def show_high_scores(self): if os.path.exists('highscores.dat'): IO.load_high_scores() contents = [] for (score, line1, line2) in highscore: contents.append(str(score).ljust(6) + line1) contents.append(' ' + line2) contents.append(' ')'High scores', None, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, contents, input=False) else: contents = ['The high scores file is empty.']'High scores', None, 'center_screenx', 'center_screeny', len(max(contents, key=len)) + 16, len(contents) + 4, contents, input=False, align=libtcod.CENTER)
def new_game(self, chargeneration=True): global rnd, message, player, char, game_state, gametime, worldmap, current_map, savefiles cardinal = [-(WORLDMAP_WIDTH - 1), -(WORLDMAP_WIDTH), -(WORLDMAP_WIDTH + 1), -1, 1, WORLDMAP_WIDTH - 1, WORLDMAP_WIDTH, WORLDMAP_WIDTH + 1] rnd = libtcod.random_new() message = messages.Message() player = Player() char = mapgen.Object(libtcod.random_get_int(rnd, 40, 80), libtcod.random_get_int(rnd, 26, 46), player.icon, 'player', player.icon_color, blocks=True) if chargeneration: game_state = chargen.create_character() else: game_state = chargen.quick_start() if game_state == 'playing': contents = ['Generating world map...'], None, 'center_screenx', 'center_screeny', len(max(contents, key=len)) + 16, len(contents) + 4, contents, input=False, align=libtcod.CENTER, nokeypress=True) gametime = Time() worldmap = worldgen.World() current_map = mapgen.Map('Wilderness', 'WD', 0, (worldmap.player_positiony * WORLDMAP_WIDTH) + worldmap.player_positionx, type=util.find_terrain_type((worldmap.player_positiony * WORLDMAP_WIDTH) + worldmap.player_positionx)) for i in range(len(border_maps)): border_maps[i] = mapgen.Map('Wilderness', 'WD', 0, (worldmap.player_positiony * WORLDMAP_WIDTH) + worldmap.player_positionx + cardinal[i], type=util.find_terrain_type((worldmap.player_positiony * WORLDMAP_WIDTH) + worldmap.player_positionx + cardinal[i])) IO.save_game(True) savefiles = [f for f in os.listdir('saves') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('saves', f))] util.combine_maps()'Welcome to Immortal, ' + + '!', turns, libtcod.Color(96, 212, 238)) self.play_game()
def main_menu(self): contents = ['Quick start', 'Start a new game', 'Load a saved game', 'Read the manual', 'Change settings', 'View high scores', 'Quit game'] img = libtcod.image_load('title.png') libtcod.image_scale(img, int(SCREEN_WIDTH * 2.2), SCREEN_HEIGHT * 2) choice = 0 while not libtcod.console_is_window_closed(): libtcod.console_clear(0) libtcod.image_blit_2x(img, 0, 0, 0) libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(0, libtcod.light_yellow) libtcod.console_print_ex(0, 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, 'Immortal ' + VERSION) libtcod.console_print_ex(0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 3, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.RIGHT, 'Copyright (c) 2012-13 -- Mr.Potatoman') libtcod.console_print_ex(0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 5, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 22, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.RIGHT, 'Main Menu') if choice == -1: choice = 0 choice =, None, (SCREEN_WIDTH - len(max(contents, key=len)) - 6), ((SCREEN_HEIGHT + 4) - len(contents)) / 2, len(max(contents, key=len)) + 5, len(contents) + 2, contents, choice, color=None, align=libtcod.RIGHT, scrollbar=False) if choice == 0: # quick start self.new_game(False) self.reset_game() if choice == 1: # start new game self.new_game() self.reset_game() # test.worldgentest(50) if choice == 2: # load saved game start = IO.load_game() if start: self.play_game() self.reset_game() if choice == 3: # help if choice == 4: # settings self.settings() if choice == 5: # high scores self.show_high_scores() if choice == 6: # quit for fade in range(255, 0, -8): libtcod.console_set_fade(fade, libtcod.console_flush() break
def help(self): contents = IO.load_manual()'Help', None, 'center_screenx', 'center_screeny', len(max(contents, key=len)) + 16, len(contents) + 4, contents, input=False)