def _run(self, dao, app_runner, config): """Transform and archive suite files. This application is designed to work under "rose task-run" in a suite. """ compress_manager = SchemeHandlersManager( [os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.modules["rose"].__file__))], "rose.apps.rose_arch_compressions", ["compress_sources"], None, app_runner) # Set up the targets s_key_tails = set() targets = [] for t_key, t_node in sorted(config.value.items()): if t_node.is_ignored() or ":" not in t_key: continue s_key_head, s_key_tail = t_key.split(":", 1) if s_key_head != self.SECTION or not s_key_tail: continue # Determine target path. s_key_tail = t_key.split(":", 1)[1] try: s_key_tail = env_var_process(s_key_tail) except UnboundEnvironmentVariableError as exc: raise ConfigValueError([t_key, ""], "", exc) # If parenthesised target is optional. is_compulsory_target = True if s_key_tail.startswith("(") and s_key_tail.endswith(")"): s_key_tail = s_key_tail[1:-1] is_compulsory_target = False # Don't permit duplicate targets. if s_key_tail in s_key_tails: raise RoseArchDuplicateError([t_key], '', s_key_tail) else: s_key_tails.add(s_key_tail) target = self._run_target_setup( app_runner, compress_manager, config, t_key, s_key_tail, t_node, is_compulsory_target) old_target = if old_target is None or old_target != target: dao.delete(target) else: target.status = target.ST_OLD targets.append(target) targets.sort(key=lambda target: # Delete from database items that are no longer relevant dao.delete_all(filter_targets=targets) # Update the targets for target in targets: self._run_target_update(dao, app_runner, compress_manager, target) return [target.status for target in targets].count( RoseArchTarget.ST_BAD)
def _conf_value(conf_tree, keys, default=None): """Return conf setting value, with env var processed.""" value = conf_tree.node.get_value(keys, default) if value is None: return try: return env_var_process(value) except UnboundEnvironmentVariableError as exc: raise ConfigValueError(keys, value, exc)
def _get_conf(self, r_node, t_node, key, compulsory=False, default=None): """Return the value of a configuration.""" value = t_node.get_value([key], r_node.get_value([self.SECTION, key], default=default)) if compulsory and not value: raise CompulsoryConfigValueError([key], None, KeyError(key)) if value: try: value = env_var_process(value) except UnboundEnvironmentVariableError as exc: raise ConfigValueError([key], value, exc) return value
def _get_prune_globs(self, app_runner, conf_tree): """Return (globs, cycles). where: * globs is for matching items to prune. * cycles is a set of relevant cycles. """ globs = [] nodes = conf_tree.node.get_value([self.SECTION]) if nodes is None: return [], set() cycle_formats = {} for key, node in nodes.items(): if node.is_ignored(): continue if key.startswith("cycle-format{") and key.endswith("}"): fmt = key[len("cycle-format{"):-1] try: cycle_formats[fmt] = env_var_process(node.value) # Check formats are valid if self._get_cycling_mode() == "integer": cycle_formats[fmt] % 0 else: app_runner.date_time_oper.date_format( cycle_formats[fmt]) except (UnboundEnvironmentVariableError, ValueError) as exc: raise ConfigValueError([self.SECTION, key], node.value, exc) cycle_set = set() for key, node in sorted(nodes.items()): if node.is_ignored(): continue if key == "prune-datac-at": # backward compat head = "share/cycle" elif key == "prune-work-at": # backward compat head = "work" elif key.startswith("prune{") and key.endswith("}"): head = key[len("prune{"):-1].strip() # remove "prune{" and "}" else: continue for cycle, cycle_args in self._get_conf(app_runner, conf_tree, key, max_args=1): cycle_set.add(cycle) if cycle_args: cycle_strs = {"cycle": cycle} for cycle_key, cycle_format in cycle_formats.items(): if self._get_cycling_mode() == "integer": cycle_strs[cycle_key] = cycle_format % int(cycle) else: # date time cycling cycle_point = app_runner.date_time_oper.date_parse( cycle)[0] cycle_strs[ cycle_key] = app_runner.date_time_oper.date_format( cycle_format, cycle_point) for tail_glob in shlex.split(cycle_args.pop()): glob_ = tail_glob % cycle_strs if glob_ == tail_glob: # no substitution glob_ = os.path.join(cycle, tail_glob) globs.append(os.path.join(head, glob_)) else: globs.append(os.path.join(head, cycle)) return globs, cycle_set
def _get_conf(self, app_runner, conf_tree, key, max_args=0): """Get a list of cycles from a configuration setting. key -- An option key in self.SECTION to locate the setting. max_args -- Maximum number of extra arguments for an item in the list. The value of the setting is expected to be split by shlex.split into a list of items. If max_args == 0, an item should be a string representing a cycle or an cycle offset. If max_args > 0, the cycle or cycle offset string can, optionally, have arguments. The arguments are delimited by colons ":". E.g.: prune-remote-logs-at=-PT6H -PT12H prune-server-logs-at=-P7D prune-datac-at=-PT6H:foo/* -PT12H:'bar/* baz/*' -P1D prune-work-at=-PT6H:t1*:*.tar -PT12H:t1*: -PT12H:*.gz -P1D If max_args == 0, return a list of cycles. If max_args > 0, return a list of (cycle, [arg, ...]) """ items_str = conf_tree.node.get_value([self.SECTION, key]) if items_str is None: return [] try: items_str = env_var_process(items_str) except UnboundEnvironmentVariableError as exc: raise ConfigValueError([self.SECTION, key], items_str, exc) items = [] ref_point_str = os.getenv(RoseDateTimeOperator.TASK_CYCLE_TIME_ENV) try: ref_point = None ref_fmt = None for item_str in shlex.split(items_str): args = item_str.split(":", max_args) when = args.pop(0) cycle = when if ref_point_str is not None: if self._get_cycling_mode() == "integer": # Integer cycling if "P" in when: # "when" is an offset cycle = str( int(ref_point_str) + int(when.replace("P", ""))) else: # "when" is a cycle point cycle = str(when) else: # Date-time cycling if ref_fmt is None: ( ref_point, ref_fmt, ) = app_runner.date_time_oper.date_parse( ref_point_str) try: time_point = app_runner.date_time_oper.date_parse( when)[0] except ValueError: time_point = app_runner.date_time_oper.date_shift( ref_point, when) cycle = app_runner.date_time_oper.date_format( ref_fmt, time_point) if max_args: items.append((cycle, args)) else: items.append(cycle) except ValueError as exc: raise ConfigValueError([self.SECTION, key], items_str, exc) return items
def run(self, app_runner, conf_tree, opts, args, uuid, work_files): """ Run multiple instances of a command using sets of specified args""" # Counts for reporting purposes run_ok = 0 run_fail = 0 run_skip = 0 notrun = 0 # Allow naming of individual calls self.invocation_names = conf_tree.node.get_value([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "names"]) if self.invocation_names: self.invocation_names = shlex.split( metomi.rose.env.env_var_process(self.invocation_names)) if len(set(self.invocation_names)) != len(self.invocation_names): raise ConfigValueError([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "names"], self.invocation_names, "names must be unique") self.fail_mode = metomi.rose.env.env_var_process( conf_tree.node.get_value( [self.BUNCH_SECTION, "fail-mode"], self.TYPE_CONTINUE_ON_FAIL)) if self.fail_mode not in self.FAIL_MODE_TYPES: raise ConfigValueError([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "fail-mode"], self.fail_mode, "not a valid setting") self.incremental = conf_tree.node.get_value([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "incremental"], "true") if self.incremental: self.incremental = metomi.rose.env.env_var_process( self.incremental) self.isformatted = True self.command = metomi.rose.env.env_var_process( conf_tree.node.get_value([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "command-format"])) if not self.command: self.isformatted = False self.command = app_runner.get_command(conf_tree, opts, args) if not self.command: raise CommandNotDefinedError() # Set up command-instances if needed instances = conf_tree.node.get_value([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "command-instances"]) if instances: try: instances = range( int(metomi.rose.env.env_var_process(instances))) except ValueError: raise ConfigValueError([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "command-instances"], instances, "not an integer value") # Argument lists multi_args = conf_tree.node.get_value([self.ARGS_SECTION], {}) bunch_args_names = [] bunch_args_values = [] for key, val in multi_args.items(): bunch_args_names.append(key) bunch_args_values.append( shlex.split(metomi.rose.env.env_var_process(val.value))) # Update the argument values based on the argument-mode argument_mode = conf_tree.node.get_value([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "argument-mode"], self.DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_MODE) if argument_mode == self.DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_MODE: pass elif argument_mode in self.ACCEPTED_ARGUMENT_MODES: # The behaviour of of izip and izip_longest are special cases # because: # * izip was deprecated in Python3 use zip # * itertools.izip_longest was renamed and requires the fillvalue # kwarg if argument_mode in ['zip', 'izip']: _permutations = zip(*bunch_args_values) elif argument_mode in ['zip_longest', 'izip_longest']: _permutations = itertools.zip_longest(*bunch_args_values, fillvalue="") else: iteration_cmd = getattr(itertools, argument_mode) _permutations = iteration_cmd(*bunch_args_values) # Reconstruct the bunch_args_values _permutations = list(_permutations) for index, _ in enumerate(bunch_args_values): bunch_args_values[index] = [v[index] for v in _permutations] else: raise ConfigValueError([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "argument-mode"], argument_mode, "must be one of %s" % self.ACCEPTED_ARGUMENT_MODES) # Validate runlists if not self.invocation_names: if instances: arglength = len(instances) else: arglength = len(bunch_args_values[0]) self.invocation_names = list(range(0, arglength)) else: arglength = len(self.invocation_names) for item, vals in zip(bunch_args_names, bunch_args_values): if len(vals) != arglength: raise ConfigValueError([self.ARGS_SECTION, item], conf_tree.node.get_value( [self.ARGS_SECTION, item]), "inconsistent arg lengths") if conf_tree.node.get_value([self.ARGS_SECTION, "command-instances"]): raise ConfigValueError([self.ARGS_SECTION, "command-instances"], conf_tree.node.get_value( [self.ARGS_SECTION, "command-instances"]), "reserved keyword") if conf_tree.node.get_value([self.ARGS_SECTION, "COMMAND_INSTANCES"]): raise ConfigValueError([self.ARGS_SECTION, "COMMAND_INSTANCES"], conf_tree.node.get_value( [self.ARGS_SECTION, "COMMAND_INSTANCES"]), "reserved keyword") if instances and arglength != len(instances): raise ConfigValueError([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "command-instances"], instances, "inconsistent arg lengths") # Set max number of processes to run at once max_procs = conf_tree.node.get_value([self.BUNCH_SECTION, "pool-size"]) if max_procs: max_procs = int(metomi.rose.env.env_var_process(max_procs)) else: max_procs = arglength if self.incremental == "true": self.dao = RoseBunchDAO(conf_tree) else: self.dao = None commands = {} for vals in zip(range(arglength), self.invocation_names, *bunch_args_values): index, name, bunch_args_vals = vals[0], vals[1], vals[2:] argsdict = dict(zip(bunch_args_names, bunch_args_vals)) if instances: if self.isformatted: argsdict["command-instances"] = instances[index] else: argsdict["COMMAND_INSTANCES"] = str(instances[index]) commands[name] = RoseBunchCmd(name, self.command, argsdict, self.isformatted) procs = {} if 'ROSE_TASK_LOG_DIR' in os.environ: log_format = os.path.join(os.environ['ROSE_TASK_LOG_DIR'], "%s") else: log_format = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "%s") failed = {} abort = False while procs or (commands and not abort): for key, proc in list(procs.items()): if proc.poll() is not None: procs.pop(key) if proc.returncode: failed[key] = proc.returncode run_fail += 1 app_runner.handle_event(RosePopenError(str(key), proc.returncode, None, None)) if self.dao: self.dao.update_command_state(key, self.dao.S_FAIL) if self.fail_mode == self.TYPE_ABORT_ON_FAIL: abort = True app_runner.handle_event(AbortEvent()) else: run_ok += 1 app_runner.handle_event(SucceededEvent(key), prefix=self.PREFIX_OK) if self.dao: self.dao.update_command_state(key, self.dao.S_PASS) while len(procs) < max_procs and commands and not abort: key = self.invocation_names[0] command = commands.pop(key) self.invocation_names.pop(0) cmd = command.get_command() cmd_stdout = log_format % command.get_out_file() cmd_stderr = log_format % command.get_err_file() prefix = command.get_log_prefix() bunch_environ = os.environ if not command.isformatted: bunch_environ.update(command.argsdict) bunch_environ['ROSE_BUNCH_LOG_PREFIX'] = prefix if self.dao: if self.dao.check_has_succeeded(key): run_skip += 1 app_runner.handle_event(PreviousSuccessEvent(key), prefix=self.PREFIX_PASS) continue else: self.dao.add_command(key) app_runner.handle_event(LaunchEvent(key, cmd)) procs[key] = app_runner.popen.run_bg( cmd, shell=True, stdout=open(cmd_stdout, 'w'), stderr=open(cmd_stderr, 'w'), env=bunch_environ) sleep(self.SLEEP_DURATION) if abort and commands: for key in self.invocation_names: notrun += 1 cmd = commands.pop(key).get_command() app_runner.handle_event(NotRunEvent(key, cmd), prefix=self.PREFIX_NOTRUN) if self.dao: self.dao.close() # Report summary data in job.out file app_runner.handle_event(SummaryEvent( run_ok, run_fail, run_skip, notrun)) if failed: return 1 else: return 0
def _run_target_setup(self, app_runner, compress_manager, config, t_key, s_key_tail, t_node, is_compulsory_target=True): """Helper for _run. Set up a target.""" target_prefix = self._get_conf(config, t_node, "target-prefix", default="") target = RoseArchTarget(target_prefix + s_key_tail) target.command_format = self._get_conf(config, t_node, "command-format", compulsory=True) try: target.command_format % {"sources": "", "target": ""} except KeyError as exc: target.status = target.ST_BAD app_runner.handle_event( RoseArchValueError(, "command-format", target.command_format, type(exc).__name__, exc)) target.source_edit_format = self._get_conf(config, t_node, "source-edit-format", default="") try: target.source_edit_format % {"in": "", "out": ""} except KeyError as exc: target.status = target.ST_BAD app_runner.handle_event( RoseArchValueError(, "source-edit-format", target.source_edit_format, type(exc).__name__, exc)) update_check_str = self._get_conf(config, t_node, "update-check") try: checksum_func = get_checksum_func(update_check_str) except ValueError as exc: raise RoseArchValueError(, "update-check", update_check_str, type(exc).__name__, exc) source_prefix = self._get_conf(config, t_node, "source-prefix", default="") for source_glob in shlex.split( self._get_conf(config, t_node, "source", compulsory=True)): is_compulsory_source = is_compulsory_target if source_glob.startswith("(") and source_glob.endswith(")"): source_glob = source_glob[1:-1] is_compulsory_source = False paths = glob(source_prefix + source_glob) if not paths: exc = OSError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), source_prefix + source_glob) app_runner.handle_event( ConfigValueError([t_key, "source"], source_glob, exc)) if is_compulsory_source: target.status = target.ST_BAD continue for path in paths: # N.B. source_prefix may not be a directory name = path[len(source_prefix):] for path_, checksum, _ in get_checksum(path, checksum_func): if checksum is None: # is directory continue if path_: target.sources[checksum] = RoseArchSource( checksum, os.path.join(name, path_), os.path.join(path, path_)) else: # path is a file target.sources[checksum] = RoseArchSource( checksum, name, path) if not target.sources: if is_compulsory_target: target.status = target.ST_BAD else: target.status = target.ST_NULL target.compress_scheme = self._get_conf(config, t_node, "compress") if not target.compress_scheme: target_base = if "/" in target_base ="/", 1)[1] if "." in target_base: tail = target_base.split(".", 1)[1] if compress_manager.get_handler(tail): target.compress_scheme = tail elif compress_manager.get_handler(target.compress_scheme) is None: app_runner.handle_event( ConfigValueError([t_key, "compress"], target.compress_scheme, KeyError(target.compress_scheme))) target.status = target.ST_BAD rename_format = self._get_conf(config, t_node, "rename-format") if rename_format: rename_parser_str = self._get_conf(config, t_node, "rename-parser") if rename_parser_str: try: rename_parser = re.compile(rename_parser_str) except re.error as exc: raise RoseArchValueError(, "rename-parser", rename_parser_str, type(exc).__name__, exc) else: rename_parser = None for source in target.sources.values(): dict_ = { "cycle": os.getenv("ROSE_TASK_CYCLE_TIME"), "name": } if rename_parser: match = rename_parser.match( if match: dict_.update(match.groupdict()) try: = rename_format % dict_ except (KeyError, ValueError) as exc: raise RoseArchValueError(, "rename-format", rename_format, type(exc).__name__, exc) return target