def __init__(self,dir, recurse=True, archive=False): ''' Iterator for metadata crawling @type dir: C{str} @param dir: The directory to start the metadata crawl. ''' format_regex = formats.format_regex dir=utilities.uncpath(utilities.realpath(utilities.normcase(utilities.encode(dir)))) #Build a dict of matching files and regexes then sort according to the priority of the regex formats fileformats={} for f in utilities.rglob(dir,'|'.join(format_regex), True, re.IGNORECASE, recurse=recurse, archive=archive): #Don't return existing overviews if f[-7:] in ('qlk.jpg','thm.jpg'):continue #Use utf-8 encoding to fix Issue 20 if f[:4]=='/vsi':f=utilities.encode(f) else:f=utilities.realpath(utilities.normcase(utilities.encode(f))) for r in format_regex: #This is so we always return _default_ format datasets last. if,os.path.basename(f),re.IGNORECASE): if fileformats.has_key(r):fileformats[r].append(f) else:fileformats[r]=[f] break files=[] for r in format_regex: if fileformats.has_key(r):files.extend(fileformats[r]) #Class vars self.errors=[] #A list of files that couldn't be opened. Contains a tuple with file name, error info, debug info self.files=files self.file='' self.filecount=len(self.files)
def __init__(self, dir, recurse=True, archive=False, excludes=[]): ''' Iterator for metadata crawling @type dir: C{str} @param dir: The directory to start the metadata crawl. @type recurse: C{bool} @param recurse: Recurse into subdirectories? @type archive: C{bool} @param archive: Look in zip/gzip archives @type excludes: C{list} @param excludes: List of glob style file/directory exclusion pattern/s ''' #Class vars self.errors = [ ] #A list of files that couldn't be opened. Contains a tuple with file name, error info, debug info format_regex = formats.format_regex dir = utilities.uncpath( utilities.realpath(utilities.normcase(utilities.encode(dir)))) #Build a dict of matching files and regexes then sort according to the priority of the regex formats fileformats = {} for f in utilities.rglob(dir, '|'.join(format_regex), True, re.IGNORECASE, recurse=recurse, archive=archive, excludes=excludes, onerror=self.onerror, followlinks=False): #Don't return existing overviews if f[-7:] in ('qlk.jpg', 'thm.jpg'): continue #Use utf-8 encoding to fix Issue 20 if f[:4] == '/vsi': f = utilities.encode(f) else: f = utilities.realpath(utilities.normcase(utilities.encode(f))) for r in format_regex: #This is so we always return _default_ format datasets last. if, os.path.basename(f), re.IGNORECASE): if fileformats.has_key(r): fileformats[r].append(f) else: fileformats[r] = [f] break files = [] for r in format_regex: if fileformats.has_key(r): files.extend(fileformats[r]) #Class vars self.files = files self.file = '' self.filecount = len(self.files)
def v1(self,f=None): dom = self._dom self.metadata['sceneid'] = dom.xpath('string(/Dimap_Document/Dataset_Id/DATASET_NAME)') bands=dom.xpath('/Dimap_Document/Spectral_Band_Info/BAND_DESCRIPTION') self.metadata['bands']=','.join([band.xpath('string(.)') for band in bands]) try:__default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__(self, f) #autopopulate basic metadata except geometry.GDALError,err: #Work around reading images with lowercase filenames when #the DATA_FILE_PATH is uppercase # - eg samba filesystems which get converted to lowercase dfp=dom.xpath('/Dimap_Document/Data_Access/Data_File/DATA_FILE_PATH')[0] fn=utilities.encode(dfp.xpath('string(@href)')) #XML is unicode, gdal.Open doesn't like unicode if not os.path.dirname(fn):fn=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f),fn) exists,img=utilities.exists(fn,True) if exists and not os.path.exists(fn): import tempfile tmpfd,tmpfn=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.dim',prefix='metadata') dfp.set('href',img) tmpfo=os.fdopen(tmpfd,'w') tmpfo.write(etree.tostring(dom)) tmpfo.flush() tmpfo.close() cwd=os.path.abspath(os.curdir) tmp=os.path.split(tmpfn) os.chdir(tmp[0]) #CD to the tmp dir so __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__ doesn't __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__(self, tmp[1]) gdalmd=self._gdaldataset.GetMetadata() self._gdaldataset=geometry.OpenDataset(img) self._gdaldataset.SetMetadata(gdalmd) os.unlink(tmpfn) os.chdir(cwd) else:raise
def UpdateRecord(self,extent,attributes,where_clause): '''Update record/s @type where_clause: C{str} @param where_clause: Shapefile supported SQL where clause @type attributes: C{dict} @param attributes: Must match field names passed to __init__() ''' try: geom=GeomFromExtent(extent,self._srs) if self._srs.IsGeographic(): #basic coordinate bounds test. Can't do for projected though srs=osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4283)#4326) valid = GeomFromExtent([-180,-90,180,90], srs=srs) if not valid.Contains(geom): #raise ValueError, 'Invalid extent coordinates' warnings.warn('Invalid extent coordinates') lyr=self._shape.GetLayer() lyr.SetAttributeFilter(where_clause) feat=lyr.GetNextFeature() try:feat.SetGeometryDirectly(geom) except:return self.WriteRecord(extent,attributes) while feat: for a in attributes: if a in self.fields:feat.SetField(self.fields[a], utilities.encode(attributes[a])) lyr.SetFeature(feat) feat=lyr.GetNextFeature() lyr.SyncToDisk() except Exception, err: self.__error__(err)
def getoverview(self,outfile=None,width=800,format='JPG'): ''' Generate overviews for DIMAP imagery @type outfile: str @param outfile: a filepath to the output overview image. If supplied, format is determined from the file extension @type width: int @param width: image width @type format: str @param format: format to generate overview image, one of ['JPG','PNG','GIF','BMP','TIF']. Not required if outfile is supplied. @rtype: str @return: filepath (if outfile is supplied)/binary image data (if outfile is not supplied) @todo: Should we do something with the band display order metadata? <Band_Display_Order> <RED_CHANNEL>1</RED_CHANNEL> <GREEN_CHANNEL>2</GREEN_CHANNEL> <BLUE_CHANNEL>3</BLUE_CHANNEL> </Band_Display_Order> ''' from metageta import overviews #First check for a browse graphic, no point re-inventing the wheel... f=self.fileinfo['filepath'] #browse=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f),'PREVIEW.JPG') fp=self._dom.xpath('/Dimap_Document/Dataset_Id/DATASET_QL_PATH')[0] fn=utilities.encode(fp.xpath('string(@href)')) #XML is unicode, gdal.Open doesn't like unicode browse=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f),fn) if os.path.exists(browse) and gdal.Open(browse).RasterXSize >= width: try:return overviews.resize(browse,outfile,width) except:return __default__.Dataset.getoverview(self,outfile,width,format) #Try it the slow way... else: return __default__.Dataset.getoverview(self,outfile,width,format)#Do it the slow way...
def WriteRecord(self,extent,attributes): '''Write record @type extent: C{list} @param extent: [[ulx,uly],[urx,ury],[lrx,lry],[llx,lly]] @type attributes: C{dict} @param attributes: Must match field names passed to __init__() ''' try: geom=GeomFromExtent(extent,self._srs) if self._srs.IsGeographic(): #basic coordinate bounds test. Can't do for projected though srs=osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4283)#4326) valid = GeomFromExtent([-180,-90,180,90], srs=srs) if not valid.Contains(geom): #raise ValueError, 'Invalid extent coordinates' warnings.warn('Invalid extent coordinates') lyr=self._shape.GetLayer(0) feat = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) for a in attributes: #if a in self.fields:feat.SetField(a, attributes[a]) if a in self.fields:feat.SetField(self.fields[a], utilities.encode(attributes[a])) feat.SetGeometryDirectly(geom) lyr.CreateFeature(feat) lyr.SyncToDisk() except Exception, err: self.__error__(err)
def Open(f): ''' Open an image with the appropriate driver. @type f: C{str} @param f: a filepath to the dataset to open. @rtype: C{formats.Dataset} @return: L{formats.Dataset<formats.__dataset__.Dataset>} object @todo: perhaps log the entire error stack if a file couldn't be opened? ''' errors=[] #error stack f=utilities.encode(f) #Issue 20 #f=utilities.normcase(utilities.uncpath(utilities.realpath(f))) #Try custom formats for lib in __formats__: fr='|'.join(__formats__[lib].format_regex) rx=_re.compile(fr, _re.IGNORECASE) if try: ds=__formats__[lib].Dataset(f) return ds except NotImplementedError: pass #Used when a format driver can't open a file, but doesn't want to raise an error except Exception,err: if debug: errinfo=utilities.FormatTraceback(_sys.exc_info()[2],10) errargs=[arg for arg in err.args] errargs.append(errinfo) err.args=tuple(errargs) errors.append(err)
def UpdateRecord(self, extent, attributes, where_clause): '''Update record/s @type where_clause: C{str} @param where_clause: Shapefile supported SQL where clause @type attributes: C{dict} @param attributes: Must match field names passed to __init__() ''' try: geom = GeomFromExtent(extent, self._srs) if self._srs.IsGeographic( ): #basic coordinate bounds test. Can't do for projected though srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4283) #4326) valid = GeomFromExtent([-180, -90, 180, 90], srs=srs) if not valid.Contains(geom): #raise ValueError, 'Invalid extent coordinates' warnings.warn('Invalid extent coordinates') lyr = self._shape.GetLayer() lyr.SetAttributeFilter(where_clause) feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() try: feat.SetGeometryDirectly(geom) except: return self.WriteRecord(extent, attributes) while feat: for a in attributes: if a in self.fields: feat.SetField(self.fields[a], utilities.encode(attributes[a])) lyr.SetFeature(feat) feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() lyr.SyncToDisk() except Exception, err: self.__error__(err)
def Open(f): ''' Open an image with the appropriate driver. @type f: C{str} @param f: a filepath to the dataset to open. @rtype: C{formats.Dataset} @return: L{formats.Dataset<formats.__dataset__.Dataset>} object @todo: perhaps log the entire error stack if a file couldn't be opened? ''' errors = [] #error stack f = utilities.encode(f) #Issue 20 #f=utilities.normcase(utilities.uncpath(utilities.realpath(f))) #Try custom formats for lib in __formats__: fr = '|'.join(__formats__[lib].format_regex) rx = _re.compile(fr, _re.IGNORECASE) if try: ds = __formats__[lib].Dataset(f) return ds except NotImplementedError: pass #Used when a format driver can't open a file, but doesn't want to raise an error except Exception, err: if debug: errinfo = utilities.FormatTraceback(_sys.exc_info()[2], 10) errargs = [arg for arg in err.args] errargs.append(errinfo) err.args = tuple(errargs) errors.append(err)
def WriteRecord(self, extent, attributes): '''Write record @type extent: C{list} @param extent: [[ulx,uly],[urx,ury],[lrx,lry],[llx,lly]] @type attributes: C{dict} @param attributes: Must match field names passed to __init__() ''' try: geom = GeomFromExtent(extent, self._srs) if self._srs.IsGeographic( ): #basic coordinate bounds test. Can't do for projected though srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4283) #4326) valid = GeomFromExtent([-180, -90, 180, 90], srs=srs) if not valid.Contains(geom): #raise ValueError, 'Invalid extent coordinates' warnings.warn('Invalid extent coordinates') lyr = self._shape.GetLayer(0) feat = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) for a in attributes: #if a in self.fields:feat.SetField(a, attributes[a]) if a in self.fields: feat.SetField(self.fields[a], utilities.encode(attributes[a])) feat.SetGeometryDirectly(geom) lyr.CreateFeature(feat) lyr.SyncToDisk() except Exception, err: self.__error__(err)
def cmd(self, root, label, dir, var): ad = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=root, initialdir=dir.get(), title=label) if ad: ad = utilities.encode(os.path.normpath(ad)) dir.set(ad) var.set(ad)
def Open(f): ''' Open an image with the appropriate driver. @type f: C{str} @param f: a filepath to the dataset to open. @rtype: C{formats.Dataset} @return: L{formats.Dataset<formats.__dataset__.Dataset>} object @todo: perhaps log the entire error stack if a file couldn't be opened? ''' errors=[] #error stack f=utilities.encode(f) #Issue 20 #f=utilities.normcase(utilities.uncpath(utilities.realpath(f))) #Try custom formats for lib in __formats__: fr='|'.join(__formats__[lib].format_regex) rx=_re.compile(fr, _re.IGNORECASE) if try: ds=__formats__[lib].Dataset(f) return ds except NotImplementedError: pass #Used when a format driver can't open a file, but doesn't want to raise an error except Exception as err: if debug: errinfo=utilities.FormatTraceback(_sys.exc_info()[2],10) errargs=[arg for arg in err.args] errargs.append(errinfo) err.args=tuple(errargs) errors.append(err) #Try default formats try: fr='|'.join(__default__.format_regex) rx=_re.compile(fr, _re.IGNORECASE) if ds=__default__.Dataset(f) return ds except NotImplementedError: pass #Used when a format driver can't open a file, but doesn't want to raise an error except Exception as err: if debug: errinfo=utilities.FormatTraceback(_sys.exc_info()[2],10) errargs=[arg for arg in err.args] errargs.append(errinfo) err.args=tuple(errargs) errors.append(err) #Couldn't open file, raise the last error in the stack #if len(errors) > 0: raise errors[-1].__class__,'\n'.join(errors[-1].args) #Updated for Python 2.6, not all args are strings... if len(errors) > 0: raise errors[-1].__class__(*errors[-1].args) else:raise Exception('Unable to open %s' % f) '''@todo: perhaps log the entire error stack if a file couldn't be opened?'''
def Open(f): ''' Open an image with the appropriate driver. @type f: C{str} @param f: a filepath to the dataset to open. @rtype: C{formats.Dataset} @return: L{formats.Dataset<formats.__dataset__.Dataset>} object @todo: perhaps log the entire error stack if a file couldn't be opened? ''' errors = [] #error stack f = utilities.encode(f) #Issue 20 #f=utilities.normcase(utilities.uncpath(utilities.realpath(f))) #Try custom formats for lib in __formats__: fr = '|'.join(__formats__[lib].format_regex) rx = _re.compile(fr, _re.IGNORECASE) if try: ds = __formats__[lib].Dataset(f) return ds except NotImplementedError: pass #Used when a format driver can't open a file, but doesn't want to raise an error except Exception as err: if debug: errinfo = utilities.FormatTraceback(_sys.exc_info()[2], 10) errargs = [arg for arg in err.args] errargs.append(errinfo) err.args = tuple(errargs) errors.append(err) #Try default formats try: fr = '|'.join(__default__.format_regex) rx = _re.compile(fr, _re.IGNORECASE) if ds = __default__.Dataset(f) return ds except NotImplementedError: pass #Used when a format driver can't open a file, but doesn't want to raise an error except Exception as err: if debug: errinfo = utilities.FormatTraceback(_sys.exc_info()[2], 10) errargs = [arg for arg in err.args] errargs.append(errinfo) err.args = tuple(errargs) errors.append(err) #Couldn't open file, raise the last error in the stack #if len(errors) > 0: raise errors[-1].__class__,'\n'.join(errors[-1].args) #Updated for Python 2.6, not all args are strings... if len(errors) > 0: raise errors[-1].__class__(*errors[-1].args) else: raise Exception('Unable to open %s' % f) '''@todo: perhaps log the entire error stack if a file couldn't be opened?'''
def __getmetadata__(self, f=None): '''Read Metadata for a DIMAP image as GDAL doesn't quite get it all...''' if not f: f = self.fileinfo['filepath'] #dom=etree.parse(f) #Takes tooo long to parse the whole file, so just read as far as we need... strxml = '' for line in open(f, 'r'): if line.upper().strip() == '<DATA_STRIP>': break else: strxml += line if not '</Dimap_Document>' in strxml: strxml += '</Dimap_Document>' dom = etree.fromstring(strxml) self.metadata['sceneid'] = dom.xpath( 'string(/Dimap_Document/Dataset_Id/DATASET_NAME)') bands = dom.xpath( '/Dimap_Document/Spectral_Band_Info/BAND_DESCRIPTION') self.metadata['bands'] = ','.join( [band.xpath('string(.)') for band in bands]) try: __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__( self, f) #autopopulate basic metadata except geometry.GDALError, err: #Work around reading images with lowercase filenames when #the DATA_FILE_PATH is uppercase # - eg samba filesystems which get converted to lowercase dfp = dom.xpath( '/Dimap_Document/Data_Access/Data_File/DATA_FILE_PATH')[0] fn = utilities.encode( dfp.xpath('string(@href)' )) #XML is unicode, gdal.Open doesn't like unicode if not os.path.dirname(fn): fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), fn) exists, img = utilities.exists(fn, True) if exists and not os.path.exists(fn): import tempfile tmpfd, tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.dim', prefix='metadata') dfp.set('href', img) tmpfo = os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'w') tmpfo.write(etree.tostring(dom)) tmpfo.flush() tmpfo.close() cwd = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) tmp = os.path.split(tmpfn) os.chdir( tmp[0] ) #CD to the tmp dir so __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__ doesn't __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__(self, tmp[1]) gdalmd = self._gdaldataset.GetMetadata() self._gdaldataset = geometry.OpenDataset(img) self._gdaldataset.SetMetadata(gdalmd) os.unlink(tmpfn) os.chdir(cwd) else: raise
def __init__(self, dir, recurse=True, archive=False): ''' Iterator for metadata crawling @type dir: C{str} @param dir: The directory to start the metadata crawl. ''' format_regex = formats.format_regex dir = utilities.uncpath( utilities.realpath(utilities.normcase(utilities.encode(dir)))) #Build a dict of matching files and regexes then sort according to the priority of the regex formats fileformats = {} for f in utilities.rglob(dir, '|'.join(format_regex), True, re.IGNORECASE, recurse=recurse, archive=archive): #Use utf-8 encoding to fix Issue 20 if f[:4] == '/vsi': f = utilities.encode(f) else: f = utilities.realpath(utilities.normcase(utilities.encode(f))) for r in format_regex: #This is so we always return _default_ format datasets last. if, os.path.basename(f), re.IGNORECASE): if fileformats.has_key(r): fileformats[r].append(f) else: fileformats[r] = [f] break files = [] for r in format_regex: if fileformats.has_key(r): files.extend(fileformats[r]) #Class vars self.errors = [ ] #A list of files that couldn't be opened. Contains a tuple with file name, error info, debug info self.files = files self.file = '' self.filecount = len(self.files)
def v1(self, f=None): dom = self._dom self.metadata['sceneid'] = dom.xpath( 'string(/Dimap_Document/Dataset_Id/DATASET_NAME)') bands = dom.xpath( '/Dimap_Document/Spectral_Band_Info/BAND_DESCRIPTION') self.metadata['bands'] = ','.join( [band.xpath('string(.)') for band in bands]) try: __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__( self, f) #autopopulate basic metadata except geometry.GDALError, err: #Work around reading images with lowercase filenames when #the DATA_FILE_PATH is uppercase # - eg samba filesystems which get converted to lowercase dfp = dom.xpath( '/Dimap_Document/Data_Access/Data_File/DATA_FILE_PATH')[0] fn = utilities.encode( dfp.xpath('string(@href)' )) #XML is unicode, gdal.Open doesn't like unicode if not os.path.dirname(fn): fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), fn) exists, img = utilities.exists(fn, True) if exists and not os.path.exists(fn): import tempfile tmpfd, tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.dim', prefix='metadata') dfp.set('href', img) tmpfo = os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'w') tmpfo.write(etree.tostring(dom)) tmpfo.flush() tmpfo.close() cwd = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) tmp = os.path.split(tmpfn) os.chdir( tmp[0] ) #CD to the tmp dir so __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__ doesn't __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__(self, tmp[1]) gdalmd = self._gdaldataset.GetMetadata() self._gdaldataset = geometry.OpenDataset(img) self._gdaldataset.SetMetadata(gdalmd) os.unlink(tmpfn) os.chdir(cwd) else: raise
def getoverview(self, outfile=None, width=800, format='JPG'): ''' Generate overviews for DIMAP imagery @type outfile: str @param outfile: a filepath to the output overview image. If supplied, format is determined from the file extension @type width: int @param width: image width @type format: str @param format: format to generate overview image, one of ['JPG','PNG','GIF','BMP','TIF']. Not required if outfile is supplied. @rtype: str @return: filepath (if outfile is supplied)/binary image data (if outfile is not supplied) @todo: - Should we do something with the band display order metadata? <Band_Display_Order> <RED_CHANNEL>1</RED_CHANNEL> <GREEN_CHANNEL>2</GREEN_CHANNEL> <BLUE_CHANNEL>3</BLUE_CHANNEL> </Band_Display_Order> ''' from metageta import overviews try: #First check for a browse graphic, no point re-inventing the wheel... f = self.fileinfo['filepath'] #if self.dimap_version[0]==1: # fp=self._dom.xpath('/Dimap_Document/Dataset_Id/DATASET_QL_PATH')[0] #else: # fp=self._dom.xpath('/Dimap_Document/Dataset_Identification/DATASET_QL_PATH')[0] fp = self._dom.xpath('string(//*/DATASET_QL_PATH/@href)') fn = utilities.encode( fp) #XML is unicode, gdal.Open doesn't like unicode browse = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), fn) if os.path.exists( browse) and gdal.Open(browse).RasterXSize >= width: return overviews.resize(browse, outfile, width) except: pass return __default__.Dataset.getoverview(self, outfile, width, format) #Do it the slow way...
def __getmetadata__(self,f=None): '''Read Metadata for a DIMAP image as GDAL doesn't quite get it all...''' if not f:f=self.fileinfo['filepath'] #dom=etree.parse(f) #Takes tooo long to parse the whole file, so just read as far as we need... strxml='' for line in open(f, 'r'): if line.upper().strip()=='<DATA_STRIP>':break else: strxml+=line if not '</Dimap_Document>' in strxml:strxml+='</Dimap_Document>' dom=etree.fromstring(strxml) self.metadata['sceneid'] = dom.xpath('string(/Dimap_Document/Dataset_Id/DATASET_NAME)') bands=dom.xpath('/Dimap_Document/Spectral_Band_Info/BAND_DESCRIPTION') self.metadata['bands']=','.join([band.xpath('string(.)') for band in bands]) try:__default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__(self, f) #autopopulate basic metadata except geometry.GDALError,err: #Work around reading images with lowercase filenames when #the DATA_FILE_PATH is uppercase # - eg samba filesystems which get converted to lowercase dfp=dom.xpath('/Dimap_Document/Data_Access/Data_File/DATA_FILE_PATH')[0] fn=utilities.encode(dfp.xpath('string(@href)')) #XML is unicode, gdal.Open doesn't like unicode if not os.path.dirname(fn):fn=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f),fn) exists,img=utilities.exists(fn,True) if exists and not os.path.exists(fn): import tempfile tmpfd,tmpfn=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.dim',prefix='metadata') dfp.set('href',img) tmpfo=os.fdopen(tmpfd,'w') tmpfo.write(etree.tostring(dom)) tmpfo.flush() tmpfo.close() cwd=os.path.abspath(os.curdir) tmp=os.path.split(tmpfn) os.chdir(tmp[0]) #CD to the tmp dir so __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__ doesn't __default__.Dataset.__getmetadata__(self, tmp[1]) gdalmd=self._gdaldataset.GetMetadata() self._gdaldataset=geometry.OpenDataset(img) self._gdaldataset.SetMetadata(gdalmd) os.unlink(tmpfn) os.chdir(cwd) else:raise
def getoverview(ds,outfile,width,format,bands,stretch_type,*stretch_args): ''' Generate overviews for imagery @type ds: C{GDALDataset} @param ds: a GDALDataset object @type outfile: C{str} @param outfile: a filepath to the output overview image. If supplied, format is determined from the file extension @type width: C{int} @param width: output image width @type format: C{str} @param format: format to generate overview image, one of ['JPG','PNG','GIF','BMP','TIF']. Not required if outfile is supplied. @type bands: C{list} @param bands: list of band numbers (base 1) in processing order - e.g [3,2,1] @type stretch_type: C{str} @param stretch_type: stretch to apply to overview image, one of [L{NONE<_stretch_NONE>},L{PERCENT<_stretch_PERCENT>},L{MINMAX<_stretch_MINMAX>},L{STDDEV<_stretch_STDDEV>},L{COLOURTABLE<_stretch_COLOURTABLE>},L{COLOURTABLELUT<_stretch_COLOURTABLELUT>},L{RANDOM<_stretch_RANDOM>},L{UNIQUE<_stretch_UNIQUE>}]. @type stretch_args: C{list} @param stretch_args: args to pass to the stretch algorithms @rtype: C{str} @return: filepath (if outfile is supplied)/binary image data (if outfile is not supplied) ''' #mapping table for file extension -> GDAL format code imageformats={'JPG':'JPEG', #JPEG JFIF (.jpg) 'PNG':'PNG', #Portable Network Graphics (.png) 'GIF':'GIF', #Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) 'BMP':'BMP', #Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp) 'TIF':'GTiff' #Tagged Image File Format/GeoTIFF (.tif) } if outfile: outfile=utilities.encode(outfile) format=os.path.splitext(outfile)[1].replace('.','') #overrides "format" arg if supplied ovdriver=gdal.GetDriverByName(imageformats.get(format.upper(), 'JPEG')) #Get format code, default to 'JPEG' if supplied format doesn't match the predefined ones... cols=ds.RasterXSize rows=ds.RasterYSize vrtcols=width vrtrows=int(math.ceil(width*float(rows)/cols)) vrtdrv=gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT') tempvrts={} #dict with keys=file descriptor and values=[filename,GDALDataset] #Below is a bit of a kludge to handle creating a VRT that is based on an in-memory vrt file drv=ds.GetDriver().ShortName desc=ds.GetDescription() if drv == 'VRT': if not desc or desc[0] == '<':# input path is an in-memory vrt file vrtfd,vrtfn=tempfile.mkstemp('.vrt') ds=vrtdrv.CreateCopy(vrtfn,ds) tempvrts[vrtfd]=[vrtfn,ds] #if stretch_type != 'NONE': # tmpxml=stretch('NONE',vrtcols,vrtrows,ds,bands) # vrtfd,vrtfn=tempfile.mkstemp('.vrt') # ds=vrtdrv.CreateCopy(vrtfn,geometry.OpenDataset(tmpxml)) # tempvrts[vrtfd]=[vrtfn,ds] vrtxml=stretch(stretch_type,vrtcols,vrtrows,ds,bands,*stretch_args) vrtds=geometry.OpenDataset(vrtxml) if outfile: cpds=ovdriver.CreateCopy(outfile, vrtds) if not cpds:raise geometry.GDALError, 'Unable to generate overview image.' else: fd,fn=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.'+format.lower(), prefix='getoverviewtempimage') cpds=ovdriver.CreateCopy(fn, vrtds) if not cpds:raise geometry.GDALError, 'Unable to generate overview image.' outfile=os.fdopen(fd).read() os.unlink(fn) for vrt in tempvrts: tempvrts[vrt][1]=None os.close(vrt) del tempvrts[vrt][1] os.unlink(tempvrts[vrt][0]) return outfile
optvals,argvals = parser.parse_args() if optvals.dir and optvals.dir[-1]=='"': #Fix C:" issue when called from Explorer context menu optvals.dir=optvals.dir[:-1]+'\\' logger=None forceexit=True #Do we need to pop up the GUI? if not optvals.dir or not optvals.xlsx: #Add existing command line args values to opt default values so they show in the gui for opt in parser.option_list: opt.default=vars(optvals).get(opt.dest,None) keepalive=True hasrun=False validate=getargs.Command(writablecallback,xlsxarg) if optvals.xlsx: optvals.xlsx=utilities.checkExt(utilities.encode(optvals.xlsx), ['.xlsx']) xlsxarg.value=optvals.xlsx xlsxarg.callback() while keepalive: #Pop up the GUI args=getargs.GetArgs(dirarg,medarg,xlsxarg,updatearg,recursearg,archivearg,ovarg,kaarg,callback=validate,title=APP,icon=ICON) if args:#GetArgs returns None if user cancels the GUI/closes the dialog (or Tkinter can not be imported) keepalive=args.keepalive args.xlsx = utilities.checkExt(utilities.encode(args.xlsx), ['.xlsx']) log=args.xlsx.replace('.xlsx','.log') if logger and logger.logging: logger.logfile=log else: logger=getlogger(log,name=APP,debug=optvals.debug) keepalive=args.keepalive
def getoverview(ds, outfile, width, format, bands, stretch_type, *stretch_args): ''' Generate overviews for imagery @type ds: C{GDALDataset} @param ds: a GDALDataset object @type outfile: C{str} @param outfile: a filepath to the output overview image. If supplied, format is determined from the file extension @type width: C{int} @param width: output image width @type format: C{str} @param format: format to generate overview image, one of ['JPG','PNG','GIF','BMP','TIF']. Not required if outfile is supplied. @type bands: C{list} @param bands: list of band numbers (base 1) in processing order - e.g [3,2,1] @type stretch_type: C{str} @param stretch_type: stretch to apply to overview image, one of [L{NONE<_stretch_NONE>},L{PERCENT<_stretch_PERCENT>},L{MINMAX<_stretch_MINMAX>},L{STDDEV<_stretch_STDDEV>},L{COLOURTABLE<_stretch_COLOURTABLE>},L{COLOURTABLELUT<_stretch_COLOURTABLELUT>},L{RANDOM<_stretch_RANDOM>},L{UNIQUE<_stretch_UNIQUE>}]. @type stretch_args: C{list} @param stretch_args: args to pass to the stretch algorithms @rtype: C{str} @return: filepath (if outfile is supplied)/binary image data (if outfile is not supplied) ''' #mapping table for file extension -> GDAL format code imageformats = { 'JPG': 'JPEG', #JPEG JFIF (.jpg) 'PNG': 'PNG', #Portable Network Graphics (.png) 'GIF': 'GIF', #Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) 'BMP': 'BMP', #Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp) 'TIF': 'GTiff' #Tagged Image File Format/GeoTIFF (.tif) } worldfileexts = { 'JPG': '.jgw', #JPEG JFIF (.jpg) 'PNG': '.pgw', #Portable Network Graphics (.png) 'GIF': '.gfw', #Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) 'BMP': '.bpw', #Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp) 'TIF': '.tfw' #Tagged Image File Format/GeoTIFF (.tif) } if outfile: outfile = utilities.encode(outfile) format = os.path.splitext(outfile)[1].replace( '.', '') #overrides "format" arg if supplied ovdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName( imageformats.get(format.upper(), 'JPEG') ) #Get format code, default to 'JPEG' if supplied format doesn't match the predefined ones... cols = ds.RasterXSize rows = ds.RasterYSize vrtcols = width vrtrows = int(math.ceil(width * float(rows) / cols)) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() vrtpx = cols / float(vrtcols) * gt[1] vrtpy = rows / float(vrtrows) * gt[5] vrtgt = (gt[0], vrtpx, gt[2], gt[3], gt[4], vrtpy) vrtfn = stretch(stretch_type, vrtcols, vrtrows, ds, bands, *stretch_args) gdal.UseExceptions() vrtds = gdal.Open(vrtfn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) vrtds.SetGeoTransform(vrtgt) if outfile: cpds = ovdriver.CreateCopy(outfile, vrtds) wf_ext = worldfileexts.get(format.upper(), '.jgw') open(outfile[:-4] + wf_ext, 'w').write('\n'.join([ str(vrtgt[1]), str(vrtgt[4]), str(vrtgt[2]), str(vrtgt[5]), str(vrtgt[0] + 0.5 * vrtgt[1] + 0.5 * vrtgt[2]), str(vrtgt[3] + 0.5 * vrtgt[4] + 0.5 * vrtgt[5]) ])) if not cpds: raise geometry.GDALError, 'Unable to generate overview image.' else: fn = '/vsimem/%s.%s' % (tempfile._RandomNameSequence().next(), format.lower()) cpds = ovdriver.CreateCopy(fn, vrtds) if not cpds: raise geometry.GDALError, 'Unable to generate overview image.' outfile = read_vsimem(fn) gdal.Unlink(fn) return outfile
def cmd(self,root,label,dir,var): ad = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=root,initialdir=dir.get(),title=label) if ad: ad=utilities.encode(os.path.normpath(ad)) dir.set(ad) var.set(ad)
def getoverview(ds, outfile, width, format, bands, stretch_type, *stretch_args): """ Generate overviews for imagery @type ds: C{GDALDataset} @param ds: a GDALDataset object @type outfile: C{str} @param outfile: a filepath to the output overview image. If supplied, format is determined from the file extension @type width: C{int} @param width: output image width @type format: C{str} @param format: format to generate overview image, one of ['JPG','PNG','GIF','BMP','TIF']. Not required if outfile is supplied. @type bands: C{list} @param bands: list of band numbers (base 1) in processing order - e.g [3,2,1] @type stretch_type: C{str} @param stretch_type: stretch to apply to overview image, one of [L{NONE<_stretch_NONE>},L{PERCENT<_stretch_PERCENT>},L{MINMAX<_stretch_MINMAX>},L{STDDEV<_stretch_STDDEV>},L{COLOURTABLE<_stretch_COLOURTABLE>},L{COLOURTABLELUT<_stretch_COLOURTABLELUT>},L{RANDOM<_stretch_RANDOM>},L{UNIQUE<_stretch_UNIQUE>}]. @type stretch_args: C{list} @param stretch_args: args to pass to the stretch algorithms @rtype: C{str} @return: filepath (if outfile is supplied)/binary image data (if outfile is not supplied) """ # mapping table for file extension -> GDAL format code imageformats = { "JPG": "JPEG", # JPEG JFIF (.jpg) "PNG": "PNG", # Portable Network Graphics (.png) "GIF": "GIF", # Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) "BMP": "BMP", # Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp) "TIF": "GTiff", # Tagged Image File Format/GeoTIFF (.tif) } worldfileexts = { "JPG": ".jgw", # JPEG JFIF (.jpg) "PNG": ".pgw", # Portable Network Graphics (.png) "GIF": ".gfw", # Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) "BMP": ".bpw", # Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp) "TIF": ".tfw", # Tagged Image File Format/GeoTIFF (.tif) } if outfile: outfile = utilities.encode(outfile) format = os.path.splitext(outfile)[1].replace(".", "") # overrides "format" arg if supplied ovdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName( imageformats.get(format.upper(), "JPEG") ) # Get format code, default to 'JPEG' if supplied format doesn't match the predefined ones... cols = ds.RasterXSize rows = ds.RasterYSize vrtcols = width vrtrows = int(math.ceil(width * float(rows) / cols)) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() vrtpx = cols / float(vrtcols) * gt[1] vrtpy = rows / float(vrtrows) * gt[5] vrtgt = (gt[0], vrtpx, gt[2], gt[3], gt[4], vrtpy) vrtfn = stretch(stretch_type, vrtcols, vrtrows, ds, bands, *stretch_args) gdal.UseExceptions() vrtds = gdal.Open(vrtfn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) vrtds.SetGeoTransform(vrtgt) if outfile: cpds = ovdriver.CreateCopy(outfile, vrtds) wf_ext = worldfileexts.get(format.upper(), ".jgw") open(outfile[:-4] + wf_ext, "w").write( "\n".join( [ str(vrtgt[1]), str(vrtgt[4]), str(vrtgt[2]), str(vrtgt[5]), str(vrtgt[0] + 0.5 * vrtgt[1] + 0.5 * vrtgt[2]), str(vrtgt[3] + 0.5 * vrtgt[4] + 0.5 * vrtgt[5]), ] ) ) if not cpds: raise geometry.GDALError, "Unable to generate overview image." else: fn = "/vsimem/%s.%s" % (tempfile._RandomNameSequence().next(), format.lower()) cpds = ovdriver.CreateCopy(fn, vrtds) if not cpds: raise geometry.GDALError, "Unable to generate overview image." outfile = read_vsimem(fn) gdal.Unlink(fn) return outfile
def main(): APP = 'MetaGETA Crawler' ICON = icons.app_img description = 'Run the metadata crawler' parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description) opt = parser.add_option('-d', dest="dir", metavar="dir", help='The directory to crawl') dirarg = getargs.DirArg(opt, initialdir='', enabled=True, icon=icons.dir_img) dirarg.tooltip = 'The directory to start recursively searching for raster imagery.' opt = parser.add_option("-r", "--recurse", action="store_true", dest="recurse", default=False, help="Search directory recursively") recursearg = getargs.BoolArg( opt, tooltip='Do you want to search in sub-directories?') opt = parser.add_option("-a", "--archive", action="store_true", dest="archive", default=False, help="Search compressed archives (tar/zip)?") archivearg = getargs.BoolArg( opt, tooltip= 'Do you want to search compressed archives (tar/zip)?\nNote that this will slow the crawler down considerably.' ) opt = parser.add_option('-m', dest="med", metavar="media", help='CD/DVD ID') medarg = getargs.StringArg(opt, enabled=False, required=False) medarg.tooltip = 'You can enter an ID for a CD/DVD, this defaults to the disc volume label.' opt = parser.add_option("-x", dest="xlsx", metavar="xlsx", help="Output metadata spreadsheet") xlsxarg = getargs.FileArg(opt, filter=[('Excel 2007 Spreadsheet', '*.xlsx')], icon=icons.xls_img, saveas=True) xlsxarg.tooltip = 'The Excel Spreadsheet to write the metadata to. A shapefile of extents, a logfile and overview images are also output to the same directory.' opt = parser.add_option("-u", "--update", action="store_true", dest="update", default=False, help="Update existing crawl results") updatearg = getargs.BoolArg( opt, tooltip='Do you want to update existing crawl results?', enabled=False) opt = parser.add_option("-o", "--overviews", action="store_true", dest="ovs", default=False, help="Generate overview images") ovarg = getargs.BoolArg(opt) ovarg.tooltip = 'Do you want to generate overview (quicklook and thumbnail) images?' opt = parser.add_option( '-e', "--exclude", dest="excludes", metavar="excludes", help= 'Space delimited glob style file/directory basename exclusion pattern/s i.e *.png somedir? img_[0-9][0-9].tif', default='') excarg = getargs.StringArg(opt, enabled=True, required=False) excarg.tooltip = excarg.label = 'File/directory exclusion pattern' opt = parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="Turn debug output on") opt = parser.add_option("--keep-alive", action="store_true", dest="keepalive", default=False, help="Keep this dialog box open") kaarg = getargs.BoolArg(opt) kaarg.tooltip = 'Do you want to keep this dialog box open after running the metadata crawl so you can run another?' #Add a callback to the directory arg, use the Command class so we can has arguments dirarg.callback = getargs.Command(mediacallback, dirarg, medarg) #Add a callback to the xlsx arg, use the Command class so we can has arguments xlsxarg.callback = getargs.Command(xlsxcallback, xlsxarg, updatearg) #Parse existing command line args optvals, argvals = parser.parse_args() if optvals.dir and optvals.dir[ -1] == '"': #Fix C:" issue when called from Explorer context menu optvals.dir = optvals.dir[:-1] + '\\' logger = None forceexit = True #Do we need to pop up the GUI? if not optvals.dir or not optvals.xlsx: #Add existing command line args values to opt default values so they show in the gui for opt in parser.option_list: opt.default = vars(optvals).get(opt.dest, None) keepalive = True hasrun = False validate = getargs.Command(writablecallback, xlsxarg) if optvals.xlsx: optvals.xlsx = utilities.checkExt(utilities.encode(optvals.xlsx), ['.xlsx']) xlsxarg.value = optvals.xlsx xlsxarg.callback() while keepalive: #Pop up the GUI args = getargs.GetArgs(dirarg, medarg, xlsxarg, updatearg, recursearg, archivearg, ovarg, excarg, kaarg, callback=validate, title=APP, icon=ICON) if args: #GetArgs returns None if user cancels the GUI/closes the dialog (or Tkinter can not be imported) keepalive = args.keepalive args.xlsx = utilities.checkExt(utilities.encode(args.xlsx), ['.xlsx']) log = args.xlsx.replace('.xlsx', '.log') if logger and logger.logging: logger.logfile = log else: logger = getlogger(log, name=APP, debug=optvals.debug) keepalive = args.keepalive forceexit = True execute(args.dir, args.xlsx, logger,, args.update, args.ovs, args.recurse, args.archive, args.excludes) forceexit = False hasrun = True else: if not hasrun: parser.print_help() keepalive = False else: #No need for the GUI xlsx = utilities.checkExt(utilities.encode(optvals.xlsx), ['.xlsx']) log = xlsx.replace('.xlsx', '.log') logger = getlogger(log, name=APP, debug=optvals.debug) execute(optvals.dir, xlsx, logger,, optvals.update, optvals.ovs, optvals.recurse, optvals.archive, optvals.excludes) if logger: logger.debug('Shutting down') logger.shutdown() del logger