Пример #1
    def test_top_element_is_predicted(self):
        # given
        predictions = torch.tensor([[0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.2]])
        ground_truth_idx = torch.tensor([2])
        expected_score = 1.0

        # when
        actual_score = metric.mrr(predictions, ground_truth_idx)

        # then
        self.assertEqual(expected_score, actual_score)
Пример #2
    def test_multiple_element_batch(self):
        # given
        predictions = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2], [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
                                    [0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]])
        ground_truth_idx = torch.tensor([[2], [2], [1]])
        expected_score = 0.25 + 1 / 3 + 0.5

        # when
        actual_score = metric.mrr(predictions, ground_truth_idx)

        # then
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_score, actual_score)
Пример #3
    def test_missing_ground_truth_idx(self):
        # given
        predictions = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.0, 0.1, 0.2,
        ground_truth_idx = torch.tensor([[4], [4]])
        expected_score = 0.0

        # when
        actual_score = metric.mrr(predictions, ground_truth_idx)

        # then
        self.assertEqual(expected_score, actual_score)
Пример #4
def model_score(index, tar, k):
    NDCG, hit, mrr = [], [], []
    for score, target in zip(index, tar):
        # todo:NDCG@k
        IDCG = 0
        # 理想情况下
        IDCG += 1 / math.log(2, 2)
        DCG = 0
        l = list(score)
        NDCG.append(error.ndcg(l, [target]))
        hit.append(error.hit(l, [target]))
        mrr.append(error.mrr(l, [target]))
    return NDCG, hit, mrr
def test(model: torch.nn.Module, data_generator: torch_data.DataLoader, entities_count: int,
          device: torch.device, epoch_id: int, metric_suffix: str,
         ) -> METRICS:
    examples_count = 0.0
    hits_at_1 = 0.0
    hits_at_3 = 0.0
    hits_at_10 = 0.0
    mrr = 0.0

    entity_ids = torch.arange(end=entities_count, device=device).unsqueeze(0)
    for head, relation, tail in data_generator:
        current_batch_size = head.size()[0]

        head, relation, tail = head.to(device), relation.to(device), tail.to(device)  # [B]
        all_entities = entity_ids.repeat(current_batch_size, 1)  # [B, e]
        heads = head.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])  # [B, e]
        relations = relation.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])  # [B, e]
        tails = tail.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])  # [B, e]

        # Check all possible tails
        triplets = torch.stack((heads, relations, all_entities), dim=2).reshape(-1, 3)  # [B, e, 3]->[B*e, 3]
        tails_predictions = model.predict(triplets).reshape(current_batch_size, -1)  # B*e ->[B, e]
        # Check all possible heads
        triplets = torch.stack((all_entities, relations, tails), dim=2).reshape(-1, 3)
        heads_predictions = model.predict(triplets).reshape(current_batch_size, -1)

        # Concat predictions
        predictions = torch.cat((tails_predictions, heads_predictions), dim=0)  # [2*B, e]
        ground_truth_entity_id = torch.cat((tail.reshape(-1, 1), head.reshape(-1, 1)))  # [2*B, 1]  2B is tail and head

        hits_at_1 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=1)
        hits_at_3 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=3)
        hits_at_10 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=10)
        mrr += metric.mrr(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id)  # 对于一个query,若第一个正确答案排在第n位,则MRR得分就是 1/n 。(如果没有正确答案,则得分为0)

        examples_count += predictions.size()[0]

    # hits_at_1_score = hits_at_1 / examples_count * 100
    # hits_at_3_score = hits_at_3 / examples_count * 100
    # hits_at_10_score = hits_at_10 / examples_count * 100
    # mrr_score = mrr / examples_count * 100
    hits_at_1_score = hits_at_1 / examples_count
    hits_at_3_score = hits_at_3 / examples_count
    hits_at_10_score = hits_at_10 / examples_count
    mrr_score = mrr / examples_count
    # summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_1/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_1_score, global_step=epoch_id)
    # summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_3/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_3_score, global_step=epoch_id)
    # summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_10/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_10_score, global_step=epoch_id)
    # summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/MRR/' + metric_suffix, mrr_score, global_step=epoch_id)

    return hits_at_1_score, hits_at_3_score, hits_at_10_score, mrr_score
Пример #6
def test(model: torch.nn.Module, data_generator: torch_data.DataLoader, entities_count: int,
         summary_writer: tensorboard.SummaryWriter, device: torch.device, epoch_id: int, metric_suffix: str,
         ) -> METRICS:
    examples_count = 0.0
    hits_at_1 = 0.0
    hits_at_3 = 0.0
    hits_at_10 = 0.0
    mrr = 0.0

    entity_ids = torch.arange(end=entities_count, device=device).unsqueeze(0)
    for head, relation, tail in data_generator:
        current_batch_size = head.size()[0]

        head, relation, tail = head.to(device), relation.to(device), tail.to(device)
        all_entities = entity_ids.repeat(current_batch_size, 1)
        heads = head.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])
        relations = relation.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])
        tails = tail.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])

        # Check all possible tails
        triplets = torch.stack((heads, relations, all_entities), dim=2).reshape(-1, 3)
        tails_predictions = model.predict(triplets).reshape(current_batch_size, -1)
        # Check all possible heads
        triplets = torch.stack((all_entities, relations, tails), dim=2).reshape(-1, 3)
        heads_predictions = model.predict(triplets).reshape(current_batch_size, -1)

        # Concat predictions
        predictions = torch.cat((tails_predictions, heads_predictions), dim=0)
        ground_truth_entity_id = torch.cat((tail.reshape(-1, 1), head.reshape(-1, 1)))

        hits_at_1 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=1)
        hits_at_3 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=3)
        hits_at_10 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=10)
        mrr += metric.mrr(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id)

        examples_count += predictions.size()[0]

    hits_at_1_score = hits_at_1 / examples_count * 100
    hits_at_3_score = hits_at_3 / examples_count * 100
    hits_at_10_score = hits_at_10 / examples_count * 100
    mrr_score = mrr / examples_count * 100
    summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_1/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_1_score, global_step=epoch_id)
    summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_3/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_3_score, global_step=epoch_id)
    summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_10/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_10_score, global_step=epoch_id)
    summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/MRR/' + metric_suffix, mrr_score, global_step=epoch_id)

    return hits_at_1_score, hits_at_3_score, hits_at_10_score, mrr_score
Пример #7
def test(
    model: torch.nn.Module,
    data_generator: torch_data.DataLoader,
    entities_count: int,
    summary_writer: tensorboard.SummaryWriter,
    device: torch.device,
    epoch_id: int,
    metric_suffix: str,
    examples_count = 0.0
    hits_at_1 = 0.0
    hits_at_3 = 0.0
    hits_at_10 = 0.0
    mrr = 0.0

    entity_ids = torch.arange(end=entities_count, device=device).unsqueeze(
    )  # Returns a 1-D tensor of size entities_count with values from 0 to entities_count, and then Returns a new tensor with a dimension of size one inserted at the specified position/ basically adding another dimension.
    for head, relation, tail in data_generator:
        # print(head, relation, tail)
        current_batch_size = head.size()[0]

        head, relation, tail = head.to(device), relation.to(device), tail.to(
        all_entities = entity_ids.repeat(
            current_batch_size, 1
        )  # with torch.repeat(), you can specify the number of repeats for each dimension
        heads = head.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])
        relations = relation.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])
        tails = tail.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1])

        # Check all possible tails
        triplets = torch.stack((heads, relations, all_entities),
                               dim=2).reshape(-1, 3)
        # print(triplets)
        tails_predictions = model.predict(triplets).reshape(
            current_batch_size, -1)
        # Check all possible heads
        triplets = torch.stack((all_entities, relations, tails),
                               dim=2).reshape(-1, 3)
        heads_predictions = model.predict(triplets).reshape(
            current_batch_size, -1)

        # Concat predictions
        predictions = torch.cat((tails_predictions, heads_predictions), dim=0)
        ground_truth_entity_id = torch.cat(
            (tail.reshape(-1, 1), head.reshape(-1, 1)))

        # Each prediction is an array of N size, where N is no_of_Entity_in_KB, and there are no_of_samples_in_batch * 2 (head & tail) ground_truth and column level prediction

        # https://medium.com/@m_n_malaeb/recall-and-precision-at-k-for-recommender-systems-618483226c54
        hits_at_1 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions,
        hits_at_3 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions,
        hits_at_10 += metric.hit_at_k(predictions,
        mrr += metric.mrr(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id)

        examples_count += predictions.size()[0]

    hits_at_1_score = hits_at_1 / examples_count * 100
    hits_at_3_score = hits_at_3 / examples_count * 100
    hits_at_10_score = hits_at_10 / examples_count * 100
    mrr_score = mrr / examples_count * 100
    summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_1/' + metric_suffix,
    summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_3/' + metric_suffix,
    summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_10/' + metric_suffix,
    summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/MRR/' + metric_suffix,

    return hits_at_1_score, hits_at_3_score, hits_at_10_score, mrr_score