def rsync_ARTEMiS_alerts(): """Syncrhonize alerts with ARTEMiS Signalmen Returns: -------- 0 : download succeeded, 2 : download failed. """ # set I/O shell display tcol, tun, tend, tit = "\033[0m\033[34m", "\033[0m\033[1m\033[34m", "\033[0m", "\033[0m\033[3m" # rsync -azu [email protected]::FollowUp/FollowUpZ.signalmen . printi(tcol + "Rsync ARTEMiS Signalmen" + tend) # password in file pswd = 'pswd_signalmen.txt' # archive format: XKB180039I, with X=dataset, I=filter proc = subprocess.Popen('rsync -az --password-file=' + pswd + ' [email protected]::FollowUp/FollowUpZ.signalmen ARTEMiS_alerts.txt', shell=True, executable='/bin/bash', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() # test whether data were downloaded, and if not treat as exception stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if stderr: printw(tun + "Failed to rsync ARTEMiS Signalmen\n" + tit + stderr + tend) return 1 else: printd(tit + " (list of alerts downloaded from ATERMiS Signalmen)" + tend) return 0
def fill_webpage(inhtml, outhtml, fillwith): """Fill the template html page with new html content Example ------- >>> fillwpage('in.html', 'out.html', ('_keyword_', var)) >>> fillwpage('in.html', 'out.html', [('_keyword1_', var1), ('_keyword2_', var2)]) """ # set I/O shell display tcol, tun, tend, tit = "\033[0m\033[33m", "\033[0m\033[1m\033[33m", "\033[0m", "\033[0m\033[3m" # important - add these lines between <header> tags --> mettre dans le code event.html """<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><!-- _SCRIPT_ -->""" # fill html page with open(inhtml, 'r') as f: cont = if type(fillwith) == tuple: fillwith = [fillwith] for fill in fillwith: key, new = fill cont = cont.replace(key, new) f.close() with open(outhtml, 'w') as f: f.write(cont) f.close() # verbose printi(tcol + "Fill document : " + tit + "'" + inhtml + "'" + tcol + " >>> " + tit + "'" + outhtml + "'" + tend) for fill in fillwith: printd(tit + " (keyword: " + fill[0] + ")" + tend)
def fit_subgrids(gridsprefix, fitsprefix, datasets, gridlist, init=None, trange=None, nprocs=1, overwrite=False): """Fit light curve on magnification curves grids IDEE : on pourra utiliser un random des 1000 pour faire des maps a faible resolution ! """ # set I/O shell display tcol, tit, tend = "\033[0m\033[31m", "\033[0m\033[3m", "\033[0m" # check whether input names does not contain extensions if '.hdf5' in gridsprefix: raise NameError("grid prefix should not contain .hdf5 extension") if '.hdf5' in fitsprefix: raise NameError("fit prefix should not contain .hdf5 extension") # delete existing HDF5 files in fits/ if overwrite: printd(tcol + "Removing previous HDF5 files from fits/" + tend) proc = subprocess.Popen('rm -rf ' + fitsprefix + '*.hdf5', shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') proc.wait() # mutliprocessing: create grid list names listmclibs, listlclibs = list(), list() for gridi in gridlist: mclib = gridsprefix + '_' + str(gridi) + '.hdf5' lclib = fitsprefix + '_' + str(gridi) + '.hdf5' listmclibs.append(mclib) listlclibs.append(lclib) # mutliprocessing: create arguments of _process_fits, and create workers pool printi(tcol + "Starting manager with PID " + tit + str(os.getpid()) + tcol + " running " + tit + str(nprocs) + tcol + " process(es)" + tend) listargs = zip(listmclibs, listlclibs, repeat(datasets), repeat(trange), repeat(init)) pool = Pool(processes=nprocs) pool.imap_unordered(_process_fits, listargs) # collect results pool.close() pool.join()
def rsync_ARTEMiS_data(event, syncdir): """Syncrhonize data with ARTEMiS Returns: -------- 0 : synchronization succeeded and local data were updated, 1 : synchronization succeeded but local data were already up to date, 2 : synchronization failed. """ # set I/O shell display tcol, tun, tend, tit = "\033[0m\033[34m", "\033[0m\033[1m\033[34m", "\033[0m", "\033[0m\033[3m" # check event name format if len(event) != 8: raise ValueError("wrong format for event name: correct is 'xByyzzzz'") # get microlensing season year = '20' + event[2:4] # rsync -azu [email protected]::Data2018/OOB180088I.dat . printi(tcol + "Rsync ARTEMiS database" + tend) # password in file pswd = 'pswd_artemis.txt' # archive format: XKB180039I, with X=dataset, I=filter artemisevent = event.replace('M', 'K') proc = subprocess.Popen('rsync -avzu -L --password-file=' + pswd + ' [email protected]::Data' + year + '/*' + artemisevent + '*.dat ' + syncdir + ' --stats | grep "files transferred:"', shell=True, executable='/bin/bash', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() # get std output and error stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() # treat rsync outputs if stderr: printw(tun + "Failed to rsync ARTEMiS\n" + tit + stderr + tend) return 2 else: # check if files were updated if ' 0' in stdout: printd(tit + " (files have not changed on ARTEMiS server)" + tend) return 1 else: printd(tit + " (local files have been updated from ATERMiS server)" + tend) return 0
def retrieve(event, crossrefs=None, download=True): """Create or update microlensing event data files Calling ======= retrieve(event) Parameters ---------- event : string Name of microlensing event: 'xByyzzzz', where: x is O (OGLE alert) or B (MOA alert) yy is the year zzzz is the event ID Example ------- >>> datasets = retrieve('OB180222') """ # set I/O shell display tcol, tun, tend, tit = "\033[0m\033[34m", "\033[0m\033[1m\033[34m", "\033[0m", "\033[0m\033[3m" # check event name format if len(event) != 8: raise ValueError("wrong format for event name: correct is 'xByyzzzz'") # get microlensing season year = '20' + event[2:4] # directories arborescence datapath = event + '/data/' syncdir = datapath + 'sync/' fitsdir = event + '/fits/' if not os.path.isdir(event): # create dir: ./event/ printi(tcol + "Create new event folder " + tit + event + "/" + tend) proc = subprocess.Popen('mkdir ' + event, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') proc.wait() # else: # printi(tcol + "Update event " + tit + event + tend) if not os.path.isdir(datapath): # create dir: ./event/data/ proc = subprocess.Popen('mkdir ' + datapath, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') proc.wait() if not os.path.isdir(syncdir): # create dir: ./event/data/sync/ proc = subprocess.Popen('mkdir ' + syncdir, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') proc.wait() if not os.path.isdir(fitsdir): # create dir: ./event/fits/ proc = subprocess.Popen('mkdir ' + fitsdir, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') proc.wait() # check whether to get new data, loca data or stop if download: # if crossfrefs file is given newkmt = [] if crossrefs: newsync = 3 refs = getcrossrefs(crossrefs, event) # newkmt = [] for ref in refs.split(): if 'K' in ref: newkmt = addkmt(event, ref) elif newsync != 0: newsync = rsync_ARTEMiS_data(ref, syncdir) # if crossfrefs file not given: else: if 'K' in event: newkmt = addkmt(event, event) else: newsync = rsync_ARTEMiS_data(event, syncdir) # check if proceeds if not (newsync == 0 or newkmt): printi(tun + "No new data available for " + tit + event + tun + " (nothing to do)" + tend) sys.exit(0) if newkmt: printi(tun + "New KMT data available for " + tit + event + tend) if newsync == 0: printi(tun + "New SYNC data available for " + tit + event + tend) else: printi(tcol + "Use local datasets" + tend) # create final list od datasets # printi(tcol + "Create final list of datasets" + tend) # kevent = event # syncset = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(syncdir), '*' + event.replace('M', 'K') + '*.dat') syncset = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(syncdir), '*.dat') for ds in syncset: reformat(syncdir + ds, datapath + ds.replace('K', 'M'), ['mag', 'errmag', 'hjd']) # # if 'K' in ds: # proc = subprocess.Popen('cp ' + syncdir + ds + ' ' + syncdir + ds.replace('K', 'M'), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') # proc.wait() # syncset = [ds.replace('K', 'M') for ds in syncset] # fetch other datasets in data/ othersets = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(datapath), '*.dat') if os.path.isfile(datapath + 'params.dat'): othersets.remove('params.dat') # remove duplicates datasets = list(np.unique(syncset + othersets)) # discard symblinks (useful only if rsync is used without -L option) datasets = [dataset for dataset in datasets if not os.path.islink(syncdir + dataset)] # get OGLE first, if not MOA first, otherwise keep order datasets = orderlist(datasets) ## reformat only sync/ datasets ## A FAIRE PLUS HAUT !!! # for dataseti in datasets: # if os.path.isfile(syncdir + dataseti): # reformat(syncdir + dataseti, datapath + dataseti, ['mag', 'errmag', 'hjd']) # add relative path to datasets names for i in range(len(datasets)): datasets[i] = datapath + datasets[i] printi(tcol + "Found " + tit + str(len(datasets)) + tcol + " dataset(s)" + tend) printd(tit + " " + str(datasets) + tend) return datasets
def _process_fits((mclib, lclib, datasets, trange, init)): """Process of fit_subgrids""" # set I/O shell display tfil, tun, tcol, tit, tend = "\033[0m\033[1;35m", "\033[0m\033[1;31m", "\033[0m\033[31m", "\033[0m\033[3m", "\033[0m" # check that mclib(.hdf5) exists if not os.path.isfile(mclib): raise IOError("file '" + mclib + "' is missing") # verbose printi(tcol + "Launching " + tit + "'" + mclib + "'" + tcol + " grid with PID " + tit + str(os.getpid()) + tend) with h5py.File(mclib, 'r') as fmclib: # NEW read datasets and time range mc = MagnificationCurve() lc = LightCurve(datasets, trange=trange) # global subgrid attributes Ns = fmclib.attrs['Ns'] Nq = fmclib.attrs['Nq'] # prepare grid grids = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) gridq = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) gridu0 = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) gridalpha = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) gridtE = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) gridt0 = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) gridrho = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) gridchidof = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) gridchi = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.float_) bestmc = np.empty(Ns * Nq, dtype=np.dtype('a128')) for nsq in range(len(fmclib.keys())): sqlib = fmclib[str(nsq)] grids[nsq] = sqlib.attrs['s'] gridq[nsq] = sqlib.attrs['q'] fits = list() usefit = 0 for id in sqlib: # read mc f_u0, f_alpha, f_tE, f_t0, f_rho, f_chidof, f_chi = [],[],[],[],[],[],[], str(nsq) + '/' + id) # fit only if ∆mag(th) > ∆mag(exp) dmag = 2.5 * np.log10( fmclib[str(nsq) + '/' + id].attrs['mumax']) if dmag < lc.content['dmag']: printi(tfil + "Model delta(mag) too low : skipping" + tend) printd(tit + " (delta(mag_th) = " + str(dmag) + " < " + str(lc.content['dmag']) + tend) else: usefit += 1 # read reference croi in mc croi = fmclib[str(nsq) + '/' + id].attrs['refcroi'] # fit for 0 < alpha < π/2, croi, '+', init=init) f_u0.append(lc.params['u0']) f_alpha.append(lc.params['alpha']) f_tE.append(lc.params['tE']) f_t0.append(lc.params['t0']) f_rho.append(lc.params['rho']) f_chidof.append(lc.content['chi2'][0] / lc.content['chi2'][1]) f_chi.append(lc.content['chi2'][0]) # fit for π < alpha < 3π/2), croi, '-', init=init) f_u0.append(lc.params['u0']) f_alpha.append(lc.params['alpha']) f_tE.append(lc.params['tE']) f_t0.append(lc.params['t0']) f_rho.append(lc.params['rho']) f_chidof.append(lc.content['chi2'][0] / lc.content['chi2'][1]) f_chi.append(lc.content['chi2'][0]) # add fit to list if chi2 is not inf if not np.all(np.isinf(f_chidof)): arg = np.argmin(f_chidof) u0 = f_u0[arg] alpha = f_alpha[arg] tE = f_tE[arg] t0 = f_t0[arg] rho = f_rho[arg] chidof = f_chidof[arg] chi = f_chi[arg] fits.append([id, u0, alpha, tE, t0, rho, chidof, chi]) # verbose printd(tcol + "Percentage of useful magnification curves is about " + tit + "{0:.0f}".format(100. * float(usefit) / float(id)) + "%" + tend) if fits: # sort fits by increasing chi2 and get parameters fits = np.array(fits) arg = np.argsort(np.array(fits[:, 6], dtype=np.float_)) mcs = np.array(fits[arg, 0], dtype=np.int_) u0 = np.array(fits[arg, 1], dtype=np.float_) alpha = np.array(fits[arg, 2], dtype=np.float_) tE = np.array(fits[arg, 3], dtype=np.float_) t0 = np.array(fits[arg, 4], dtype=np.float_) rho = np.array(fits[arg, 5], dtype=np.float_) chidof = np.array(fits[arg, 6], dtype=np.float_) chi = np.array(fits[arg, 7], dtype=np.float_) # save best-fit parameters and chi2/dof gridu0[nsq] = u0[0] gridalpha[nsq] = alpha[0] gridtE[nsq] = tE[0] gridt0[nsq] = t0[0] gridrho[nsq] = rho[0] gridchidof[nsq] = chidof[0] gridchi[nsq] = chi[0] bestmc[nsq] = str(nsq) + '/' + str(mcs[0]) # verbose printi(tcol + "Best-fit model at grid point " + tit + "'" + str(nsq) + "'" + tcol + " in file " + tit + mclib + tcol + " is " + tit + "'" + str(mcs[0]) + "'" + tcol + " with " + tit + "chi2/dof={:.3e}".format(chidof[0]) + tend) else: gridchidof[nsq] = np.inf gridchi[nsq] = np.inf # save log(X^2) map in HDF5 file: overwrite existing file with h5py.File(lclib, 'w') as fitres: gS = np.unique(grids) gQ = np.unique(gridq) gs, gq = np.meshgrid(gS, gQ) fitres.create_dataset('s', data=gs) fitres.create_dataset('q', data=gq) fitres.create_dataset('u0', data=gridu0.reshape(Ns, Nq).T) fitres.create_dataset('alpha', data=gridalpha.reshape(Ns, Nq).T) fitres.create_dataset('tE', data=gridtE.reshape(Ns, Nq).T) fitres.create_dataset('t0', data=gridt0.reshape(Ns, Nq).T) fitres.create_dataset('rho', data=gridrho.reshape(Ns, Nq).T) fitres.create_dataset('chidof', data=gridchidof.reshape(Ns, Nq).T) fitres.create_dataset('chi', data=gridchi.reshape(Ns, Nq).T) fitres.flush() fitres.close() fmclib.flush() fmclib.close() # verbose printi(tun + "Light curve grid " + tit + "'" + lclib + "'" + tun + " complete" + tend)
def compute_subgrids(gridsprefix, gridlist, nprocs=1, f_rcroi=2.): """Create magnification curve sub-grids (HDF5 files)""" # set I/O shell display tcol, tit, tend = "\033[0m\033[31m", "\033[0m\033[3m", "\033[0m" # check whether input names does not contain extensions if '.hdf5' in gridsprefix: raise NameError("grid prefix should not contain .hdf5 extension") # create name grid = gridsprefix + '.hdf5' # check weather library exists if not os.path.isfile(grid): raise IOError("file '" + grid + "' is missing") # verbose printd(tcol + "Grid " + tit + "'" + grid + "'" + tcol + " chosen" + tend) # mutliprocessing: create grid list names listmclibs, listgrids = list(), list() with h5py.File(grid, 'r') as fgrid: Ngs = fgrid.attrs['Ngs'] Ngq = fgrid.attrs['Ngq'] nmc = fgrid.attrs['nmc'] pcaus = fgrid.attrs['pcaus'] k = 0 for j in range(Ngq): for i in range(Ngs): if k in gridlist: # list of mc libraries to process mclibk = gridsprefix + '_' + str(k) + '.hdf5' # # if file exist, abort --> non on complete maintenant # if os.path.isfile(mclibk): # raise IOError("file '" + mclibk + "' already exists") # add mc library to to-process list listmclibs.append(mclibk) # list of corresponding s,q values gridi = fgrid[str(i) + ' ' + str(j)] listgrids.append((gridi['s'][:], gridi['q'][:])) k += 1 fgrid.flush() fgrid.close() # mutliprocessing: create arguments of _process_grids, and create workers pool printi(tcol + "Starting manager with PID " + tit + str(os.getpid()) + tcol + " running " + tit + str(nprocs) + tcol + " process(es)" + tend) listargs = zip(listmclibs, listgrids, repeat(nmc), repeat(pcaus), repeat(f_rcroi)) pool = Pool(processes=nprocs) pool.imap_unordered(_process_grids, listargs) # collect results pool.close() pool.join()
def create_maingrid(gridsprefix, srange, qrange, majgrid, mingrid, nmc, pcaus, axis=[0.1, 10., 8e-6, 1.2]): """Generate an HDF5 file with definition of sub- s,q-grids Parameters ---------- gridsprefix : str Name (without any extension) of output HDF5 library of magnifications curves s,q-grids and corresponding PDF map of grids. srange : tuple Global range in s. Default is: srange=(0.2, 5.0) qrange : tuple Global range in q. Default is: qrange=(1e-5, 1.) majgrid : tuple Number of sub- s,q-grids. Default is: majgrid=(12, 5) mingrid : tuple Size of sub s,q-grids. Default is: mingrid=(7, 7) axis : float 1-D array, optional Plot limits. Usage: axis=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]. Default is: axis=[0.1, 10., 8e-6, 1.]. plot : bool, optional If True, display grid map on screen with and produce an output PDF file. Default is: False. Returns ------- out : HDF5 file File containing arrays of s and q for each of the sub-grids. out : and PDF file If plot=True, display grid map on screen and produce a PDF file. Examples -------- >>> grs = GridSearch() >>> grs = gengridlibs('gridlib-0') >>> grs.gengridlibs('gridlib-1', srange=(0.8, 1.25), qrange=(0.001, 0.1), majgrid=(3, 3), mingrid=(6, 6), axis=[0.7, 1.4, 0.0006, 0.2], plot=True) """ # set I/O shell display tit, tcol, tend = "\033[0m\033[3m", "\033[0m\033[35m", "\033[0m" # check whether the grid name does not contain extensions if '.hdf5' in gridsprefix: raise NameError("name should not contain extension") # create file names pdfname = gridsprefix + '.pdf' libname = gridsprefix + '.hdf5' # check weather grid already exists if os.path.isfile(libname): raise IOError("file '" + libname + "' already exists") # define sub-grids smin, smax = srange[0], srange[1] qmin, qmax = qrange[0], qrange[1] Ngs, Ngq = majgrid[0], majgrid[1] Ns, Nq = mingrid[0], mingrid[1] S = np.empty([Ngs, Ns], dtype=np.float_) Q = np.empty([Ngq, Nq], dtype=np.float_) fullS = np.geomspace(smin, smax, Ngs * Ns, endpoint=True) fullQ = np.geomspace(qmin, qmax, Ngq * Nq, endpoint=True) for i in range(Ngs): S[i, ] = fullS[i * Ns:(i + 1) * Ns] for j in range(Ngq): Q[j, ] = fullQ[j * Nq:(j + 1) * Nq] # verbose printi(tcol + "Create grid " + tit + "'" + libname + "'" + tcol + " (view configuration:" + tit + "'" + pdfname + "'" + tcol + ")" + tend) printd(tit + " (" + str(smin) + " ≤ s ≤ " + str(smax) + ", " + str(qmin) + " ≤ q ≤ " + str(qmax) + ", " + str(Ngs) + " x " + str(Ngq) + " sub-grids, each of size " + str(Ns) + " x " + str(Nq) + ")" + tend) # create individual grids and store in HDF5 file grids = list() with h5py.File(libname, 'w') as gridlib: gridlib.attrs['Ngs'] = np.shape(S)[0] gridlib.attrs['Ngq'] = np.shape(Q)[0] gridlib.attrs['nmc'] = nmc gridlib.attrs['pcaus'] = pcaus for j in range(np.shape(Q)[0]): for i in range(np.shape(S)[0]): grids.append((S[i, ], Q[j, ])) gridlibk = gridlib.create_group(u'' + str(i) + ' ' + str(j)) gridlibk.create_dataset('s', data=S[i, ]) gridlibk.create_dataset('q', data=Q[j, ]) gridlib.flush() gridlib.close() # plot template grid plt.rc('font', size=14) plt.close('all') fig, MAP = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 6)) MAP.set_xscale('log') MAP.set_yscale('log') MAP.set_xlim([axis[0], axis[1]]) MAP.set_ylim([axis[2], axis[3]]) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.16, bottom=0.13, right=0.94, top=0.94, wspace=None, hspace=None) MAP.set_title(r'Binary-lens search map template') MAP.set_xlabel(r'$s$') MAP.set_ylabel(r'$q$') for k in range(len(grids)): SP, QP = np.meshgrid(grids[k][0], grids[k][1]) MAP.scatter(SP, QP, marker='*', s=12) plt.text(grids[k][0][0], grids[k][1][0], str(k), fontsize=15) plt.xticks(np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), np.array(['0.2', '0.3', '0.5', '0.7', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'])) plt.savefig(pdfname)
def process_results(gridsprefix, fitsprefix, nmod=9): """Process fit results nmod : int Maximal number of output models. """ # set I/O shell display tcol, tun, tend, tit = "\033[0m\033[35m", "\033[0m\033[1m\033[35m", "\033[0m", "\033[0m\033[3m" # check that names do not have extension if '.hdf5' in gridsprefix: raise NameError("grid prefix should not contain .hdf5 extension") if '.hdf5' in fitsprefix: raise NameError("fit prefix should not contain .hdf5 extension") # check that mcgrid(.hdf5) exists grid = gridsprefix + '.hdf5' if not os.path.isfile(grid): raise IOError("file '" + grid + "' is missing") # verbose printd(tcol + "Grid file " + tit + "'" + grid + "'" + tend) # collect fit files and fill missing ones missingfits, missing = [], [] with h5py.File(grid, 'r') as fgrid: Ngs = fgrid.attrs['Ngs'] Ngq = fgrid.attrs['Ngq'] k = 0 Cgs, Cgq, Cgu0, Cgalpha, CgtE, Cgt0, Cgrho, Cgchidof, Cgchi = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] for j in range(Ngq): Lgs, Lgq, Lgu0, Lgalpha, LgtE, Lgt0, Lgrho, Lgchidof, Lgchi = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] for i in range(Ngs): gridfitsk = fitsprefix + '_' + str(k) + '.hdf5' if os.path.isfile(gridfitsk): # fit file exists with h5py.File(gridfitsk, 'r') as fgridfitsk: Lgs.append(fgridfitsk['s'][:]) Lgq.append(fgridfitsk['q'][:]) Lgu0.append(fgridfitsk['u0'][:]) Lgalpha.append(fgridfitsk['alpha'][:]) LgtE.append(fgridfitsk['tE'][:]) Lgt0.append(fgridfitsk['t0'][:]) Lgrho.append(fgridfitsk['rho'][:]) Lgchidof.append(fgridfitsk['chidof'][:]) Lgchi.append(fgridfitsk['chi'][:]) fgridfitsk.flush() fgridfitsk.close() else: # fit file is missing default = fgrid[str(i) + ' ' + str(j)] meshs, meshq = np.meshgrid(default['s'][:], default['q'][:]) Lgs.append(meshs) Lgq.append(meshq) fails = np.full_like(meshs, np.inf) Lgu0.append(fails) Lgalpha.append(fails) LgtE.append(fails) Lgt0.append(fails) Lgrho.append(fails) Lgchidof.append(fails) Lgchi.append(fails) missingfits.append(gridfitsk) missing.append((default['s'][:], default['q'][:])) k += 1 Cgs.append(np.concatenate(Lgs, axis=1)) Cgq.append(np.concatenate(Lgq, axis=1)) Cgu0.append(np.concatenate(Lgu0, axis=1)) Cgalpha.append(np.concatenate(Lgalpha, axis=1)) CgtE.append(np.concatenate(LgtE, axis=1)) Cgt0.append(np.concatenate(Lgt0, axis=1)) Cgrho.append(np.concatenate(Lgrho, axis=1)) Cgchidof.append(np.concatenate(Lgchidof, axis=1)) Cgchi.append(np.concatenate(Lgchi, axis=1)) fgrid.flush() fgrid.close() s = np.concatenate(Cgs, axis=0) q = np.concatenate(Cgq, axis=0) u0 = np.concatenate(Cgu0, axis=0) alpha = np.concatenate(Cgalpha, axis=0) tE = np.concatenate(CgtE, axis=0) t0 = np.concatenate(Cgt0, axis=0) rho = np.concatenate(Cgrho, axis=0) chidof = np.concatenate(Cgchidof, axis=0) chi = np.concatenate(Cgchi, axis=0) search_map = [s, q, chidof, chi, missing] # verbose if missingfits: printi(tcol + "Fit crashed for " + tit + str(len(missingfits)) + tcol + " sub-grids" + tend) for mi in missingfits: printd(tit + " ('" + mi + "')" + tend) # order models by X^2 ind = np.unravel_index(np.argsort(chidof, axis=None), chidof.shape) models = list() for i in range(nmod): params = [ u0[ind][i], alpha[ind][i], tE[ind][i], t0[ind][i], rho[ind][i] ] if np.any(np.isinf(params)): nmod = i break models.append({ 's': s[ind][i], 'q': q[ind][i], 'u0': u0[ind][i], 'alpha': alpha[ind][i], 'tE': tE[ind][i], 't0': t0[ind][i], 'rho': rho[ind][i] }) # list best-fit parameters befi = " {0:<2s} {1:<9s} {2:<11s} {3:<12s} {4:<10s} {5:<10s} {6:<12s} {7:<11s} {8:<10s} {9:<12s}\n".format( '', 's', 'q', 'u0', 'alpha', 'tE', 't0', 'rho', 'X^2/dof', 'X^2') for i in range(nmod): befi += " {0:<2d} {1:<9.6f} {2:<11.4e} {3:<+12.4e} {4:<10f} {5:<10f} {6:<12f} {7:<11.4e} {8:<10f} {9:<12.1f}\n".format( i + 1, s[ind][i], q[ind][i], u0[ind][i], alpha[ind][i], tE[ind][i], t0[ind][i], rho[ind][i], chidof[ind][i], chi[ind][i]) # create _rank.txt output file f = open(fitsprefix + '_rank.txt', 'w') f.write(befi) f.close() # verbose printi(tcol + "Best-fit models ranking:\n" + tend + befi) return search_map, models