Пример #1
def test_geopotential_to_height_32bit():
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height with 32-bit values."""
    geopot = np.arange(201590, 201600, dtype=np.float32) * units('J/kg')
    truth = np.array([20623.000, 20623.102, 20623.203, 20623.307, 20623.408,
                      20623.512, 20623.615, 20623.717, 20623.820, 20623.924],
                     dtype=np.float32) * units.m
    assert_almost_equal(geopotential_to_height(geopot), truth, 2)
Пример #2
def add_metpy(option, filename):
    Adds the variables possible through metpy (theta, pv, n2)
    with xr.load_dataset(filename) as xin:
        if option.theta or option.pv:
            print("Adding potential temperature...")
            xin["pt"] = potential_temperature(xin["pressure"], xin["t"])
            xin["pt"].data = np.array(xin["pt"].data)
            xin["pt"].attrs["units"] = "K"
            xin["pt"].attrs["standard_name"] = VARIABLES["pt"][2]
        if option.pv:
            print("Adding potential vorticity...")
            xin = xin.metpy.assign_crs(grid_mapping_name='latitude_longitude',
            xin["pv"] = potential_vorticity_baroclinic(xin["pt"], xin["pressure"], xin["u"], xin["v"])
            xin["pv"].data = np.array(xin["pv"].data * 10 ** 6)
            xin = xin.drop("metpy_crs")
            xin["pv"].attrs["units"] = "kelvin * meter ** 2 / kilogram / second"
            xin["pv"].attrs["standard_name"] = VARIABLES["pv"][2]
            xin["mod_pv"] = xin["pv"] * ((xin["pt"] / 360) ** (-4.5))
            xin["mod_pv"].attrs["standard_name"] = VARIABLES["mod_pv"][2]
        if option.n2:
            print("Adding N2...")
            xin["n2"] = brunt_vaisala_frequency_squared(geopotential_to_height(xin["zh"]), xin["pt"])
            xin["n2"].data = np.array(xin["n2"].data)
            xin["n2"].attrs["units"] = VARIABLES["n2"][1]
            xin["n2"].attrs["standard_name"] = "square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_air"

Пример #3
def plot_vars(f_step, projection, load_all=False):
    # The one employed for the figure name when exported
    variable_name = 'gph_t_850'
    # Build the name of the output image
    run_string, _ = get_run()

    if load_all:
        f_steps = list(range(0, 79)) + list(range(81, 121, 3))
        f_steps = [f_step]

    filenames = ['/tmp/' + projection + '_' + variable_name +
                 '_%s_%03d.png' % (run_string, f_step) for f_step in f_steps]
    test_filenames = [os.path.exists(f) for f in filenames]

    if all(test_filenames):  # means the files already exist
        return filenames

    # otherwise do the plots
    dset = get_dset(vars_3d=['t@850', 'fi@500'], f_times=f_steps).squeeze()
    # Add a fictictious 1-D time dimension just to avoid problems
    if 'step' not in dset.dims.keys():
        dset = dset.expand_dims('step')
    dset = subset_arrays(dset, projection)
    time = pd.to_datetime(dset.valid_time.values)
    cum_hour = dset.step.values.astype(int)

    temp_850 = dset['t'] - 273.15
    z_500 = dset['z']
    gph_500 = mpcalc.geopotential_to_height(z_500)
    gph_500 = xr.DataArray(gph_500.magnitude, coords=z_500.coords,
                           attrs={'standard_name': 'geopotential height',
                                  'units': gph_500.units})

    levels_temp = np.arange(-30., 30., 1.)
    levels_gph = np.arange(4700., 6000., 70.)

    lon, lat = get_coordinates(temp_850)
    lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

    cmap = get_colormap('temp')

    args = dict(filenames=filenames, projection=projection, levels_temp=levels_temp,
                cmap=cmap, lon2d=lon2d, lat2d=lat2d, lon=lon, lat=lat, temp_850=temp_850.values,
                gph_500=gph_500.values, levels_gph=levels_gph, time=time, run_string=run_string)

    if load_all:
        single_plot_param = partial(single_plot, **args)
        iterator = range(0, len(f_steps))
        pool = Pool(cpu_count())
        results = pool.map(single_plot_param, iterator)
        results = single_plot(0, **args)

    return results
Пример #4
def test_geopotential_to_height():
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height."""
    geopotential = units.Quantity(
        [0, 9817.70342881, 19632.32592389, 29443.86893527],
        units('m**2 / second**2'))
    height = geopotential_to_height(geopotential)
                              units.Quantity([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], units.m),
Пример #5
def test_geopotential_to_height_32bit():
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height with 32-bit values."""
    geopot = np.arange(201590, 201600, dtype=np.float32) * units('J/kg')
    truth = np.array([
        20596.957, 20597.059, 20597.162, 20597.266, 20597.365, 20597.469,
        20597.570, 20597.674, 20597.777, 20597.881
                     dtype=np.float32) * units.m
    assert_almost_equal(geopotential_to_height(geopot), truth, 2)
Пример #6
def test_geopotential_to_height():
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height."""
    geopotential = units.Quantity(
        [0., 9805.11102602, 19607.14506998, 29406.10358006],
        units('m**2 / second**2'))
    height = geopotential_to_height(geopotential)
                              units.Quantity([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], units.m),
Пример #7
def test_geopotential_to_height(array_type):
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True]
    geopotential = array_type(
        [0., 9805.11102602, 19607.14506998, 29406.10358006],
        'm**2 / second**2',
    height = geopotential_to_height(geopotential)
    truth = array_type([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], 'meter', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(height, truth, 0)
Пример #8
def getWrfData(wrfPath, dx, dy, dz, levs, debug=True):

    # Open the file
    perDat = Dataset(wrfPath)
    refDat = Dataset("/home/iarsenea/trajs/wrfoutREFd01")


    # Pull in the values from the base state that we will add to the perturbations
    ref_h = getvar(refDat, "height", units="m", timeidx=0)
    thght = np.asarray(refDat.variables["HGT"])[0] * units.meter
    lats, lons = latlon_coords(ref_h)

    # Pull in the values from the perturbation
    ph = np.asarray(destagger(perDat.variables["PH"][0], 0)) * units('m^2/s^2')
    phb = np.asarray(destagger(refDat.variables["PHB"][0],
                               0)) * units('m^2/s^2')
    ua = np.asarray(destagger(perDat.variables["U"][0], 2)) * units('m/s')
    va = np.asarray(destagger(perDat.variables["V"][0], 1)) * units('m/s')

    # Calculate geopotential
    print("Converting from perturbation height to height AGL...")
    geo = ph + phb

    # Convert to height
    hght = mcalc.geopotential_to_height(geo)

    # Convert to height_agl
    h = np.zeros_like(hght)
    for i in range(hght.shape[0]):
        h[i] = hght[i] - thght

    # Get the x and y values of the lat and lon coordinates
    x, y = ll_to_xy(refDat, lats, lons)
    x = np.arange(0, np.max(x.data) + 1) * dx
    y = np.arange(0, np.max(y.data) + 1) * dy

    # Interpolate the winds speeds and temps to the heights specified in levs
    if debug:
        print("\nInterpolating wind values to every " + str(dz.m) +
              " meters... \n")
    ua_m = metpy.interpolate.interpolate_1d(levs, h, ua)
    va_m = metpy.interpolate.interpolate_1d(levs, h, va)


    return h, x, y, ua_m, va_m
Пример #9
def compute_geopot_height(dset, zvar='z', level=None):
    if level:
        zlevel = dset[zvar].sel(plev=level)
        zlevel = dset[zvar]
    gph = mpcalc.geopotential_to_height(zlevel)
    gph = xr.DataArray(gph.magnitude,
                           'standard_name': 'geopotential height',
                           'units': gph.units

    return xr.merge([dset, gph])
Пример #10
def main():
    """In the main function we basically read the files and prepare the variables to be plotted.
    This is not included in utils.py as it can change from case to case."""
    file = glob(input_file)
    print('Using file '+file[0])
    dset = xr.open_dataset(file[0])
    dset = dset.metpy.parse_cf()

    # Select 850 hPa level using metpy
    temp_850 = dset['t'].metpy.sel(vertical=850 * units.hPa).metpy.unit_array.to('degC')
    gph_500 = mpcalc.geopotential_to_height(dset['z'].metpy.sel(vertical=500 * units.hPa))

    lon, lat = get_coordinates(dset)

    time = pd.to_datetime(dset.time.values)
    cum_hour=np.array((time-time[0]) / pd.Timedelta('1 hour')).astype("int")

    levels_temp = np.arange(-35., 30., 1.)
    levels_gph = np.arange(4800., 5800., 70.)

    cmap = get_colormap("temp")
    for projection in projections:# This works regardless if projections is either single value or array
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figsize_x, figsize_y))      
        ax, x, y = get_projection_cartopy(plt, lon, lat, projection)
        # Create a mask to retain only the points inside the globe
        # to avoid a bug in matplotlib
        mask = np.invert(np.logical_or(np.isinf(x), np.isinf(y)))
        x = np.compress(mask, x)
        y = np.compress(mask, y)

        # All the arguments that need to be passed to the plotting function
        args=dict(x=x, y=y, ax=ax,
                 temp_850=np.compress(mask, temp_850, axis=1), gph_500=np.compress(mask, gph_500, axis=1),
                 levels_temp=levels_temp, cmap=cmap,
                 levels_gph=levels_gph, time=time, projection=projection, cum_hour=cum_hour)
        print('Pre-processing finished, launching plotting scripts')
        if debug:
            plot_files(time[0:1], **args)
            # Parallelize the plotting by dividing into chunks and processes 
            dates = chunks(time, chunks_size)
            plot_files_param=partial(plot_files, **args)
            p = Pool(processes)
            p.map(plot_files_param, dates)
Пример #11
def main():
    Match ozonesonde data with tslist ouput file
            tslist file, wrfout*, ozonesonde file
            dict of matched profile of h, PR, sonde_O3, QV and O3
            or saved in txt

    from metpy.units import units
    # --------------- input --------------- #
    # model paras
    wrf_path = '../XZ_model/data/20190725/'
    tslist_path = '../XZ_model/data/20190725/tslist/'
    domain = 'd01'
    wrf_file = 'wrfout_d01_2019-07-25_00_00_00'
    model_start = datetime(2019, 7, 25, 0)
    step = timedelta(seconds=5)  # unit: second
    # sonde paras
    sonde = './data/ozonesonde/9_201907251434.txt'
    p_surf = 998.4

    # read data
    sonde_profile, sonde_dates = read_sonde(sonde, p_surf, model_start, step)
    station_xs, station_ys, headers = get_sonde_indices(
        tslist_path, wrf_path, wrf_file, domain, sonde_profile)

    # get paired profiles
    model_profiles = {}
    for index, station_x in enumerate(station_xs):
        tslist_file = headers[(station_x, station_ys[index])]
        # get vertical data of specific tslist file
        model_profile = get_vert_data(tslist_file, model_start,
                                      sonde_dates[index], step.seconds)
        model_profile['O3'] *= 1e3  # ppbv
        model_profile['QV'] *= 1e6  # ppmv
        model_profile['h'] = mpcalc.geopotential_to_height(
            model_profile['PH'] * 9.80665 * (units.meter**2) /

        # assign sonde h, PR and O3 first
        for key in ['h', 'PR', 'O3']:
            if index == 0:
                if key == 'O3':
                    model_profiles['sonde_O3'] = sonde_profile[key][index]
                    model_profiles[key] = sonde_profile[key][index]
                if key == 'O3':
                    model_profiles['sonde_O3'] = np.append(
                        model_profiles['sonde_O3'], sonde_profile[key][index])
                    model_profiles[key] = np.append(model_profiles[key],

        # iterate requested model variables in tslists
        for key in ['QV', 'O3']:
            f = interpolate.interp1d(model_profile['h'],
                                     model_profile[key])  #, fill_value=np.nan)
            if index == 0:
                model_profiles[key] = f(sonde_profile['h'][index])
                model_profiles[key] = np.append(model_profiles[key],

    # convert to df and save to txt file
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(model_profiles)
    ouput_name = 'sonde_tslist.txt'
    df.to_csv(ouput_name, sep=',', index=False)

    # add units info
    f = open(ouput_name, "r")
    contents = f.readlines()
    units = 'm,hPa,ppbv,ppmv,ppbv \n'  #h,PR,sonde_O3,QV,O3
    contents.insert(1, units)

    # write again
    f = open(ouput_name, "w")
if not sys.argv[1:]:
        'Projection not defined, falling back to default (euratl, it, de)')
    projection = 'euratl'
    projection = sys.argv[1:]
"""In the main function we basically read the files and prepare the variables to be plotted.
This is not included in utils.py as it can change from case to case."""
dset = get_dset(vars_3d=['t@850', 'fi@500']).squeeze()
time = pd.to_datetime(dset.valid_time.values)
cum_hour = dset.step.values.astype(int)

temp_850 = dset['t'] - 273.15
z_500 = dset['z']
gph_500 = mpcalc.geopotential_to_height(z_500)
gph_500 = xr.DataArray(gph_500.magnitude,
                           'standard_name': 'geopotential height',
                           'units': gph_500.units

levels_temp = np.arange(-30., 30., 1.)
levels_gph = np.arange(4700., 6000., 70.)

cmap = get_colormap('temp')

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figsize_x, figsize_y))

ax = plt.gca()
Пример #13
def test_geopotential_to_height():
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height."""
    geopotential = units.Quantity([0, 9817.70342881, 19632.32592389,
                                  29443.86893527], units('m**2 / second**2'))
    height = geopotential_to_height(geopotential)
    assert_array_almost_equal(height, units.Quantity([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], units.m), 0)
Пример #14
def plot_var(f_step, projection):
    # NOTE!
    # If we are inside this function it means that the picture does not exist
    # The one employed for the figure name when exported
    variable_name = 'gph_t_850'
    # Build the name of the output image
    run_string, _ = get_run()
    filename = '/tmp/' + projection + '_' + \
        variable_name + '_%s_%03d.png' % (run_string, f_step)

    """In the main function we basically read the files and prepare the variables to be plotted.
  This is not included in utils.py as it can change from case to case."""
    dset = get_dset(vars_3d=['t@850', 'fi@500'], f_times=f_step).squeeze()
    dset = subset_arrays(dset, projection)
    time = pd.to_datetime(dset.valid_time.values)
    cum_hour = dset.step.values.astype(int)

    temp_850 = dset['t'] - 273.15
    z_500 = dset['z']
    gph_500 = mpcalc.geopotential_to_height(z_500)
    gph_500 = xr.DataArray(gph_500.magnitude, coords=z_500.coords,
                           attrs={'standard_name': 'geopotential height',
                                  'units': gph_500.units})

    levels_temp = np.arange(-30., 30., 1.)
    levels_gph = np.arange(4700., 6000., 70.)

    cmap = get_colormap('temp')

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figsize_x, figsize_y))

    ax = plt.gca()

    lon, lat = get_coordinates(temp_850)
    lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

    ax = get_projection_cartopy(plt, projection, compute_projection=True)

    if projection == 'euratl':
        norm = BoundaryNorm(levels_temp, ncolors=cmap.N)
        cs = ax.pcolormesh(lon2d, lat2d, temp_850, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
        cs = ax.contourf(lon2d, lat2d, temp_850, extend='both',
                         cmap=cmap, levels=levels_temp)

    c = ax.contour(lon2d, lat2d, gph_500, levels=levels_gph,
                   colors='white', linewidths=1.)

    labels = ax.clabel(c, c.levels, inline=True, fmt='%4.0f', fontsize=6)

    maxlabels = plot_maxmin_points(ax, lon, lat, gph_500,
                                   'max', 80, symbol='H', color='royalblue', random=True)
    minlabels = plot_maxmin_points(ax, lon, lat, gph_500,
                                   'min', 80, symbol='L', color='coral', random=True)

    an_fc = annotation_forecast(ax, time)
    an_var = annotation(
        ax, 'Geopotential height @500hPa [m] and temperature @850hPa [C]', loc='lower left', fontsize=6)
    an_run = annotation_run(ax, time)

    plt.colorbar(cs, orientation='horizontal',
                 label='Temperature', pad=0.03, fraction=0.04)

    plt.savefig(filename, **options_savefig)

    return filename