Пример #1
    def gen_groups(self, records, chunksize=None):
        """Generate the QIF groups"""
        for chnk in chunk(records, chunksize):
            keyfunc = self.id if self.is_split else self.account

            for gee in group(chnk, keyfunc):
                yield gee
Пример #2
    def gen_groups(self, records, chunksize=None):
        """ Generate the QIF groups """
        for chnk in chunk(records, chunksize):
            keyfunc = self.id if self.is_split else self.account

            for gee in group(chnk, keyfunc):
                yield gee
Пример #3
def solution2(debug=False):
    # Set `debug` to True if you would like to view debugging statements
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from operator import itemgetter
    from functools import partial
    from pprint import pprint
    from meza import process as pr, fntools as ft
    from meza.io import read_json

    url4 = 'https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=data&sort=stars&order=desc'
    f = urlopen(url4)
    records = read_json(f, path='items.item')

    # repos without a language have a value of None, which meza doesn't like
    filled = pr.fillempty(records, value='', fields=['language'])
    filled, preview = pr.peek(filled)
    print(preview[0]) if debug else None

    # meza doesn't do well with nested dicts
    flat = (dict(ft.flatten(r)) for r in filled)
    flat, preview = pr.peek(flat)
    print(preview[0]) if debug else None

    # `watchers` is the pivot field to aggregate by
    # `language` is the pivot field to group by
    args = ('watchers', 'language')

    # the pivot fields we want to include in each row
    rows = ['has_pages', 'owner_type']
    pivotted = pr.pivot(flat, *args, rows=rows, op=sum)
    pivotted, preview = pr.peek(pivotted)
    print(preview[0]) if debug else None

    # `rows` are the fields we don't want to normalize (since `invert` is true)
    kwargs = {'rows': rows, 'invert': True}

    # `watchers` is the field to use for the normalized values
    # `language` is the field to use for the normalized key
    normal = pr.normalize(pivotted, *args, **kwargs)
    normal, preview = pr.peek(normal)
    print(preview[0]) if debug else None

    # aggregate by `watchers`
    agg_keyfunc = itemgetter('watchers')

    # group by `has_pages` and `owner_type`
    group_keyfunc = lambda x: tuple(x[r] for r in rows)
    aggregator = partial(max, key=agg_keyfunc)

    # Only emit the groups, not the group key (since `tupled` is False)
    kwargs = {'tupled': False, 'aggregator': aggregator}
    grouped = pr.group(normal, group_keyfunc, **kwargs)
    grouped, preview = pr.peek(grouped)
    print(preview[0]) if debug else None

    sgrouped = sorted(grouped, key=agg_keyfunc, reverse=True)

    for record in sgrouped:
Пример #4
    def gen_groups(self, records, chunksize=None):
        for chnk in chunk(records, chunksize):
            cleansed = [
                {k: next(xmlize([v])) for k, v in c.items()} for c in chnk]
            keyfunc = self.id if self.is_split else self.account

            for g in group(cleansed, keyfunc):
                yield g
Пример #5
    def gen_groups(self, records, chunksize=None):
        """ Generate the OFX groups """
        for chnk in chunk(records, chunksize):
            cleansed = [
                {k: next(xmlize([v])) for k, v in c.items()} for c in chnk]
            keyfunc = self.id if self.is_split else self.account

            for gee in group(cleansed, keyfunc):
                yield gee
Пример #6
    def gen_trxns(self, groups, collapse=False):
        for grp, transactions in groups:
            if self.is_split and collapse:
                # group transactions by `collapse` field and sum the amounts
                byaccount = group(transactions, collapse)
                op = lambda values: sum(map(utils.convert_amount, values))
                merger = partial(merge, pred=self.amount, op=op)
                trxns = [merger(dicts) for _, dicts in byaccount]
                trxns = transactions

            yield (grp, trxns)
Пример #7
    def gen_trxns(self, groups, collapse=False):
        """ Generate transactions """
        for grp, transactions in groups:
            if self.is_split and collapse:
                # group transactions by `collapse` field and sum the amounts
                byaccount = group(transactions, collapse)
                oprtn = lambda values: sum(map(utils.convert_amount, values))
                merger = partial(merge, pred=self.amount, op=oprtn)
                trxns = [merger(dicts) for _, dicts in byaccount]
                trxns = transactions

            yield (grp, trxns)
Пример #8
url4 = 'https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=data&sort=stars&order=desc'
f = '???'
records = '???'

# Some of the functions you will use are `ft.flatten`, `pr.pivot`, `pr.normalize`
# `pr.group`, `pr.fillempty`, and `pr.aggregate`. You can view documentation for
# these functions in the doc-blocks at the links below:
# https://github.com/reubano/meza/blob/master/meza/process.py
# https://github.com/reubano/meza/blob/master/meza/fntools.py

# ...

keyfunc = lambda x: True
kwargs = {}
grouped = pr.group([], keyfunc, **kwargs)

for key, group in grouped:
    # ...

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('Solution #1')

    print('Solution #2')