        self.lpf_accel_z = alpha_filter(alpha=0.9)
        # use alpha filters to low pass filter static and differential pressure
        self.lpf_static = alpha_filter(alpha=0.9)
        self.lpf_diff = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)

        # lowpass filter option
        self.lpf_gps_n = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_gps_e = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
        self.lpf_gps_course = alpha_filter(alpha=0.5)
Пример #22
    def __init__(self, ts_control):
        # instantiate lateral controllers
        self.roll_from_aileron = pid_control(  #pd_control_with_rate(
        self.course_from_roll = pid_control(  #pi_control(
        self.sideslip_from_rudder = pid_control(  #pi_control(
        self.yaw_damper = matlab.tf([0.5, 0.], [
        ], ts_control)
        # num=np.array([[AP.yaw_damper_kp, 0]]),
        # den=np.array([[1, 1/AP.yaw_damper_tau_r]]),
        # Ts=ts_control)

        # instantiate lateral controllers
        self.pitch_from_elevator = pid_control(  #pd_control_with_rate(
        self.altitude_from_pitch = pid_control(  #pi_control(
        self.airspeed_from_throttle = pid_control(  #pi_control(
        self.commanded_state = msg_state()
Пример #23
 def __init__(self, ts_control):
     # initialized estimated state message
     self.estimated_state = msg_state()
     self.estimated_state.pn = MAV.pn0  # inertial north position in meters
     self.estimated_state.pe = MAV.pe0  # inertial east position in meters
     self.estimated_state.h = -MAV.pd0  # inertial altitude in meters
     self.estimated_state.phi = MAV.phi0  # roll angle in radians
     self.estimated_state.theta = MAV.theta0  # pitch angle in radians
     self.estimated_state.psi = MAV.psi0  # yaw angle in radians
     self.estimated_state.Va = MAV.Va0  # airspeed in meters/sec
     self.estimated_state.alpha = 0.  # angle of attack in radians
     self.estimated_state.beta = 0.  # sideslip angle in radians
     self.estimated_state.p = 0.  # roll rate in radians/sec
     self.estimated_state.q = 0.  # pitch rate in radians/sec
     self.estimated_state.r = 0.  # yaw rate in radians/sec
     self.estimated_state.Vg = 0.  # groundspeed in meters/sec
     self.estimated_state.gamma = 0.  # flight path angle in radians
     self.estimated_state.chi = 0.  # course angle in radians
     self.estimated_state.wn = 0.  # inertial windspeed in north direction in meters/sec
     self.estimated_state.we = 0.  # inertial windspeed in east direction in meters/sec
     self.estimated_state.bx = 0.  # gyro bias along roll axis in radians/sec
     self.estimated_state.by = 0.  # gyro bias along pitch axis in radians/sec
     self.estimated_state.bz = 0.  # gyro bias along yaw axis in radians/sec
     # use alpha filters to low pass filter gyros and accels
     self.lpf_gyro_x = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.gyro_alpha)
     self.lpf_gyro_y = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.gyro_alpha)
     self.lpf_gyro_z = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.gyro_alpha)
     self.lpf_accel_x = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.accel_alpha)
     self.lpf_accel_y = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.accel_alpha)
     self.lpf_accel_z = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.accel_alpha)
     # use alpha filters to low pass filter absolute and differential pressure
     self.lpf_abs = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.static_pres_alpha,
                                 y0=self.estimated_state.h * MAV.rho *
     self.lpf_diff = alpha_filter(alpha=SENS.diff_press_alpha,
                                  y0=MAV.rho *
                                  (self.estimated_state.Va**2) / 2)
     # ekf for phi and theta
     self.attitude_ekf = ekf_attitude()
     # ekf for pn, pe, Vg, chi, wn, we, psi
     self.position_ekf = ekf_position()
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        self._state = np.array([
            MAV.pn0,  # (0)
            MAV.pe0,  # (1)
            MAV.pd0,  # (2)
            MAV.u0,  # (3)
            MAV.v0,  # (4)
            MAV.w0,  # (5)
            MAV.e0,  # (6)
            MAV.e1,  # (7)
            MAV.e2,  # (8)
            MAV.e3,  # (9)
            MAV.p0,  # (10)
            MAV.q0,  # (11)
        ])  # (12)

        self.R_vb = Quaternion2Rotation(
            self._state[6:10])  # Rotation body->vehicle
        self.R_bv = np.copy(self.R_vb).T  # vehicle->body

        self._forces = np.zeros(3)
        self._wind = np.zeros(3)  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec

        self._Va = MAV.u0
        self._alpha = 0
        self._beta = 0
        self.true_state = msg_state()
        self.sensors = msg_sensors()

        # random walk parameters for GPS
        self._gps_eta_n = 0.
        self._gps_eta_e = 0.
        self._gps_eta_h = 0.
        # timer so that gps only updates every ts_gps seconds
        self._t_gps = 999.  # large value ensures gps updates at initial time.

Пример #25
 def __init__(self, Ts):
     self.ts_simulation = Ts
     # set initial states based on parameter file
     # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
     # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
     self._state = np.array([[
         r0  #the quaternion values come from the initial states phi0, th0, psi0
     self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
Пример #26
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        # set initial states based on parameter file
        # _state is the 8x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
        # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, psi, r]
        self._state = np.array([
            [TAR.pn0],  # (0)
            [TAR.pe0],  # (1)
            [TAR.pd0],  # (2)
            [TAR.u0],  # (3)
            [TAR.v0],  # (4)
            [TAR.w0],  # (5)
            [TAR.psi0],  # (6)
        ])  # (7)
        # store forces to avoid recalculation in the sensors function
        self._forces = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])
        self._Va = TAR.u0

        # initialize true_state message
        self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
Пример #27
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        self._state = np.array([
            [QUAD.pn0],  # (0)
            [QUAD.pe0],  # (1)
            [QUAD.pd0],  # (2)
            [QUAD.u0],  # (3)
            [QUAD.v0],  # (4)
            [QUAD.w0],  # (5)
            [QUAD.phi0],  # (6)
            [QUAD.theta0],  # (7)
            [QUAD.psi0],  # (8)
            [QUAD.p0],  # (9)
            [QUAD.q0],  # (10)
        ])  # (11)

        self.sensor_measurements = msg_sensors()
        self.sensor_measurements.pn = QUAD.pn0
        self.sensor_measurements.pe = QUAD.pe0
        self.sensor_measurements.pd = QUAD.pd0
        self.sensor_measurements.u = QUAD.u0
        self.sensor_measurements.v = QUAD.v0
        self.sensor_measurements.w = QUAD.w0
        self.sensor_measurements.phi = QUAD.phi0
        self.sensor_measurements.theta = QUAD.theta0
        self.sensor_measurements.psi = QUAD.psi0
        self.sensor_measurements.p = QUAD.p0
        self.sensor_measurements.q = QUAD.q0
        self.sensor_measurements.r = QUAD.r0

        self.Q = SENSOR.Q_N  # progagation noise
        self.R = SENSOR.R_N  # sensor noise

        self.msg_true_state = msg_state()
Пример #28
    def __init__(self, Ts=0.02):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        # set initial states based on parameter file
        # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
        # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
        # We will also need a variety of other elements that are functions of the _state and the wind.
        # self.true_state is a 19x1 vector that is estimated and used by the autopilot to control the aircraft:
        # true_state = [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]
        self._state = np.array([
            MAV.pn0,  # (0)
            MAV.pe0,  # (1)
            MAV.pd0,  # (2)
            MAV.u0,  # (3)
            MAV.v0,  # (4)
            MAV.w0,  # (5)
            MAV.e0,  # (6)
            MAV.e1,  # (7)
            MAV.e2,  # (8)
            MAV.e3,  # (9)
            MAV.p0,  # (10)
            MAV.q0,  # (11)
        ])  # (12)

        self.R_vb = Quaternion2Rotation(
            self._state[6:10])  # Rotation body->vehicle
        self.R_bv = np.copy(self.R_vb).T  # vehicle->body
        # store wind data for fast recall since it is used at various points in simulation
        self._wind = np.zeros(3)  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec
        # store forces to avoid recalculation in the sensors function
        self._forces = np.zeros(3)
        self._Va = MAV.u0
        self._alpha = 0
        self._beta = 0
        # initialize true_state message
        self.true_state = msg_state()
    def _follow_orbit(self, path=msg_path(), state=msg_state()):
        p = np.array([state.pn, state.pe, -state.h])  # NED position
        d = p - path.orbit_center  # radial distance from orbit center
        rho = path.orbit_radius
        if path.orbit_direction == 'CW':
            lmbda = 1
            lmbda = -1

        var_phi = atan2(d[1], d[0])
        var_phi = self._wrap(var_phi, state.chi)
        chi_0 = var_phi + lmbda * (np.pi / 2)
        chi_c = chi_0 + lmbda * atan(self.k_orbit *
                                     (np.linalg.norm(d) - rho) / rho)

        Vg = state.Vg
        chi = state.chi
        psi = state.psi
        phi_feedfw = atan(Vg**2 / (self.gravity * rho * cos(chi - psi)))

        self.autopilot_commands.airspeed_command = path.airspeed
        self.autopilot_commands.course_command = chi_c
        self.autopilot_commands.altitude_command = -path.orbit_center[2]
        self.autopilot_commands.phi_feedforward = phi_feedfw
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        self._state = np.array([
            [MAV.pn0],  # (0)
            [MAV.pe0],  # (1)
            [MAV.pd0],  # (2)
            [MAV.u0],  # (3)
            [MAV.v0],  # (4)
            [MAV.w0],  # (5)
            [MAV.e0],  # (6)
            [MAV.e1],  # (7)
            [MAV.e2],  # (8)
            [MAV.e3],  # (9)
            [MAV.p0],  # (10)
            [MAV.q0],  # (11)
        ])  # (12)
        self._forces = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])
        self._Va = MAV.Va0
        self._alpha = 0
        self._beta = 0
        self.msg_true_state = msg_state()

        # store wind data for fast recall since it is used at various points in simulation
        self._wind = np.array([[0.], [0.],
                               [0.]])  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec

        # initialize the sensors message
        self.sensors = msg_sensors()
        # random walk parameters for GPS
        self._gps_eta_n = 0.
        self._gps_eta_e = 0.
        self._gps_eta_h = 0.
        # timer so that gps only updates every ts_gps seconds
        self._t_gps = 999.  # large value ensures gps updates at initial time.