def plot2d(metaAry, size=(10, 7.5), dpi=75, fontsize=15, cmap=None, \ nticks=5, aspect_ratio=1.0, corient='vertical', cformat=None, \ show_cbar=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, interpolation='sinc', \ fig=None, ax=None): """ metaArray function to do a simple 2D plot. size Plot size, default to (10, 7.5) dpi Dot Per Inch for raster graphics fontsize Norminal font size cmap Colour map, default is nticks Number of ticks in the colour bar aspect_ratio Aspect ratio of the plot {float|'ij'|'xy'} float: Fixed aspect ratio by the given number 'ij': Same aspect ratio as ij space 'xy': Same aspect ratio as xy space corient Colorbar orientation ('vertical'|'horizontal') cformat Colorbar format [ None | format string | Formatter object ] vmin Minimum value for the colour scale vmax Maximum value for the coloir scale interpolation Colour interpolation methods [None, 'none', 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos'] """ if cmap is None: #cmap = cm.spectral try: cmap = cm.viridis except AttributeError: cmap = if corient is not 'horizontal': corient = 'vertical' axis = metaAry['range'] data = x0 = axis['begin'][0] x1 = axis['end'][0] y0 = axis['begin'][1] y1 = axis['end'][1] # Try to work out the aspect ratio and plot size before scailing the axis # Aspect ratio of the plot if aspect_ratio == 'ij': ratio = data.shape ratio = float(ratio[1]) / ratio[0] elif aspect_ratio == 'xy': ratio = float(y1 - y0) / (float(x1 - x0)) else: try: ratio = float(aspect_ratio) except: print( "*** Warning! Unrecognisable aspect ratio spec. Using the default instead." ) ratio = 1.0 ## Make plot with vertical (default) colorbar #if size == 'default': ## Default size aspect ratio is 4:3, and size to be (10, 7.5) ## Adjust size according to image aspect ratio #if corient == 'vertical': #size_ratio = ratio * 0.75 #size = (10, 10 * size_ratio) #else: #size_ratio = ratio / 0.75 #size = (7.5 / size_ratio, 7.5) ##diagonal = 12.5**2 ##size_x = (diagonal / (1 + size_ratio**2))**0.5 ##size_y = (diagonal / size_x**2)**0.5 ##size = (size_x, size_y) # Try to work out the colour scale if vmin is None: v0 = else: v0 = vmin if vmax is None: v1 = else: v1 = vmax # In case the values are all the same v0, v1 = scale_check(v0, v1) xunit = axis['unit'][0] yunit = axis['unit'][1] vunit = metaAry['unit'] # Apply unit prefix if unit is defined xunit, x0, x1, xscale = prettyunit(xunit, x0, x1) yunit, y0, y1, yscale = prettyunit(yunit, y0, y1) vunit, v0, v1, vscale = prettyunit(vunit, v0, v1) if vscale != 1: data = data.copy() * vscale xlabl = lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], xunit) ylabl = lbl_repr(axis['label'][1], yunit) vlabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], vunit) ticks = np.linspace(v0, v1, nticks) ticks_lbl = [] # Matplotlib inshow data in transposed from metaArray convension # And it adjust the aspect ratio based on the prefix corrected number ratio /= float(y1 - y0) / float(x1 - x0) ratio = float(np.abs(ratio)) # This is the number fed to matplotlib for i in range(nticks): ticks_lbl.append("%(val)0.4g" % {'val': ticks[i]}) if fig == None: fig = figure(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) if ax == None: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) extent = (x0, x1, y0, y1) cax = ax.imshow(data.transpose()[::-1], cmap=cmap, extent=extent, \ interpolation=interpolation, vmin=v0, vmax=v1, aspect=ratio) if show_cbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=ticks, orientation=corient, format=cformat) # Add colorbar, make sure to specify tick locations to match desired ticklabels cbar.set_label(vlabl, fontsize=fontsize) # ax.set_size(fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabl, fontsize=fontsize) # Label font size ax.set_ylabel(ylabl, fontsize=fontsize) rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) # Value font size if fontsize is not None: ax.set_title(metaAry['name'], fontsize=int(fontsize * 1.3)) else: ax.set_title(metaAry['name']) # fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax
def multiplot(metaAry, size=(10, 7.5), dpi=75, grid=True, \ legend=0, fontsize=15, real_label=None, imag_label=None, \ fig=None, host=None, par=None): """ metaArray function to do a simple 1D plot of complex array as real and imaginary parts. legend: 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 """ if legend is None: legend = 0 if real_label is None: real_label = "Real" if imag_label is None: imag_label = "Imaginary" axis = metaAry['range'] rdata = idata = # Load the plotting ranges and units x0 = axis['begin'][0] x1 = axis['end'][0] ry0 = min(rdata) ry1 = max(rdata) iy0 = min(idata) iy1 = max(idata) xunit = axis['unit'][0] ryunit = metaAry['unit'] iyunit = metaAry['unit'] # Leave 10% margin in the y axis rmean = np.average((ry0, ry1)) rreach = np.abs(ry0 - ry1) / 2 / 0.9 ry0 = np.sign(ry0 - rmean) * rreach + rmean ry1 = np.sign(ry1 - rmean) * rreach + rmean imean = np.average((iy0, iy1)) ireach = np.abs(iy0 - iy1) / 2 / 0.9 iy0 = np.sign(iy0 - imean) * ireach + imean iy1 = np.sign(iy1 - imean) * ireach + imean # Apply unit prefix if unit is defined xunit, x0, x1, xscale = prettyunit(xunit, x0, x1) ryunit, ry0, ry1, ryscale = prettyunit(ryunit, ry0, ry1) iyunit, iy0, iy1, iyscale = prettyunit(iyunit, iy0, iy1) if ryscale != 1: rdata = rdata.copy() * ryscale if iyscale != 1: idata = idata.copy() * iyscale xlabl = lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], xunit) rylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], ryunit, real_label + ' part') iylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], iyunit, imag_label + ' part') title = metaAry['name'] fig = figure(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) host = SubplotHost(fig, 111) fig.add_subplot(host) par = host.twinx() #if axis['log'][0] == False: # x = linspace(x0, x1, len(metaAry)) #else: # raise NotImplemented, "Log axis is not yet implemented." x = metaAry.get_axis() host.plot(x, rdata, 'b-', label=lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], '', real_label)) par.plot(x, idata, 'r--', label=lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], '', real_label)) host.grid(grid) host.set_xlabel(xlabl, fontsize=fontsize) host.set_ylabel(rylabl, fontsize=fontsize) par.set_ylabel(iylabl, fontsize=fontsize) host.set_xlim([x0, x1]) host.set_ylim([ry0, ry1]) par.set_ylim([iy0, iy1]) if fontsize is not None: host.set_title(title, fontsize=int(fontsize * 1.3)) else: host.set_title(title) if legend >= 0: host.legend(loc=legend) return fig, host, par
def plot1d(metaAry, size=(10, 7.5), dpi=75, grid=True, legend=None, fontsize=15,\ fig=None, ax=None, label=None): """ metaArray function to do a simple 1D plot. legend: 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 label Label for the legend display, default to metaAry['range']['label'][0] """ if metaAry.dtype is np.dtype('complex'): return plotcomplex(metaAry, size=size, dpi=dpi, grid=grid, legend=legend, fontsize=fontsize) if legend is None: legend = -1 axis = metaAry['range'] data = # Load the plotting ranges and units x0 = axis['begin'][0] x1 = axis['end'][0] y0 = min( y1 = max( xunit = axis['unit'][0] yunit = metaAry['unit'] # Leave 10% margin in the y axis mean = np.average((y0, y1)) reach = np.abs(y0 - y1) / 2 / 0.9 y0 = np.sign(y0 - mean) * reach + mean y1 = np.sign(y1 - mean) * reach + mean y0, y1 = scale_check(y0, y1) # Apply unit prefix if unit is defined xunit, x0, x1, xscale = prettyunit(xunit, x0, x1) yunit, y0, y1, yscale = prettyunit(yunit, y0, y1) if yscale != 1: data = data.copy() * yscale xlabl = lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], xunit) ylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], yunit) title = metaAry['name'] # check if object is 1D metaArray object if fig is None: fig = figure(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) if ax is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: x00, x01 = ax.get_xlim() y00, y01 = ax.get_ylim() x0 = min((x0, x00)) y0 = min((y0, y00)) x1 = max((x1, x01)) y1 = max((y1, y01)) if axis['log'][0] == False: x = np.linspace(x0, x1, len(metaAry)) # x1 = metaAry.get_axis() else: x = metaAry.get_axis() raise NotImplemented if label is None: label = axis['label'][0] ax.plot(x, data, label=label) ax.grid(grid) ax.set_xlabel(xlabl, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabl, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlim([x0, x1]) ax.set_ylim([y0, y1]) if fontsize is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=int(fontsize * 1.3)) else: ax.set_title(title) if legend >= 0: ax.legend(loc=legend) return fig, ax
def plotcomplexpolar(metaAry, axis=-1, size=(10, 7.5), dpi=75, \ grid=True, legend=0, fontsize=14, linewidth=2.0, \ log_mag=False, mag_label=None, mag_unit=None, \ pha_label=None, pha_unit=None, degree=False): """ metaArray function to do a simple 1D plot of complex array (metaAry[axis]) as magnitude and phase angle. legend: 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 """ assert type(axis) is int, "Axis is not an integer: {!r}".format(axis) fontsize = float(fontsize) if legend is None: legend = 0 if mag_label is None: mag_label = "Magnitude" if pha_label is None: pha_label = "Phase" mag = np.abs( pha = np.angle( # Load the plotting ranges and units x0 = metaAry.get_range(axis, 'begin') x1 = metaAry.get_range(axis, 'end') my0 = min(mag) my1 = max(mag) py0 = np.floor(4 * min(pha) / np.pi) # Round to the nearest pi/4 py1 = np.ceil(4 * max(pha) / np.pi) pticks = np.arange(py0, py1 + 1) # Ticks in pi/4 interval xunit = metaAry.get_range(axis, 'unit') if mag_unit == None: myunit = metaAry['unit'] else: myunit = str(mag_unit) if pha_unit == None: if degree == True: pyunit = 'Deg.' else: pyunit = 'Rad.' else: pyunit = pha_unit # Leave 10% margin in the y axis if log_mag == True: my0 = np.log10(my0) my1 = np.log10(my1) mmean = np.average((my0, my1)) mreach = np.abs(my0 - my1) / 2 / 0.9 my0 = np.sign(my0 - mmean) * mreach + mmean my1 = np.sign(my1 - mmean) * mreach + mmean if log_mag == True: my0 = 10**my0 my1 = 10**my1 pmean = np.average((py0, py1)) preach = np.abs(py0 - py1) / 2 / 0.9 py0 = np.sign(py0 - pmean) * preach + pmean py1 = np.sign(py1 - pmean) * preach + pmean my0, my1 = scale_check(my0, my1) py0, py1 = scale_check(py0, py1) # Apply unit prefix if unit is defined xunit, x0, x1, xscale = prettyunit(xunit, x0, x1) myunit, my0, my1, myscale = prettyunit(myunit, my0, my1) pyunit, py0, py1, pyscale = prettyunit(pyunit, py0, py1) x = metaAry.get_axis(axis=axis) if xscale != 1: x *= xscale if myscale != 1: mag *= myscale if pyscale != 1: pha *= pyscale xlabl = lbl_repr(metaAry.get_range(axis, 'label'), xunit) mylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], myunit, mag_label) pylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], pyunit, pha_label) title = metaAry['name'] # Done the preparation, do the actual plotting fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax1.grid(True, which="both", ls="--", color='g') ###### ax1.plot(x, mag, 'b-', linewidth=linewidth, label=mag_label) if degree == True: ax2.plot(x, pha * 180 / np.pi, 'r--', linewidth=linewidth, label=pha_label) else: ax2.plot(x, pha, 'r--', linewidth=linewidth, label=pha_label) ###### ax1.set_ylabel(mylabl, color='b', fontsize=fontsize) for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('b') tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) if log_mag == True: ax1.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax1.set_ylim([my0, my1]) ###### ax2.set_ylabel(pylabl, color='r', fontsize=fontsize) if degree == True: py0 *= 45 py1 *= 45 ax2.set_ylim([py0, py1]) ax2.set_yticks(pticks * 45) else: py0 = py0 * np.pi / 4 py1 = py1 * np.pi / 4 ax2.set_ylim([py0, py1]) ax2.set_yticks(pticks * np.pi / 4) pticks_lbl = [] for pt in pticks: if np.abs(pt) == 1: val = r'\pi/4' elif np.abs(pt) == 2: val = r'\pi/2' elif np.abs(pt) == 3: val = r'3\pi/4' elif np.abs(pt) == 4: val = r'\pi' if np.abs(pt) == 0: val = '0' elif np.sign(pt) == -1: val = '-' + val pticks_lbl.append('$' + val + '$') ax2.set_yticklabels(pticks_lbl) for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('r') tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) ###### ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize * 1.3) if metaAry.get_range(axis, 'log') == True: ax1.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') ax2.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') for tl in ax1.get_xticklabels(): tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabl, fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_xlim([x0, x1]) if legend >= 0: lns1, lbl1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() lns2, lbl2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() ax1.legend(lns1 + lns2, lbl1 + lbl2, loc=legend) ###### ## fig = figure(figsize=size, dpi = dpi) ## host = SubplotHost(fig, 111) #fig.add_subplot(host) #par = host.twinx() #host.plot(x, mag, 'b-', label=mag_label) #par.plot(x, pha, 'r--', label=pha_label) #host.grid(grid, which="both", color='g') #host.set_xlabel(xlabl) #host.set_ylabel(mylabl, color='b') #par.set_ylabel(pylabl, color='r') #if log_mag == True: #host.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') #host.set_xlim([x0, x1]) #host.set_ylim([my0, my1]) #par.set_ylim([py0, py1]) #for tl in host.get_xticklabels(): #tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) #for tl in host.get_yticklabels(): #tl.set_color('b') #tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) #for tl in par.get_yticklabels(): #tl.set_color('r') #tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) ## host.set_title(title, fontsize=int(fontsize*1.3)) #host.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) #if legend >= 0: #host.legend(loc=legend) return fig, ax1, ax2
def plot2d(metaAry, size=(10, 7.5), dpi=75, fontsize=15, cmap=None, \ nticks=5, aspect_ratio=1.0, corient='vertical', cformat=None, \ show_cbar=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, interpolation='sinc', \ fig=None, ax=None): """ metaArray function to do a simple 2D plot. size Plot size, default to (10, 7.5) dpi Dot Per Inch for raster graphics fontsize Norminal font size cmap Colour map, default is nticks Number of ticks in the colour bar aspect_ratio Aspect ratio of the plot {float|'ij'|'xy'} float: Fixed aspect ratio by the given number 'ij': Same aspect ratio as ij space 'xy': Same aspect ratio as xy space corient Colorbar orientation ('vertical'|'horizontal') cformat Colorbar format [ None | format string | Formatter object ] vmin Minimum value for the colour scale vmax Maximum value for the coloir scale interpolation Colour interpolation methods [None, 'none', 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos'] """ if cmap is None: #cmap = cm.spectral try: cmap = cm.viridis except AttributeError: cmap = if corient is not 'horizontal': corient = 'vertical' axis = metaAry['range'] data = x0 = axis['begin'][0] x1 = axis['end'][0] y0 = axis['begin'][1] y1 = axis['end'][1] # Try to work out the aspect ratio and plot size before scailing the axis # Aspect ratio of the plot if aspect_ratio == 'ij': ratio = data.shape ratio = float(ratio[1]) / ratio[0] elif aspect_ratio == 'xy': ratio = float(y1 - y0) / (float(x1 - x0)) else: try: ratio = float(aspect_ratio) except: print("*** Warning! Unrecognisable aspect ratio spec. Using the default instead.") ratio = 1.0 ## Make plot with vertical (default) colorbar #if size == 'default': ## Default size aspect ratio is 4:3, and size to be (10, 7.5) ## Adjust size according to image aspect ratio #if corient == 'vertical': #size_ratio = ratio * 0.75 #size = (10, 10 * size_ratio) #else: #size_ratio = ratio / 0.75 #size = (7.5 / size_ratio, 7.5) ##diagonal = 12.5**2 ##size_x = (diagonal / (1 + size_ratio**2))**0.5 ##size_y = (diagonal / size_x**2)**0.5 ##size = (size_x, size_y) # Try to work out the colour scale if vmin is None: v0 = else: v0 = vmin if vmax is None: v1 = else: v1 = vmax # In case the values are all the same v0, v1 = scale_check(v0, v1) xunit = axis['unit'][0] yunit = axis['unit'][1] vunit = metaAry['unit'] # Apply unit prefix if unit is defined xunit, x0, x1, xscale = prettyunit(xunit, x0, x1) yunit, y0, y1, yscale = prettyunit(yunit, y0, y1) vunit, v0, v1, vscale = prettyunit(vunit, v0, v1) if vscale != 1: data = data.copy() * vscale xlabl = lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], xunit) ylabl = lbl_repr(axis['label'][1], yunit) vlabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], vunit) ticks = np.linspace(v0, v1, nticks) ticks_lbl = [] # Matplotlib inshow data in transposed from metaArray convension # And it adjust the aspect ratio based on the prefix corrected number ratio /= float(y1 - y0) / float(x1 - x0) ratio = float(np.abs(ratio)) # This is the number fed to matplotlib for i in range(nticks): ticks_lbl.append("%(val)0.4g" % {'val':ticks[i]}) if fig == None: fig = figure(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) if ax == None: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) extent = (x0, x1, y0, y1) cax = ax.imshow(data.transpose()[::-1], cmap=cmap, extent=extent, \ interpolation=interpolation, vmin=v0, vmax=v1, aspect=ratio) if show_cbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=ticks, orientation=corient, format=cformat) # Add colorbar, make sure to specify tick locations to match desired ticklabels cbar.set_label(vlabl, fontsize=fontsize) # ax.set_size(fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabl, fontsize=fontsize) # Label font size ax.set_ylabel(ylabl, fontsize=fontsize) rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) # Value font size if fontsize is not None: ax.set_title(metaAry['name'], fontsize=int(fontsize*1.3)) else: ax.set_title(metaAry['name']) # fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax
def plot1d(metaAry, size=(10, 7.5), dpi=75, grid=True, legend=None, fontsize=15,\ fig=None, ax=None, label=None): """ metaArray function to do a simple 1D plot. legend: 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 label Label for the legend display, default to metaAry['range']['label'][0] """ if metaAry.dtype is np.dtype('complex'): return plotcomplex(metaAry, size=size, dpi=dpi, grid=grid, legend=legend, fontsize=fontsize) if legend is None: legend = -1 axis = metaAry['range'] data = # Load the plotting ranges and units x0 = axis['begin'][0] x1 = axis['end'][0] y0 = min( y1 = max( xunit = axis['unit'][0] yunit = metaAry['unit'] # Leave 10% margin in the y axis mean = np.average((y0, y1)) reach = np.abs(y0-y1) / 2 / 0.9 y0 = np.sign(y0-mean) * reach + mean y1 = np.sign(y1-mean) * reach + mean y0, y1 = scale_check(y0, y1) # Apply unit prefix if unit is defined xunit, x0, x1, xscale = prettyunit(xunit, x0, x1) yunit, y0, y1, yscale = prettyunit(yunit, y0, y1) if yscale != 1: data = data.copy() * yscale xlabl = lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], xunit) ylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], yunit) title = metaAry['name'] # check if object is 1D metaArray object if fig is None: fig = figure(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) if ax is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: x00, x01 = ax.get_xlim() y00, y01 = ax.get_ylim() x0 = min((x0, x00)) y0 = min((y0, y00)) x1 = max((x1, x01)) y1 = max((y1, y01)) if axis['log'][0] == False: x = np.linspace(x0, x1, len(metaAry)) # x1 = metaAry.get_axis() else: x = metaAry.get_axis() raise NotImplemented if label is None: label = axis['label'][0] ax.plot(x, data, label=label) ax.grid(grid) ax.set_xlabel(xlabl, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabl, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlim([x0, x1]) ax.set_ylim([y0, y1]) if fontsize is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=int(fontsize*1.3)) else: ax.set_title(title) if legend >= 0: ax.legend(loc=legend) return fig, ax
def multiplot(metaAry, size=(10, 7.5), dpi=75, grid=True, \ legend=0, fontsize=15, real_label=None, imag_label=None, \ fig=None, host=None, par=None): """ metaArray function to do a simple 1D plot of complex array as real and imaginary parts. legend: 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 """ if legend is None: legend = 0 if real_label is None: real_label = "Real" if imag_label is None: imag_label = "Imaginary" axis = metaAry['range'] rdata = idata = # Load the plotting ranges and units x0 = axis['begin'][0] x1 = axis['end'][0] ry0 = min(rdata) ry1 = max(rdata) iy0 = min(idata) iy1 = max(idata) xunit = axis['unit'][0] ryunit = metaAry['unit'] iyunit = metaAry['unit'] # Leave 10% margin in the y axis rmean = np.average((ry0, ry1)) rreach = np.abs(ry0-ry1) / 2 / 0.9 ry0 = np.sign(ry0-rmean) * rreach + rmean ry1 = np.sign(ry1-rmean) * rreach + rmean imean = np.average((iy0, iy1)) ireach = np.abs(iy0-iy1) / 2 / 0.9 iy0 = np.sign(iy0-imean) * ireach + imean iy1 = np.sign(iy1-imean) * ireach + imean # Apply unit prefix if unit is defined xunit, x0, x1, xscale = prettyunit(xunit, x0, x1) ryunit, ry0, ry1, ryscale = prettyunit(ryunit, ry0, ry1) iyunit, iy0, iy1, iyscale = prettyunit(iyunit, iy0, iy1) if ryscale != 1: rdata = rdata.copy() * ryscale if iyscale != 1: idata = idata.copy() * iyscale xlabl = lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], xunit) rylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], ryunit, real_label + ' part') iylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], iyunit, imag_label + ' part') title = metaAry['name'] fig = figure(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) host = SubplotHost(fig, 111) fig.add_subplot(host) par = host.twinx() #if axis['log'][0] == False: # x = linspace(x0, x1, len(metaAry)) #else: # raise NotImplemented, "Log axis is not yet implemented." x = metaAry.get_axis() host.plot(x, rdata, 'b-', label=lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], '', real_label)) par.plot(x, idata, 'r--', label=lbl_repr(axis['label'][0], '', real_label)) host.grid(grid) host.set_xlabel(xlabl, fontsize=fontsize) host.set_ylabel(rylabl, fontsize=fontsize) par.set_ylabel(iylabl, fontsize=fontsize) host.set_xlim([x0, x1]) host.set_ylim([ry0, ry1]) par.set_ylim([iy0, iy1]) if fontsize is not None: host.set_title(title, fontsize=int(fontsize*1.3)) else: host.set_title(title) if legend >= 0: host.legend(loc=legend) return fig, host, par
def plotcomplexpolar(metaAry, axis=-1, size=(10, 7.5), dpi=75, \ grid=True, legend=0, fontsize=14, linewidth=2.0, \ log_mag=False, mag_label=None, mag_unit=None, \ pha_label=None, pha_unit=None, degree=False): """ metaArray function to do a simple 1D plot of complex array (metaAry[axis]) as magnitude and phase angle. legend: 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 """ assert type(axis) is int, "Axis is not an integer: {!r}".format(axis) fontsize = float(fontsize) if legend is None: legend = 0 if mag_label is None: mag_label = "Magnitude" if pha_label is None: pha_label = "Phase" mag = np.abs( pha = np.angle( # Load the plotting ranges and units x0 = metaAry.get_range(axis, 'begin') x1 = metaAry.get_range(axis, 'end') my0 = min(mag) my1 = max(mag) py0 = np.floor(4 * min(pha) / np.pi) # Round to the nearest pi/4 py1 = np.ceil(4 * max(pha) / np.pi) pticks = np.arange(py0, py1+1) # Ticks in pi/4 interval xunit = metaAry.get_range(axis, 'unit') if mag_unit == None: myunit = metaAry['unit'] else: myunit = str(mag_unit) if pha_unit == None: if degree == True: pyunit = 'Deg.' else: pyunit = 'Rad.' else: pyunit = pha_unit # Leave 10% margin in the y axis if log_mag == True: my0 = np.log10(my0) my1 = np.log10(my1) mmean = np.average((my0, my1)) mreach = np.abs(my0-my1) / 2 / 0.9 my0 = np.sign(my0-mmean) * mreach + mmean my1 = np.sign(my1-mmean) * mreach + mmean if log_mag == True: my0 = 10**my0 my1 = 10**my1 pmean = np.average((py0, py1)) preach = np.abs(py0-py1) / 2 / 0.9 py0 = np.sign(py0-pmean) * preach + pmean py1 = np.sign(py1-pmean) * preach + pmean my0, my1 = scale_check(my0, my1) py0, py1 = scale_check(py0, py1) # Apply unit prefix if unit is defined xunit, x0, x1, xscale = prettyunit(xunit, x0, x1) myunit, my0, my1, myscale = prettyunit(myunit, my0, my1) pyunit, py0, py1, pyscale = prettyunit(pyunit, py0, py1) x = metaAry.get_axis(axis=axis) if xscale != 1: x *= xscale if myscale != 1: mag *= myscale if pyscale != 1: pha *= pyscale xlabl = lbl_repr(metaAry.get_range(axis, 'label'), xunit) mylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], myunit, mag_label) pylabl = lbl_repr(metaAry['label'], pyunit, pha_label) title = metaAry['name'] # Done the preparation, do the actual plotting fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax1.grid(True, which="both", ls="--", color='g') ###### ax1.plot(x, mag, 'b-', linewidth=linewidth, label=mag_label) if degree == True: ax2.plot(x, pha * 180 / np.pi, 'r--', linewidth=linewidth, label=pha_label) else: ax2.plot(x, pha, 'r--', linewidth=linewidth, label=pha_label) ###### ax1.set_ylabel(mylabl, color='b', fontsize=fontsize) for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('b') tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) if log_mag == True: ax1.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax1.set_ylim([my0, my1]) ###### ax2.set_ylabel(pylabl, color='r', fontsize=fontsize) if degree == True: py0 *= 45 py1 *= 45 ax2.set_ylim([py0, py1]) ax2.set_yticks(pticks*45) else: py0 = py0 * np.pi / 4 py1 = py1 * np.pi / 4 ax2.set_ylim([py0, py1]) ax2.set_yticks(pticks * np.pi / 4) pticks_lbl = [] for pt in pticks: if np.abs(pt) == 1: val = r'\pi/4' elif np.abs(pt) == 2: val = r'\pi/2' elif np.abs(pt) == 3: val = r'3\pi/4' elif np.abs(pt) == 4: val = r'\pi' if np.abs(pt) == 0: val = '0' elif np.sign(pt) == -1: val = '-' + val pticks_lbl.append('$' + val + '$') ax2.set_yticklabels(pticks_lbl) for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('r') tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) ###### ax1.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize*1.3) if metaAry.get_range(axis, 'log') == True: ax1.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') ax2.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') for tl in ax1.get_xticklabels(): tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabl, fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_xlim([x0, x1]) if legend >= 0: lns1, lbl1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() lns2, lbl2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() ax1.legend(lns1 + lns2, lbl1 + lbl2, loc=legend) ###### ## fig = figure(figsize=size, dpi = dpi) ## host = SubplotHost(fig, 111) #fig.add_subplot(host) #par = host.twinx() #host.plot(x, mag, 'b-', label=mag_label) #par.plot(x, pha, 'r--', label=pha_label) #host.grid(grid, which="both", color='g') #host.set_xlabel(xlabl) #host.set_ylabel(mylabl, color='b') #par.set_ylabel(pylabl, color='r') #if log_mag == True: #host.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') #host.set_xlim([x0, x1]) #host.set_ylim([my0, my1]) #par.set_ylim([py0, py1]) #for tl in host.get_xticklabels(): #tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) #for tl in host.get_yticklabels(): #tl.set_color('b') #tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) #for tl in par.get_yticklabels(): #tl.set_color('r') #tl.set_fontsize(fontsize) ## host.set_title(title, fontsize=int(fontsize*1.3)) #host.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) #if legend >= 0: #host.legend(loc=legend) return fig, ax1, ax2