def fromFile(self, filename): class MIDItoNotes(MidiOutStream): currentNotes = {} ppq = 96 currentTrack = 0 outList = [] def header(self, format=0, nTracks=1, division=96): self.ppq = division def start_of_track(self, n_track=0): self.currentTrack = n_track print "start_of_track", n_track def note_on(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack,note)] = (float(self.abs_time())/1000,velocity) def note_off(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): patch = 1 if (self.currentTrack, note) in self.currentNotes: out = (self.currentTrack, 'note', note, self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack, note)][0], float(self.abs_time())/1000-self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack, note)][0], self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack, note)][1], channel, patch) #print "out:", out self.outList.append(out) del self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack, note)] def tempo(self,value): channel = 0 patch = 0 self.outList.append((0,'tempo',value,float(self.abs_time())/1000,0,0,channel,patch)) def patch_change(self, channel, patch): print "patch_change", "channel", channel, "patch", patch #self.currentChannel = channel #self.currentPatch = patch def sysex_event(self, parameter): print "sysex", parameter #def midi_ch_prefix(self, channel): # print "midi channel:", channel event_handler = MIDItoNotes() midi_in = MidiInFile(event_handler, filename) print "starting read", filename try: except: #todo: this is a hack, it just renames files it can't read print "renaming file so it won't be accessed again" os.rename(filename, filename + "_unreadable") print "finished read", filename # probably should not sort like this, who knows, seems like some things could get out of order = sorted(event_handler.outList,key=itemgetter(3,0)) self.ppq = event_handler.ppq
def __init__(self, infile = 'fichiers_midi/internationale.mid', verbose=False): self.infile = infile self._data = {} self._busy_chan = [] self.verbose = verbose self._tempo = 1000000000.0 # empiriquement : 1 noire à la seconde midi_in = MidiInFile(self, self.infile) # Une fois le parsing fini, on ajuste les temps et durées pour # tenir compte du tempo for chan_num, chan_data in self._data.iteritems() : for evt in chan_data : evt['time'] = int(evt['time'] * self._tempo * 1000) evt['duration'] = int(evt['duration'] * self._tempo*1000)
def getSpawnList(): event_handler = TrackReader() infile = "notes.mid" midi_in = MidiInFile(event_handler, infile) enemySpawner = EnemySpawn( enemies = enemySpawner.enemies spawnList = [] for key in range(0, enemySpawner.end + enemySpawner.chunk, enemySpawner.chunk): spawnList.append((key, enemies[key])) return spawnList
def read(self, song, mode='full'): """Parse a midi file and fill with that data the SongSegment list. Keyword arguments: midi_file -- the midi file to parse """ file_name = os.path.join(self.path, self.file_name) f = open(file_name, 'rb') # do parsing x = MidiToText(song) midiIn = MidiInFile(x, f) f.close()
def __init__(self, filename, r=(21, 109), dt=0.2): self.notes = [] self._tempo = 500000 self.beat = 0 self.time = 0.0 midi_in = MidiInFile(self, filename) self.notes = [n for n in self.notes if n[2] is not None] # purge incomplete notes length = int(numpy.ceil(max(list(zip(*self.notes))[2]) / dt)) # create piano-roll self.piano_roll = numpy.zeros((length, r[1] - r[0])) for n in self.notes: self.piano_roll[int(numpy.ceil(n[1] / dt)):int(numpy.ceil(n[2] / dt)), n[0] - r[0]] = 1
def fromFile(self, fileName): class MIDItoNotes(MidiOutStream): currentNotes = {} ppq = 96 currentTrack = 0 outList = [] def header(self, format=0, nTracks=1, division=96): self.ppq = division def start_of_track(self, n_track=0): self.currentTrack = n_track def note_on(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack,note)] = (float(self.abs_time())/1000,velocity) def note_off(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): self.outList.append((self.currentTrack,'note',note,self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack,note)][0],float(self.abs_time())/1000-self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack,note)][0],self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack,note)][1])) del self.currentNotes[(self.currentTrack,note)] def tempo(self,value): self.outList.append((0,'tempo',value,float(self.abs_time())/1000,0,0)) event_handler = MIDItoNotes() midi_in = MidiInFile(event_handler, fileName) = sorted(event_handler.outList,key=itemgetter(3,0)) self.ppq = event_handler.ppq
def make_song(config, midi_file): song_builder = MidiSongBuilder(config) MidiInFile(song_builder, midi_file).read() print '' song = song.sort(key=lambda n: n[0]) print song, '\n' # song = strip_leading_silence(song) # print song, '\n' rs = Song() for note in song: key = str(config['keys'][note[1]])[0]), key=key)) return rs
class MidiFile: def __init__(self,in_file=None,zeroVelOnIsOff=False): self.header = None self.tracks = [] self.zeroVelOnIsOff = zeroVelOnIsOff if in_file is not None: self.readFile(in_file) def summarize(self): out = [self.getHeader().summarize()] for t in self.getTracks(): out.append(t.summarize()) return '\n'.join(out) def computeTime(self,time,track=0,defaultTempo=1000000): """Compute the time in seconds for <time> (in midi units), taking into account the tdiv, and tempo events in <track>""" try: return self.computeTimes([time],track=track,defaultTempo=defaultTempo)[0] except IndexError: print('No Tempo events found in file, could not compute time.') def computeTimes(self,times,track=0,defaultTempo=1000000): """Compute the time in seconds for <time> (in midi units), taking into account the tdiv, and tempo events in <track>""" try: events = self.getTrack(track).getEvents(TempoEvent) except: print('midi file has no %d-th track' % track) return False if len(events) > 0 and events[0].getTime() > 0: ## assume default tempo until first tempo event events.insert(0,TempoEvent(0,defaultTempo)) mtime = max(times) timeTempo = array([(e.getTime(),e.getTempo()) for e in events if e.getTime() < mtime],double) tempoTimes = transpose(array((timeTempo[:,0], concatenate((array([0]),cumsum(timeTempo[:-1,1]*diff(timeTempo[:,0])))), timeTempo[:,1]),ndmin=2)) j = 0 result = [0]*len(times) for i in argsort(array(times)): while j < tempoTimes.shape[0] and tempoTimes[j,0] > times[i]: j = j+1 result[i] = (tempoTimes[j-1,1] + (times[i]-tempoTimes[j-1,0])*tempoTimes[j-1,2])/\ (10**6*float(self.getHeader().getTimeDivision())) return result def getHeader(self): return self.header def setHeader(self,header): self.header = header def getTracks(self): return self.tracks def getTrack(self,n=0): return self.tracks[n] def replaceTrack(self,n,track): self.tracks[n] = track def addTrack(self,track): self.tracks.append(track) def readFile(self,filename): self.midi_in = MidiInFile(MidiHandler(self, self.zeroVelOnIsOff), filename) ## header and tracks get instantiated through the midi event handler def writeFile(self,filename): midi = MidiOutFile(filename) self.getHeader().send(midi) [track.send(midi) for track in self.getTracks()] midi.eof()
def markers(midifile, name, callback, channel=9): stream = CarbonOutStream(name=name, channel=channel, callback=callback) midi_in = MidiInFile(stream, midifile)
def midi_to_meta_data(midi_file_path): ''' returns a list: [(row, col, millisecond_midi_offset), ...] ''' event_handler = NoteOnHandler() midi_in = MidiInFile(event_handler, midi_file_path) return event_handler.offsets
""" This is an example that uses the MidiToText eventhandler. When an event is triggered on it, it prints the event to the console. It gets the events from the MidiInFile. So it prints all the events from the infile to the console. great for debugging :-s """ # get data test_file = 'test/midifiles/002.mid' # do parsing from midi.MidiInFile import MidiInFile from midi.MidiToText import MidiToText # the event handler midiIn = MidiInFile(MidiToText(), test_file)
def buildScore(in_file): event_handler = ScoreBuilder() midi_in = MidiInFile(event_handler, in_file) return event_handler.score
from midi.MidiOutStream import MidiOutStream from midi.MidiInFile import MidiInFile """ This prints all note on events on midi channel 0 """ class Transposer(MidiOutStream): "Transposes all notes by 1 octave" def note_on(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): if channel == 0: print (channel, note, velocity, self.rel_time()) event_handler = Transposer() in_file = 'midiout/minimal_type0.mid' midi_in = MidiInFile(event_handler, in_file)
def read(midi_file, force_tempo=120, f=None): event_handler = MIDIStream(force_tempo=force_tempo, filter_func=f) midi_in = MidiInFile(event_handler, midi_file) return event_handler.output
def midi_to_abc(filename=None, notes=None, key=None, metre=Fraction(3, 4), default_len=Fraction(1, 16), bars_per_line=4, title='', source='', no_triplets=False, no_broken_rythms=False, slur_8th_pairs=False, slur_16th_pairs=False, slur_triplets=True, no_beam_breaks=False, index='1', anacrusis_notes=0): global num_quarter_notes_per_bar num_quarter_notes_per_bar = metre * 4 # int(metre * 4) if filename and not notes: # read midi notes handler1 = MidiHandler(0, 15) # channels 0-15 # handler1 = MidiHandler(0, 0) # channels 0-15 MidiInFile(handler1, filename).read() notes = handler1.notes elif not filename and not notes: raise Exception( 'midi_to_abc needs to be passed either a filename or a notes argument' ) # sequence of Note(start, end, note) notes = sorted(notes, key=lambda n: n.start) fix_lengths(notes) # determine key and accidentals if not key: key = get_best_key_for_midi_notes([note.note for note in notes]) key_accidentals = get_accidentals_for_key(key) cur_accidentals = key_accidentals[:] output = StringIO() output.write(u'X:%s\n' % index) if source: output.write(u'S:%s\n' % source) if title: output.write(u'T:%s\n' % title) output.write(u'M:%s\n' % metre) output.write(u'L:%s\n' % default_len) output.write(u'K:%s\n' % key.capitalize()) # initialize variables used in loop last_note_start = -1.0 bow_started = False broken_rythm_factor = Fraction(1, 1) num_notes = len(notes) bar_num = -1 if anacrusis_notes: time_shift = 4 * float(metre) - notes[anacrusis_notes].start # print notes[0].start, notes[1].start, notes[2].start # print 'shift', time_shift for n in notes: n.start += time_shift n.end += time_shift # don't count the first bar if it's an upbeat (to get equal number of bars on each line) inside_upbeat = (notes and bar_residue(notes[0].start) > 1.0) or anacrusis_notes while notes: # if current note is in a different bar than the last one, emit '|' if bar(notes[0].start) > bar(last_note_start): if len(notes) != num_notes: output.write(u' |') cur_accidentals = key_accidentals[:] if not inside_upbeat: bar_num += 1 inside_upbeat = False if bar_num % bars_per_line == 0 and bar_num > 0: output.write(u'\n') # if we have advanced the length of a quarter note, emit space (for note grouping) br = bar_residue(notes[0].start) if is_at_even(notes[0].start, Fraction(1, 4)) and not no_beam_breaks: output.write(u' ') # check if next three notes can be interpreted as a triplet if is_triplet(notes) and not no_triplets: length = time_to_note_length(notes[2].end - notes[0].start) _notes = [n.note for n in notes[:3]] # convert notes to string representation s = u'(3' + ''.join([ note_to_string(n.note, n.length * 2, default_len, key_accidentals, cur_accidentals) for n in notes[:3] ]) if slur_triplets: s = u'(' + s + ')' output.write(s) last_note_start = notes[0].start notes = notes[3:] # else handle notes one by one or as a chord else: is_four_16th_notes = len( [n for n in notes[0:4] if n.length == Fraction(1, 16)]) == 4 # either two eights or two eights with broken rythm is_two_8th_notes = (len( [n for n in notes[0:2] if n.length == Fraction(1, 8)]) == 2 or len(notes) >= 2 and (notes[0].length, notes[1].length) in [ (Fraction(3, 16), Fraction(1, 16)), (Fraction(1, 16), Fraction(3, 16)) ]) note = notes.pop(0) last_note_start = note.start # build a chord from notes near each other in time (will result in just one element in the non-chord case) chord_notes = [note.note] while notes and abs(notes[0].start - note.start) < 1.0 / 50: chord_notes.append(notes.pop(0).note) # let the duration of the first note determine the chord's duration (for simplicity) length = note.length # if the current note is the first of four 16th notes then add a bow on the two first notes bow_started_here = False if notes and abs( br - int(br) ) < 1.0 / 20 and not bow_started and is_four_16th_notes and slur_16th_pairs: bow_started_here = True bow_started = True output.write(u'(') elif notes and abs( br - int(br) ) < 1.0 / 20 and not bow_started and is_two_8th_notes and slur_8th_pairs and br < 2.0: bow_started_here = True bow_started = True output.write(u'(') # check if it's possible to use a broken rytm (< or >) between the current and next note/chord broken_rythm_symbol = '' if not no_broken_rythms: # a broken rythm was activated at the previous note if broken_rythm_factor != Fraction(1, 1): length = length * broken_rythm_factor broken_rythm_factor = Fraction(1, 1) elif notes and is_at_even(last_note_start, Fraction( 1, 8)) and bar(last_note_start) == bar(notes[0].start): # use > between this and next note if notes[0].length == length / 3: broken_rythm_symbol = '>' length = length * Fraction(2, 3) broken_rythm_factor = Fraction(2, 1) # use < between this and next note if notes[0].length == length * 3: broken_rythm_symbol = '<' length = length * Fraction(2, 1) broken_rythm_factor = Fraction(2, 3) # convert notes to string representation and output s = u''.join([ note_to_string(n, length, default_len, key_accidentals, cur_accidentals) for n in chord_notes ]) if len(chord_notes) > 1: s = u'[' + s + ']' # wrap chord output.write(s) # output broken rythm symbol if set if broken_rythm_symbol: output.write(unicode(broken_rythm_symbol)) # if a bow was previously started end it here if bow_started and not bow_started_here: output.write(u')') bow_started = False # print 'note', note.start, length, chord_notes, '%.2f' % last_note_start, bar(last_note_start), '%.2f' % bar_residue(last_note_start)#, note.note output.write(u' |') output.write(u'\n') # left strip lines lines = output.getvalue().split('\n') lines = [l.lstrip() for l in lines] return u'\n'.join(lines)
def tempo(self, value): global tempo tempo = value midi_file_dir = '/home/pi/midi_files' kirby = 'KirbysTheme.mid' test_file = 'outer.mid' test_file = 'James_Bond_Theme_1.mid' test_file = 'Zelda.mid' test_file = 'Tetris.mid' test_file = 'Mario.mid' test_file= r'Star_Wars_Imperial_March_2.mid' import os f = open(os.path.join(midi_file_dir,test_file), 'rb') midiIn = MidiInFile(MidiToFloppy(), f) channel_numbers = channels.keys() time_scaling = tempo * 1e-8 #time_scaling = tempo * 2e-8 def play_channel(one_channel, name, pins): ft = FloppyThread(name=name, dir_pin=pins[0], step_pin=pins[1]) ft.reset_drive() ft.start() for i in xrange(len(one_channel)-1): on, note, abs_time = one_channel[i] duration = one_channel[i+1][2] - one_channel[i][2] if on:
def readFile(self,filename): self.midi_in = MidiInFile(MidiHandler(self, self.zeroVelOnIsOff), filename) ## header and tracks get instantiated through the midi event handler
if no == 221 or no == 425 or no == 445: continue if no / 10 < 1: filename = '00' + str(no) else: if no / 100 < 1: filename = '0' + str(no) else: filename = str(no) # get data test_file = 'midi/files/' + filename + '.mid' # do parsing midiIn = MidiInFile(MidiReadList(), test_file) midi_list = [] midi_list = midiIn.parser.dispatch.outstream.note_list num_examples = 1 max_seq_len = midiIn.parser.dispatch.outstream.alltime vector_0 = np.zeros(num_dims) out_shape = (num_examples, max_seq_len, num_dims) x_data = np.zeros(out_shape) y_data = np.zeros(out_shape) = Song() def tempo(self, value): bpm = 60.0 * 10.0**6 / value #print "Tempo", value, "BPM", bpm print def note_on(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): difficulty, value = noteMap[note] note = Note(time=self.abs_time(), value=value, type=NOTE_ON, velocity=velocity, channel=channel), note) def note_off(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): difficulty, value = noteMap[note] note = Note(time=self.abs_time(), value=value, type=NOTE_OFF, velocity=velocity, channel=channel), note) event_handler = TrackReader() infile = "notes.mid" midi_in = MidiInFile(event_handler, infile) for difficulty,notes in print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", difficulty, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" for time, note in notes.iteritems(): print time, note.value, note.type print "End of Line."
#process nparaay -> generation file #Xdata set이랑 시작시간, 끝시간, 총 길이 #wav 파일 재생 시간 리턴 #model = network_utils.create_lstm_network(num_frequency_dimensions=8820, # num_hidden_dimensions=1024) #model_reverse = network_utils.create_lstm_network(num_frequency_dimensions=8820, # num_hidden_dimensions=1024) model.load_weights(model_basename) #model_reverse.load_weights('./Weights_reverse') # do parsing midiIn = MidiInFile(MidiReadList(), recv_file_mid) midi_list = [] midi_list = midiIn.parser.dispatch.outstream.note_list num_examples = 1 max_seq_len = midiIn.parser.dispatch.outstream.alltime vector_0 = np.zeros(num_dims) out_shape = (num_examples, max_seq_len, num_dims) x_data = np.zeros(out_shape) num_note = 0
def read_midi(self, path, name, time_offset=[0.0, 0.0], fg_channels=[1], bg_channels=range(1, 17), tStep=20, tDelay=40.0, legato=100.0, tolerance=30.0): # absolute: *[1], relative: *[0] parser = SomaxMidiParser() midi_in = MidiInFile(parser, path) midi_data = array(parser.get_matrix()) fgmatrix, bgmatrix = splitMatrixByChannel( midi_data, fg_channels, bg_channels) #de-interlacing information # creating harmonic ctxt if time_offset != [0.0, 0.0]: for i in range(0, len(fgmatrix)): fgmatrix[i][0] += time_offset[0] fgmatrix[i][5] += time_offset[1] if bgmatrix != []: if time_offset != [0.0, 0.0]: for i in range(0, len(fgmatrix)): bgmatrix[i][0] += time_offset[0] bgmatrix[i][5] += time_offset[1] harm_ctxt, tRef = computePitchClassVector(bgmatrix) else: harm_ctxt, tRef = computePitchClassVector(fgmatrix) # Initializing parameters lastNoteOnset = [0, -1 - tolerance] lastSliceOnset = list(lastNoteOnset) state_nb = 0 global_time = time_offset corpus = dict({'name': "", 'typeID': "MIDI", 'size': 1, 'data': []}) corpus["data"].append({"state": 0, "tempo":120, "time": {"absolute":[-1,0], "relative":[-1,0]}, "seg": [1,0], "beat":[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0], \ "chroma": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "pitch":140, "notes":[]}) tmp = dict() # Running over matrix' notes for i in range(0, len(fgmatrix)): # note is not in current slice if (fgmatrix[i][5] > (lastSliceOnset[1] + tolerance)): # finalizing current slice if state_nb > 0: previousSliceDuration = [ fgmatrix[i][0] - lastSliceOnset[0], fgmatrix[i][5] - lastSliceOnset[1] ] corpus["data"][state_nb]["time"]["absolute"][1] = float( previousSliceDuration[1]) corpus["data"][state_nb]["time"]["relative"][1] = float( previousSliceDuration[0]) tmpListOfPitches = getPitchContent(corpus["data"], state_nb, legato) if len(tmpListOfPitches) == 0: if useRests: corpus["data"][state_nb]["pitch"] = 140 # silence else: state_nb -= 1 # delete slice elif len(tmpListOfPitches) == 1: corpus["data"][state_nb]["pitch"] = int( tmpListOfPitches[0]) # simply take the pitch else: virtualfunTmp = virfun.virfun( tmpListOfPitches, 0.293) # take the virtual root corpus["data"][state_nb]["pitch"] = int( 128 + (virtualfunTmp - 8) % 12) # create a new state state_nb += 1 global_time = float(fgmatrix[i][5]) tmp = dict() tmp["state"] = int(state_nb) tmp["time"] = dict() tmp["time"]["absolute"] = list([global_time, fgmatrix[i][6]]) tmp["time"]["relative"] = list( [fgmatrix[i][0], fgmatrix[i][1]]) tmp["tempo"] = fgmatrix[i][7] frameNbTmp = int(ceil( (fgmatrix[i][5] + tDelay - tRef) / tStep)) if frameNbTmp <= 0: tmp["chroma"] = [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ] else: tmp["chroma"] = harm_ctxt[:, min(frameNbTmp, int(harm_ctxt.shape[1]) )].tolist() tmp["pitch"] = 0 tmp["notes"] = [] # if some notes ended in previous slice... for k in range(0, len(corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"])): if ((corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"][k]["time"]["relative"][0] + corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"][k]["time"]["relative"][1]) > previousSliceDuration[0]): # adding lasting notes of previous slice to the new slice note_to_add = dict() note_to_add["pitch"] = int( corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"][k]["pitch"]) note_to_add["velocity"] = int( corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"][k]["velocity"]) note_to_add["channel"] = int( corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"][k]["channel"]) note_to_add["time"] = dict() note_to_add["time"]["relative"] = list( corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"][k]["time"]["relative"]) note_to_add["time"]["absolute"] = list( corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"][k]["time"]["absolute"]) note_to_add["time"]["relative"][ 0] = note_to_add["time"]["relative"][0] - float( previousSliceDuration[0]) note_to_add["time"]["absolute"][ 0] = note_to_add["time"]["absolute"][0] - float( previousSliceDuration[1]) if note_to_add["time"]["absolute"][0] > 0: note_to_add["velocity"] = int( corpus["data"][state_nb - 1]["notes"][k]["velocity"]) else: note_to_add["velocity"] = 0 tmp["notes"].append(note_to_add) # adding the new note tmp["notes"].append(dict()) n = len(tmp["notes"]) - 1 tmp["notes"][n] = { "pitch": fgmatrix[i][3], "velocity": fgmatrix[i][4], "channel": fgmatrix[i][2], "time": dict() } tmp["notes"][n]["time"]["absolute"] = [0, fgmatrix[i][6]] tmp["notes"][n]["time"]["relative"] = [0, fgmatrix[i][1]] #update variables used during the slicing process lastNoteOnset = [fgmatrix[i][0], fgmatrix[i][5]] lastSliceOnset = [fgmatrix[i][0], fgmatrix[i][5]] corpus["data"].append(tmp) else: # note in current slice nbNotesInSlice = len(corpus["data"][state_nb]["notes"]) offset = fgmatrix[i][5] - corpus["data"][state_nb]["time"][ "absolute"][0] offset_r = fgmatrix[i][0] - corpus["data"][state_nb]["time"][ "relative"][0] tmp["notes"].append({ "pitch": fgmatrix[i][3], "velocity": fgmatrix[i][4], "channel": fgmatrix[i][2], "time": dict() }) tmp["notes"][nbNotesInSlice]["time"]["absolute"] = [ offset, fgmatrix[i][6] ] tmp["notes"][nbNotesInSlice]["time"]["relative"] = [ offset_r, fgmatrix[i][1] ] # extending slice duration if ((fgmatrix[i][6] + offset) > corpus["data"][state_nb]["time"]["absolute"][1]): corpus["data"][state_nb]["time"]["absolute"][ 1] = fgmatrix[i][6] + int(offset) corpus["data"][state_nb]["time"]["relative"][ 1] = fgmatrix[i][1] + int(offset_r) lastNoteOnset = [fgmatrix[i][0], fgmatrix[i][5]] # on finalise la slice courante global_time = fgmatrix[i][5] lastSliceDuration = corpus["data"][state_nb]["time"]["absolute"][1] nbNotesInLastSlice = len(corpus["data"][state_nb]["notes"]) tmpListOfPitches = getPitchContent(corpus["data"], state_nb, legato) if len(tmpListOfPitches) == 0: if useRests: corpus["data"][state_nb]["pitch"] = 140 # silence else: state_nb -= 1 # delete slice elif len(tmpListOfPitches) == 1: corpus["data"][state_nb]["pitch"] = int(tmpListOfPitches[0]) else: virtualFunTmp = virfun.virfun(tmpListOfPitches, 0.293) corpus["data"][state_nb]["pitch"] = int(128 + (virtualFunTmp - 8) % 12) frameNbTmp = int(ceil((fgmatrix[i][5] + tDelay - tRef) / tStep)) if (frameNbTmp <= 0): corpus["data"][state_nb]["chroma"] = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] else: corpus["data"][state_nb][ "chroma"] = harm_ctxt[:, min(frameNbTmp, int(harm_ctxt.shape[1]) )].tolist() corpus["size"] = state_nb + 1 return corpus