Пример #1
import sys
import interpreter
from metar import Metar
import metar_scrape

# Program entry:
if __name__ == "__main__":
        targetStation = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        print("Input 4-letter station id as command line arg")
        print("Example usage: metar_hub.py ksgf")

    # get metar report and put it into a Metar object
    report = Metar(metar_scrape.getReport(targetStation))

    components = [

    for component in components:
Пример #2
class GFS(threading.Thread):
    NOAA GFS download and parse functions.
    cycles = [0, 6, 12, 18]
    baseurl = 'https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/filter_gfs_0p50.pl?'

    params = [
    levels  = [
              '700_mb', # FL100
              '600_mb', # FL140
              '500_mb', # FL180
              '400_mb', # FL235
              '300_mb', # FL300
              '200_mb', # FL380
              '150_mb', # FL443
              '100_mb', # FL518
    variables = ['PRES',
    nwinds, nclouds = 0, 0

    downloading = False
    downloadWait = 0
    # wait n seconds to start download
    lastgrib    = False

    lat, lon, lastlat, lastlon = False, False, False, False

    cycle = ''
    lastcycle = ''

    newGrib = False
    parsed_latlon = (0, 0)

    die = threading.Event()
    dummy = threading.Event()
    lock = threading.Lock()

    def __init__(self, conf):
        self.conf = conf
        self.lastgrib = self.conf.lastgrib
        self.wafs = WAFS(conf)
        self.metar = Metar(conf)

    def run(self):
        # Worker thread
        while not self.die.wait(self.conf.parserate):

            if not self.conf.enabled:

            datecycle, cycle, forecast = self.getCycleDate()

            if self.downloadWait < 1:
                self.downloadCycle(datecycle, cycle, forecast)
            elif self.downloadWait > 0:
                self.downloadWait -= self.conf.parserate

            # Run WAFS worker
            self.wafs.run(self.lat, self.lon, self.conf.parserate)

            # Run Metar worker
            self.metar.run(self.lat, self.lon, self.conf.parserate)

            if self.die.isSet():
                # Kill downloaders if avaliable
                if self.wafs and self.wafs.downloading and self.wafs.download:
                if self.downloading and self.download:

            # flush stdout

    def getCycleDate(self):
        Returns last cycle date avaliable
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        #cycle is published with 4 hours 25min delay
        cnow = now - timedelta(hours=4, minutes=25)
        #get last cycle
        for cycle in self.cycles:
            if cnow.hour >= cycle:
                lcycle = cycle
        # Forecast
        adjs = 0
        if cnow.day != now.day:
            adjs = +24
        forecast = (adjs + now.hour - lcycle)/3*3

        return ( '%d%02d%02d%02d' % (cnow.year, cnow.month, cnow.day, lcycle), lcycle, forecast)

    def downloadCycle(self, datecycle, cycle, forecast):
        Downloads the requested grib file

        filename = 'gfs.t%02dz.pgrb2full.0p50.f0%02d' % (cycle, forecast)

        path = os.sep.join([self.conf.cachepath, 'gfs'])
        cachefile = os.sep.join(['gfs', '%s_%s.grib2' % (datecycle, filename)])

        if cachefile == self.lastgrib:
            # No need to download

        if not os.path.exists(path):

        if self.downloading == True:
            if not self.download.q.empty():

                #Finished downloading
                lastgrib = self.download.q.get()

                # Dowload success
                if lastgrib:
                    if not self.conf.keepOldFiles and self.conf.lastgrib:
                        util.remove(os.sep.join([self.conf.cachepath, self.conf.lastgrib]))
                    self.lastgrib = lastgrib
                    self.conf.lastgrib = self.lastgrib
                    self.newGrib = True
                    #print "new grib file: " + self.lastgrib
                    # Wait a minute
                    self.downloadWait = 60

                self.downloading = False

        elif self.conf.download and self.downloadWait < 1:
            # Download new grib

            ## Build download url
            params = self.params;
            dir =  'dir=%%2Fgfs.%s' % (datecycle)
            params.append('file=' + filename)

            # add variables
            for level in self.levels:
                params.append('lev_' + level + '=1')
            for var in self.variables:
                params.append('var_' + var + '=1')

            url = self.baseurl + '&'.join(params)

            #print('XPGFS: downloading %s' % (url))
            self.downloading = True
            self.download = AsyncDownload(self.conf, url, cachefile)

        return False

    def parseGribData(self, filepath, lat, lon):
        Executes wgrib2 and parses its output
        args = ['-s',
                '%f' % (lon),
                '%f' % (lat),
                os.sep.join([self.conf.cachepath, filepath])
        if self.conf.spinfo:
            p = subprocess.Popen([self.conf.wgrib2bin] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=self.conf.spinfo, shell=True)
            p = subprocess.Popen([self.conf.wgrib2bin] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        it = iter(p.stdout)
        data = {}
        clouds = {}
        pressure = False
        for line in it:
            r = line[:-1].split(':')
            # Level, variable, value
            level, variable, value = [r[4].split(' '),  r[3],  r[7].split(',')[2].split('=')[1]]

            if len(level) > 1:
                if level[1] == 'cloud':
                    #cloud layer
                    clouds.setdefault(level[0], {})
                    if len(level) > 3 and variable == 'PRES':
                        clouds[level[0]][level[2]] = value
                        #level coverage/temperature
                        clouds[level[0]][variable] = value
                elif level[1] == 'mb':
                    # wind levels
                    data.setdefault(level[0], {})
                    data[level[0]][variable] = value
                elif level[0] == 'mean':
                    if variable == 'PRMSL':
                        pressure = c.pa2inhg(float(value))

        windlevels = []
        cloudlevels = []

        # Let data ready to push on datarefs.

        # Convert wind levels
        for level in data:
            wind = data[level]
            if 'UGRD' in wind and 'VGRD' in wind:
                hdg, vel = c.c2p(float(wind['UGRD']), float(wind['VGRD']))
                #print wind['UGRD'], wind['VGRD'], float(wind['UGRD']), float(wind['VGRD']), hdg, vel
                alt = c.mb2alt(float(level))

                # Optional varialbes
                temp, rh, dew = False, False, False
                # Temperature
                if 'TMP' in wind:
                    temp = float(wind['TMP'])
                # Relative Humidity
                if 'RH' in wind:
                    rh = float(wind['RH'])
                    temp = False

                if temp and rh:
                    dew = c.dewpoint(temp, rh)

                windlevels.append([alt, hdg, c.ms2knots(vel), {'temp': temp, 'rh': rh, 'dew': dew, 'gust': 0}])
                #print 'alt: %i rh: %i vis: %i' % (alt, float(wind['RH']), vis)

        # Convert cloud level
        for level in clouds:
            level = clouds[level]
            if 'top' in level and 'bottom' in level and 'TCDC' in level:
                top, bottom, cover = float(level['top']), float(level['bottom']), float(level['TCDC'])
                #print "XPGFS: top: %.0fmbar %.0fm, bottom: %.0fmbar %.0fm %d%%" % (top * 0.01, c.mb2alt(top * 0.01), bottom * 0.01, c.mb2alt(bottom * 0.01), cover)

                #if bottom > 1 and alt > 1:
                cloudlevels.append([c.mb2alt(bottom * 0.01) * 0.3048, c.mb2alt(top * 0.01) * 0.3048, cover])
                #cloudlevels.append((c.mb2alt(bottom * 0.01) * 0.3048, c.mb2alt(top * 0.01) * 0.3048, cover/10))


        data = {
                'winds': windlevels,
                'clouds': cloudlevels,
                'pressure': pressure

        return data
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, conf):
     self.conf = conf
     self.lastgrib = self.conf.lastgrib
     self.wafs = WAFS(conf)
     self.metar = Metar(conf)
Пример #4
 def report(vis_group):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object for a report with the vis group."""
     return Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010KT " + vis_group)
Пример #5
class GFS(threading.Thread):
    NOAA GFS download and parse functions.

    cycles = [0, 6, 12, 18]
    baseurl = "http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/filter_gfs_0p50.pl?"

    params = ["leftlon=0", "rightlon=360", "toplat=90", "bottomlat=-90"]
    levels = [
        "700_mb",  # FL100
        "600_mb",  # FL140
        "500_mb",  # FL180
        "400_mb",  # FL235
        "300_mb",  # FL300
        "200_mb",  # FL380
        "150_mb",  # FL443
        "100_mb",  # FL518
    variables = ["PRES", "TCDC", "UGRD", "VGRD", "TMP", "PRMSL", "RH"]
    nwinds, nclouds = 0, 0

    downloading = False
    downloadWait = 0
    # wait n seconds to start download
    lastgrib = False

    lat, lon, lastlat, lastlon = False, False, False, False

    cycle = ""
    lastcycle = ""

    newGrib = False
    parsed_latlon = (0, 0)

    die = threading.Event()
    dummy = threading.Event()
    lock = threading.Lock()

    def __init__(self, conf):
        self.conf = conf
        self.lastgrib = self.conf.lastgrib
        self.wafs = WAFS(conf)
        self.metar = Metar(conf)

    def run(self):
        # Worker thread
        while not self.die.wait(self.conf.parserate):

            if not self.conf.enabled:

            datecycle, cycle, forecast = self.getCycleDate()

            if self.downloadWait < 1:
                self.downloadCycle(datecycle, cycle, forecast)
            elif self.downloadWait > 0:
                self.downloadWait -= self.conf.parserate

            # Run WAFS worker
            self.wafs.run(self.lat, self.lon, self.conf.parserate)

            # Run Metar worker
            self.metar.run(self.lat, self.lon, self.conf.parserate)

            if self.die.isSet():
                # Kill downloaders if avaliable
                if self.wafs and self.wafs.downloading and self.wafs.download:
                if self.downloading and self.download:

            # flush stdout

    def getCycleDate(self):
        Returns last cycle date avaliable
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        # cycle is published with 4 hours 25min delay
        cnow = now - timedelta(hours=4, minutes=0)
        # get last cycle
        for cycle in self.cycles:
            if cnow.hour >= cycle:
                lcycle = cycle
        # Forecast
        adjs = 0
        if cnow.day != now.day:
            adjs = +24
        forecast = (adjs + now.hour - lcycle) / 3 * 3

        return ("%d%02d%02d%02d" % (cnow.year, cnow.month, cnow.day, lcycle), lcycle, forecast)

    def downloadCycle(self, datecycle, cycle, forecast):
        Downloads the requested grib file

        filename = "gfs.t%02dz.pgrb2full.0p50.f0%02d" % (cycle, forecast)

        path = os.sep.join([self.conf.cachepath, "gfs"])
        cachefile = os.sep.join(["gfs", "%s_%s.grib2" % (datecycle, filename)])

        if cachefile == self.lastgrib:
            # No need to download

        if not os.path.exists(path):

        if self.downloading == True:
            if not self.download.q.empty():

                # Finished downloading
                lastgrib = self.download.q.get()

                # Dowload success
                if lastgrib:
                    if not self.conf.keepOldFiles and self.conf.lastgrib:
                        util.remove(os.sep.join([self.conf.cachepath, self.conf.lastgrib]))
                    self.lastgrib = lastgrib
                    self.conf.lastgrib = self.lastgrib
                    self.newGrib = True
                    # print "new grib file: " + self.lastgrib
                    # Wait a minute
                    self.downloadWait = 60

                self.downloading = False

        elif self.conf.download and self.downloadWait < 1:
            # Download new grib

            ## Build download url
            params = self.params
            dir = "dir=%%2Fgfs.%s" % (datecycle)
            params.append("file=" + filename)

            # add variables
            for level in self.levels:
                params.append("lev_" + level + "=1")
            for var in self.variables:
                params.append("var_" + var + "=1")

            url = self.baseurl + "&".join(params)

            # print 'XPGFS: downloading %s' % (url)
            self.downloading = True
            self.download = AsyncDownload(self.conf, url, cachefile)

        return False

    def parseGribData(self, filepath, lat, lon):
        Executes wgrib2 and parses its output
        args = ["-s", "-lon", "%f" % (lon), "%f" % (lat), os.sep.join([self.conf.cachepath, filepath])]
        if self.conf.spinfo:
            p = subprocess.Popen(
                [self.conf.wgrib2bin] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=self.conf.spinfo, shell=True
            p = subprocess.Popen([self.conf.wgrib2bin] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        it = iter(p.stdout)
        data = {}
        clouds = {}
        pressure = False
        for line in it:
            r = line[:-1].split(":")
            # Level, variable, value
            level, variable, value = [r[4].split(" "), r[3], r[7].split(",")[2].split("=")[1]]

            if len(level) > 1:
                if level[1] == "cloud":
                    # cloud layer
                    clouds.setdefault(level[0], {})
                    if len(level) > 3 and variable == "PRES":
                        clouds[level[0]][level[2]] = value
                        # level coverage/temperature
                        clouds[level[0]][variable] = value
                elif level[1] == "mb":
                    # wind levels
                    data.setdefault(level[0], {})
                    data[level[0]][variable] = value
                elif level[0] == "mean":
                    if variable == "PRMSL":
                        pressure = c.pa2inhg(float(value))

        windlevels = []
        cloudlevels = []

        # Let data ready to push on datarefs.

        # Convert wind levels
        for level in data:
            wind = data[level]
            if "UGRD" in wind and "VGRD" in wind:
                hdg, vel = c.c2p(float(wind["UGRD"]), float(wind["VGRD"]))
                # print wind['UGRD'], wind['VGRD'], float(wind['UGRD']), float(wind['VGRD']), hdg, vel
                alt = c.mb2alt(float(level))

                # Optional varialbes
                temp, rh, dew = False, False, False
                # Temperature
                if "TMP" in wind:
                    temp = float(wind["TMP"])
                # Relative Humidity
                if "RH" in wind:
                    rh = float(wind["RH"])
                    temp = False

                if temp and rh:
                    dew = c.dewpoint(temp, rh)

                windlevels.append([alt, hdg, c.ms2knots(vel), {"temp": temp, "rh": rh, "dew": dew, "gust": 0}])
                # print 'alt: %i rh: %i vis: %i' % (alt, float(wind['RH']), vis)

        # Convert cloud level
        for level in clouds:
            level = clouds[level]
            if "top" in level and "bottom" in level and "TCDC" in level:
                top, bottom, cover = float(level["top"]), float(level["bottom"]), float(level["TCDC"])
                # print "XPGFS: top: %.0fmbar %.0fm, bottom: %.0fmbar %.0fm %d%%" % (top * 0.01, c.mb2alt(top * 0.01), bottom * 0.01, c.mb2alt(bottom * 0.01), cover)

                # if bottom > 1 and alt > 1:
                cloudlevels.append([c.mb2alt(bottom * 0.01) * 0.3048, c.mb2alt(top * 0.01) * 0.3048, cover])
                # XP10
                # cloudlevels.append((c.mb2alt(bottom * 0.01) * 0.3048, c.mb2alt(top * 0.01) * 0.3048, cover/10))


        data = {"winds": windlevels, "clouds": cloudlevels, "pressure": pressure}

        return data
Пример #6
 def report(wind_group):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object from parsing the given wind group."""
     return Metar.Metar(sta_time + wind_group)
Пример #7
def test_issue51_strict():
    """Check that setting strict=False prevents a ParserError"""
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "90010KT", strict=False)
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert report.wind_speed is None
Пример #8
 def report(mod_group):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object from parsing the modifier group."""
     return Metar.Metar(sta_time + mod_group)
Пример #9
def test_140_parseWind():
    """Check parsing of wind groups."""
    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir.value() == 90
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10
    assert report.wind_gust is None
    assert report.wind_dir_from is None
    assert report.wind_dir_from is None
    assert report.wind() == "E at 10 knots"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010MPS")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10
    assert report.wind_speed.value("KMH") == 36
    assert report.wind() == "E at 19 knots"
    assert report.wind("MPS") == "E at 10 mps"
    assert report.wind("KMH") == "E at 36 km/h"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010KMH")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10
    assert report.wind() == "E at 5 knots"
    assert report.wind("KMH") == "E at 10 km/h"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "090010KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir.value() == 90
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "000000KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir.value() == 0
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 0
    assert report.wind() == "calm"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "VRB03KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir is None
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 3
    assert report.wind() == "variable at 3 knots"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "VRB00KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind() == "calm"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "VRB03G40KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir is None
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 3
    assert report.wind_gust.value() == 40
    assert report.wind_dir_from is None
    assert report.wind_dir_to is None
    assert report.wind() == "variable at 3 knots, gusting to 40 knots"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "21010G30KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind() == "SSW at 10 knots, gusting to 30 knots"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "21010KT 180V240")
    assert report.wind_dir.value() == 210
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10
    assert report.wind_gust is None
    assert report.wind_dir_from.value() == 180
    assert report.wind_dir_to.value() == 240
    assert report.wind() == "S to WSW at 10 knots"
Пример #10
def test_041_parseModifier():
    """Check parsing of 'modifier' groups."""
    assert Metar.Metar(sta_time + "AUTO").mod == "AUTO"
    assert Metar.Metar(sta_time + "COR").mod == "COR"
Пример #11
def test_040_parseModifier_default():
    """Check default 'modifier' value."""
    assert Metar.Metar("KEWR").mod == "AUTO"
Пример #12
def raisesParserError(code):
    """Helper to test the a given code raises a Metar.ParserError."""
    with pytest.raises(Metar.ParserError):
Пример #13
def test_010_parseType_default():
    """Check default value of the report type."""
    assert Metar.Metar("KEWR").type == "METAR"
Пример #14
def process(ncfn):
    """Process this file """
    IEM = psycopg2.connect(database='iem', host='iemdb')
    icursor = IEM.cursor()
    xref = {}
    icursor.execute("""SELECT id, network from stations where
    network ~* 'ASOS' or network = 'AWOS' and country = 'US'""")
    for row in icursor:
        xref[row[0]] = row[1]
    nc = netCDF4.Dataset(ncfn)
    data = {}
    for vname in [
            'altimeter',  # Pa
            'windSpeed',  # mps
            'visibility',  # m
        data[vname] = nc.variables[vname][:]
        vname += "QCR"
        if vname in nc.variables:
            data[vname] = nc.variables[vname][:]
    for vname in ['temperature', 'dewpoint']:
        data[vname + "C"] = temperature(data[vname], 'K').value('C')
        data[vname] = temperature(data[vname], 'K').value('F')
    for vname in ['windSpeed', 'windGust']:
        data[vname] = speed(data[vname], 'MPS').value('KT')

    data['altimeter'] = pressure(data['altimeter'], 'PA').value("IN")
    data['skyCovLayerBase'] = distance(data['skyCovLayerBase'],
    data['visibility'] = distance(data['visibility'], 'M').value("MI")
    data['precipAccum'] = distance(data['precipAccum'], 'MM').value("IN")

    for i in range(len(data['stationId'])):
        sid = tostring(data['stationId'][i])
        sid3 = sid[1:] if sid[0] == 'K' else sid
        ts = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(
        ts = ts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC"))

        mtr = "%s %sZ AUTO " % (sid, ts.strftime("%d%H%M"))
        network = xref.get(sid3, 'ASOS')
        iem = Observation(sid3, network,
                          ts.astimezone(TIMEZONES[LOC2TZ.get(sid3, None)]))
        #  06019G23KT
        if (data['windDirQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['windDir'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            iem.data['drct'] = int(data['windDir'][i])
            mtr += "%03i" % (iem.data['drct'], )
            mtr += "///"

        if (data['windSpeedQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['windSpeed'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            iem.data['sknt'] = int(data['windSpeed'][i])
            mtr += "%02i" % (iem.data['sknt'], )
            mtr += "//"

        if (data['windGustQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['windGust'][i] is not np.ma.masked
                and data['windGust'][i] > 0):
            iem.data['gust'] = int(data['windGust'][i])
            mtr += "G%02i" % (iem.data['gust'], )
        mtr += "KT "

        if (data['visibilityQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['visibility'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            iem.data['vsby'] = float(data['visibility'][i])
            mtr += "%sSM " % (vsbyfmt(iem.data['vsby']), )

        presentwx = tostring(data['presWx'][i])
        if presentwx != '':
            iem.data['presentwx'] = presentwx
            mtr += "%s " % (presentwx, )

        for _i, (_c, _l) in enumerate(
                zip(data['skyCvr'][i], data['skyCovLayerBase'][i])):
            if tostring(_c) != '':
                skyc = tostring(_c)
                iem.data['skyc%s' % (_i + 1, )] = skyc
                if skyc != 'CLR':
                    iem.data['skyl%s' % (_i + 1, )] = int(_l)
                    mtr += "%s%03i " % (tostring(_c), int(_l) / 100)
                    mtr += "CLR "

        t = ""
        tgroup = "T"
        if (data['temperatureQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['temperature'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            # iem.data['tmpf'] = float(data['temperature'][i])
            tmpc = float(data['temperatureC'][i])
            t = "%s%02i/" % ("M" if tmpc < 0 else "", tmpc if tmpc > 0 else
                             (0 - tmpc))
            tgroup += "%s%03i" % ("1" if tmpc < 0 else "0",
                                  (tmpc if tmpc > 0 else (0 - tmpc)) * 10.)
        if (data['dewpointQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['dewpoint'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            # iem.data['dwpf'] = float(data['dewpoint'][i])
            tmpc = float(data['dewpointC'][i])
            if t != "":
                t = "%s%s%02i " % (t, "M" if tmpc < 0 else "",
                                   tmpc if tmpc > 0 else 0 - tmpc)
                tgroup += "%s%03i" % ("1" if tmpc < 0 else "0",
                                      (tmpc if tmpc > 0 else (0 - tmpc)) * 10.)
        if len(t) > 4:
            mtr += t
        if (data['altimeterQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['altimeter'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            iem.data['alti'] = round(data['altimeter'][i], 2)
            mtr += "A%4i " % (iem.data['alti'] * 100., )

        mtr += "RMK "
        if (data['precipAccumQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['precipAccum'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            if data['precipAccum'][i] > 0:
                iem.data['phour'] = round(data['precipAccum'][i], 2)
                mtr += "P%04i " % (iem.data['phour'] * 100., )

        if tgroup != "T":
            mtr += "%s " % (tgroup, )
        autoremark = tostring(data['autoRemark'][i])
        opremark = tostring(data['operatorRemark'][i])
        if autoremark != '' or opremark != '':
            mtr += "%s %s " % (autoremark, opremark)
        mtr += "MADISHF"
        # Eat our own dogfood
            iem.data['raw'] = mtr

        icursor = IEM.cursor()
        if not iem.save(icursor, force_current_log=True, skip_current=True):
            print(("extract_hfmetar: unknown station? %s %s %s\n%s") %
                  (sid3, network, ts, mtr))
