def metrics(self): tpr = TruePositiveRate( fpr = FalsePositiveRate( acc = Accuracy( f1 = F1( f1 = round(f1, 2) return tpr, fpr, acc, f1
def metrics_dict(self, prefix="train"): if self.tusk == "classification": return { f"{prefix}_top1": Top(n=1), f"{prefix}_top5": Top(n=5), f"{prefix}_MRR": MRR() } elif self.tusk == "generation": ignore_idxs = (, return { f"{prefix}_accuracy": Accuracy(), f"{prefix}_precision": Precision(ignore_idxs), f"{prefix}_recall": Recall(ignore_idxs), f"{prefix}_F1": F1(ignore_idxs) } else: return ValueError(f"{self.tusk} tusk is not supported")
def run_epoch(self, epoch, data, training): if epoch == self.freeze_epoch: self.model.freeze_bert_encoder() self.model.train(training) if training: description = 'Train' dataset = data shuffle = True else: description = 'Valid' dataset = data shuffle = False dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, num_workers=1) trange = tqdm(enumerate(dataloader), total=len(dataloader), desc=description) loss = 0 f1_score = F1() for step, (tokens, segments, masks, node_vec, tfidf, labels) in trange: o_labels, batch_loss = self._run_iter(tokens, segments, masks, node_vec, tfidf, labels) if training: if self.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1: batch_loss = batch_loss / self.gradient_accumulation_steps batch_loss.backward() # clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.grad_clip) if (step + 1) % self.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: self.opt.step() self.opt.zero_grad() loss += batch_loss.item() f1_score.update(o_labels.cpu(), labels) trange.set_postfix( loss=loss / (step + 1), f1=f1_score.print_score()) if training: self.history['train'].append({'f1': f1_score.get_score(), 'loss': loss / len(trange)}) else: self.history['valid'].append({'f1': f1_score.get_score(), 'loss': loss / len(trange)}) self.scheduler.step()
y2_true = y2_true.astype('int64') y2_pred = np.squeeze(y2_pred > 0.5).astype('int64') TP, FP, FN, TN = tpfpfn(y1_pred, y1_true) TP_1 += TP FP_1 += FP FN_1 += FN TN_1 += TN TP, FP, FN, TN = tpfpfn(y2_pred, y2_true) mAccuracy_2 += Accuracy(TP, FP, FN, TN) / dlina mPrecision_2 += Precision(TP, FP) / dlina mRecall_2 += Recall(TP, FN) / dlina mIU_2 += IU(TP, FP, FN) / dlina mF1_2 += F1(TP, FP, FN) / dlina mAccuracy_1 = Accuracy(TP_1, FP_1, FN_1, TN_1) mPrecision_1 = Precision(TP_1, FP_1) mRecall_1 = Recall(TP_1, FN_1) mIU_1 = IU(TP_1, FP_1, FN_1) mF1_1 = F1(TP_1, FP_1, FN_1) print("CLASS accuracy: {}".format(mAccuracy_1)) print("CLASS precision: {}".format(mPrecision_1)) print("CLASS recall: {}".format(mRecall_1)) print("CLASS iu: {}".format(mIU_1)) print("CLASS f1: {}".format(mF1_1)) print("MASK accuracy: {}".format(mAccuracy_2)) print("MASK precision: {}".format(mPrecision_2))
cfg = edict(json.load(f)) if isinstance(cfg.batch_size, list) and isinstance(cfg.long_side, list): list_batch = cfg.batch_size list_res = cfg.long_side elif isinstance(cfg.batch_size, int) and isinstance(cfg.long_side, int): list_batch = [cfg.batch_size] list_res = [cfg.long_side] else: raise Exception("'batch_size' and 'long_side' in config file should be same instance!!!") loss_func = BCEWithLogitsLoss() # data_dir = '/home/tungthanhlee/bdi_xray/data/images' data_dir = '/home/dual1/thanhtt/assigned_jpeg' metrics_dict = {'acc': ACC(), 'auc':AUC(), 'precision':Precision(), 'recall':Recall(), 'specificity':Specificity(), 'f1':F1()} model_names=[ 'dense', 'dense', 'dense', # 'resnet', # 'dense', # 'efficient', #'resnest' ] ids = [ '121', '121', '121', # '101',
val_loader = create_loader(cfg.dev_csv, data_dir, cfg, mode='val', dicom=False, type=cfg.type) # loss_func = BCELoss() # loss_func = BCEWithLogitsLoss() loss_func = MSELoss() metrics_dict = { 'auc': AUC(), 'sensitivity': Recall(), 'specificity': Specificity(), 'f1': F1() } loader_dict = {'train': train_loader, 'val': val_loader} #------------------------------- additional config for ensemble --------------------------------------- model_names = [ 'dense', 'resnet', 'dense', # 'efficient', #'resnest' ] ids = [ '121', '101', '169',
parser.add_argument("--weight_decay", default=0.01, type=float, help="Weight decay if we apply some.") parser.add_argument("--warmup_proportion", default=0.1, type=float, help="Linear warmup proption over the training process.") parser.add_argument("--dataset", default="imdb", choices=["imdb", "iflytek", "thucnews", "hyp"], type=str, help="The training dataset") parser.add_argument("--layerwise_decay", default=1.0, type=float, help="Layerwise decay ratio") parser.add_argument("--max_steps", default=-1, type=int, help="If > 0: set total number of training steps to perform. Override num_train_epochs.",) # yapf: enable args = parser.parse_args() # tokenizer, eval_dataset, test_dataset, preprocess_text_fn, metric # BPETokenizer for English Tasks # ErnieDocTokenizer for Chinese Tasks DATASET_INFO = { "imdb": (ErnieDocBPETokenizer, "test", "test", ImdbTextPreprocessor(), Accuracy()), "hyp": (ErnieDocBPETokenizer, "dev", "test", HYPTextPreprocessor(), F1()), "iflytek": (ErnieDocTokenizer, "dev", "dev", None, Accuracy()), "thucnews": (ErnieDocTokenizer, "dev", "test", None, Accuracy()) } def set_seed(args): # Use the same data seed(for data shuffle) for all procs to guarantee data # consistency after sharding. random.seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) # Maybe different op seeds(for dropout) for different procs is better. By: # `paddle.seed(args.seed + paddle.distributed.get_rank())` paddle.seed(args.seed)
# max_depths = [32, 64, 128, 256, 512] # num_rounds = [32, 64, 128, 256, 512] # learning_rates = [0.8, 1] max_depths = [64] num_rounds = [64] learning_rates = [0.8] for max_depth in max_depths: for num_round in num_rounds: for learning_rate in learning_rates: param = { 'max_depth': max_depth, 'eta': learning_rate, 'silent': 1, 'objective': 'multi:softmax', 'num_class': 4 } # bst = xgb.train(param, dtrain, num_round) # bst.save_model('xgboost.model') bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread': 4}) bst.load_model('xgboost.model') predictions = bst.predict(dtest) if os.path.isfile('predicted_labels.txt'): os.remove('predicted_labels.txt') writer = open('predicted_labels.txt', 'w') for prediction in predictions: writer.write(str(prediction) + '\n') writer.close() print 'Max depth: ' + str(max_depth) + ' Num round: ' + str( num_round) + ' Learning rate: ' + str( learning_rate) + ' F1 Score: ' + str(F1())
def predict_worker(proc_id, output_file, classes, model_params, batch_size, que, lock, status_que, gpu_id=0, evaluate=True, framework='mxnet'): """ get data from batch loader and make predictions, predictions will be saved in output_file if evaluate, will evaluate recall, precision, f1_score and recall_top5 """'Predictor #{}: Loading model...'.format(proc_id)) model = load_model(proc_id, model_params, batch_size, classes, gpu_id, framework=framework) if model is None: status_que.put('Error') raise ValueError('No model created! Exit')'Predictor #{}: Model loaded'.format(proc_id)) status_que.put('OK') if evaluate: from metrics import F1, ConfusionMatrix, MisClassified, RecallTopK evaluator = F1(len(classes)) misclassified = MisClassified(len(classes)) cm = ConfusionMatrix(classes) recall_topk = RecallTopK(len(classes), top_k=5) f = open(output_file, 'w') batch_idx = 0'Predictor #{} starts'.format(proc_id)) start = time.time() while True: # get a batch from data loader via a queue lock.acquire() batch = que.get() lock.release() if batch == 'FINISH': 'Predictor #{} has received all batches, exit'.format(proc_id)) break # predict im_names, batch, gt_list = batch logging.debug('Predictor #{}: predict'.format(proc_id)) pred, prob = model.predict(batch) pred_labels, top_probs = model.get_label_prob(top_k=5) # write prediction to file for im_name, label, top_prob in zip(im_names, pred_labels, top_probs): if im_name is None: continue top_prob = [str(p) for p in top_prob] f.write('{} labels:{} prob:{}\n'.format(im_name, ','.join(label), ','.join(top_prob))) # update metrics if evaluation mode is set if evaluate: assert gt_list is not None and gt_list != [] and gt_list[ 0] is not None top1_int = [p[0] for p in pred] assert len(top1_int) == len(gt_list), '{} != {}'.format( len(top1_int), len(gt_list)) evaluator.update(top1_int, gt_list) misclassified.update(top1_int, gt_list, prob, im_names) cm.update(top1_int, gt_list) top5_int = [p[:5] for p in pred] assert len(top5_int) == len(gt_list), '{} != {}'.format( len(top5_int), len(gt_list)) recall_topk.update(top5_int, gt_list) batch_idx += 1 if batch_idx % 50 == 0 and batch_idx != 0: elapsed = time.time() - start 'Predictor #{}: Tested {} batches of {} images, elapsed {}s'. format(proc_id, batch_idx, batch_size, elapsed)) # evaluation after prediction if set if evaluate:'Evaluating...') recall, precision, f1_score = evaluator.get() for rec, prec, f1, cls, in zip(recall, precision, f1_score, classes): print( 'Class {:<20}: recall: {:<12}, precsion: {:<12}, f1 score: {:<12}' .format(cls, rec, prec, f1)) f.write( 'Class {:<20}: recall: {:<12}, precsion: {:<12}, f1 score: {:<12}\n' .format(cls, rec, prec, f1)) topk_recall = recall_topk.get() for rec, cls in zip(topk_recall, classes): print('Class {:<20}: recall-top-5: {:<12}'.format(cls, rec)) f.write('Class {:<20}: recall-top-5: {:<12}\n'.format(cls, rec)) fp_images, fn_images = misclassified.get() g = open(output_file + '.fp', 'w') for cls, fp_cls in zip(classes, fp_images): for fp in fp_cls: g.write('{} pred:{} prob:{} gt:{} prob:{}\n'.format( fp[0], cls, fp[2], classes[fp[1]], fp[3])) g.close() g = open(output_file + '.fn', 'w') for cls, fn_cls in zip(classes, fn_images): for fn in fn_cls: g.write('{} gt:{} prob:{} pred:{} prob:{}\n'.format( fp[0], cls, fp[3], classes[fp[1]], fp[2])) g.close() cm.normalize() plt_name = output_file + '_cm.jpg' cm.draw(plt_name) f.close()
TN_direct += TN elif cl == 2: TP_alternative += TP FP_alternative += FP FN_alternative += FN TN_alternative += TN TP_mean_segm += TP FP_mean_segm += FP FN_mean_segm += FN TN_mean_segm += TN mAccuracy_0 = Accuracy(TP_0, FP_0, FN_0, TN_0) mPrecision_0 = Precision(TP_0, FP_0) mRecall_0 = Recall(TP_0, FN_0) mIU_0 = IU(TP_0, FP_0, FN_0) mF1_0 = F1(TP_0, FP_0, FN_0) mAccuracy_1 = Accuracy(TP_1, FP_1, FN_1, TN_1) mPrecision_1 = Precision(TP_1, FP_1) mRecall_1 = Recall(TP_1, FN_1) mIU_1 = IU(TP_1, FP_1, FN_1) mF1_1 = F1(TP_1, FP_1, FN_1) mAccuracy_2 = Accuracy(TP_2, FP_2, FN_2, TN_2) mPrecision_2 = Precision(TP_2, FP_2) mRecall_2 = Recall(TP_2, FN_2) mIU_2 = IU(TP_2, FP_2, FN_2) mF1_2 = F1(TP_2, FP_2, FN_2) mAccuracy_3 = Accuracy(TP_3, FP_3, FN_3, TN_3) mPrecision_3 = Precision(TP_3, FP_3)