def get_convert_audio(synapse_table,
                      convert_input_args='-y -i',
                      convert_output_args='-ac 2',
    Read data from a row of a Synapse table and convert audio file.

    Calls ::
        from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table
        from mhealthx.xio import convert_audio_file

    synapse_table : string or Schema
        a synapse ID or synapse table Schema object
    row : pandas Series or string
        row of a Synapse table converted to a Series or csv file
    column_name : string
        name of file handle column
    convert_file_append : string
        append to file name to indicate converted file format (e.g., '.wav')
    convert_command : string
        executable command without arguments
    convert_input_args : string
        arguments preceding input file name for convert_command
    convert_output_args : string
        arguments preceding output file name for convert_command
    out_path : string or None
        a local path in which to store downloaded files.
    username : string
        Synapse username (only needed once on a given machine)
    password : string
        Synapse password (only needed once on a given machine)

    row : pandas Series
        same as passed in: row of a Synapse table as a file or Series
    new_file : string
        full path to the converted file

    >>> from mhealthx.xio import get_convert_audio
    >>> from mhealthx.xio import extract_synapse_rows, read_file_from_synapse_table
    >>> import synapseclient
    >>> syn = synapseclient.Synapse()
    >>> syn.login()
    >>> synapse_table = 'syn4590865'
    >>> row_series, row_files = extract_synapse_rows(synapse_table, save_path='.', limit=3, username='', password='')
    >>> column_name = 'audio_audio.m4a' #, 'audio_countdown.m4a']
    >>> convert_file_append = '.wav'
    >>> convert_command = 'ffmpeg'
    >>> convert_input_args = '-y -i'
    >>> convert_output_args = '-ac 2'
    >>> out_path = '.'
    >>> username = ''
    >>> password = ''
    >>> for i in range(1):
    >>>     row = row_series[i]
    >>>     row, filepath = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
    >>>         column_name, out_path, username, password)
    >>>     print(row)
    >>>     row, new_file = get_convert_audio(synapse_table,
    >>>                                       row, column_name,
    >>>                                       convert_file_append,
    >>>                                       convert_command,
    >>>                                       convert_input_args,
    >>>                                       convert_output_args,
    >>>                                       out_path, username, password)

    from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table, convert_audio_file

    row, file_path = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
                                                  column_name, out_path,
                                                  username, password)
    if convert_file_append:
        renamed_file = file_path + convert_file_append
        new_file = convert_audio_file(old_file=file_path,
        new_file = None

    return row, new_file
def get_tap(synapse_table,
    Read screen tapping json data from Synapse table row.

    Calls ::
        from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table
        from mhealthx.xio import read_tap_json

    synapse_table : string or Schema
        a synapse ID or synapse table Schema object
    row : pandas Series or string
        row of a Synapse table converted to a Series or csv file
    column_name : string
        name of file handle column
    start : integer
        starting index (remove beginning)
    out_path : string or None
        a local path in which to store downloaded files.
        If None, stores them in (~/.synapseCache)
    username : string
        Synapse username (only needed once on a given machine)
    password : string
        Synapse password (only needed once on a given machine)

    tx : list
        x-axis screen tap data
    ty : list
        y-axis screen tap data
    t : list
        time points for accelerometer data
    sample_rate : float
        sample rate
    duration : float
        duration of time series
    row : pandas Series
        same as passed in: row of a Synapse table as a file or Series
    file_path : string
        path to accelerometer file

    >>> from mhealthx.xio import extract_synapse_rows, read_file_from_synapse_table, get_tap
    >>> import synapseclient
    >>> syn = synapseclient.Synapse()
    >>> syn.login()
    >>> synapse_table = 'syn4590866'
    >>> row_series, row_files = extract_synapse_rows(synapse_table, save_path='.', limit=3, username='', password='')
    >>> column_name = 'deviceMotion_walking_outbound.json.items'
    >>> start = 150
    >>> out_path = None
    >>> username = ''
    >>> password = ''
    >>> for i in range(1):
    >>>     row = row_series[i]
    >>>     row, filepath = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
    >>>         column_name, out_path, username, password)
    >>>     print(row)
    >>>     tx, ty, t, sample_rate, duration, row, file_path = get_tap(synapse_table,
    >>>                                       row, column_name,
    >>>                                       start, out_path, username, password)

    from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table, read_tap_json

    # Load row data and accelerometer json file (full path):
    row, file_path = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
                                                  column_name, out_path,
                                                  username, password)
    # Read accelerometer json file:
    t, tx, ty, button, sample_rate, duration = read_tap_json(file_path, start)

    return tx, ty, t, sample_rate, duration, row, file_path
def get_accel(synapse_table,
    Read accelerometer json data from Synapse table row.

    Calls ::
        from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table
        from mhealthx.xio import read_accel_json

    synapse_table : string or Schema
        a synapse ID or synapse table Schema object
    row : pandas Series or string
        row of a Synapse table converted to a Series or csv file
    column_name : string
        name of file handle column
    start : integer
        starting index (remove beginning)
    device_motion : Boolean
        use deviceMotion vs. accelerometer json file?
    out_path : string or None
        a local path in which to store downloaded files.
        If None, stores them in (~/.synapseCache)
    username : string
        Synapse username (only needed once on a given machine)
    password : string
        Synapse password (only needed once on a given machine)

    t : list
        time points for accelerometer data
    ax : list
        x-axis acceleration
    ay : list
        y-axis acceleration
    az : list
        z-axis acceleration
    gx : list
        x-axis gravity acceleration
    gy : list
        y-axis gravity acceleration
    gz : list
        z-axis gravity acceleration
    rx : list
        x-axis rotationRate
    ry : list
        y-axis rotationRate
    rz : list
        z-axis rotationRate
    uw : list
        w of attitude quaternion
    ux : list
        x of attitude quaternion
    uy : list
        y of attitude quaternion
    uz : list
        z of attitude quaternion
    sample_rate : float
        sample rate
    duration : float
        duration of time series
    row : pandas Series
        same as passed in: row of a Synapse table as a file or Series
    file_path : string
        path to accelerometer file

    >>> from mhealthx.xio import extract_synapse_rows, read_file_from_synapse_table, get_accel
    >>> import synapseclient
    >>> syn = synapseclient.Synapse()
    >>> syn.login()
    >>> synapse_table = 'syn4590866'
    >>> row_series, row_files = extract_synapse_rows(synapse_table, save_path='.', limit=3, username='', password='')
    >>> column_name = 'deviceMotion_walking_outbound.json.items'
    >>> device_motion = True
    >>> start = 150
    >>> out_path = None
    >>> username = ''
    >>> password = ''
    >>> for i in range(1):
    >>>     row = row_series[i]
    >>>     row, filepath = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
    >>>         column_name, out_path, username, password)
    >>>     print(row)
    >>>     t, ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, rx, ry, rz, uw, ux, uy, uz, sample_rate, duration, row, file_path = get_accel(synapse_table,
    >>>                                       row, column_name,
    >>>                                       start, device_motion,
    >>>                                       out_path, username, password)

    from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table, read_accel_json

    # Load row data and accelerometer json file (full path):
    row, file_path = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
                                                  column_name, out_path,
                                                  username, password)
    # Read accelerometer json file:
    t, axyz, gxyz, wxyz, rxyz, sample_rate, \
    duration, = read_accel_json(file_path, start, device_motion)

    ax, ay, az = axyz
    gx, gy, gz = gxyz
    rx, ry, rz = rxyz
    uw, ux, uy, uz = wxyz

    return t, ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, rx, ry, rz, uw, ux, uy, uz, \
           sample_rate, duration, row, file_path
Пример #4
def get_convert_audio(synapse_table, row, column_name,
                      convert_file_append='', convert_command='ffmpeg',
                      convert_input_args='-y -i', convert_output_args='-ac 2',
                      out_path='.', username='', password=''):
    Read data from a row of a Synapse table and convert audio file.

    Calls ::
        from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table
        from mhealthx.xio import convert_audio_file

    synapse_table : string or Schema
        a synapse ID or synapse table Schema object
    row : pandas Series or string
        row of a Synapse table converted to a Series or csv file
    column_name : string
        name of file handle column
    convert_file_append : string
        append to file name to indicate converted file format (e.g., '.wav')
    convert_command : string
        executable command without arguments
    convert_input_args : string
        arguments preceding input file name for convert_command
    convert_output_args : string
        arguments preceding output file name for convert_command
    out_path : string or None
        a local path in which to store downloaded files.
    username : string
        Synapse username (only needed once on a given machine)
    password : string
        Synapse password (only needed once on a given machine)

    row : pandas Series
        same as passed in: row of a Synapse table as a file or Series
    new_file : string
        full path to the converted file

    >>> from mhealthx.xio import get_convert_audio
    >>> from mhealthx.xio import extract_synapse_rows, read_file_from_synapse_table
    >>> import synapseclient
    >>> syn = synapseclient.Synapse()
    >>> syn.login()
    >>> synapse_table = 'syn4590865'
    >>> row_series, row_files = extract_synapse_rows(synapse_table, save_path='.', limit=3, username='', password='')
    >>> column_name = 'audio_audio.m4a' #, 'audio_countdown.m4a']
    >>> convert_file_append = '.wav'
    >>> convert_command = 'ffmpeg'
    >>> convert_input_args = '-y -i'
    >>> convert_output_args = '-ac 2'
    >>> out_path = '.'
    >>> username = ''
    >>> password = ''
    >>> for i in range(1):
    >>>     row = row_series[i]
    >>>     row, filepath = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
    >>>         column_name, out_path, username, password)
    >>>     print(row)
    >>>     row, new_file = get_convert_audio(synapse_table,
    >>>                                       row, column_name,
    >>>                                       convert_file_append,
    >>>                                       convert_command,
    >>>                                       convert_input_args,
    >>>                                       convert_output_args,
    >>>                                       out_path, username, password)

    from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table, convert_audio_file

    row, file_path = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
                                                  column_name, out_path,
                                                  username, password)
    if convert_file_append:
        renamed_file = file_path + convert_file_append
        new_file = convert_audio_file(old_file=file_path,
        new_file = None

    return row, new_file
Пример #5
def get_tap(synapse_table, row, column_name, start=0,
            out_path='.', username='', password=''):
    Read screen tapping json data from Synapse table row.

    Calls ::
        from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table
        from mhealthx.xio import read_tap_json

    synapse_table : string or Schema
        a synapse ID or synapse table Schema object
    row : pandas Series or string
        row of a Synapse table converted to a Series or csv file
    column_name : string
        name of file handle column
    start : integer
        starting index (remove beginning)
    out_path : string or None
        a local path in which to store downloaded files.
        If None, stores them in (~/.synapseCache)
    username : string
        Synapse username (only needed once on a given machine)
    password : string
        Synapse password (only needed once on a given machine)

    tx : list
        x-axis screen tap data
    ty : list
        y-axis screen tap data
    t : list
        time points for accelerometer data
    sample_rate : float
        sample rate
    duration : float
        duration of time series
    row : pandas Series
        same as passed in: row of a Synapse table as a file or Series
    file_path : string
        path to accelerometer file

    >>> from mhealthx.xio import extract_synapse_rows, read_file_from_synapse_table, get_tap
    >>> import synapseclient
    >>> syn = synapseclient.Synapse()
    >>> syn.login()
    >>> synapse_table = 'syn4590866'
    >>> row_series, row_files = extract_synapse_rows(synapse_table, save_path='.', limit=3, username='', password='')
    >>> column_name = 'deviceMotion_walking_outbound.json.items'
    >>> start = 150
    >>> out_path = None
    >>> username = ''
    >>> password = ''
    >>> for i in range(1):
    >>>     row = row_series[i]
    >>>     row, filepath = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
    >>>         column_name, out_path, username, password)
    >>>     print(row)
    >>>     tx, ty, t, sample_rate, duration, row, file_path = get_tap(synapse_table,
    >>>                                       row, column_name,
    >>>                                       start, out_path, username, password)

    from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table, read_tap_json

    # Load row data and accelerometer json file (full path):
    row, file_path = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
                                                  column_name, out_path,
                                                  username, password)
    # Read accelerometer json file:
    t, tx, ty, button, sample_rate, duration = read_tap_json(file_path, start)

    return tx, ty, t, sample_rate, duration, row, file_path
Пример #6
def get_accel(synapse_table, row, column_name, start=0, device_motion=True,
              out_path='.', username='', password=''):
    Read accelerometer json data from Synapse table row.

    Calls ::
        from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table
        from mhealthx.xio import read_accel_json

    synapse_table : string or Schema
        a synapse ID or synapse table Schema object
    row : pandas Series or string
        row of a Synapse table converted to a Series or csv file
    column_name : string
        name of file handle column
    start : integer
        starting index (remove beginning)
    device_motion : Boolean
        use deviceMotion vs. accelerometer json file?
    out_path : string or None
        a local path in which to store downloaded files.
        If None, stores them in (~/.synapseCache)
    username : string
        Synapse username (only needed once on a given machine)
    password : string
        Synapse password (only needed once on a given machine)

    t : list
        time points for accelerometer data
    ax : list
        x-axis acceleration
    ay : list
        y-axis acceleration
    az : list
        z-axis acceleration
    gx : list
        x-axis gravity acceleration
    gy : list
        y-axis gravity acceleration
    gz : list
        z-axis gravity acceleration
    rx : list
        x-axis rotationRate
    ry : list
        y-axis rotationRate
    rz : list
        z-axis rotationRate
    uw : list
        w of attitude quaternion
    ux : list
        x of attitude quaternion
    uy : list
        y of attitude quaternion
    uz : list
        z of attitude quaternion
    sample_rate : float
        sample rate
    duration : float
        duration of time series
    row : pandas Series
        same as passed in: row of a Synapse table as a file or Series
    file_path : string
        path to accelerometer file

    >>> from mhealthx.xio import extract_synapse_rows, read_file_from_synapse_table, get_accel
    >>> import synapseclient
    >>> syn = synapseclient.Synapse()
    >>> syn.login()
    >>> synapse_table = 'syn4590866'
    >>> row_series, row_files = extract_synapse_rows(synapse_table, save_path='.', limit=3, username='', password='')
    >>> column_name = 'deviceMotion_walking_outbound.json.items'
    >>> device_motion = True
    >>> start = 150
    >>> out_path = None
    >>> username = ''
    >>> password = ''
    >>> for i in range(1):
    >>>     row = row_series[i]
    >>>     row, filepath = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
    >>>         column_name, out_path, username, password)
    >>>     print(row)
    >>>     t, ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, rx, ry, rz, uw, ux, uy, uz, sample_rate, duration, row, file_path = get_accel(synapse_table,
    >>>                                       row, column_name,
    >>>                                       start, device_motion,
    >>>                                       out_path, username, password)

    from mhealthx.xio import read_file_from_synapse_table, read_accel_json

    # Load row data and accelerometer json file (full path):
    row, file_path = read_file_from_synapse_table(synapse_table, row,
                                                  column_name, out_path,
                                                  username, password)
    # Read accelerometer json file:
    t, axyz, gxyz, wxyz, rxyz, sample_rate, \
    duration, = read_accel_json(file_path, start, device_motion)

    ax, ay, az = axyz
    gx, gy, gz = gxyz
    rx, ry, rz = rxyz
    uw, ux, uy, uz = wxyz

    return t, ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, rx, ry, rz, uw, ux, uy, uz, \
           sample_rate, duration, row, file_path