Пример #1
    def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
        Per-request mechanics for the current page object.

        # Load the closest matching page by slug, and assign it to the
        # request object. If none found, skip all further processing.
        slug = path_to_slug(request.path_info)
        pages = Page.objects.with_ascendants_for_slug(
            slug, for_user=request.user, include_login_required=True)
        if pages:
            page = pages[0]
            setattr(request, "page", page)

        # Handle ``page.login_required``.
        if page.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
            return redirect_to_login(request.get_full_path())

        # If the view isn't Mezzanine's page view, try to return the result
        # immediately. In the case of a 404 with an URL slug that matches a
        # page exactly, swallow the exception and try Mezzanine's page view.
        # This allows us to set up pages with URLs that also match non-page
        # urlpatterns. For example, a page could be created with the URL
        # /blog/about/, which would match the blog urlpattern, and assuming
        # there wasn't a blog post with the slug "about", would raise a 404
        # and subsequently be rendered by Mezzanine's page view.
        if view_func != page_view:
                return view_func(request, *view_args, **view_kwargs)
            except Http404:
                if page.slug != slug:

        # Run page processors.
        extra_context = {}
        model_processors = page_processors.processors[page.content_model]
        slug_processors = page_processors.processors["slug:%s" % page.slug]
        for (processor, exact_page) in slug_processors + model_processors:
            if exact_page and not page.is_current:
            processor_response = processor(request, page)
            if isinstance(processor_response, HttpResponse):
                return processor_response
            elif processor_response:
                    for k, v in processor_response.items():
                        if k not in extra_context:
                            extra_context[k] = v
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    name = "%s.%s" % (processor.__module__, processor.__name__)
                    error = ("The page processor %s returned %s but must "
                             "return HttpResponse or dict." %
                             (name, type(processor_response)))
                    raise ValueError(error)

        return page_view(request, slug, extra_context=extra_context)
Пример #2
    def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
        Per-request mechanics for the current page object.

        # Load the closest matching page by slug, and assign it to the
        # request object. If none found, skip all further processing.
        slug = path_to_slug(request.path_info)
        pages = Page.objects.with_ascendants_for_slug(slug,
                        for_user=request.user, include_login_required=True)
        if pages:
            page = pages[0]
            setattr(request, "page", page)

        # Handle ``page.login_required``.
        if page.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
            return redirect_to_login(request.get_full_path())

        # If the view isn't Mezzanine's page view, try to return the result
        # immediately. In the case of a 404 with an URL slug that matches a
        # page exactly, swallow the exception and try Mezzanine's page view.
        # This allows us to set up pages with URLs that also match non-page
        # urlpatterns. For example, a page could be created with the URL
        # /blog/about/, which would match the blog urlpattern, and assuming
        # there wasn't a blog post with the slug "about", would raise a 404
        # and subsequently be rendered by Mezzanine's page view.
        if view_func != page_view:
                return view_func(request, *view_args, **view_kwargs)
            except Http404:
                if page.slug != slug:

        # Run page processors.
        extra_context = {}
        model_processors = page_processors.processors[page.content_model]
        slug_processors = page_processors.processors["slug:%s" % page.slug]
        for (processor, exact_page) in slug_processors + model_processors:
            if exact_page and not page.is_current:
            processor_response = processor(request, page)
            if isinstance(processor_response, HttpResponse):
                return processor_response
            elif processor_response:
                    for k, v in processor_response.items():
                        if k not in extra_context:
                            extra_context[k] = v
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    name = "%s.%s" % (processor.__module__, processor.__name__)
                    error = ("The page processor %s returned %s but must "
                             "return HttpResponse or dict." %
                             (name, type(processor_response)))
                    raise ValueError(error)

        return page_view(request, slug, extra_context=extra_context)