Пример #1
def get(request: Request, host):
    kwargs = dict(request.query_params)

    zk_path = kwargs.get('p', '/mipush/cfg')
    mode = kwargs.get('m', 'yaml')

    return get_zk_config(zk_path, host, mode)
Пример #2
def send_feishu(body, hook_url=get_zk_config('/mipush/bot')['ann']):

    :param body: {"title": "x", "text": "xx"}
    :param hook_url:
    return requests.post(hook_url, json=body).json()
Пример #3
def text_match_flag(image_result, w, h):
    cp2flags = get_zk_config('/mipush/ocr')
    for text_loc, (text, _) in image_result:
        text = text.strip().lower()
        for cp, flags in cp2flags.items():
            for flag in flags:
                if text.__contains__(flag):
                    text_loc = np.array(text_loc).mean(0)
                    text_loc_ = text_loc - (w / 2, h / 2)
                    return cp, text, text_loc_.tolist()
Пример #4
def send_email(subject="",
               msg: Union[str, pd.DataFrame] = "",
               receivers: Union[str, list] = '*****@*****.**',
               msg_fn=lambda x: x,
               date=date_difference(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),

    :param subject: 主题
    :param msg:
    :param receivers:
    :param _subtype:
    :param msg_prefix:
    :param msg_suffix:
    :param msg_fn:
    :param kwargs:

    # init
    token = get_zk_config("/mipush/email_token")
    # logger.info(token)

    host, sender = list(token.items())[0]
    smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host, 25)

    # 主题+内容
    subject = f"👉{subject}📅{date}"

    if isinstance(msg, pd.DataFrame):
        msg_fn = lambda df: better_df2html(df, subject)
    msg = f"{msg_prefix}{msg_fn(msg)}{msg_suffix}"

    message = MIMEText(msg, _subtype, 'utf-8')
    message['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
    message['From'] = sender

    if isinstance(receivers, str) and receivers.__contains__("@"):
        receivers = [receivers]
    message['To'] = ",".join(receivers)

        smtp.sendmail(sender, receivers, message.as_string())
    except smtplib.SMTPException as e:
        logger.warning(f"{e}: 无法发送邮件")
Пример #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Project      : MeUtils.
# @File         : get_dsl_conf
# @Time         : 2021/1/25 7:54 下午
# @Author       : yuanjie
# @Email        : [email protected]
# @Software     : PyCharm
# @Description  :

from meutils.pipe import *
from meutils.zk_utils import get_zk_config

data = get_zk_config('/mipush/dsl', mode='').decode().strip()
data = [
    line.strip().split() for line in data.split('\r\n')
    if line != '' and not line.startswith('#')

columns = [
    'fea_id', 'fea_name', 'component', 'fea_type', 'fea_dim', 'isOut',

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)

### VeryGood!!!
df = pd.read_csv('dsl.txt', sep='\s+', names=columns, comment='#')
Пример #6
from meutils.pipe import *

os.environ['TF_KERAS'] = '1'

from meutils.zk_utils import get_zk_config

from bert4keras.backend import keras, search_layer, K
from bert4keras.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from bert4keras.models import build_transformer_model
from bert4keras.optimizers import Adam
from bert4keras.snippets import sequence_padding, DataGenerator
from bert4keras.snippets import open
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Lambda, Dense
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical

cfg = get_zk_config('/mipush/nh_model')
vocab_url = cfg['vocab_url']
model_url = cfg['nh_content_bert_model_url']

if not Path('vocab.txt').exists():
    download(vocab_url, 'vocab.txt')
tokenizer = Tokenizer('vocab.txt', do_lower_case=True)

model_name = 'model.h5'
if not Path(model_name).exists():
    download(model_url, model_name)  #
model = keras.models.load_model(model_name, compile=False)

maxlen = 64

Пример #7
from meutils.zk_utils import get_zk_config
from appzoo import App

import tensorflow as tf

keras = tf.keras

os.environ['TF_KERAS'] = '1'

from bert4keras.models import build_transformer_model
from bert4keras.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from bert4keras.snippets import sequence_padding

BERT_DIR = './chinese_simbert_L-12_H-768_A-12'
fds_url = get_zk_config("/mipush/cfg")['fds_url']

if not os.path.exists(BERT_DIR):
    url = f"{fds_url}/data/bert/chinese_simbert_L-12_H-768_A-12.zip"
    os.system(f"wget {url} && unzip chinese_simbert_L-12_H-768_A-12.zip")

config_path = f'{BERT_DIR}/bert_config.json'
checkpoint_path = f'{BERT_DIR}/bert_model.ckpt'
dict_path = f'{BERT_DIR}/vocab.txt'

# 建立分词器
tokenizer = Tokenizer(dict_path, do_lower_case=True)

# 建立加载模型
bert = build_transformer_model(
Пример #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Project      : AppZoo.
# @File         : image_utils
# @Time         : 2020/11/10 11:52 上午
# @Author       : yuanjie
# @Email        : [email protected]
# @Software     : PyCharm
# @Description  :

import os
from PIL import Image
from paddleocr import draw_ocr
from meutils.zk_utils import get_zk_config

fds_url = get_zk_config('/mipush/cfg')['fds_url']

def get_image_size(image):
    img = Image.open(image)
    return img.size  # (w, h)

def ocr_result_image(result, input_image, output_image='output_image.png'):
    if not os.path.exists('./simfang.ttf'):
        os.system(f"wget -q {fds_url}/data/simfang.ttf")

    image = Image.open(input_image).convert('RGB')
    boxes = [line[0] for line in result]
    txts = [line[1][0] for line in result]
    scores = [line[1][1] for line in result]
Пример #9
# @Project      : tql-App.
# @File         : ocr_app
# @Time         : 2020/11/4 4:05 下午
# @Author       : yuanjie
# @Email        : [email protected]
# @Software     : PyCharm
# @Description  :

from meutils.common import *
from meutils.zk_utils import get_zk_config
from appzoo import App

from paddleocr import PaddleOCR
from PIL import Image

ac_url = get_zk_config('/mipush/cfg')['ac_url']

ocr = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=True, lang="ch")

def request(url, json=None, method='get'):
    r = requests.request(method, url, json=json)
    r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
    return r.json()

def get_ocr_result(**kwargs):
    image_urls = kwargs.get('image_urls', [])

    results = []
    for image_url in image_urls:
Пример #10
# @Email        : [email protected]
# @Software     : PyCharm
# @Description  : https://docs.streamlit.io/api.html?highlight=markdown#display-progress-and-status
# https://docs.streamlit.io/cli.html
# streamlit run your_script.py --server.port 80
# 8051
# https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/blob/develop/examples/file_uploader.py

from meutils.common import *
from meutils.zk_utils import get_zk_config

import streamlit as st
from mi.db import Mongo, ANN
from bson import json_util

simbert_url = get_zk_config('/mipush/bert')['simbert_url']
# db
mongo = Mongo()
ann = ANN()

# side
biz = st.sidebar.selectbox('业务场景', ('xindao_ann', 'other'), index=0)

mongo_collection = mongo.db.__getitem__(f"{biz}")

## mongo
st.sidebar.markdown('**Mongo Find**')
filter_ = st.sidebar.text_input('filter', {'xindaoid': 44517})  # **kwargs
_ = mongo_collection.find_one(eval(filter_))
Пример #11
if biz == 'ImageUrl':
    ImageUrl = st.text_input(
    input_image = 'image.png'
    os.system(f"wget -q {ImageUrl} -O {input_image}")

    st.markdown("## 文字识别")
    image_result = ocr.ocr(input_image, cls=True)
    output_image = ocr_result_image(image_result, input_image)
    # st.json(image_result)

    st.markdown("## 水印识别")
    w, h = Image.open(input_image).size
    st.json({"水印识别": text_match_flag(image_result, w, h)})

    st.markdown("## 水印召回词")
    st.json({"zk已配置水印召回词": get_zk_config('/mipush/ocr')})

    os.system(f"rm {input_image}")

elif biz == 'ImageFile':
    input_image = file_uploader(st)
    if input_image:
        result = ocr.ocr(input_image, cls=True)
        output_image = ocr_result_image(result, input_image)
        os.system(f"rm {input_image}")
Пример #12
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Project      : tql-App.
# @File         : ann_search
# @Time         : 2020/11/5 4:04 下午
# @Author       : yuanjie
# @Email        : [email protected]
# @Software     : PyCharm
# @Description  :

from meutils.common import *
from meutils.zk_utils import get_zk_config
from appzoo import App

cfg = get_zk_config("/mipush/cfg")
simbert_url = cfg['simbert_url']
xindao_search_url = cfg['xindao_search_url']

def get_bert_vector(text):
    return requests.get(f"{simbert_url}?texts=['{text}']").json()['vectors']

def xindao_search(**kwargs):
    text = kwargs.get('text', '')
    topk = kwargs.get('topk', 5)
    return_ids = int(kwargs.get('return_ids', 0))

    query_embedding = get_bert_vector(text)
    body = {