Пример #1
    def generate(self, overlay=None, offset=0):
        Generates a midi stream.
        octaves = 1

        if overlay is not None:
            stream = overlay
            # Use organ sound
            instrument = 23
            # Find the last channel used in the file we're overlaying
            channel = max(ev.channel for ev in stream.trackpool) + 1
            volume = 50
            stream = EventStream()
            stream.resolution = self.resolution
            # Just use piano
            instrument = 0
            channel = 0
            volume = 127

        pc = ProgramChangeEvent()
        pc.value = instrument
        pc.tick = 0
        pc.channel = channel

        # Length of each chord in midi ticks
        chord_length = int(self.resolution * self.chord_length)

        times = [i * chord_length + offset for i in range(len(self.labels))]

        pending_note_offs = []
        for label, time in zip(self.labels, times):
            chord_root = label.root
            # Work out the notes for this chord
            triad_notes = [(chord_root + note) % (octaves*12) + 72 for \
                                        note in self.chord_vocab[label.label]]
            # Add the root in the octave two below
            triad_notes.append(chord_root + 48)

            # Add note offs for notes already on
            for noff in pending_note_offs:
                noff.tick = time - 1
            pending_note_offs = []

            if self.text_events:
                # Add a text event to represent the chord label
                tevent = LyricsEvent()
                tevent.data = "%s\n" % label
                tevent.tick = time

            # Add a note-on and off event for each note
            for note in triad_notes:
                non = NoteOnEvent()
                non.tick = time
                non.pitch = note
                non.channel = channel
                non.velocity = volume

                # Hold the note until the next chord is played
                noff = NoteOffEvent()
                noff.pitch = note
                noff.channel = channel
                noff.velocity = volume

        # Add the last remaining note offs
        for noff in pending_note_offs:
            noff.tick = time + chord_length
        return stream
Пример #2
    def generate(self, overlay=None, offset=0):
        Generates a midi stream.
        octaves = 1

        if overlay is not None:
            stream = overlay
            # Use organ sound
            instrument = 23
            # Find the last channel used in the file we're overlaying
            channel = max(ev.channel for ev in stream.trackpool) + 1
            volume = 30
            stream = EventStream()
            stream.resolution = self.resolution
            # Just use piano
            instrument = 0
            channel = 0
            volume = 127
        pc = ProgramChangeEvent()
        pc.value = instrument
        pc.tick = 0
        pc.channel = channel
        # Length of each chord in midi ticks
        chord_length = int(self.resolution * self.chord_length)

        if self.times is None:
            times = [
                i * chord_length + offset for i in range(len(self.labels))
            times = [t + offset for t in self.times]

        formatter = getattr(self, 'formatter')

        pending_note_offs = []
        for (tonic, mode, chord), time in zip(self.labels, times):
            scale_chord_root = constants.CHORD_NOTES[mode][chord][0]
            chord_root = (tonic + scale_chord_root) % 12
            triad_type = constants.SCALE_TRIADS[mode][chord]
            # Work out the notes for this chord
            triad_notes = [(chord_root + note) % (octaves * 12) + 72
                           for note in constants.TRIAD_NOTES[triad_type]]
            # Add the root in the octave two below
            triad_notes.append(chord_root + 48)

            # Add note offs for notes already on
            for noff in pending_note_offs:
                noff.tick = time - 1
            pending_note_offs = []

            if self.text_events:
                # Add a text event to represent the chord label
                tevent = LyricsEvent()
                label = formatter((tonic, mode, chord))
                tevent.data = "%s\n" % label
                tevent.tick = time

            # Add a note-on and off event for each note
            for note in triad_notes:
                non = NoteOnEvent()
                non.tick = time
                non.pitch = note
                non.channel = channel
                non.velocity = volume

                # Hold the note until the next chord is played
                noff = NoteOffEvent()
                noff.pitch = note
                noff.channel = channel
                noff.velocity = volume

        # Add the last remaining note offs
        for noff in pending_note_offs:
            noff.tick = time + chord_length
        return stream
Пример #3
 def generate(self, overlay=None, offset=0):
     Generates a midi stream.
     octaves = 1
     if overlay is not None:
         stream = overlay
         # Use organ sound
         instrument = 23
         # Find the last channel used in the file we're overlaying
         channel = max(ev.channel for ev in stream.trackpool) + 1
         volume = 50
         stream = EventStream()
         stream.resolution = self.resolution
         # Just use piano
         instrument = 0
         channel = 0
         volume = 127
     pc = ProgramChangeEvent()
     pc.value = instrument
     pc.tick = 0
     pc.channel = channel
     # Length of each chord in midi ticks
     chord_length = int(self.resolution * self.chord_length)
     times = [i*chord_length + offset for i in range(len(self.labels))]
     pending_note_offs = []
     for label,time in zip(self.labels, times):
         chord_root = label.root
         # Work out the notes for this chord
         triad_notes = [(chord_root + note) % (octaves*12) + 72 for \
                                     note in self.chord_vocab[label.label]]
         # Add the root in the octave two below
         triad_notes.append(chord_root + 48)
         # Add note offs for notes already on
         for noff in pending_note_offs:
             noff.tick = time-1
         pending_note_offs = []
         if self.text_events:
             # Add a text event to represent the chord label
             tevent = LyricsEvent()
             tevent.data = "%s\n" % label
             tevent.tick = time
         # Add a note-on and off event for each note
         for note in triad_notes:
             non = NoteOnEvent()
             non.tick = time
             non.pitch = note
             non.channel = channel
             non.velocity = volume
             # Hold the note until the next chord is played
             noff = NoteOffEvent()
             noff.pitch = note
             noff.channel = channel
             noff.velocity = volume
     # Add the last remaining note offs
     for noff in pending_note_offs:
         noff.tick = time+chord_length
     return stream
Пример #4
 def generate(self, overlay=None, offset=0):
     Generates a midi stream.
     octaves = 1
     if overlay is not None:
         stream = overlay
         # Use organ sound
         instrument = 23
         # Find the last channel used in the file we're overlaying
         channel = max(ev.channel for ev in stream.trackpool) + 1
         volume = 30
         stream = EventStream()
         stream.resolution = self.resolution
         # Just use piano
         instrument = 0
         channel = 0
         volume = 127
     pc = ProgramChangeEvent()
     pc.value = instrument
     pc.tick = 0
     pc.channel = channel
     # Length of each chord in midi ticks
     chord_length = int(self.resolution * self.chord_length)
     if self.times is None:
         times = [i*chord_length + offset for i in range(len(self.labels))]
         times = [t+offset for t in self.times]
     formatter = getattr(self, 'formatter')
     pending_note_offs = []
     for (tonic,mode,chord),time in zip(self.labels, times):
         scale_chord_root = constants.CHORD_NOTES[mode][chord][0]
         chord_root = (tonic+scale_chord_root) % 12
         triad_type = constants.SCALE_TRIADS[mode][chord]
         # Work out the notes for this chord
         triad_notes = [(chord_root + note) % (octaves*12) + 72 for note in constants.TRIAD_NOTES[triad_type]]
         # Add the root in the octave two below
         triad_notes.append(chord_root + 48)
         # Add note offs for notes already on
         for noff in pending_note_offs:
             noff.tick = time-1
         pending_note_offs = []
         if self.text_events:
             # Add a text event to represent the chord label
             tevent = LyricsEvent()
             label = formatter((tonic,mode,chord))
             tevent.data = "%s\n" % label
             tevent.tick = time
         # Add a note-on and off event for each note
         for note in triad_notes:
             non = NoteOnEvent()
             non.tick = time
             non.pitch = note
             non.channel = channel
             non.velocity = volume
             # Hold the note until the next chord is played
             noff = NoteOffEvent()
             noff.pitch = note
             noff.channel = channel
             noff.velocity = volume
     # Add the last remaining note offs
     for noff in pending_note_offs:
         noff.tick = time+chord_length
     return stream