Пример #1
def get_lineage(request):
  response = {'status': -1, 'inputs': [], 'source_query': '', 'target_queries': [], 'targets': []}

  interface = request.GET.get('interface', 'navigator')
  entity_id = request.GET.get('id')

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  if not entity_id:
    raise MetadataApiException("get_lineage requires an 'id' parameter")

  lineage = api.get_lineage(entity_id)
  entity_name = api.get_entity(entity_id)['originalName'].upper()

  response['id'] = entity_id

  # TODO: This is a cheat way to do to this for demo using filtering but we should really traverse relationships
  parent_operation = next((entity for entity in lineage['entities'] if entity.get('outputs', []) == [entity_name]), None)
  if parent_operation:
    response['inputs'] = [input.lower() for input in parent_operation['inputs']]
    response['source_query'] = parent_operation.get('queryText', '')

  children = [entity for entity in lineage['entities'] if entity.get('inputs') is not None and entity_name in entity.get('inputs')]
  if children is not None:
    response['target_queries'] = [child['queryText'] for child in children if child.get('queryText') is not None]
    outputs = [child['outputs'] for child in children if child.get('outputs') is not None]
    response['targets'] = [target.lower() for output in outputs for target in output]

  response['status'] = 0

  return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #2
def update_properties(request):
  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
  entity_id = json.loads(request.POST.get('id', '""'))
  properties = json.loads(request.POST.get('properties', '{}')) # Entity properties
  modified_custom_metadata = json.loads(request.POST.get('modifiedCustomMetadata', '{}')) # Aka "Custom Metadata"
  deleted_custom_metadata_keys = json.loads(request.POST.get('deletedCustomMetadataKeys', '[]'))

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  is_allowed = request.user.has_hue_permission(action='write', app='metadata')

  request.audit = {
    'allowed': is_allowed,
    'operationText': 'Updating custom metadata %s, deleted custom metadata keys %s and properties %s of entity %s' % (modified_custom_metadata, deleted_custom_metadata_keys, properties, entity_id)

  if not entity_id:
    # TODO: raise HueApiException(message="Missing required parameter 'id' for update_properties", source="Hue")
    # source so the user knows which service that failed right away, in UI: "[source] responded with error: [message]"
    raise Exception("Missing required parameter 'id' for the Hue update_properties API.")

  if not is_allowed:
    # TODO: HueAuthException?
    raise Exception("The user does not have proper Hue permissions to update Navigator properties.")

  return JsonResponse(api.update_properties(entity_id, properties, modified_custom_metadata, deleted_custom_metadata_keys))
Пример #3
def delete_tags(request):
    interface = request.POST.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())
    entity_id = json.loads(request.POST.get('id', '""'))
    tags = json.loads(request.POST.get('tags', '[]'))

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    is_allowed = request.user.has_hue_permission(action='write',

    request.audit = {
        'allowed': is_allowed,
        'operation': '%s_DELETE_TAG' % interface.upper(),
        'operationText': 'Removing tags %s to entity %s' % (tags, entity_id)

    if not is_allowed:
        raise Exception(
            "The user does not have proper Hue permissions to delete %s tags."
            % interface.title())
    if not entity_id:
        raise Exception("Missing required parameter 'id' in delete_tags API.")
    if not tags:
        raise Exception(
            "Missing required parameter 'tags' in delete_tags API.")

    return JsonResponse(api.delete_tags(entity_id, tags))
Пример #4
def delete_metadata_properties(request):
    response = {'status': -1}

    interface = request.POST.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())
    entity_id = json.loads(request.POST.get('id', '""'))
    keys = json.loads(request.POST.get('keys', '[]'))

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    is_allowed = request.user.has_hue_permission(action='write',

    request.audit = {
        'allowed': is_allowed,
        'operation': '%s_DELETE_METADATA_PROPERTIES' % interface.upper(),
        'Deleting metadata %s of entity %s' % (keys, entity_id)

    if not entity_id or not keys or not isinstance(keys, list):
        response['error'] = _(
            "update_properties requires an 'id' parameter and 'keys' parameter that is a non-empty list"
        response['entity'] = api.delete_metadata_properties(entity_id, keys)
        response['status'] = 0

    return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #5
def search_entities(request):
  For displaying results.
  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
  query_s = json.loads(request.POST.get('query_s', ''))
  query_s = smart_str(query_s)

  offset = request.POST.get('offset', 0)
  limit = int(request.POST.get('limit', 100))
  raw_query = request.POST.get('raw_query', False)
  sources = json.loads(request.POST.get('sources') or '[]')
  if sources and not has_navigator_file_search(request.user):
    sources = ['sql']

  query_s = query_s.strip() or '*'

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  entities = api.search_entities(query_s, limit=limit, offset=offset, raw_query=raw_query, sources=sources)

  if not raw_query:
    _augment_highlighting(query_s, entities)

  response = {
    'entities': entities,
    'count': len(entities),
    'offset': offset,
    'limit': limit,
    'query_s': query_s,
    'status': 0

  return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #6
def add_tags(request):
    interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
    entity_id = json.loads(request.POST.get('id', '""'))
    tags = json.loads(request.POST.get('tags', "[]"))

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    is_allowed = request.user.has_hue_permission(action='write',

    request.audit = {
        'allowed': is_allowed,
        'operation': '%s_ADD_TAG' % interface.upper(),
        'operationText': 'Adding tags %s to entity %s' % (tags, entity_id)

    if not is_allowed:
        raise Exception(
            "The user does not have proper Hue permissions to add %s tags." %
    if not entity_id:
        raise Exception("Missing required parameter 'id' in add_tags API.")
    if not tags:
        raise Exception("Missing required parameter 'tags' in add_tags API.")

    return JsonResponse(api.add_tags(entity_id, tags))
Пример #7
def get_model_properties_mapping(request):
  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  namespace = api.get_model_properties_mapping()

  return JsonResponse(namespace)
Пример #8
def get_model_properties_mapping(request):
    interface = request.POST.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    namespace = api.get_model_properties_mapping()

    return JsonResponse(namespace)
Пример #9
def get_namespace(request):
  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
  namespace = request.POST.get('namespace')

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  namespace = api.get_namespace(namespace)

  return JsonResponse(namespace)
Пример #10
def get_namespace(request):
    interface = request.POST.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())
    namespace = request.POST.get('namespace')

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    namespace = api.get_namespace(namespace)

    return JsonResponse(namespace)
Пример #11
def suggest(request):
  response = {'status': -1}

  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
  prefix = request.POST.get('prefix')

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  suggest = api.suggest(prefix)

  response['suggest'] = suggest
  response['status'] = 0

  return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #12
def suggest(request):
    response = {'status': -1}

    interface = request.POST.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())
    prefix = request.POST.get('prefix')

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    suggest = api.suggest(prefix)

    response['suggest'] = suggest
    response['status'] = 0

    return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #13
def find_entity(request):
    response = {'status': -1}

    interface = request.GET.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())
    entity_type = request.GET.get('type', '')
    database = request.GET.get('database', '')
    table = request.GET.get('table', '')
    name = request.GET.get('name', '')
    path = request.GET.get('path', '')

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    if not entity_type:
        raise MetadataApiException(
            "find_entity requires a type value, e.g. - 'database', 'table', 'file'"

    if entity_type.lower() == 'database':
        if not name:
            raise MetadataApiException('get_database requires name param')
        response['entity'] = api.get_database(name)
    elif entity_type.lower() == 'table' or entity_type.lower() == 'view':
        if not database or not name:
            raise MetadataApiException(
                'get_table requires database and name param')
        is_view = entity_type.lower() == 'view'
        response['entity'] = api.get_table(database, name, is_view=is_view)
    elif entity_type.lower() == 'field':
        if not database or not table or not name:
            raise MetadataApiException(
                'get_field requires database, table, and name params')
        response['entity'] = api.get_field(database, table, name)
    elif entity_type.lower() == 'directory':
        if not path:
            raise MetadataApiException('get_directory requires path param')
        response['entity'] = api.get_directory(path)
    elif entity_type.lower() == 'file':
        if not path:
            raise MetadataApiException('get_file requires path param')
        response['entity'] = api.get_file(path)
        raise MetadataApiException("type %s is unrecognized" % entity_type)

    # Prevent nulls later
    if 'tags' in response['entity'] and not response['entity']['tags']:
        response['entity']['tags'] = []

    response['status'] = 0
    return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #14
def map_namespace_property(request):
  namespace: "huecatalog",
  name: "relatedEntities"
  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
  clazz = request.POST.get('class')
  properties = json.loads(request.POST.get('properties', '[]'))

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  namespace = api.map_namespace_property(clazz=clazz, properties=properties)

  return JsonResponse(namespace)
Пример #15
def list_tags(request):
    interface = request.POST.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())
    prefix = request.POST.get('prefix')
    offset = request.POST.get('offset', 0)
    limit = request.POST.get('limit', 25)

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    data = api.search_entities_interactive(facetFields=['tags'],

    response = {'tags': data['facets']['tags'], 'status': 0}

    return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #16
def create_namespace(request):
  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
  namespace = request.POST.get('namespace')
  description = request.POST.get('description')

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  request.audit = {
    'allowed': request.user.has_hue_permission(action='write', app='metadata'),
    'operationText': 'Creating namespace %s' % namespace

  namespace = api.create_namespace(namespace=namespace, description=description)

  return JsonResponse(namespace)
Пример #17
def search_entities_interactive(request):
  For search autocomplete.
    interface = request.POST.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())
    query_s = json.loads(request.POST.get('query_s', ''))
    prefix = request.POST.get('prefix')
    offset = request.POST.get('offset', 0)
    limit = int(request.POST.get('limit', 25))
    field_facets = json.loads(request.POST.get('field_facets') or '[]')
    sources = json.loads(request.POST.get('sources') or '[]')

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    if sources and not has_catalog_file_search(request.user):
        sources = ['sql']

    response = api.search_entities_interactive(query_s=query_s,

    if response.get('facets'):  # Remove empty facets
        for fname, fvalues in list(response['facets'].items()):
            # Should be a CATALOG option at some point for hidding table with no access / asking for access.
            if interface == 'navigator' and NAVIGATOR.APPLY_SENTRY_PERMISSIONS.get(
                fvalues = []
                fvalues = sorted([(k, v)
                                  for k, v in list(fvalues.items()) if v > 0],
                                 key=lambda n: n[1],
            response['facets'][fname] = OrderedDict(fvalues)
            if ':' in query_s and not response['facets'][fname]:
                del response['facets'][fname]

    _augment_highlighting(query_s, response.get('results'))

    response['status'] = 0

    return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #18
def get_entity(request):
    response = {'status': -1}

    interface = request.GET.get('interface', CATALOG.INTERFACE.get())
    entity_id = request.GET.get('id')

    api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

    if not entity_id:
        raise MetadataApiException("get_entity requires an 'id' parameter")

    entity = api.get_entity(entity_id)

    response['entity'] = entity
    response['status'] = 0

    return JsonResponse(response)
Пример #19
def delete_tags(request):
  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
  entity_id = json.loads(request.POST.get('id', '""'))
  tags = json.loads(request.POST.get('tags', '[]'))

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  is_allowed = request.user.has_hue_permission(action='write', app='metadata')

  request.audit = {
    'allowed': is_allowed,
    'operation': 'NAVIGATOR_DELETE_TAG',
    'operationText': 'Removing tags %s to entity %s' % (tags, entity_id)

  if not is_allowed:
    raise Exception("The user does not have proper Hue permissions to delete Navigator tags.")
  if not entity_id:
    raise Exception("Missing required parameter 'id' for the Hue delete_tags API.")
  if not tags:
    raise Exception("Missing required parameter 'tags' for the Hue delete_tags API.")

  return JsonResponse(api.delete_tags(entity_id, tags))
Пример #20
def create_namespace_property(request):
  "name" : "relatedEntities",
  "displayName" : "Related objects",
  "creator" : "admin",
  "description" : "My desc",,
  "multiValued" : true,
  "maxLength" : 50,
  "pattern" : ".*",
  "enumValues" : null,
  "type" : "TEXT",
  "createdDate" : "2018-04-02T22:36:19.001Z"
  interface = request.POST.get('interface', 'navigator')
  namespace = request.POST.get('namespace')
  properties = json.loads(request.POST.get('properties', '{}'))

  api = get_api(request=request, interface=interface)

  namespace = api.create_namespace_property(namespace, properties)

  return JsonResponse(namespace)