def main_test(dataset): """ Predictor Test """ tf.reset_default_graph() lr = logistic_regressor.LogisticRegressor(feature_num=conf.FEATURE_NUM, learning_rate=conf.LEARNING_RATE, random_seed=None) saver, logits, loss, train_op, stat_merged = lr.build_graph() with tf.Session() as sess: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver.restore(sess, '{}/model'.format(conf.CHKPT_DIR)) in_feature_vecs = dataset[0][:100] in_labels = dataset[1][:100] in_labels = np.expand_dims(in_labels, 1) feed_dict = { lr.input_feature_vectors: in_feature_vecs, lr.input_labels: in_labels } out_logits, out_weights, out_biases = [logits, lr.weights, lr.biases], feed_dict=feed_dict) print("accuracy: {}, f1: {}, auc: {}".format( metrics.calc_accuracy(out_logits, in_labels), metrics.calc_f1(out_logits, in_labels, log_confusion_matrix=True), metrics.calc_auc(out_logits, in_labels))) print("weights: ", out_weights) print("biases: ", out_biases)
def incremental_evaluate(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size, test=False): t_test = time.time() val_losses = [] val_preds = [] labels = [] iter_num = 0 finished = False while not finished: feed_dict_val, batch_labels, finished, _ = \ minibatch_iter.incremental_node_val_feed_dict( size, iter_num, test=test) node_outs_val =[model.preds, model.loss], feed_dict=feed_dict_val) val_preds.append(node_outs_val[0]) labels.append(batch_labels) val_losses.append(node_outs_val[1]) iter_num += 1 # TODO 放进model val_preds = np.vstack(val_preds) labels = np.vstack(labels) f1_scores = calc_f1(labels, val_preds) report = classification_report(labels, val_preds) # precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve( # labels[:, 1], val_preds[:, 1]) # area = auc(recall, precision) return np.mean(val_losses), f1_scores[0], f1_scores[1], report, ( time.time() - t_test) #, area
def evaluate(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size=None): t_test = time.time() feed_dict_val, labels = minibatch_iter.node_val_feed_dict(size) node_outs_val =[model.preds, model.loss], feed_dict=feed_dict_val) mic, mac = calc_f1(labels, node_outs_val[0]) return node_outs_val[1], mic, mac, (time.time() - t_test)
def temporal_score(self, iou_list, video_clips, bg_class=0): output_scores = self.__init_out_score_dict(iou_list) for iou in iou_list: confusion_mat = Dict(fp=0, tp=0, fn=0) class_confusion_mat = Dict() for c in range(self.num_classes): class_confusion_mat[c] = Dict(fp=0, tp=0, fn=0) for video_name, clip_list in video_clips.items(): clips = video_clips[video_name] for c in range(self.num_classes): targets = (np.array(clips.targets) == c) predictions = (np.array(clips.predictions) == c) tp1, fp1, fn1 = f_score(predictions, targets, iou, bg_class=0) class_confusion_mat[c].fp += fp1 class_confusion_mat[c].tp += tp1 class_confusion_mat[c].fn += fn1 tp1, fp1, fn1 = f_score(clips.predictions, clips.targets, iou, bg_class=bg_class) += tp1 confusion_mat.fp += fp1 confusion_mat.fn += fn1 for c in range(self.num_classes): output_scores["class_{}".format(c)]["iou_{:.2f}".format( iou)] = calc_f1(class_confusion_mat[c].fn, class_confusion_mat[c].fp, class_confusion_mat[c].tp) output_scores.overall["iou_{:.2f}".format(iou)] = calc_f1( confusion_mat.fn, confusion_mat.fp, return output_scores
def get_loss_score(model, loader, device): trainig = model.eval() loss_sum = 0 acc_sum = 0 num_pts = 0 for _, inputs, labels in loader: inputs = labels = with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): outputs = model(inputs) loss = dice_loss(outputs, labels) acc = calc_f1(outputs, labels) loss_sum += loss * inputs.size(0) acc_sum += acc * inputs.size(0) num_pts += inputs.size(0) model.train() if else model.eval() return loss_sum / num_pts, acc_sum / num_pts
def main(dataset): """ Tainer """ # build graph tf.reset_default_graph() lr = logistic_regressor.LogisticRegressor(feature_num=conf.FEATURE_NUM, learning_rate=conf.LEARNING_RATE, random_seed=None) saver, logits, loss, train_op, stat_merged = lr.build_graph() # training with tf.Session() as sess: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # log dir log_dir = conf.LOG_DIR if os.path.exists(log_dir): shutil.rmtree(log_dir) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, graph=tf.get_default_graph()) # checkpoint dir chkpt_dir = conf.CHKPT_DIR if os.path.exists(chkpt_dir): shutil.rmtree(chkpt_dir) if not os.path.isdir(chkpt_dir): os.makedirs(chkpt_dir) for epoch in range(conf.EPOCHES): batch_cnt = 0 batches_per_epoch = math.floor( (len(dataset[0]) - 1) * 1.0 / conf.BATCH_SIZE) + 1 best_loss = np.inf cur_loss = np.inf cur_accuracy = 0 training_data = list(zip(dataset[0], dataset[1])) random.shuffle(training_data) for tu in utils.batch(training_data, n=conf.BATCH_SIZE): X, y = zip(*tu) y = np.expand_dims(y, 1) feed_dict = {lr.input_feature_vectors: X, lr.input_labels: y}, feed_dict=feed_dict) batch_cnt += 1 global_step = epoch * batches_per_epoch + batch_cnt if global_step % conf.DISPLAY_STEP == 0: in_f = dataset[0] in_l = np.expand_dims(dataset[1], 1) feed_dict = { lr.input_feature_vectors: in_f, lr.input_labels: in_l } cur_loss, cur_logits =[loss, logits], feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_train =, feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_writer.add_summary(summary_train, global_step=global_step) print("epoch: {}, global_step: {}, loss: {}, " "accuracy: {}, f1: {}, auc: {}".format( epoch, global_step, cur_loss, metrics.calc_accuracy(cur_logits, in_l), metrics.calc_f1(cur_logits, in_l), metrics.calc_auc(cur_logits, in_l))) if cur_loss < best_loss: best_loss = cur_loss, '{}/model'.format(chkpt_dir))
if cnt%100==0: print(cnt) q,a = line.strip('\n').split('\t') a1 = crowded.answer_beams(q) crowded_pairs.append([list(a1), list(a)]) a2 = fake.answer_beams(q) fake_pairs.append([list(a2), list(a)]) a3 = fake_kd.answer_beams(q) fake_kd_pairs.append([list(a3), list(a)]) a4 = crowded_fake.answer_beams(q) crowded_fake_pairs.append([list(a4), list(a)]) a5 = crowded_fake_kd.answer_beams(q) crowded_fake_kd_pairs.append([list(a5), list(a)]) res = [q, a, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5] fw.write('\t'.join(res) + '\n') for res in [crowded_pairs, fake_pairs, fake_kd_pairs, crowded_fake_pairs, crowded_fake_kd_pairs]: f1 = calc_f1(res) bleu = calc_bleu(res) distinct = calc_distinct(res) avg_len = calc_avg_len(res) print('f1: ', f1) print('bleu: ', bleu) print('distinct: ', distinct) print('avg_len: ', avg_len) ''' while True: message = input('>') print('crowded', crowded.answer_beams(message)) print('crowded_fake', crowded_fake.answer_beams(message)) print('fake', fake.answer_beams(message)) '''
def classValidation(self, epoch): self.model.eval() predictions = {} targets = {} tp, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0 with torch.no_grad(): progress_bar = tqdm(self.valLoader) for step, (data, masks, anomaly, category, _, clipNames) in enumerate(progress_bar): if self.modelType == "mstcn": anomaly = anomaly.view(-1) clipNames = np.array(clipNames).reshape(-1).tolist() if torch.cuda.is_available(): data = data.cuda().float() anomaly = anomaly.cuda().float() masks = masks.cuda().float() outputs = self.model(data, masks) loss = 0 for output in outputs: loss += self.ceLoss( output.transpose(2, 1).reshape(-1, 2), anomaly.long()) outputs = outputs[-1].transpose(2, 1).reshape(-1, 2).cpu().numpy() anomaly = anomaly.cpu().numpy().flatten().tolist() if step % 10 == 0: progress_bar.set_description( "Val [{}]:[{}/{}] Loss: {:.2f}".format( epoch, step, self.valLoader.__len__(), loss.item())) for clipName, prediction, target in zip( clipNames, outputs, anomaly): predictions[clipName] = prediction targets[clipName] = target videoClips = self.valLoader.dataset.__getVideoClips__() for videoName, clipList in tqdm(videoClips.items()): clipPredictions = [] clipTargets = [] for clipName in clipList: clipPredictions.append(predictions[clipName]) clipTargets.append(targets[clipName]) clipPredictions = np.argmax(np.array(clipPredictions), axis=1) utils.visualizeTemporalPredictions(clipPredictions, clipTargets, self.expFolder, videoName) tp1, fp1, fn1 = f_score(clipPredictions, clipTargets, 0.1, bg_class=-1) tp += tp1 fp += fp1 fn += fn1 f1, precision, recall = calc_f1(fn, fp, tp) print('F1@%0.2f-%0.2f : %.4f, TP: %.4f, FP: %.4f, FN: %.4f' % (0.1, 0.5, f1, tp, fp, fn)) self.writer.add_scalar("Eval/F1_0.10-%0.2f" % 0.5, f1, self.stepCounter) self.writer.add_scalar("Confusion/%0.2f/TP_0.10" % 0.5, tp, self.stepCounter) self.writer.add_scalar("Confusion/%0.2f/FP_0.10" % 0.5, fp, self.stepCounter) self.writer.add_scalar("Confusion/%0.2f/TP_0.10" % 0.5, fn, self.stepCounter) return f1
def binaryValidation(self, epoch): self.model.eval() anomalyPredictions = [] anomalyTargets = [] predictions = {} targets = {} thresholds = [0.5, 0.75, 0.9] IOUs = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5] score = 0 with torch.no_grad(): progress_bar = tqdm(self.valLoader) for step, (data, masks, anomaly, category, _, clipNames) in enumerate(progress_bar): if self.modelType == "tcn" or self.modelType == "mstcn" or self.modelType == "mcbtcn": anomaly = anomaly.view(-1) clipNames = np.array(clipNames).reshape(-1).tolist() if torch.cuda.is_available(): data = data.float().cuda() anomaly = anomaly.float().cuda() masks = masks.float().cuda() if self.modelType == "mstcn": outputs = self.model(data, masks) outputs = outputs[-1].view(-1) elif self.modelType == "mcbtcn": classOutputs, binaryOutputs = self.model(data, masks) outputs = binaryOutputs[-1].view(-1) else: outputs = self.model(data) mask = (anomaly != self.maskValue).nonzero().squeeze().cpu() outputs = outputs[mask] clipNames = np.array(clipNames)[mask].tolist() anomaly = anomaly[mask] loss = self.mseLoss(outputs.squeeze(), anomaly) outputs = outputs.reshape(-1).cpu().numpy().tolist() anomaly = anomaly.cpu().numpy().flatten().tolist() anomalyTargets += anomaly anomalyPredictions += outputs if step % 10 == 0: progress_bar.set_description( "Val [{}]:[{}/{}] Loss: {:.2f}".format( epoch, step, self.valLoader.__len__(), loss.item())) for clipName, prediction, target in zip( clipNames, outputs, anomaly): if clipName not in predictions: predictions[clipName] = [] if clipName not in targets: targets[clipName] = [] predictions[clipName].append(prediction) targets[clipName].append(target) videoClips = self.valLoader.dataset.__getVideoClips__() for iou in IOUs: for s, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): tp, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0 normal = {"tp": 0, "fp": 0, "fn": 0} abnormal = {"tp": 0, "fp": 0, "fn": 0} for videoName, clipList in tqdm(videoClips.items()): clipPredictions = [] clipTargets = [] for clipName in clipList: clipPredictions.append( np.mean(np.array(predictions[clipName]))) clipTargets.append( np.mean(np.array(targets[clipName]))) # if "Assault010_x264" in videoName: # auc_score = sklrn.roc_auc_score(clipTargets, clipPredictions) # utils.visualizeHeatMapPredictions(clipPredictions, clipTargets, self.expFolder, videoName) # print("AUC Score of selected video: {}".format(auc_score)) clipPredictions = ( np.array(clipPredictions) > threshold).astype("float32").tolist() if iou == 0.25 and threshold == 0.5: utils.visualizeTemporalPredictions( clipPredictions, clipTargets, self.expFolder, videoName) tp1, fp1, fn1 = f_score(clipPredictions, clipTargets, iou, bg_class=0) abnormal["tp"] += tp1 abnormal["fp"] += fp1 abnormal["fn"] += fn1 tp1, fp1, fn1 = f_score(clipPredictions, clipTargets, iou, bg_class=1) normal["tp"] += tp1 normal["fp"] += fp1 normal["fn"] += fn1 if self.noNormalSegmentation: tp1, fp1, fn1 = f_score(clipPredictions, clipTargets, iou, bg_class=0) else: tp1, fp1, fn1 = f_score(clipPredictions, clipTargets, iou, bg_class=-1) # if "Assault010_x264" in videoName: # precision = tp1 / float(tp1 + fp1 + 1e-10) # recall = tp1 / float(tp1 + fn1 + 1e-10) # f1 = 2.0 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall + 1e-10) # print("F1 Score of selected video: {}".format(f1)) tp += tp1 fp += fp1 fn += fn1 a_f1, a_precision, a_recall = calc_f1( abnormal["fn"], abnormal["fp"], abnormal["tp"]) print( 'Abnormal F1@%0.2f-%0.2f : %.4f, Precision: %.4f, Recall: %.4f' % (iou, threshold, a_f1, a_precision * 100, a_recall * 100)) n_f1, n_precision, n_recall = calc_f1( normal["fn"], normal["fp"], normal["tp"]) print( 'Normal F1@%0.2f-%0.2f : %.4f, Precision: %.4f, Recall: %.4f' % (iou, threshold, n_f1, n_precision * 100, n_recall * 100)) f1, precision, recall = calc_f1(fn, fp, tp) if iou == 0.25 and threshold == 0.5: score = f1 print( 'F1@%0.2f-%0.2f : %.2f, TP: %.2f, FP: %.2f, FN: %.2f' % (iou, threshold, f1, tp, fp, fn)) # print('Precision@%0.2f-%0.2f : %.2f, Recall@%0.2f-%0.2f: %.2f' % (iou, threshold, precision * 100, # iou, threshold, recall * 100)) if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar( "Eval/F1_%0.2f-%0.2f" % (iou, threshold), f1, self.stepCounter) self.writer.add_scalar( "Confusion/TP_%0.2f-%0.2f" % (iou, threshold), tp, self.stepCounter) self.writer.add_scalar( "Confusion/FP_%0.2f-%0.2f" % (iou, threshold), fp, self.stepCounter) self.writer.add_scalar( "Confusion/FN_%0.2f-%0.2f" % (iou, threshold), fn, self.stepCounter) fpr, tpr, _ = sklrn.roc_curve(anomalyTargets, anomalyPredictions) rocAUC = sklrn.auc(fpr, tpr) if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("Eval/AUC", rocAUC, self.stepCounter) print('AUC Score %0.2f' % (rocAUC * 100)) return score
def train_model(model, dataloaders, policy_learner, optimizer, scheduler, num_epochs, device, writer, n_images=None): loader = {'val': dataloaders['val']} # best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict()) best_loss = 1e10 if n_images is None: n_images = {'train': 0, 'val': 0} for epoch in range(num_epochs): loader['train'] = policy_learner() print('Epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, num_epochs - 1)) print('-' * 10) since = time.time() # Each epoch has a training and validation phase for phase in ['train', 'val']: # print('+++++++++ len loader', len(loader[phase])) if phase == 'train': if scheduler: scheduler.step() for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: print("LR", param_group['lr']) model.train() # Set model to training mode else: model.eval() # Set model to evaluate mode metrics = defaultdict(float) epoch_samples = 0 for enum_id, (idxs, inputs, labels) in tqdm(enumerate(loader[phase]), total=len(loader[phase])): inputs = labels = # if phase == 'train' and enum_id < 3: # for idx in idxs: #, # f'tmp/trash/{policy_learner.__class__.__name__}_{epoch}_{enum_id}__{idx}' # ) # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # forward # track history if only in train with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'): outputs = model(inputs) # loss, loss_sum, loss_bce, loss_dice = calc_loss(outputs, labels, 0) loss = dice_loss(outputs, labels) acc_f1 = calc_f1(outputs, labels) # acc_iou = calc_IOU(outputs, labels) # backward + optimize only if in training phase if phase == 'train': loss.backward() plot_grad_flow(epoch, enum_id, model.named_parameters()) optimizer.step() # statistics epoch_samples += inputs.size(0) n_images[phase] += inputs.size(0) writer.add_scalar(f'{phase}/loss',, n_images[phase]) # writer.add_scalar(f'{phase}/bce', loss_bce, n_images[phase]) # writer.add_scalar(f'{phase}/dice', loss_dice, n_images[phase]) metrics['loss'] += loss * inputs.size(0) metrics['f1'] += acc_f1 * inputs.size(0) # metrics['iou'] += acc_iou * inputs.size(0) print_metrics(writer, metrics, epoch_samples, phase) epoch_loss = metrics['loss'] / epoch_samples writer.add_scalar(f'{phase}/epoch_loss', epoch_loss, epoch) epoch_f1 = metrics['f1'] / epoch_samples writer.add_scalar(f'{phase}/epoch_F1', epoch_f1, epoch) # epoch_iou = metrics['iou'] / epoch_samples # writer.add_scalar(f'{phase}/epoch_IOU', epoch_iou, epoch) # # deep copy the model # if phase == 'val' and epoch_loss < best_loss: # print("saving best model") # best_loss = epoch_loss # best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict()) time_elapsed = time.time() - since print('{:.0f}m {:.0f}s'.format(time_elapsed // 60, time_elapsed % 60)) print('Best val loss: {:4f}'.format(best_loss)) # load best model weights # model.load_state_dict(best_model_wts) return model, n_images