def analyze_metrics(): n_av = metaseg.get("NUM_LASSO_AVERAGES") n_steps = metaseg.get("NUM_LASSO_LAMBDAS") num_cores = min(n_av, metaseg.get("NUM_CORES")) metrics = concatenate_metrics(save=False) nclasses = np.max(metrics["class"]) + 1 Xa, classes, ya, y0a, X_names, class_names = metrics_to_dataset( metrics, nclasses) Xa = np.concatenate((Xa, classes), axis=-1) X_names += class_names alphas = get_alphas(n_steps, min_pow=-4.2, max_pow=0.8) stats = init_stats(n_av, alphas, X_names) single_run_stats = init_stats(n_av, alphas, X_names) p = Pool(num_cores) p_args = [(Xa, ya, y0a, alphas, X_names, single_run_stats, run) for run in range(n_av)] single_run_stats = p.starmap(fit_model_run, p_args) stats = merge_stats(stats, single_run_stats, n_av) mean_stats, _ = dump_stats(stats, metrics) generate_lasso_plots(stats, mean_stats, X_names, class_names)
def plot_regression(X2_val, y2_val, y2_pred, ya_val, ypred, X_names): os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ[ 'PATH'] + ':/Library/TeX/texbin' # for tex in matplotlib plt.rc('font', size=10, family='serif') plt.rc('axes', titlesize=10) plt.rc('figure', titlesize=10) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) cmap = plt.get_cmap('tab20') figsize = (3.0, 13.0 / 5.0) plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=300) plt.clf() S_ind = 0 for S_ind in range(len(X_names)): if X_names[S_ind] == "S": break sizes = np.squeeze(X2_val[:, S_ind] * np.std(X2_val[:, S_ind])) sizes = sizes - np.min(sizes) sizes = sizes / np.max(sizes) * 50 #+ 1.5 x = np.arange(0., 1, .01) plt.plot(x, x, color='black', alpha=0.5, linestyle='dashed') plt.scatter(y2_val, np.clip(y2_pred, 0, 1), s=sizes, linewidth=.5, c=cmap(0), edgecolors=cmap(1), alpha=0.25) plt.xlabel('$\mathit{IoU}_\mathrm{adj}$') plt.ylabel('predicted $\mathit{IoU}_\mathrm{adj}$') plt.savefig(metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR") + 'regression1.png', bbox_inches='tight') figsize = (8.75, 5.25) plt.clf() density1 = kde.gaussian_kde(ya_val[ypred == 1]) density2 = kde.gaussian_kde(ya_val[ypred == 0]) density1.set_bandwidth(bw_method=density1.factor / 2.) density2.set_bandwidth(bw_method=density2.factor / 2.) x = np.arange(0., 1, .01) plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.plot(x, density1(x), color='red', alpha=0.66, label="pred. $IoU = 0$") plt.plot(x, density2(x), color='blue', alpha=0.66, label="pred. $IoU > 0$") plt.hist(ya_val[ypred == 1], bins=20, color='red', alpha=0.1, normed=True) plt.hist(ya_val[ypred == 0], bins=20, color='blue', alpha=0.1, normed=True) legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('$\mathit{IoU}_\mathrm{adj}$') plt.savefig(metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR") + 'classif_hist.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf()
def compute_metrics_per_image(): num_cores = metaseg.get("NUM_CORES") print("calculating statistics") p = Pool(num_cores) p_args = [(k, ) for k in range(metaseg.get("NUM_IMAGES"))] p.starmap(compute_metrics_i, p_args) concatenate_metrics(save=True)
def main(): metaseg.set_from_argv(sys.argv) metaseg.print_attr() if metaseg.get("COMPUTE_METRICS"): compute_metrics_per_image() if metaseg.get("VISUALIZE_METRICS"): visualize_metrics() if metaseg.get("ANALYZE_METRICS"): analyze_metrics()
def concatenate_metrics(save=False): metrics = metrics_load(0) for i in range(1, metaseg.get("NUM_IMAGES")): sys.stdout.write("\t concatenated file number {} / {}\r".format( i + 1, metaseg.get("NUM_IMAGES"))) m = metrics_load(i) for j in metrics: metrics[j] += m[j] print(" ") print("connected components:", len(metrics['iou'])) print("non-empty connected components:", np.sum(np.asarray(metrics['S_in']) != 0)) if (save == True): metrics_dump(metrics, "_all") return metrics
def visualize_metrics(): num_cores = metaseg.get("NUM_CORES") print("visualization running") metrics = metrics_load(0) start = list([0, len(metrics["S"])]) for i in range(1, metaseg.get("NUM_IMAGES")): m = metrics_load(i) start += [start[-1] + len(m["S"])] for j in metrics: metrics[j] += m[j] nclasses = np.max(metrics["class"]) + 1 Xa, classes, ya, _, X_names, class_names = metrics_to_dataset( metrics, nclasses, non_empty=False) Xa = np.concatenate((Xa, classes), axis=-1) X_names += class_names lmr = linear_model.LinearRegression(), ya) ya_pred = np.clip(lmr.predict(Xa), 0, 1) print("model r2 score:", r2_score(ya, ya_pred)) print(" ") p = Pool(num_cores) p_args = [(ya[start[i]:start[i + 1]], ya_pred[start[i]:start[i + 1]], i) for i in range(metaseg.get("NUM_IMAGES"))] p.starmap(visualize_metrics_i, p_args)
def visualize_metrics_i(iou, iou_pred, i): if os.path.isfile(get_save_path_probs_i(i)): probs, gt, filename = probs_gt_load(i) path = get_img_path_fname(filename) input_image = np.asarray( components = components_load(i) pred = np.asarray(np.argmax(probs, axis=-1), dtype='int') gt[gt == 255] = 0 predc = np.asarray([ cs_labels.trainId2label[pred[p, q]].color for p in range(pred.shape[0]) for q in range(pred.shape[1]) ]) gtc = np.asarray([ cs_labels.trainId2label[gt[p, q]].color for p in range(gt.shape[0]) for q in range(gt.shape[1]) ]) predc = predc.reshape(input_image.shape) gtc = gtc.reshape(input_image.shape) img_iou = visualize_segments(components, iou) I4 = predc / 2.0 + input_image / 2.0 I3 = gtc / 2.0 + input_image / 2.0 img_pred = visualize_segments(components, iou_pred) img = np.concatenate((img_iou, img_pred), axis=1) img2 = np.concatenate((I3, I4), axis=1) img = np.concatenate((img, img2), axis=0) image = Image.fromarray(img.astype('uint8'), 'RGB') seg_dir = metaseg.get("IOU_SEG_VIS_DIR") if not os.path.exists(seg_dir): os.makedirs(seg_dir) + "img" + str(i) + ".png") print("stored:", seg_dir + "img" + str(i) + ".png")
def metrics_to_dataset(metrics, nclasses, non_empty=True, all_metrics=[]): class_names = [] X_names = sorted([ m for m in metrics if m not in ["class", "iou", "iou0"] and "cprob" not in m ]) if metaseg.get("CLASS_DTYPE") == metaseg.get("CLASS_DTYPES")[1]: class_names = [ "cprob" + str(i) for i in range(nclasses) if "cprob" + str(i) in metrics ] elif metaseg.get("CLASS_DTYPE") == metaseg.get("CLASS_DTYPES")[0]: class_names = ["class"] Xa = metrics_to_nparray(metrics, X_names, normalize=True, non_empty=non_empty, all_metrics=all_metrics) classes = metrics_to_nparray(metrics, class_names, normalize=True, non_empty=non_empty, all_metrics=all_metrics) ya = metrics_to_nparray(metrics, ["iou"], normalize=False, non_empty=non_empty) y0a = metrics_to_nparray(metrics, ["iou0"], normalize=False, non_empty=non_empty) if metaseg.get("CLASS_DTYPE") == metaseg.get("CLASS_DTYPES")[0]: classes, class_names = classes_to_categorical(classes, nclasses) return Xa, classes, ya, y0a, X_names, class_names
def dump_stats(stats, metrics): iou_corrs = compute_correlations(metrics) y0a = metrics_to_nparray(metrics, ["iou0"], normalize=False, non_empty=True) mean_stats = dict({}) std_stats = dict({}) for s in stats: if s not in ["alphas", "n_av", "n_metrics", "metric_names"]: mean_stats[s] = np.mean(stats[s], axis=0) std_stats[s] = np.std(stats[s], axis=0) best_pen_ind = np.argmax(mean_stats['penalized_val_acc']) best_plain_ind = np.argmax(mean_stats['plain_val_acc']) # dump stats latex ready with open(metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR") + 'av_results.txt', 'wt') as f: print(iou_corrs, file=f) print(" ", file=f) print("classification", file=f) print( " & train & val & \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted([s for s in mean_stats if 'penalized' in s and 'acc' in s]) print("ACC penalized ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.2f}\%".format(100 * mean_stats[s][best_pen_ind]) + "(\pm{:.2f}\%)$".format(100 * std_stats[s][best_pen_ind]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted([s for s in mean_stats if 'plain' in s and 'acc' in s]) print("ACC unpenalized ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.2f}\%".format(100 * mean_stats[s][best_pen_ind]) + "(\pm{:.2f}\%)$".format(100 * std_stats[s][best_pen_ind]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted([s for s in mean_stats if 'entropy' in s and 'acc' in s]) print("ACC entropy baseline ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.2f}\%".format(100 * mean_stats[s]) + "(\pm{:.2f}\%)$".format(100 * std_stats[s]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted( [s for s in mean_stats if 'penalized' in s and 'auroc' in s]) print("AUROC penalized ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.2f}\%".format(100 * mean_stats[s][best_pen_ind]) + "(\pm{:.2f}\%)$".format(100 * std_stats[s][best_pen_ind]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted([s for s in mean_stats if 'plain' in s and 'auroc' in s]) print("AUROC unpenalized ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.2f}\%".format(100 * mean_stats[s][best_pen_ind]) + "(\pm{:.2f}\%)$".format(100 * std_stats[s][best_pen_ind]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted([s for s in mean_stats if 'entropy' in s and 'auroc' in s]) print("AUROC entropy baseline ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.2f}\%".format(100 * mean_stats[s]) + "(\pm{:.2f}\%)$".format(100 * std_stats[s]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) print(" ", file=f) print("regression", file=f) M = sorted([ s for s in mean_stats if 'regr' in s and 'mse' in s and 'entropy' not in s ]) print("$\sigma$, all metrics ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.3f}".format(mean_stats[s]) + "(\pm{:.3f})$".format(std_stats[s]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted([ s for s in mean_stats if 'regr' in s and 'mse' in s and 'entropy' in s ]) print("$\sigma$, entropy baseline ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.3f}".format(mean_stats[s]) + "(\pm{:.3f})$".format(std_stats[s]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted([ s for s in mean_stats if 'regr' in s and 'r2' in s and 'entropy' not in s ]) print("$R^2$, all metrics ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.2f}\%".format(100 * mean_stats[s]) + "(\pm{:.2f}\%)$".format(100 * std_stats[s]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) M = sorted([ s for s in mean_stats if 'regr' in s and 'r2' in s and 'entropy' in s ]) print("$R^2$, entropy baseline ", end=" & ", file=f) for s in M: print("${:.2f}\%".format(100 * mean_stats[s]) + "(\pm{:.2f}\%)$".format(100 * std_stats[s]), end=" & ", file=f) print(" \\\\ ", file=f) print(" ", file=f) M = sorted([s for s in mean_stats if 'iou' in s]) for s in M: print(s, ": {:.0f}".format(mean_stats[s]) + "($\pm${:.0f})".format(std_stats[s]), file=f) print("IoU=0:", np.sum(y0a == 1), "of", y0a.shape[0], "non-empty components", file=f) print("IoU>0:", np.sum(y0a == 0), "of", y0a.shape[0], "non-empty components", file=f) print("total number of components: ", len(metrics['S']), file=f) print(" ", file=f) dump_path = get_save_path_stats() dump_dir = os.path.dirname(dump_path) if not os.path.exists(dump_dir): os.makedirs(dump_dir) pickle.dump(stats, open(dump_path, "wb")) return mean_stats, std_stats
def fit_model_run(Xa, ya, y0a, alphas, X_names, stats, run): print("run", run) np.random.seed(run) val_mask = np.random.rand(len(ya)) < 3.0 / 6.0 Xa_val = Xa[val_mask] ya_val = ya[val_mask] y0a_val = y0a[val_mask] Xa_train = Xa[np.logical_not(val_mask)] ya_train = ya[np.logical_not(val_mask)] y0a_train = y0a[np.logical_not(val_mask)] coefs = np.zeros((len(alphas), Xa.shape[1])) max_acc = 0 best_lm = [] for i in range(len(alphas)): lm = linear_model.LogisticRegression( C=alphas[i], penalty='l1', solver='saga', max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3) #, class_weight='balanced'), y0a_train) stats['penalized_val_acc'][run, i] = lm.score(Xa_val, y0a_val) stats['penalized_train_acc'][run, i] = lm.score(Xa_train, y0a_train) if stats['penalized_val_acc'][run, i] > max_acc: max_acc = stats['penalized_val_acc'][run, i] best_lm = lm print("step" + str(i) + ", alpha={:.2E}".format(alphas[i]) + ", val. acc.: {:.2f}%".format( 100 * stats['penalized_val_acc'][run, i]), end=", ") print("coefs non-zero:", end=" ") metapr = lm.predict_proba(Xa_val) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y0a_val, metapr[:, 1]) stats['penalized_val_auroc'][run, i] = auc(fpr, tpr) metapr_t = lm.predict_proba(Xa_train) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y0a_train, metapr_t[:, 1]) stats['penalized_train_auroc'][run, i] = auc(fpr, tpr) coefs[i] = np.asarray(lm.coef_[0]) print([j for j in range(len(coefs[i])) if np.abs(coefs[i, j]) > 1e-6]) if np.sum(np.abs(coefs[i]) > 1e-6) > 0: lm2 = linear_model.LogisticRegression( penalty=None, solver='saga', max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3) #, class_weight='balanced')[:, np.abs(coefs[i]) > 1e-6], y0a_train) stats['plain_val_acc'][run, i] = lm2.score( Xa_val[:, np.abs(coefs[i]) > 1e-6], y0a_val) stats['plain_train_acc'][run, i] = lm2.score( Xa_train[:, np.abs(coefs[i]) > 1e-6], y0a_train) metapr = lm2.predict_proba(Xa_val[:, np.abs(coefs[i]) > 1e-6]) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y0a_val, metapr[:, 1]) stats['plain_val_auroc'][run, i] = auc(fpr, tpr) metapr_t = lm2.predict_proba(Xa_train[:, np.abs(coefs[i]) > 1e-6]) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y0a_train, metapr_t[:, 1]) stats['plain_train_auroc'][run, i] = auc(fpr, tpr) else: stats['plain_val_acc'][run, i] = stats['penalized_val_acc'][run, i] stats['plain_train_acc'][run, i] = stats['penalized_train_acc'][run, i] stats['plain_val_auroc'][run, i] = stats['penalized_val_auroc'][run, i] stats['plain_train_auroc'][run, i] = stats['penalized_train_auroc'][run, i] max_acc = np.argmax(stats['penalized_val_acc'][run]) ypred = best_lm.predict(Xa_val) ypred_t = best_lm.predict(Xa_train) E_ind = 0 for E_ind in range(len(X_names)): if X_names[E_ind] == "E": break lme = linear_model.LogisticRegression(penalty=None, solver='saga')[:, E_ind].reshape((Xa_train.shape[0], 1)), y0a_train) stats['entropy_val_acc'][run] = lme.score( Xa_val[:, E_ind].reshape((Xa_val.shape[0], 1)), y0a_val) stats['entropy_train_acc'][run] = lme.score( Xa_train[:, E_ind].reshape((Xa_train.shape[0], 1)), y0a_train) metapr = lme.predict_proba(Xa_val[:, E_ind].reshape((Xa_val.shape[0], 1))) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y0a_val, metapr[:, 1]) stats['entropy_val_auroc'][run] = auc(fpr, tpr) metapr = lme.predict_proba(Xa_train[:, E_ind].reshape( (Xa_train.shape[0], 1))) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y0a_train, metapr[:, 1]) stats['entropy_train_auroc'][run] = auc(fpr, tpr) if run == 0: metapr = best_lm.predict_proba(Xa_val) plot_roc_curve(y0a_val, metapr[:, 1], metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR") + 'roccurve.pdf') stats['iou0_found'][run] = np.sum(np.logical_and( ypred == 1, y0a_val == 1)) + np.sum( np.logical_and(ypred_t == 1, y0a_train == 1)) stats['iou0_not_found'][run] = np.sum( np.logical_and(ypred == 0, y0a_val == 1)) + np.sum( np.logical_and(ypred_t == 0, y0a_train == 1)) stats['not_iou0_found'][run] = np.sum( np.logical_and(ypred == 0, y0a_val == 0)) + np.sum( np.logical_and(ypred_t == 0, y0a_train == 0)) stats['not_iou0_not_found'][run] = np.sum( np.logical_and(ypred == 1, y0a_val == 0)) + np.sum( np.logical_and(ypred_t == 1, y0a_train == 0)) X2_train = Xa_val.copy() y2_train = ya_val.copy() X2_val = Xa_train.copy() y2_val = ya_train.copy() lmr = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y2_train) y2_pred = lmr.predict(X2_val) y2_pred_t = lmr.predict(X2_train) stats['regr_val_mse'][run] = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y2_val, y2_pred)) stats['regr_val_r2'][run] = r2_score(y2_val, y2_pred) stats['regr_train_mse'][run] = np.sqrt( mean_squared_error(y2_train, y2_pred_t)) stats['regr_train_r2'][run] = r2_score(y2_train, y2_pred_t) lmer = linear_model.LinearRegression()[:, E_ind].reshape((X2_train.shape[0], 1)), y2_train) y2e_pred = lmer.predict(X2_val[:, E_ind].reshape((X2_val.shape[0], 1))) y2e_pred_t = lmer.predict(X2_train[:, E_ind].reshape( (X2_train.shape[0], 1))) stats['entropy_regr_val_mse'][run] = np.sqrt( mean_squared_error(y2_val, y2e_pred)) stats['entropy_regr_val_r2'][run] = r2_score(y2_val, y2e_pred) stats['entropy_regr_train_mse'][run] = np.sqrt( mean_squared_error(y2_train, y2e_pred_t)) stats['entropy_regr_train_r2'][run] = r2_score(y2_train, y2e_pred_t) stats['coefs'][run] = np.asarray(coefs) if run == 0: plot_regression(X2_val, y2_val, y2_pred, ya_val, ypred, X_names) return stats
metrics_dump, metrics_load, \ components_dump, components_load, \ get_save_path_probs_i, \ get_save_path_metrics_i, get_save_path_components_i, \ get_iou_seg_vis_path_i, get_save_path_stats, \ get_img_path_fname, metaseg from metaseg_plot import add_scatterplot_vs_iou, make_scatterplots, \ plot_roc_curve, name_to_latex, generate_lasso_plots, \ plot_regression # NOTE: # "cs_labels" is included for the segmentations color code, this is only required for visualization. # Replace this if necessary and modify the lines in "visualize_metrics_i()" that contain "cs_labels" # accordingly. sys.path.append(metaseg.get("DEEPLAB_PARENT_DIR")) from deeplab import cs_labels np.random.seed(0) def main(): metaseg.set_from_argv(sys.argv) metaseg.print_attr() if metaseg.get("COMPUTE_METRICS"): compute_metrics_per_image() if metaseg.get("VISUALIZE_METRICS"):
def make_scatterplots(save_dir, df_full, df_full_nei, filename='iou_vs_ucm_allcls.png'): # nei = only cc with non-empty interior print("") print("making iou scatterplots ...") scale = .75 size_fac = 50 * scale os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ[ 'PATH'] + ':/Library/TeX/texbin' # for tex in matplotlib plt.rc('font', size=10, family='serif') plt.rc('axes', titlesize=10) plt.rc('figure', titlesize=10 * scale) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.figure(figsize=(9 * scale, 13 * scale), dpi=300) plt.subplot(5, 3, 1, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], df_full['S'], df_full['E'], "$\\bar E$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 2, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], df_full['S'], df_full['D'], "$\\bar D$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 3, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], 1, df_full['S'] / df_full['S'].max(), "$S/S_{max}$", .5, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 4, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full_nei['iou'], df_full_nei['S'], df_full_nei['E_in'], "$\\bar E_{in}$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 5, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full_nei['iou'], df_full_nei['S'], df_full_nei['D_in'], "$\\bar D_{in}$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 6, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full_nei['iou'], 1, df_full_nei['S_in'] / df_full_nei['S_in'].max(), "$S_{in}/S_{in,max}$", .5, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 7, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], df_full['S'], df_full['E_bd'], "$\\bar E_{bd}$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 8, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], df_full['S'], df_full['D_bd'], "$\\bar D_{bd}$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 9, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], 1, df_full['S_bd'] / df_full['S_bd'].max(), "$S_{bd}/S_{bd,max}$", .5, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 10, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], df_full['S'], df_full['E_rel'] / df_full['E_rel'].max(), "$\\tilde{\\bar E}/\\tilde{\\bar E}_{max}$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 11, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], df_full['S'], df_full['D_rel'] / df_full['D_rel'].max(), "$\\tilde{\\bar D}/\\tilde{\\bar D}_{max}$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 12, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou(df_full['iou'], 1, df_full['S_rel'] / df_full['S_rel'].max(), "$\\tilde{S}/\\tilde{S}_{max}$", .5, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 13, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou( df_full_nei['iou'], df_full_nei['S'], df_full_nei['E_rel_in'] / df_full_nei['E_rel_in'].max(), "$\\tilde{\\bar E}_{in}/\\tilde{\\bar E}_{in,max}$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 14, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou( df_full_nei['iou'], df_full_nei['S'], df_full_nei['D_rel_in'] / df_full_nei['D_rel_in'].max(), "$\\tilde{\\bar D}_{in}/\\tilde{\\bar D}_{in,max}$", size_fac, scale) plt.subplot(5, 3, 15, aspect='equal') add_scatterplot_vs_iou( df_full_nei['iou'], 1, df_full_nei['S_rel_in'] / df_full_nei['S_rel_in'].max(), "$\\tilde{S}_{in}/\\tilde{S}_{in,max}$", .5, scale) plt.tight_layout(pad=1.0 * scale, w_pad=0.5 * scale, h_pad=1.5 * scale) save_path = os.path.join(metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR"), filename) plt.savefig(save_path) print("scatterplots saved to " + save_path)
def generate_lasso_plots(stats, mean_stats, X_names, class_names): nc = len(X_names) - len(class_names) coefs = np.squeeze(stats['coefs'][0, :, :]) classcoefs = np.squeeze(stats['coefs'][0, :, nc:]) coefs = np.concatenate([ coefs[:, 0:nc], np.max(np.abs(coefs[:, nc:]), axis=1).reshape((coefs.shape[0], 1)) ], axis=1) max_acc = np.argmax(stats['penalized_val_acc'][0], axis=-1) alphas = stats["alphas"] cmap = plt.get_cmap('tab20') figsize = (8.75, 5.25) os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ[ 'PATH'] + ':/Library/TeX/texbin' # for tex in matplotlib plt.rc('font', size=10, family='serif') plt.rc('axes', titlesize=10) plt.rc('figure', titlesize=10) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plot_names = X_names[0:nc] + ["$C_p$"] plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.clf() for i in range(coefs.shape[1]): plt.semilogx(alphas, coefs[:, i], label=name_to_latex(plot_names[i]), color=cmap(i / 20)) ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() plt.vlines(alphas[max_acc], ymin, ymax, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5, color='grey') legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('$\lambda^{-1}$') plt.ylabel('coefficients $c_i$') plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR") + 'lasso1.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() for i in range(classcoefs.shape[1]): plt.semilogx(alphas, classcoefs[:, i], label="$C_{" + str(i) + "}$", color=cmap(i / 20)) plt.vlines(alphas[max_acc], ymin, ymax, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5, color='grey') legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('$\lambda^{-1}$') plt.ylabel('coefficients $c_i$') plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR") + 'lasso2.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.semilogx(alphas, stats['plain_val_acc'][0], label="unpenalized model", color=cmap(2)) plt.semilogx(alphas, stats['penalized_val_acc'][0], label="penalized model", color=cmap(0)) plt.semilogx(alphas, mean_stats['entropy_val_acc'] * np.ones((len(alphas), )), label="entropy baseline", color='black', linestyle='dashed') ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() plt.vlines(alphas[max_acc], ymin, ymax, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5, color='grey') legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.xlabel('$\lambda^{-1}$') plt.ylabel('classification accuracy') plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR") + 'classif_perf.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.semilogx(alphas, stats['plain_val_auroc'][0], label="unpenalized model", color=cmap(2)) plt.semilogx(alphas, stats['penalized_val_auroc'][0], label="penalized model", color=cmap(0)) plt.semilogx(alphas, mean_stats['entropy_val_auroc'] * np.ones((len(alphas), )), label="entropy baseline", color='black', linestyle='dashed') ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() plt.vlines(alphas[max_acc], ymin, ymax, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5, color='grey') legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.xlabel('$\lambda^{-1}$') plt.ylabel('AUROC') plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(metaseg.get("RESULTS_DIR") + 'classif_auroc.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')