def __init__(self, issue, person, creator, *args, **kwargs): self.request = get_current_request() self.issue = issue self.person = person self.creator = creator #self.other_person = issue.random_unpositioned_other_person # print 'person:',self.person # print 'creator:',self.creator self.position = self.issue.get_last_position(self.person, self.creator) self.positionable = self.issue.positionable(self.request.user) self.IM_WAIT_DAYS_BEFORE_REANSWER = settings.IM_WAIT_DAYS_BEFORE_REANSWER self.positioned = self.issue.positioned(self.person, self.creator) self.choice_counts = self.issue.get_choice_counts() pt = models.Priviledge.get_current() if not self.request.user.is_authenticated(): # Show buttons which will trigger login/registration form. self.allow_answer = True elif self.person == self.creator or self.person is None: self.allow_answer = pt.can.answer_issue_for_themself else: self.allow_answer = pt.can.answer_issue_for_other self.buttons_fixed_buttom = self.allow_answer and int(self.request.COOKIES.get(c.COOKIE_BUTTONS_FLOAT, 1)) super(IssueResponseForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, issue, person, creator, *args, **kwargs): self.request = get_current_request() self.issue = issue self.person = person self.creator = creator #self.other_person = issue.random_unpositioned_other_person # print 'person:',self.person # print 'creator:',self.creator self.position = self.issue.get_last_position(self.person, self.creator) self.positionable = self.issue.positionable(self.request.user) self.IM_WAIT_DAYS_BEFORE_REANSWER = settings.IM_WAIT_DAYS_BEFORE_REANSWER self.positioned = self.issue.positioned(self.person, self.creator) self.choice_counts = self.issue.get_choice_counts() pt = models.Priviledge.get_current() if not self.request.user.is_authenticated(): # Show buttons which will trigger login/registration form. self.allow_answer = True elif self.person == self.creator or self.person is None: self.allow_answer = pt.can.answer_issue_for_themself else: self.allow_answer = pt.can.answer_issue_for_other self.buttons_fixed_buttom = self.allow_answer and int( self.request.COOKIES.get(c.COOKIE_BUTTONS_FLOAT, 1)) super(IssueResponseForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_ssl_cn(): # Get the Common Name of the SSL client certificate. # If there's no CN, there is no valid client SSL certificate # and SSL authorization cannot be used. # In that case, throw an exception - this should only be used # if SSL is set up properly http_request = get_current_request() try: cn = http_request.META['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN'] return cn except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(_('SSL configuration error: No client certificate'))
def _authorized(*args, **kw): # TODO: perform some sort of cryptographic UN-wrapping. if settings.SSL_AUTHENTICATION: # SSL Authentication is on. # This will only work if Apache is configured correctly, # and the client has presented a valid certificate recognized # by the server's CA. http_request = get_current_request() client_id = get_ssl_cn() auth_code = args[0] if sha1_hash(client_id) == auth_code: return function(*args, **kw) else: raise RuntimeError(_('Authorization failed')) else: # No SSL, simple password validation id, pw = args[0].split('@') if is_valid_login(id, pw): return function(*args, **kw) else: raise RuntimeError(_('Authorization failed'))
def add(self, action, changes, model, user=None, object_id=None): if not getattr(settings, "DJANGO_HISTORY_TRACK", True): return request = get_current_request() if not user: if request: user = request.user user_id = if user else None model_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) model_id = object_id = object_id or # exclusion / none -checks excludes = get_setting("EXCLUDE_CHANGES") if excludes: excludes_for_model = excludes.get("{0}.{1}".format(model_ct.app_label, model_ct.model)) if excludes_for_model: for k, v in copy.deepcopy(changes).iteritems(): if k in excludes_for_model.get("fields", []): del changes[k] if not changes: return # for FKs, get old/new information fields = model._meta.local_fields def get_item(model, pk): value = None if isinstance(pk, models.Model): pk = copy.deepcopy( try: value = unicode(model.objects.get(pk=pk)) except Exception, e: if settings.DEBUG: print e return value
def normalize_url(url): if url.startswith("/"): request = get_current_request() return "%s://%s%s" % (request.is_secure() and "https" or "http", request.hostname, url) return url