def metaData(fileOrigin, dbPath): dirs = np.array(fileOrigin.split('/')) kindIndex = np.where((dirs == 'TV show') | (dirs == 'Movie')) if len(kindIndex) != 1: raise Except("Problem with path") tvshow, season, episode = getInfo(fileOrigin) kindIndex = kindIndex[0] metaD = {} metaD['videoKind'] = dirs[kindIndex] metaD['showName'] = dirs[kindIndex + 1] metaD['seasonNumber'] = season metaD['episodeNumber'] = episode if tvshow is not None and season is not None and episode is not None: meta = Meta(dbPath) soup = meta.get_meta(tvshow, season, episode) print("Episode Name and Description: {}".format(soup)) if soup is None: metaD['episodeName'] = None metaD['episodeDescription'] = None else: episodeName, episodeDescription = soup metaD['episodeName'] = episodeName metaD['episodeDescription'] = episodeDescription else: metaD['episodeName'] = None metaD['episodeDescription'] = None return metaD
def metaData(fileOrigin, dbPath): dirs = np.array(fileOrigin.split('/')) kindIndex = np.where((dirs == 'TV show')|(dirs=='Movie')) if len(kindIndex) != 1: raise Except("Problem with path") tvshow, season, episode = getInfo(fileOrigin) kindIndex = kindIndex[0] metaD = {} metaD['videoKind'] = dirs[kindIndex] metaD['showName'] = dirs[kindIndex + 1] metaD['seasonNumber'] = season metaD['episodeNumber'] = episode if tvshow is not None and season is not None and episode is not None: meta = Meta(dbPath) soup = meta.get_meta(tvshow, season, episode) print("Episode Name and Description: {}".format(soup)) if soup is None: metaD['episodeName'] = None metaD['episodeDescription'] = None else: episodeName, episodeDescription = soup metaD['episodeName'] = episodeName metaD['episodeDescription'] = episodeDescription else: metaD['episodeName'] = None metaD['episodeDescription'] = None return metaD
def create_lmdb_meta_file(num_test_examples, path_to_lmdb_meta_file): print('Saving meta file to %s...' % path_to_lmdb_meta_file) meta = Meta() # meta.num_train_examples = num_train_examples # meta.num_val_examples = num_val_examples meta.num_test_examples = num_test_examples
def main(): torch.manual_seed(1) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(1) np.random.seed(1) print(args) config = [('conv2d', [args.num_filters, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [args.num_filters]), ('conv2d', [args.num_filters, args.num_filters, 3, 3, 2, 1]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [args.num_filters]), ('conv2d', [args.num_filters, args.num_filters, 3, 3, 2, 1]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [args.num_filters]), ('conv2d', [args.num_filters, args.num_filters, 3, 3, 2, 1]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [args.num_filters]), ('flatten', []), ('linear', [args.n_way + 2, args.num_filters * 9])] device = torch.device('cuda') maml = Meta(args, config).to(device) tmp = filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, maml.parameters()) num = sum(map(lambda x:, tmp)) print(maml) print('Total trainable tensors:', num) # batchsz here means total sampled meta-task number if args.train == 'True': mini_train = LingualData('./data', mode='train', task_type=args.task_type, n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt_train, k_query=args.k_qry_train, k_unk_shot=args.k_spt_unk_train, k_unk_query=args.k_qry_unk_train, k_silence_shot=args.k_spt_silence_train, k_silence_query=args.k_qry_silence_train, batchsz=16000, resize=args.imgsz, unk_sil_spt=args.unk_sil_spt) exp_string = 'cls_' + str(args.n_way) + '.tskn_' + str( args.task_num) + '.spttrain_' + str( args.k_spt_train) + '.qrytrain_' + str( args.k_qry_train) + '.numstep' + str( args.update_step) + '.updatelr' + str(args.update_lr) model_path = args.logdir + '/' + exp_string model_file = None if args.train == 'True': if not os.path.exists(model_path): os.makedirs(model_path) print("logs directory ", args.logdir, " created!") writer = SummaryWriter(model_path) set_logger(os.path.join(args.logdir, 'train.log')) train(maml, mini_train, model_path, args.resume_itr, device, writer) else: if args.test_iter >= 0: model_file = model_path + '/' + 'model-' + str( args.test_iter) + '.pth' test(maml, model_file, device)
def main(args): torch.manual_seed(222) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(222) np.random.seed(222) print(args) config = [('conv2d', [64, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [64]), ('conv2d', [64, 64, 3, 3, 2, 0]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [64]), ('conv2d', [64, 64, 3, 3, 2, 0]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [64]), ('conv2d', [64, 64, 2, 2, 1, 0]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [64]), ('flatten', []), ('linear', [args.n_way, 256])] #device = torch.device('cuda') device = torch.device('cpu') maml = Meta(args, config).to(device) tmp = filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, maml.parameters()) num = sum(map(lambda x:, tmp)) print(maml) print('Total trainable tensors:', num) db_train = SvhnNShot(batchsz=args.task_num, n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt, k_query=args.k_qry, imgsz=args.imgsz) for step in range(args.epoch): x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry = x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry = torch.from_numpy(x_spt).to(device), torch.from_numpy(y_spt).to(device), \ torch.from_numpy(x_qry).to(device), torch.from_numpy(y_qry).to(device) # set traning=True to update running_mean, running_variance, bn_weights, bn_bias accs = maml(x_spt, y_spt.long(), x_qry, y_qry.long()) if step % 50 == 0: print('step:', step, '\ttraining acc:', accs) if step % 500 == 0: accs = [] for _ in range(1000 // args.task_num): # test x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry ='test') x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry = torch.from_numpy(x_spt).to(device), torch.from_numpy(y_spt).to(device), \ torch.from_numpy(x_qry).to(device), torch.from_numpy(y_qry).to(device) # split to single task each time for x_spt_one, y_spt_one, x_qry_one, y_qry_one in zip( x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry): test_acc = maml.finetunning(x_spt_one, y_spt_one.long(), x_qry_one, y_qry_one.long()) accs.append(test_acc) # [b, update_step+1] accs = np.array(accs).mean(axis=0).astype(np.float16) print('Test acc:', accs)
def main(_): path_to_train_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'train.tfrecords') path_to_val_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'val.tfrecords') path_to_tfrecords_meta_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'meta.json') path_to_train_log_dir = FLAGS.train_logdir path_to_train_log_dir = os.path.join( FLAGS.train_logdir, "ssim_{:.2f}-defend_{}-attacker_{}".format(FLAGS.ssim_weight, FLAGS.defend_layer, FLAGS.attacker_type)) print("log path: {}".format(path_to_train_log_dir)) path_to_restore_model_checkpoint_file = FLAGS.restore_checkpoint training_options = { 'batch_size': FLAGS.batch_size, 'learning_rate': FLAGS.learning_rate, 'patience': FLAGS.patience, 'decay_steps': FLAGS.decay_steps, 'decay_rate': FLAGS.decay_rate } meta = Meta() meta.load(path_to_tfrecords_meta_file) _train(path_to_train_tfrecords_file, meta.num_train_examples, path_to_val_tfrecords_file, meta.num_val_examples, path_to_train_log_dir, path_to_restore_model_checkpoint_file, training_options)
def main(): torch.manual_seed(222) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(222) np.random.seed(222) test_result = {} best_acc = 0.0 maml = Meta(args, Param.config).to(Param.device) if n_gpus>1: maml = torch.nn.DataParallel(maml) state_dict = torch.load(Param.out_path+args.ckpt) print(state_dict.keys()) pretrained_dict = OrderedDict() for k in state_dict.keys(): if n_gpus==1: pretrained_dict[k[7:]] = deepcopy(state_dict[k]) else: pretrained_dict[k[0:]] = deepcopy(state_dict[k]) maml.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict) print("Load from ckpt:", Param.out_path+args.ckpt) #opt = optim.Adam(maml.parameters(), lr=args.meta_lr) #opt = optim.SGD(maml.parameters(), lr=args.meta_lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) tmp = filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, maml.parameters()) num = sum(map(lambda x:, tmp)) print(maml) print('Total trainable tensors:', num) #trainset = MiniImagenet(Param.root, mode='train', n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt, k_query=args.k_qry, resize=args.imgsz) #valset = MiniImagenet(Param.root, mode='val', n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt, k_query=args.k_qry, resize=args.imgsz) testset = MiniImagenet(Param.root, mode='test', n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt, k_query=args.k_qry, resize=args.imgsz) #trainloader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=args.task_num, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, drop_last=True) #valloader = DataLoader(valset, batch_size=4, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, drop_last=True) testloader = DataLoader(testset, batch_size=4, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, drop_last=True) #train_data = inf_get(trainloader) #val_data = inf_get(valloader) test_data = inf_get(testloader) """Test for 600 epochs (each has 4 tasks)""" ans = None maml_clone = deepcopy(maml) for itr in range(600): # 600x4 test tasks support_x, support_y, qx, qy = test_data.__next__() support_x, support_y, qx, qy =,,, temp = maml_clone(support_x, support_y, qx, qy, meta_train = False) if(ans is None): ans = temp else: ans =[ans, temp], dim = 0) if itr%100==0: print(itr,ans.mean(dim = 0).tolist()) ans = ans.mean(dim = 0).tolist() print('Acc: '+str(ans)) with open(Param.out_path+'test.json','w') as f: json.dump(ans,f)
def create_tfrecords_meta_file(self, dict_sample_number, meta_name='batches_meta.json'): print('Saving meta file to %s...' % self.input_dir) meta = Meta(**dict_sample_number) with open(self.input_dir + '/cifar-10-batches-py/batches.meta', 'rb') as f: content = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') meta.categories = content['label_names'] + '/' + meta_name)
def main(_): path_to_test_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'generated.tfrecords') path_to_tfrecords_meta_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'meta.json') path_to_checkpoint_dir = FLAGS.checkpoint_dir save_file = 'result_generated.txt' path_to_test_eval_log_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.eval_logdir, 'test') meta = Meta() meta.load(path_to_tfrecords_meta_file) _eval(path_to_checkpoint_dir, path_to_test_tfrecords_file, meta.num_test_examples, path_to_test_eval_log_dir, save_file)
def get_file(self, fileName): fileValue = self.buffer.search_retNode(fileName) if(fileValue != None): if(type(fileValue) == str): fileValue = Meta.getMetaObject(fileValue) if fileValue != None: for value in self.buffer.interate(): if type(value) == str: if(Meta.genarte_hash(value) == fileValue.hash): return Encoding.decode64BitEncoding(value)
def main(args): device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') print(device) meta = Meta(inner_lr=args.inner_lr, outer_lr=args.outer_lr) if not args.test: train_ds = Sinusoid(k_shot=args.k_shot, q_query=15, num_tasks=1000000) train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) best_loss = float('inf') losses = [] pbar = tqdm(range(args.epochs)) for epoch in pbar: k_i, k_o, q_i, q_o = next(iter(train_dl)) k_i, k_o, q_i, q_o =,,, loss = meta(k_i, k_o, q_i, q_o) losses.append(loss) pbar.set_description('| loss: {:.5f} |'.format(loss)) if best_loss > loss: best_loss = loss meta.save_weights() plt.plot(losses) plt.savefig('loss_final.png', dpi=300) else: print('testing... k_shot:', args.k_shot) meta.test(k=args.k_shot)
def main(): torch.manual_seed(222) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(222) np.random.seed(222) print(args) config = [('conv2d', [32, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [32]), ('max_pool2d', [2, 2, 0]), ('conv2d', [32, 32, 3, 3, 1, 0]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [32]), ('max_pool2d', [2, 2, 0]), ('conv2d', [32, 32, 3, 3, 1, 0]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [32]), ('max_pool2d', [2, 2, 0]), ('conv2d', [32, 32, 3, 3, 1, 0]), ('relu', [True]), ('bn', [32]), ('max_pool2d', [2, 1, 0]), ('flatten', []), ('linear', [args.n_way, 32 * 5 * 5])] device = torch.device('cuda') maml = Meta(args, config).to(device) ckpt_dir = "./checkpoint_miniimage.pth" print("Load trained model") ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_dir) maml.load_state_dict(ckpt['model']) mini_test = MiniImagenet("F:\\ACV_project\\MAML-Pytorch\\miniimagenet\\", mode='test', n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt, k_query=args.k_qry, batchsz=1, resize=args.imgsz) db_test = DataLoader(mini_test, 1, shuffle=True, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True) accs_all_test = [] #count = 0 #print("Test_loader",db_test) for x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry in db_test: x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry = x_spt.squeeze(0).to(device), y_spt.squeeze(0).to(device), \ x_qry.squeeze(0).to(device), y_qry.squeeze(0).to(device) accs = maml.finetunning(x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry) accs_all_test.append(accs) # [b, update_step+1] accs = np.array(accs_all_test).mean(axis=0).astype(np.float16) print('Test acc:', accs)
def main(): ck = util.checkpoint(args) seed = args.seed random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.manual_seed(222) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(222) np.random.seed(222) ck.write_log(str(args)) # t = str(int(time.time())) # t = args.save_name # os.mkdir('./{}'.format(t)) # (ch_out, ch_in, k, k, stride, padding) config = [('conv2d', [32, 16, 3, 3, 1, 1]), ('relu', [True]), ('conv2d', [32, 32, 3, 3, 1, 1]), ('relu', [True]), ('conv2d', [32, 32, 3, 3, 1, 1]), ('relu', [True]), ('conv2d', [32, 32, 3, 3, 1, 1]), ('relu', [True]), ('+1', [True]), ('conv2d', [3, 32, 3, 3, 1, 1])] device = torch.device('cuda') maml = Meta(args, config).to(device) params = torch.load( r'/flush5/sho092/Robust_learning/experiment/' r'2020-07-14-16:58:35_k0_metalr0.001_updatelr0.01_batchsz100000_updateStep7/' r'model/') DL_MSI = dl.StereoMSIDatasetLoader(args) dv = DL_MSI.valid_loader, strict=False) for idx, (valid_ms, valid_rgb) in enumerate(dv): # print('idx', idx) valid_ms, valid_rgb = prepare([valid_ms, valid_rgb]) sr_rgb = print(sr_rgb.max(), sr_rgb.min()) sr_rgb = torch.clamp(sr_rgb, 0, 1) imsave( '../experiment/{}.png'.format(idx), np.uint8(sr_rgb.cpu().squeeze().permute(1, 2, 0).detach().numpy() * 255))
def main(_): path_to_train_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'train.tfrecords') path_to_val_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'val.tfrecords') path_to_tfrecords_meta_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'tfrecords_meta.json') path_to_train_log_dir = FLAGS.train_logdir path_to_restore_checkpoint_file = FLAGS.restore_checkpoint meta = Meta() meta.load(path_to_tfrecords_meta_file) _train(path_to_train_tfrecords_file, path_to_val_tfrecords_file, meta.num_val_examples, path_to_train_log_dir, path_to_restore_checkpoint_file)
def test_top_level_meta(self): author = Author.create_author("Wouter van Veen") path = self._test_path meta = Meta.create_top_level_meta(None, author, "") dataset = StructuredDataSet.create_dataset(path, "test_meta", meta) dataset.write()
class registrarJugadorForm(Form): Meta() """docstring for registrarJugador""" correo = EmailField('Correo de usuario para registrar', [ Email("Ingrese un correo."), DataRequired("No deje el espacio vacío.") ]) passwd = PasswordField('Ingrese contraseña para nuevo usuario', [ Length(2, 25, "La contraseña debe ser entre 4 y 25 caracteres."), DataRequired("No deje el espacio vacío") ]) grade = SelectMultipleField('Grado', choices=[('kinder', 'kinder'), ('first', 'primero'), ('second', 'segundo'), ('third', 'tercero'), ('fourth', 'cuarto'), ('fifth', 'quinto'), ('sixth', 'sexto'), ('seventh', 'septimo'), ('eigth', 'octavo'), ('ninth', 'noveno'), ('tenth', 'decimo'), ('eleventh', 'once')]) crearUsuario = SubmitField('Crear Usuario')
def main(_): path_to_train_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'train.tfrecords') path_to_val_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'val.tfrecords') path_to_test_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'test.tfrecords') path_to_tfrecords_meta_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'meta.json') path_to_checkpoint_dir = FLAGS.checkpoint_dir path_to_train_eval_log_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.eval_logdir, 'train') path_to_val_eval_log_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.eval_logdir, 'val') path_to_test_eval_log_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.eval_logdir, 'test') meta = Meta() meta.load(path_to_tfrecords_meta_file) _eval(path_to_checkpoint_dir, path_to_train_tfrecords_file, meta.num_train_examples, path_to_train_eval_log_dir) _eval(path_to_checkpoint_dir, path_to_val_tfrecords_file, meta.num_val_examples, path_to_val_eval_log_dir) _eval(path_to_checkpoint_dir, path_to_test_tfrecords_file, meta.num_test_examples, path_to_test_eval_log_dir)
def create_tfrecords_meta_file(num_train_examples,num_val_examples, num_test_examples,path_to_tfrecords_meta_file): print 'Saving meta file to %s...' % path_to_tfrecords_meta_file meta = Meta() meta.num_train_examples = num_train_examples meta.num_val_examples = num_val_examples meta.num_test_examples = num_test_examples
def main_eval(_): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Evaluation Routine for SVHNClassifier") parser.add_argument("--data_dir", required=True, help="Directory to read TFRecords files") parser.add_argument("--path_to_checkpoint_dir", required=True, help="Directory to read checkpoint files") parser.add_argument("--eval_logdir", required=True, help="Directory to write evaluation logs") parser.add_argument("--path_to_train_tfrecords_file", required=True, help="Tfrecords file in train directory") parser.add_argument("--path_to_val_tfrecords_file", required=True, help="Tfrecords file in val directory") parser.add_argument("--path_to_test_tfrecords_file", required=True, help="Tfrecords file in test directory") parser.add_argument("--path_to_tfrecords_meta_file", required=True, help="Meta file in directory") parser.add_argument("--path_to_train_eval_log_dir", required=True, help="Training and evaluating log directory") parser.add_argument("--path_to_val_eval_log_dir", required=True, help="Validating and evaluating log directory") parser.add_argument("--path_to_test_eval_log_dir", required=True, help="Testing and evaluating log directory") args = parser.parse_args() meta = Meta() meta.load(args.path_to_tfrecords_meta_file) _eval(args.path_to_checkpoint_dir, args.path_to_train_tfrecords_file, meta.num_train_examples, args.path_to_train_eval_log_dir) _eval(args.path_to_checkpoint_dir, args.path_to_val_tfrecords_file, meta.num_val_examples, args.path_to_val_eval_log_dir) _eval(args.path_to_checkpoint_dir, args.path_to_test_tfrecords_file, meta.num_test_examples, args.path_to_test_eval_log_dir)
def __init__(self, stream): self.meta = Meta(stream, 1, 1) self._root = os.path.split([0] Reader.__init__(self, stream) Scanner.__init__(self) Parser.__init__(self) Composer.__init__(self) YipCons.__init__(self) Resolver.__init__(self)
def main(): torch.manual_seed(121) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(121) np.random.seed(121) nshot = SinwaveNShot(all_numbers_class=2000, batch_size=20, n_way=5, k_shot=5, k_query=15, root='data') maml = Meta(hid_dim=64, meta_lr=1e-3, update_lr=0.004) for step in range(10000): x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry, param_spt, param_qry ='train') x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry = torch.from_numpy(x_spt), torch.from_numpy( y_spt), torch.from_numpy(x_qry), torch.from_numpy(y_qry) loss = maml(x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry) if step % 20 == 0: print('step:', step, '\ttraining loss:', loss) if step % 500 == 0: loss = [] for _ in range(1000 // 20): # test x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry, param_spt, param_qry = 'test') x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry = torch.from_numpy(x_spt), torch.from_numpy(y_spt), \ torch.from_numpy(x_qry), torch.from_numpy(y_qry) # split to single task each time for x_spt_one, y_spt_one, x_qry_one, y_qry_one, param_spt_one, param_qry_onein in \ zip(x_spt, y_spt, x_qry, y_qry, param_spt, param_qry): test_acc = maml.finetunning(x_spt_one, y_spt_one, x_qry_one, y_qry_one, param_spt_one, param_qry_onein) loss.append(test_acc) # [b, update_step+1] loss = np.array(loss).mean(axis=0).astype(np.float16) print('Test loss:', loss)
class registrarAdminForm(Form): Meta() correo = EmailField('Correo de nuevo admin', [ Email("Ingrese un correo."), DataRequired("No deje el espacio vacío.") ]) passwd = PasswordField('Ingrese contraseña para nuevo admin', [ Length(2, 25, "La contraseña debe ser entre 4 y 25 caracteres."), DataRequired("No deje el espacio vacío") ]) crearAdmin = SubmitField('Crear Admin')
def create_dataset(path: Path, name: str, author: Author, description: str = "") -> "StructuredDataSet": top_level_meta = Meta.create_top_level_meta(None, author, description=description) path_tmp = path / "{:s}.struct".format(name) path_meta = path_tmp / ".meta.json" top_level_meta.path = path_meta return StructuredDataSet(path, name, {}, top_level_meta)
def main(_): path_to_train_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'train.tfrecords') path_to_val_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'val.tfrecords') path_to_tfrecords_meta_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'meta.json') path_to_train_log_dir = FLAGS.train_logdir path_to_restore_checkpoint_file = FLAGS.restore_checkpoint training_options = { 'batch_size': FLAGS.batch_size, 'learning_rate': FLAGS.learning_rate, 'epoches': FLAGS.epoches, 'decay_steps': FLAGS.decay_steps, 'decay_rate': FLAGS.decay_rate } meta = Meta() meta.load(path_to_tfrecords_meta_file) _train(path_to_train_tfrecords_file, meta.num_train_examples, path_to_val_tfrecords_file, meta.num_val_examples, path_to_train_log_dir, path_to_restore_checkpoint_file, training_options)
def main(_): path_to_train_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'train.tfrecords') path_to_val_tfrecords_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'val.tfrecords') path_to_tfrecords_meta_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'meta.json') path_to_train_log_dir = FLAGS.train_logdir path_to_restore_checkpoint_file = FLAGS.restore_checkpoint training_options = { 'batch_size': FLAGS.batch_size, 'learning_rate': FLAGS.learning_rate, 'patience': FLAGS.patience, 'decay_steps': FLAGS.decay_steps, 'decay_rate': FLAGS.decay_rate } meta = Meta() meta.load(path_to_tfrecords_meta_file) _train(path_to_train_tfrecords_file, meta.num_train_examples, path_to_val_tfrecords_file, meta.num_val_examples, path_to_train_log_dir, path_to_restore_checkpoint_file, training_options)
class loginAdminForm(Form): """El form para el login de los admins""" Meta() correo = EmailField('Correo de usuario', [ Email("Ingrese un correo."), DataRequired("No deje el espacio vacío.") ]) passwd = PasswordField('Ingrese contraseña', [ Length(2, 25, "La contraseña es entre 2 y 25 caracteres."), DataRequired("No deje el espacio vacío") ]) signIn = SubmitField('Sign In')
def main(): """ preprocess_data() : load data from dataset and precess data into numpy format process_data() : port the data to pyTorch and convert to cuda U_train, U_dev, U_test, classLatMedian, classLonMedian, userLocation : only use when Valid and Test """ data = preprocess_data(args) data = process_data(data, args, args.normalization, args.usecuda) (adj, features, labels, idx_train, idx_val, idx_test, U_train, U_dev, U_test, classLatMedian, classLonMedian, userLocation) = data # exit() model_file = "./result_cmu_desce/{}way{}shot{}query-update_lr:{}-weight_decay:{}.pkl".format( args.n_way, args.k_spt, args.k_qry, args.update_lr, args.weight_decay) device = torch.device('cuda') # maml = Meta(args, config).to(device) maml = Meta( args, features.shape[1], labels.max().item() + 1, classLatMedian, classLonMedian).to(device) if args.model == "SGC": feature_dump_file = os.path.join(args.dir, 'feature_dump.pkl') # if os.path.exists(feature_dump_file): # print("load features") # features = load_obj(feature_dump_file) # else: features = sgc_precompute(args, features, adj, print(args.dataset) if args.splt == True: trainset, valset = dealdata1(args, labels) else: trainset, valset = dealdata(args, labels) users = U_train + U_dev + U_test class_acc, meanDis, MedianDis, accAT161 = train_regression(maml, labels, features, users, trainset, valset, classLatMedian, classLonMedian, userLocation, args.epochs, args.patience, model_file) # load model from file and test the model timeStr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\t", time.localtime(time.time())) argsStr = "-dir:{}\t-{}way{}shot{}query\t-update_lr{}\t-decay:{}".format( args.dir, args.n_way, args.k_spt, args.k_qry, args.update_lr, args.weight_decay) resultStr = "Test:\tclassification_acc:{}\t\tMean:{}\t\tMedian:{}\t\tAcc@161:{}".format(class_acc, meanDis, MedianDis, accAT161) content = "\n" + timeStr + "\n" + argsStr + "\n" + resultStr + "\n" with open('./result_cmu_desce/result.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(content) f.close()
def __init__(self, base, trace): """ Arguments: base: Base address of the allocation trace: Full trace dictionary for the trace """ self.base = base self.instruction = trace['IP'] self.type = trace['Type'] self.offset = trace['Address']['Value'] - base self.valueMeta = Meta(trace['Value']) self.size = self.valueMeta.Size self.value = self.valueMeta.Value
class loginForm(Form): """El form para el login de los usuarios""" Meta() correo = EmailField('Correo de usuario', [ Email("Ingrese un correo."), DataRequired("No deje el espacio vacío.") ]) passwd = PasswordField('Ingrese contraseña', [ Length(2, 25, "La contraseña es entre 4 y 25 caracteres."), DataRequired("No deje el espacio vacío") ]) remember_me = BooleanField('remember me', default=False) signIn = SubmitField('Sign In')
def create_tfrecords_meta_file(num_train_examples, num_val_examples, num_test_examples, path_to_tfrecords_meta_file): print 'Saving meta file to %s...' % path_to_tfrecords_meta_file meta = Meta() meta.num_train_examples = num_train_examples meta.num_val_examples = num_val_examples meta.num_test_examples = num_test_examples
def add_file(self, f): if not self.buffer.add_at_start_check(self.line_separator) meta, file_encoding = Meta.getMetaData(f) if( raise FileAllreadyExistsException("The file: " + + " allready exist") self.buffer.add_before(self.line_separator, meta) self.buffer.add(file_encoding) self.save_file()
def overwriteFile(self, old_fileName, file): meta, file_encoding = Meta.getMetaData(file) fileValue = self.buffer.search_retNode(old_fileName) if fileValue != None: fileValue = self.getMetaObject(fileValue) if self.buffer.replace(old_fileName, meta): if self.buffer.replaceHash(fileValue.hash, file_encoding): return True return False
def deserialize(self, data): from state import state = data["name"] self.layer_type = data["layer_type"] self.adjacency_dct = {} for k, v in data["adjacency_dct"].iteritems(): self.adjacency_dct[int(k)] = v for p in data["proxys"]: if self.layer_type == LayerType.meta: m = Meta("", state.get_grid_step()) proxy = Proxy(sprite=m, state=state, data=p) str( m.update_text() else: proxy = Proxy(state=state, data=p) self.proxy_dct[] = proxy #print "proxy_dct:", self.proxy_dct if len(self.proxy_dct.keys()) > 0: self.last_id = max(self.proxy_dct.keys())+1 else: self.last_id = 0
def replaceHash(self, old_value, new_value): current_node = self.head new_node = Node(new_value,current_node.prev, while current_node is not Node: if type( == str: if Meta.genarte_hash( == old_value: = new_node = new_node return True current_node = return False
def deserialize(self, data): from state import state = data["name"] self.layer_type = data["layer_type"] self.adjacency_dct = {} for k, v in data["adjacency_dct"].iteritems(): self.adjacency_dct[int(k)] = v for p in data["proxys"]: if self.layer_type == LayerType.meta: m = Meta("", state.get_grid_step()) proxy = Proxy(sprite=m, state=state, data=p) = str( m.update_text() else: proxy = Proxy(state=state, data=p) self.proxy_dct[] = proxy #print "proxy_dct:", self.proxy_dct if len(self.proxy_dct.keys()) > 0: self.last_id = max(self.proxy_dct.keys()) + 1 else: self.last_id = 0
def test_branching(self): author = Author.create_author("Wouter van Veen") path = self._test_path meta = Meta.create_top_level_meta(None, author, "") dataset = StructuredDataSet.create_dataset(path, "test_meta_branching", meta) x = dataset["x"] x["xx"] = numpy.zeros(30) dataset.write() x.meta.write()
def main(_): path_to_train_tfrecords_files = [ os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'train.tfrecords'), os.path.join( os.path.split(FLAGS.data_dir)[0], 'MNIST2SVHN/MNIST_Converted_train.tfrecords') ] path_to_val_tfrecords_files = [ os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'val.tfrecords'), os.path.join( os.path.split(FLAGS.data_dir)[0], 'MNIST2SVHN/MNIST_Converted_val.tfrecords') ] path_to_tfrecords_meta_files = [ os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'meta.json'), os.path.join( os.path.split(FLAGS.data_dir)[0], 'MNIST2SVHN/MNIST_Converted_meta.json') ] path_to_train_log_dir = FLAGS.train_logdir path_to_restore_checkpoint_file = FLAGS.restore_checkpoint training_options = { 'batch_size': FLAGS.batch_size, 'learning_rate': FLAGS.learning_rate, 'epoches': FLAGS.epoches, 'decay_steps': FLAGS.decay_steps, 'decay_rate': FLAGS.decay_rate } meta = Meta() for path_to_tfrecords_meta_file in path_to_tfrecords_meta_files: meta.load(path_to_tfrecords_meta_file) _train(path_to_train_tfrecords_files, meta.num_train_examples, path_to_val_tfrecords_files, meta.num_val_examples, path_to_train_log_dir, path_to_restore_checkpoint_file, training_options)
def main(): torch.manual_seed(222) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(222) np.random.seed(222) test_result = {} best_acc = 0.0 maml = Meta(args, Param.config).to(Param.device) maml = torch.nn.DataParallel(maml) opt = optim.Adam(maml.parameters(), lr=args.meta_lr) #opt = optim.SGD(maml.parameters(), lr=args.meta_lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) tmp = filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, maml.parameters()) num = sum(map(lambda x:, tmp)) print(maml) print('Total trainable tensors:', num) trainset = MiniImagenet(Param.root, mode='train', n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt, k_query=args.k_qry, resize=args.imgsz) testset = MiniImagenet(Param.root, mode='test', n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt, k_query=args.k_qry, resize=args.imgsz) trainloader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=args.task_num, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, drop_last=True) testloader = DataLoader(testset, batch_size=4, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, drop_last=True) train_data = inf_get(trainloader) test_data = inf_get(testloader) for epoch in range(args.epoch): support_x, support_y, meta_x, meta_y = train_data.__next__() support_x, support_y, meta_x, meta_y =,,, meta_loss = maml(support_x, support_y, meta_x, meta_y).mean() opt.zero_grad() meta_loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(maml.parameters(), clip_value = 10.0) opt.step() plot.plot('meta_loss', meta_loss.item()) if(epoch % 2000 == 999): ans = None maml_clone = deepcopy(maml) for _ in range(600): support_x, support_y, qx, qy = test_data.__next__() support_x, support_y, qx, qy =,,, temp = maml_clone(support_x, support_y, qx, qy, meta_train = False) if(ans is None): ans = temp else: ans =[ans, temp], dim = 0) ans = ans.mean(dim = 0).tolist() test_result[epoch] = ans if (ans[-1] > best_acc): best_acc = ans[-1], Param.out_path + 'net_'+ str(epoch) + '_' + str(best_acc) + '.pkl') del maml_clone print(str(epoch) + ': '+str(ans)) with open(Param.out_path+'test.json','w') as f: json.dump(test_result,f) if (epoch < 5) or (epoch % 100 == 99): plot.flush() plot.tick()
def removeHash(self,node_value): current_node = self.head while current_node is not None: if type( == str: if Meta.genarte_hash( == node_value: if current_node.prev is not None: = = current_node.prev else: # otherwise we have no prev (it's None), head is the next one, and prev becomes None self.head = = None return True current_node = return False
def getMetaObject(self, fileValue): if(type(fileValue) == MetaObject): return fileValue else: return Meta.getMetaObject(fileValue)
if curr_z != z: #чтобы бесконечно не гонять G1 Z F(tool.FZ) G1(Z = z) F(tool.F) curr_z = z G1(X=p['x'], Y=p['y']) else: if z < z_up: if curr_z != z_up: G0(Z = z_up) curr_z = z_up G1(X=p['x'], Y=p['y']) if __name__ == '__main__': from meta import Meta v = Meta() v.point(0, 0) v.point(200, 0) v.point(200, 70) v.point(170, 70) v.point(170, 120) v.point(200, 120) v.point(200, 200) v.point(0, 200) v.point(0, 120) v.point(-50, 95) v.point(0, 70)