Пример #1
def test_gini_dataset(filename, bounds, data_var, proj_attrs):
    """Test the dataset interface for GINI."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data(filename))
    ds = f.to_dataset()

    # Check our calculated x and y arrays
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = bounds
    x = ds.variables['x']
    assert_almost_equal(x[0], x0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(x[-1], x1, 4)

    # Because the actual data raster has the top row first, the maximum y value is y[0],
    # while the minimum y value is y[-1]
    y = ds.variables['y']
    assert_almost_equal(y[-1], y0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(y[0], y1, 4)

    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = ds.img_extent
    assert_almost_equal(xmin, x0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(xmax, x1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ymin, y0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ymax, y1, 4)

    # Check the projection metadata
    proj_name = ds.variables[data_var].grid_mapping
    proj_var = ds.variables[proj_name]
    for attr, val in proj_attrs.items():
        assert getattr(proj_var, attr) == val, 'Values mismatch for ' + attr

    # Check the lower left lon/lat corner
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][-1, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][-1, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)
Пример #2
def test_gini_mercator_upper_corner():
    """Test that the upper corner of the Mercator coordinates is correct."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('HI-REGIONAL_4km_3.9_20160616_1715.gini'))
    ds = f.to_dataset()
    lat = ds.variables['lat']
    lon = ds.variables['lon']

    # 2nd corner lat/lon are at the "upper right" corner of the pixel, so need to add one
    # more grid point
    assert_almost_equal(lon[0, -1] + (lon[0, -1] - lon[0, -2]), f.proj_info.lo2, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(lat[0, -1] + (lat[0, -1] - lat[1, -1]), f.proj_info.la2, 4)
Пример #3
def test_gini_mercator_upper_corner():
    """Test that the upper corner of the Mercator coordinates is correct."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('HI-REGIONAL_4km_3.9_20160616_1715.gini'))
    ds = f.to_dataset()
    lat = ds.variables['lat']
    lon = ds.variables['lon']

    # 2nd corner lat/lon are at the "upper right" corner of the pixel, so need to add one
    # more grid point
    assert_almost_equal(lon[-1, -1] + (lon[-1, -1] - lon[-1, -2]), f.proj_info.lo2, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(lat[-1, -1] + (lat[-1, -1] - lat[-2, -1]), f.proj_info.la2, 4)
Пример #4
def test_raw_gini(filename, pdb, pdb2, proj_info):
    """Test raw GINI parsing."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data(filename))
    assert f.prod_desc == pdb
    assert f.prod_desc2 == pdb2
    assert f.proj_info == proj_info
    assert f.data.shape == (pdb.num_records, pdb.record_len)
Пример #5
def test_gini_xarray(filename, bounds, data_var, proj_attrs, image, dt):
    """Test that GINIFile can be passed to XArray as a datastore."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data(filename))
    ds = xr.open_dataset(f)

    # Check our calculated x and y arrays
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = bounds
    x = ds.variables['x']
    assert_almost_equal(x[0], x0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(x[-1], x1, 4)

    # Because the actual data raster has the top row first, the maximum y value is y[0],
    # while the minimum y value is y[-1]
    y = ds.variables['y']
    assert_almost_equal(y[-1], y0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(y[0], y1, 4)

    # Check the projection metadata
    proj_name = ds.variables[data_var].attrs['grid_mapping']
    proj_var = ds.variables[proj_name]
    for attr, val in proj_attrs.items():
        assert proj_var.attrs[attr] == val, 'Values mismatch for ' + attr

    # Check the lower left lon/lat corner
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][-1, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][-1, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)

    # Check a pixel of the image to make sure we're decoding correctly
    x_ind, y_ind, val = image
    assert val == ds.variables[data_var][x_ind, y_ind]

    # Check time decoding
    assert np.asarray(dt, dtype='datetime64[ms]') == ds.variables['time']
Пример #6
def get_closest_satellite_vis(time):
    Get the super national 8 km visible satellite image. The image closest to
    the requested time will be returned.

    time : datetime object of image

    catalog = TDSCatalog(

    # Figure out the closest image to the requested time in the catalog
    datasets = list(catalog.datasets)
    dt_stamps = []
    for dataset in datasets:
        fmt = 'SUPER-NATIONAL_8km_VIS_%Y%m%d_%H%M.gini'
        dt_stamps.append(datetime.strptime(dataset, fmt))
    closest_time = min(dt_stamps, key=lambda x: abs(x - time))
    index = dt_stamps.index(closest_time)

    # Request that image and convert it to a netCDF like dataset
    satellite = list(catalog.datasets.values())[index]
    sat_data = GiniFile(
    ds = sat_data.to_dataset()

    # Pull out the variables we need
    x = ds.variables['x'][:]
    y = ds.variables['y'][:]
    channel_data = ds.variables['Visible']
    time_var = ds.variables['time']
    proj_var = ds.variables[channel_data.grid_mapping]

    # Make a globe and projection for this dataset
    globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere',

    proj = ccrs.Stereographic(

    timestamp = netCDF4.num2date(time_var[:].squeeze(), time_var.units)
    return timestamp, globe, proj, x, y, channel_data
Пример #7
def test_gini_str():
    """Test the str representation of GiniFile."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))
    truth = ('GiniFile: GOES-15 West CONUS WV (6.5/6.7 micron)\n'
             '\tTime: 2015-12-08 22:00:19\n\tSize: 1280x1100\n'
             '\tProjection: lambert_conformal\n'
             '\tLower Left Corner (Lon, Lat): (-133.4588, 12.19)\n\tResolution: 4km')
    assert str(f) == truth
Пример #8
def test_gini_pathlib():
    """Test that GiniFile works with `pathlib.Path` instances."""
    from pathlib import Path
    src = Path(
    f = GiniFile(src)
    assert f.prod_desc.sector_id == 'West CONUS'
Пример #9
def test_unidata_composite():
    """Test reading radar composites in GINI format made by Unidata."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('Level3_Composite_dhr_1km_20180309_2225.gini'))

    # Check the time stamp
    assert datetime(2018, 3, 9, 22, 25) == f.prod_desc.datetime

    # Check data value
    assert 66 == f.data[2160, 2130]
def get_closest_satellite_vis(time):
    Get the super national 8 km visible satellite image. The image closest to
    the requested time will be returned.

    time : datetime object of image

    catalog = TDSCatalog('http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/satellite/VIS/'

    # Figure out the closest image to the requested time in the catalog
    datasets = list(catalog.datasets)
    dt_stamps = []
    for dataset in datasets:
        fmt = 'SUPER-NATIONAL_8km_VIS_%Y%m%d_%H%M.gini'
        dt_stamps.append(datetime.strptime(dataset, fmt))
    closest_time = min(dt_stamps, key=lambda x: abs(x - time))
    index = dt_stamps.index(closest_time)

    # Request that image and convert it to a netCDF like dataset
    satellite = list(catalog.datasets.values())[index]
    sat_data = GiniFile(urllib.request.urlopen(satellite.access_urls['HTTPServer']))
    ds = sat_data.to_dataset()

    # Pull out the variables we need
    x = ds.variables['x'][:]
    y = ds.variables['y'][:]
    channel_data = ds.variables['Visible']
    time_var = ds.variables['time']
    proj_var = ds.variables[channel_data.grid_mapping]

    # Make a globe and projection for this dataset
    globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', semimajor_axis=proj_var.earth_radius,

    proj = ccrs.Stereographic(central_longitude=proj_var.straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole,
                         true_scale_latitude=proj_var.standard_parallel, globe=globe)

    timestamp = netCDF4.num2date(time_var[:].squeeze(), time_var.units)
    return timestamp, globe, proj, x, y, channel_data
Пример #11
def test_gini_dataset(filename, bounds, data_var, proj_attrs, image, dt):
    """Test the dataset interface for GINI."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data(filename))
    with pytest.warns(MetpyDeprecationWarning):
        ds = f.to_dataset()

    # Check our calculated x and y arrays
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = bounds
    x = ds.variables['x']
    assert_almost_equal(x[0], x0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(x[-1], x1, 4)

    # Because the actual data raster has the top row first, the maximum y value is y[0],
    # while the minimum y value is y[-1]
    y = ds.variables['y']
    assert_almost_equal(y[-1], y0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(y[0], y1, 4)

    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = ds.img_extent
    assert_almost_equal(xmin, x0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(xmax, x1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ymin, y0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ymax, y1, 4)

    # Check the projection metadata
    proj_name = ds.variables[data_var].grid_mapping
    proj_var = ds.variables[proj_name]
    for attr, val in proj_attrs.items():
        assert getattr(proj_var, attr) == val, 'Values mismatch for ' + attr

    # Check the lower left lon/lat corner
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][-1, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][-1, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)

    # Check a pixel of the image to make sure we're decoding correctly
    x_ind, y_ind, val = image
    assert val == ds.variables[data_var][x_ind, y_ind]

    # Check that the decoded date time will work properly
    assert f.prod_desc.datetime == dt
Пример #12
def test_gini_dataset(filename, bounds, data_var, proj_attrs):
    """Test the dataset interface for GINI."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data(filename))
    ds = f.to_dataset()

    # Check our calculated x and y arrays
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = bounds
    x = ds.variables['x']
    assert_almost_equal(x[0], x0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(x[-1], x1, 4)

    y = ds.variables['y']
    assert_almost_equal(y[0], y0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(y[-1], y1, 4)

    # Check the projection metadata
    proj_name = ds.variables[data_var].grid_mapping
    proj_var = ds.variables[proj_name]
    for attr, val in proj_attrs.items():
        assert getattr(proj_var, attr) == val, 'Values mismatch for ' + attr

    # Check the lon/lat corner
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)
Пример #13
def test_global():
    """Test that we can set global extent."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(GiniFile(get_test_data('NHEM-MULTICOMP_1km_IR_20151208_2100.gini')))

    img = ImagePlot()
    img.data = data
    img.field = 'IR'

    panel = MapPanel()
    panel.area = 'global'
    panel.plots = [img]

    pc = PanelContainer()
    pc.panel = panel

    return pc.figure
Пример #14
def test_declarative_image():
    """Test making an image plot."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(GiniFile(get_test_data('NHEM-MULTICOMP_1km_IR_20151208_2100.gini')))

    img = ImagePlot()
    img.data = data.metpy.parse_cf('IR')
    img.colormap = 'Greys_r'

    panel = MapPanel()
    panel.title = 'Test'
    panel.plots = [img]

    pc = PanelContainer()
    pc.panel = panel

    assert panel.ax.get_title() == 'Test'

    return pc.figure
Пример #15
from metpy.plots.ctables import registry
from metpy.units import units
from netCDF4 import num2date
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from siphon.catalog import TDSCatalog
import xarray as xr

# Get satellite data and set projection based on that data.

# Scan the catalog and download the data
satcat = TDSCatalog('http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/satellite/'
dataset = satcat.datasets[0]
f = GiniFile(dataset.remote_open())
gini_ds = xr.open_dataset(f)

# Pull parts out of the data file
dat = gini_ds.metpy.parse_cf('WV')
data_var = gini_ds.variables['WV']
x = gini_ds.variables['x'][:]
y = gini_ds.variables['y'][:]
timestamp = f.prod_desc.datetime

# Use Siphon to obtain data that is close to the time of the satellite file

gfscat = TDSCatalog('http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/grib/'
dataset = gfscat.datasets['Best GFS Half Degree Forecast Time Series']
Пример #16
Use MetPy's support for GINI files to read in a water vapor satellite image and plot the
data using CartoPy.
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
from metpy.io import GiniFile
from metpy.plots import add_metpy_logo, add_timestamp, ctables


# Open the GINI file from the test data
f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))


# Get a Dataset view of the data (essentially a NetCDF-like interface to the
# underlying data). Pull out the data, (x, y) coordinates, and the projection
# information.
ds = f.to_dataset()
x = ds.variables['x'][:]
y = ds.variables['y'][:]
dat = ds.variables['WV']
proj_var = ds.variables[dat.grid_mapping]

Пример #17
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from metpy.io import GiniFile
from metpy.plots.ctables import registry
from metpy.units import units
from netCDF4 import num2date
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from siphon.catalog import TDSCatalog

# Get satellite data and set projection based on that data.

# Scan the catalog and download the data
satcat = TDSCatalog('http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/satellite/'
dataset = satcat.datasets[0]
gini_ds = GiniFile(dataset.remote_open()).to_dataset()

# Pull parts out of the data file
data_var = gini_ds.variables['WV']
x = gini_ds.variables['x'][:]
y = gini_ds.variables['y'][:]
time_var = gini_ds.variables['time']
proj_var = gini_ds.variables[data_var.grid_mapping]
timestamp = num2date(time_var[:].squeeze(), time_var.units)

# Set up the projection based on satellite projection
globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere',

proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(
Пример #18
def test_gini_bad_size():
    """Test reading a GINI file that reports a bad header size."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('NHEM-MULTICOMP_1km_IR_20151208_2100.gini'))
    pdb2 = f.prod_desc2
    assert pdb2.pdb_size == 512  # Catching bad size
Пример #19
from metpy.io import GiniFile
from metpy.plots.ctables import registry
from metpy.units import units
from netCDF4 import num2date
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from siphon.catalog import TDSCatalog
from siphon.ncss import NCSS

# Get satellite data and set projection based on that data.

# Scan the catalog and download the data
satcat = TDSCatalog('http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/satellite/'
dataset = satcat.datasets[list(satcat.datasets)[0]]
gini_ds = GiniFile(urlopen(dataset.access_urls['HTTPServer'])).to_dataset()

# Pull parts out of the data file
data_var = gini_ds.variables['WV']
x = gini_ds.variables['x'][:]
y = gini_ds.variables['y'][:]
time_var = gini_ds.variables['time']
proj_var = gini_ds.variables[data_var.grid_mapping]

# Set up the projection based on satellite projection
globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere',

proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(
Пример #20
def test_percent_normal():
    """Test reading PCT products properly."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('PR-NATIONAL_1km_PCT_20200320_0446.gini'))

    assert f.prod_desc.channel == 'Percent Normal TPW'
Пример #21

Use MetPy's support for GINI files to read in a water vapor satellite image and plot the
data using CartoPy.
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
from metpy.io import GiniFile
from metpy.plots import ctables


# Open the GINI file from the test data
f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))


# Get a Dataset view of the data (essentially a NetCDF-like interface to the
# underlying data). Pull out the data, (x, y) coordinates, and the projection
# information.
ds = f.to_dataset()
x = ds.variables['x'][:]
y = ds.variables['y'][:]
dat = ds.variables['WV']
proj_var = ds.variables[dat.grid_mapping]

Пример #22
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Simple Plotting

Demonstrate the use of MetPy's simplified plotting interface.

Plots a sample satellite image file.

import xarray as xr

from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
from metpy.io import GiniFile
from metpy.plots import ImagePlot, MapPanel, PanelContainer

data = xr.open_dataset(

img = ImagePlot()
img.data = data
img.field = 'IR'
img.colormap = 'Greys_r'

panel = MapPanel()
panel.plots = [img]

pc = PanelContainer()
pc.panels = [panel]