Пример #1
    def on_epoch_end(self,epoch, batch, logs={}):
        X_val,X_val_gcc, y_val = self.validation_data[0], self.validation_data[1],self.validation_data[2]
        # Calculate the predictions on test data, in order to calculate ER and F scores
        pred = model.predict([X_val,X_val_gcc])
        #È true o false
        pred_thresh = pred > 0.5  #0.5 threeshold vedi paper
        #print pred_thresh
        score_list = metrics.compute_scores(pred_thresh, y_val, frames_in_1_sec=frames_1_sec) #Y_TEST shape = (220,256,6)
        #score list è un dizionario
        self._f1 = score_list['f1_overall_1sec']
        self._er = score_list['er_overall_1sec']

        if  self._er > self._er_prev:
            if self._fail_count >= 10:
                print('Epoch: ', epoch, ' Custom ER: ', self._er, ' Failcount: ', self._fail_count )
                self.model.stop_training = True
            #resetto il patience count
            self._fail_count = 0
	    print(' Prev: ', self._er_prev ,' Custom ER: ', self._er,' Failcount: ', self._fail_count )
        self._er_prev = self._er
Пример #2
def test(model, data, args):
    print('Start testing ..<========')

    best_epoch, pat_cnt, best_er, f1_for_best_er, best_conf_mat = 0, 0, 99999, None, None
    tr_loss, val_loss, f1_overall_1sec_list, er_overall_1sec_list = [0] * nb_epoch, [0] * nb_epoch, [0] * nb_epoch, [0] * nb_epoch

    posterior_thresh = 0.8

    x_test, y_test = data
    y_pred, x_recon = model.predict(x_test, batch_size=256)

    # print 'x_recon=', x_recon 
    print('-'*30 + 'Begin: test' + '-'*30)
    print('Test acc:', np.sum(np.argmax(y_pred, 1) == np.argmax(y_test, 1))/y_test.shape[0])

    for i in range(13000,13500):
        print(y_pred[i], '|', y_test[i])

    # Calculate the predictions on test data, in order to calculate ER and F scores
    pred_thresh = y_pred > posterior_thresh
    # print('pred_thresh:', pred_thresh)
    score_list = metrics.compute_scores(pred_thresh, y_test, frames_in_1_sec=frames_1_sec)

    f1_overall_1sec_list = score_list['f1_overall_1sec']
    er_overall_1sec_list = score_list['er_overall_1sec']
    pat_cnt = pat_cnt + 1

    # y_test = y_test > posterior_thresh
    y_test = y_test.astype(int)
    pred_thresh = pred_thresh.astype(int)
    print('Shape y_test:', y_test.shape)
    print('Shape y_test:', y_test)
    print('Shape pred_thresh:', pred_thresh.shape)
    print('Shape pred_thresh:', pred_thresh)
    # Results
    print('sklearn Macro-F1-Score:', f1_score(y_test, pred_thresh, average='macro'))
    print('Custom Macro-F1-Score:', K.eval(f1(y_test, pred_thresh)))

    # np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf)
    # print y_pred

    # Calculate confusion matrix
    # test_pred_cnt = np.sum(pred_thresh, 2)
    # y_test_cnt = np.sum(Y_test, 2)
    # conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_test_cnt.reshape(-1), test_pred_cnt.reshape(-1))
    # conf_mat = conf_mat / (utils.eps + np.sum(conf_mat, 1)[:, None].astype('float'))

    print('tr Er : {}, val Er : {}, F1_overall : {}, ER_overall : {} Best ER : {}, best_epoch: {}'.format(
        tr_loss, val_loss, f1_overall_1sec_list, er_overall_1sec_list, best_er, best_epoch))

    # img = combine_images(np.concatenate([x_test[:50],x_recon[:50]]))
    # image = img * 255
    # Image.fromarray(image.astype(np.uint8)).save(args.save_dir + "/real_and_recon.png")
    # print('Reconstructed images are saved to %s/real_and_recon.png' % args.save_dir)
    print('-' * 30 + 'End: test' + '-' * 30)
Пример #3
    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, batch, logs={}):
        X_val, X_val_gcc, y_val = self.validation_data[
            0], self.validation_data[1], self.validation_data[2]
        # Calculate the predictions on test data, in order to calculate ER and F scores
        pred = model.predict([X_val, X_val_gcc])
        #È true o false
        pred_thresh = pred > 0.5  #0.5 threeshold vedi paper
        #print pred_thresh
        score_list = metrics.compute_scores(
            pred_thresh, y_val,
            frames_in_1_sec=frames_1_sec)  #Y_TEST shape = (220,256,6)
        #score list è un dizionario
        self._f1 = score_list['f1_overall_1sec']
        self._er = score_list['er_overall_1sec']

        #error rate over epoch
        self.er_mean_batch += self._er
        self.er_mean = float(self.er_mean_batch) / (epoch + 1)
        # Calculate confusion matrix
        test_pred_cnt = np.sum(pred_thresh, 2)
        Y_test_cnt = np.sum(y_val, 2)
        conf_mat = confusion_matrix(Y_test_cnt.reshape(-1),
        conf_mat = conf_mat / (utils.eps +
                               np.sum(conf_mat, 1)[:, None].astype('float'))

        #if  self._er > self._er_prev:
        if self.er_mean >= self.er_mean_prev:
            self._fail_count += 1
            if self._fail_count >= 100:
                print('Early stopping ', 'Custom ER: ', self._er,
                      ' Failcount: ', self._fail_count)
                self.model.stop_training = True
            #resetto il patience count
            self._fail_count = 0
        print(' Mean: ', self.er_mean, ' Custom ER: ', self._er,
              ' Failcount: ', self._fail_count, ' F1 :', self._f1)
        self._er_prev = self._er
        self.er_mean_prev = self.er_mean
Пример #4
def main(bands, n_bin, model_file, output_file, metrics_code='jax_cosmo'):
    # Assume data in standard locations relative to current directory
    training_file = '../data/training.hdf5'
    validation_file = '../data/validation.hdf5'

    clf = load(model_file)
    print('clf parameters: ', clf.get_params())

    #Apply model
    print('Apply model to validation set')
    tomo_bin = apply_model(clf, validation_file, bands)

    # Get a score
    z = load_redshift(validation_file)
    #JEC 20/7/20
    z = z[:50000]
    if metrics_code == 'jax_cosmo':
        scores = jc_compute_scores(tomo_bin,
        scores = compute_scores(tomo_bin, z, metrics="SNR_3x2,FOM_3x2")

    # Get the galaxy distribution of redshifts into n_z bins of
    # equal number counts in each
    #    p = np.linspace(0, 100, n_bin + 1)
    #    z_edges = np.percentile(z, p)
    # result of above
    z_edges = np.array([0.02450252, 0.29473031, 0.44607811, 0.58123241,\
                        0.70399809,0.8120476 , 0.91746771, 1.03793607,\
                        1.20601892, 1.49989052, 3.03609133])

    #DETF optim 25/7/2020
    z_edges = np.array([0.02450252, 0.15961642, 0.37035, 0.475175,\
                        0.58955, 0.700775 , 0.91746771, 1.03793607,\
                        1.352945, 1.8, 3.03609133])

    print("new set: ", z_edges)

    plot_distributions(z, tomo_bin, output_file, z_edges)

    # return
    return scores
Пример #5
            validation_data=[X_test, Y_test],
        val_loss[i] = hist.history.get('val_loss')[-1]
        tr_loss[i] = hist.history.get('loss')[-1]

        # Calculate the predictions on test data, in order to calculate ER and F scores
        pred = model.predict(X_test)


        pred_thresh = pred > posterior_thresh
        score_list = metrics.compute_scores(pred_thresh, Y_test, frames_in_1_sec=frames_1_sec)

        f1_overall_1sec_list[i] = score_list['f1_overall_1sec']
        er_overall_1sec_list[i] = score_list['er_overall_1sec']
        pat_cnt = pat_cnt + 1

        # Calculate confusion matrix
        test_pred_cnt = np.sum(pred_thresh, 2)
        Y_test_cnt = np.sum(Y_test, 2)
        conf_mat = confusion_matrix(Y_test_cnt.reshape(-1), test_pred_cnt.reshape(-1))
        conf_mat = conf_mat / (utils.eps + np.sum(conf_mat, 1)[:, None].astype('float'))

        if er_overall_1sec_list[i] < best_er:
            best_conf_mat = conf_mat
            best_er = er_overall_1sec_list[i]
            f1_for_best_er = f1_overall_1sec_list[i]
Пример #6
        print('Epoch : {} '.format(i), end='')
        hist = model.fit(
            [X_MBE,X_GCC], Y,
            validation_data=[[X_test_MBE,X_test_GCC], Y_test],
        val_loss[i] = hist.history.get('val_loss')[-1]
        tr_loss[i] = hist.history.get('loss')[-1]

        # Calculate the predictions on test data, in order to calculate ER and F scores
        pred = model.predict([X_test_MBE,X_test_GCC])
        #È true o false
        pred_thresh = pred > posterior_thresh  #0.5 threeshold vedi paper
        score_list = metrics.compute_scores(pred_thresh, Y_test, frames_in_1_sec=frames_1_sec) #Y_TEST shape = (220,256,6)
        #score list è un dizionario
        f1_overall_1sec_list[i] = score_list['f1_overall_1sec']
        er_overall_1sec_list[i] = score_list['er_overall_1sec']
        pat_cnt = pat_cnt + 1

        # Calculate confusion matrix
        test_pred_cnt = np.sum(pred_thresh, 2)
        Y_test_cnt = np.sum(Y_test, 2)
        conf_mat = confusion_matrix(Y_test_cnt.reshape(-1), test_pred_cnt.reshape(-1))
        conf_mat = conf_mat / (utils.eps + np.sum(conf_mat, 1)[:, None].astype('float'))

        if er_overall_1sec_list[i] < best_er:
            best_conf_mat = conf_mat
            best_er = er_overall_1sec_list[i]
            f1_for_best_er = f1_overall_1sec_list[i]