] + [function(
    'set_returning_func(x := , y := ) srf',
    display='set_returning_func(x, y) srf'
cased_aliased_rels = [
    table(t) for t in ('Users U', '"Users" U', 'Orders O', '"select" s')
] + [view('User_Emails UE'), view('Functions F')] + [
    function(f) for f in (
        '_custom_fun() cf', 'Custom_Fun() CF', 'Custom_Func1() CF', 'custom_func2() cf'
] + [function(
    'set_returning_func(x := , y := ) srf',
    display='set_returning_func(x, y) srf'
completers = testdata.get_completers(casing)

# Just to make sure that this doesn't crash
@parametrize('completer', completers())
def test_function_column_name(completer):
    for l in range(
        len('SELECT * FROM Functions WHERE function:'),
        len('SELECT * FROM Functions WHERE function:text') + 1
        assert [] == get_result(
            completer, 'SELECT * FROM Functions WHERE function:text'[:l]

@parametrize('action', ['ALTER', 'DROP', 'CREATE', 'CREATE OR REPLACE'])