def run_all_methods(file, f, Df, D2f, a, b, x):
    csv_file = open('%s.csv' % file, mode='w')
    writer = csv.writer(csv_file,
    writer.writerow(['Method', 'Iteration', 'Convergence'])

    i = methods.newton(f, Df, a, 10**(-16))
    p = methods.convergenceOrder(get_abs(i, x))
    write_result(writer, 'Newton', i, p)
    print("Newton found solution:", i[-1], "in", len(i), "iterations")

    i = methods.halley(f, Df, D2f, a, 10**(-16))
    p = methods.convergenceOrder(get_abs(i, x))
    write_result(writer, 'Halley', i, p)
    print("Halley found solution:", i[-1], "in", len(i), "iterations")

    i = methods.bisection(f, b, a, 10**(-16))
    p = methods.convergenceOrder(get_abs(i, x))
    write_result(writer, 'Bisection', i, p)
    print("Bisection found solution:", i[-1], "in", len(i), "iterations")

    i = methods.secant(f, b, a, 10**(-16))
    p = methods.convergenceOrder(get_abs(i, x))
    write_result(writer, 'Secant', i, p)
    print("Secant found solution:", i[-1], "in", len(i), "iterations")
Пример #2
def rooterror(N,T,filename=None):           #plots the convergence of root-finding methods
    terms = len(N)
    a = np.zeros([terms,3])
    exact = newraph(1000,5,1.523679,0.0934)    #again, thanks NR!
    tol = 1e-14
    for i in range(terms):
        a[i,0] = np.abs(secant(N[i],T)-exact)
        a[i,1] = np.abs(relax(N[i],T)-exact)
        a[i,2] = np.abs(bisect(N[i],T)-exact)
        for j in range(3):
            if a[i,j]<tol:
                a[i,j] = tol*0.1
    lN = N
    la = np.log10(a)
    least  = np.zeros([3,2])
    for j in range(3):
            least[j,:] = ls.leastsquares(lN,la[:,j],np.log10(tol))
    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1)

    ax1.plot(lN, la[:,0],'ko')
    p0, = ax1.plot(lN,least[0,0]*lN+least[0,1],'k-',label = '%.4f Secant' % least[0,0])
    ax1.set_title("t = "+str(T))
    ax1.plot(lN, la[:,1],'ro')
    p1, = ax1.plot(lN,least[1,0]*lN+least[1,1],'r-',label = '%.4f Relaxation' % least[1,0])

    ax1.plot(lN, la[:,2],'bo')
    p2, = ax1.plot(lN,least[2,0]*lN+least[2,1],'b-',label = '%.4f Bisection' % least[2,0])
    ax1.set_ylabel("Root Log Error")
    l0 = ax1.legend(handles=[p0,p1,p2],loc=1)  
Пример #3
def get_secant_iterations(thing, tolerance):
        return methods.secant(thing['fn'], thing['bounds'][0],
                              thing['bounds'][1], tolerance)['iterations']

        return "Fail"
Пример #4
xn = 1.0
xnm1 = 1.0005
xnm2 = 1.005
eps = 0.1
x0 = -1.00
x1 = 1.00

print("Метод Ньютона", methods.newton(f, df, xn, eps))

print("Метод Чебышева", methods.chebishev(f, df, ddf, xn, eps))

print("Метод Хэлли", methods.helley(f, df, ddf, xn, eps))

print("Метод обратной параболической интерполяции",
      methods.inverseInterpolation(f, xn, xnm1, xnm2, eps))

print("Для другой функции: ")

print("Метод секущих", methods.secant(f1, x0, x1, eps))

print("Метод Ньютона", methods.newton(f1, df1, xn, eps))

print("Метод Чебышева", methods.chebishev(f1, df1, ddf1, xn, eps))

print("Метод Хэлли", methods.helley(f1, df1, ddf1, xn, eps))

print("Метод обратной параболической интерполяции",
      methods.inverseInterpolation(f1, xn, xnm1, xnm2, eps))

Пример #5
def gerar_resultados(minGrau, maxGrau, quantidade, MU, SIGMA, ERROR):
    random_polinomials = generate_random_polynomials(quantidade, MU, SIGMA, minGrau, maxGrau)

    results = {
        "minGrau": minGrau,
        "maxGrau": maxGrau,
        "quantidade": quantidade,
        "mu": MU,
        "sigma": SIGMA,
        "error": ERROR,
        "calculadoPorTodos": 0,
        "graus": {},
        "bissection": {
            "iterations": 0,
            "time": 0,
            "avgF(x)": 0,
            "ignored": 0,
            "graus": {}
        "newton": {
            "iterations": 0,
            "time": 0,
            "avgF(x)": 0,
            "ignored": 0,
            "graus": {}
        "secant": {
            "iterations": 0,
            "time": 0,
            "avgF(x)": 0,
            "ignored": 0,
            "graus": {}

    for i in range(minGrau, maxGrau + 1):
        results["graus"]["grau%i" % i] = 0

    for name in ["bissection", "newton", "secant"]:
        for i in range(minGrau, maxGrau + 1):
            results[name]["graus"]["grau%i" % i] = {
                "iterations": 0,
                "time": 0,
                "avgF(x)": 0,
                "ignored": 0

    for p in random_polinomials:

        grauName = "grau%i" % p.o

        timeBstart = time.time()
        xB, itrB = methods.bisection(p, ERROR)
        timeBend = time.time()
        timeB = (timeBend - timeBstart)

        timeSstart = time.time()
        xS, itrS = methods.secant(p, ERROR)
        timeSend = time.time()
        timeS = (timeSend - timeSstart)

        timeNstart = time.time()
        xN, itrN = methods.newton(p, ERROR)
        timeNend = time.time()
        timeN = (timeNend - timeNstart)

        if xB == None:
            results["bissection"]["ignored"] += 1
            results["bissection"]["graus"][grauName]["ignored"] += 1
        if xN == None:
            results["newton"]["ignored"] += 1
            results["newton"]["graus"][grauName]["ignored"] += 1

        if xS == None:
            results["secant"]["ignored"] += 1
            results["secant"]["graus"][grauName]["ignored"] += 1

        if xB != None and xN != None and xS != None:
            results["calculadoPorTodos"] += 1

            results["graus"][grauName] += 1

            results["bissection"]["avgF(x)"] += (p.__call__(xB))/quantidade
            results["bissection"]["graus"][grauName]["avgF(x)"] += (p.__call__(xB))/quantidade

            results["bissection"]["iterations"] += itrB
            results["bissection"]["graus"][grauName]["iterations"] += itrB
            results["bissection"]["time"] += timeB
            results["bissection"]["graus"][grauName]["time"] += timeB

            results["newton"]["avgF(x)"] += (p.__call__(xN))/quantidade
            results["newton"]["graus"][grauName]["avgF(x)"] += (p.__call__(xN))/quantidade

            results["newton"]["iterations"] += itrN
            results["newton"]["graus"][grauName]["iterations"] += itrN

            results["newton"]["time"] += timeN
            results["newton"]["graus"][grauName]["time"] += timeN

            results["secant"]["avgF(x)"] += (p.__call__(xS))/quantidade
            results["secant"]["graus"][grauName]["avgF(x)"] += (p.__call__(xS))/quantidade

            results["secant"]["iterations"] += itrS
            results["secant"]["graus"][grauName]["iterations"] += itrS

            results["secant"]["time"] += timeS
            results["secant"]["graus"][grauName]["time"] += timeS

    for name in ["bissection", "newton", "secant"]:
        results[name]["iterations"] = results[name]["iterations"]/results["calculadoPorTodos"]
        results[name]["time"] = results[name]["time"]/results["calculadoPorTodos"]
        for i in range(minGrau, maxGrau + 1):
            results[name]["graus"]["grau%i" % i]["iterations"] = results[name]["graus"]["grau%i" % i]["iterations"]/results["graus"]["grau%i" % i]
            results[name]["graus"]["grau%i" % i]["time"] = results[name]["graus"]["grau%i" % i]["time"]/results["graus"]["grau%i" % i]

    return results