Пример #1
 def add_session_meta_data_to_midi_file(midi_file: MIDIFile,
                                        session: Session):
     track, time = 0, 0
     midi_file.addTrackName(track, time, 'Wouter\'s Beat Generator (tm)')
         track, time, session.time_signature.numerator,
     midi_file.addTempo(track, time, session.tempo_bpm)
Пример #2
def writeMidi(sequences, filename, bpm, timeQuarter, timeBeats):
    track    = 0
    #used midi channel
    channel  = 9
    #set time, in beats
    time     = 0
    #set timeQuarter in beats, 0.5 -> .../8 time signature
    duration = 1/timeQuarter

    # Initalize MIDIUtil stuff
    MyMIDI = MIDIFile(2, adjust_origin=True)

    # Add a BPM track
    MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, bpm)

    # Set the time signatures
    # Denominator values are:
    # 2 = */4 time signatures
    # 3 = */8 time signatures
    if timeBeats == 4 or timeBeats == 8:
        # Just do 4/4 (prevents 8/8 time signatures)
        numerator = 4
        denominator = 2
        # Let the computer work it out
        numerator = timeBeats
        denominator = int((timeQuarter*0.5) + 1)
    MyMIDI.addTimeSignature(track, 0, numerator, denominator, 24)

    # Each beat will only have material for half a measure
    # This copies the first half into the empty second half
    kikTrigs = sequences[0] + sequences[0]
    snrTrigs = sequences[1] + sequences[1]
    hhcTrigs = sequences[2] + sequences[2]

    # Check for triggers
    # Normal triggers (1) will result in a note at velocity 127
    # Random triggers (2) will result in a note at velocity 63
    for i in range(timeBeats*2):
        if kikTrigs[i] >= 1:
            velocity = (kikTrigs[i] *-64) + 191
            MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 36, i * duration, duration, velocity)
        if snrTrigs[i] >= 1:
            velocity = (snrTrigs[i] *-64) + 191
            MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 38, i * duration, duration, velocity)
        if hhcTrigs[i] >= 1:
            velocity = (hhcTrigs[i] *-64) + 191
            MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 42, i * duration, duration, velocity)

    # Modify given filename to write the file inside of the midi folder
    filename = "midi/"+filename

    #write to MIDIfile
    with open(filename+".mid", "wb") as output_file:

    print(col.info + " midi written to", filename+".mid\n" + col.reset)
Пример #3
    def testTimeSignature(self):
        time = 0
        track = 0
        numerator = 4
        denominator = 2
        clocks_per_tick = 24
        MyMIDI = MIDIFile(1, file_format=2)
        MyMIDI.addTimeSignature(track, time, numerator, denominator,

        data = Decoder(MyMIDI.tracks[0].MIDIdata)


        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(0), 0x00)  # time
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(1), 0xFF)  # Code
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(2), 0x58)  # subcode
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(3), 0x04)  # Data length
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(4), numerator)
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(5), denominator)
                         clocks_per_tick)  # Data length
                         0x08)  # 32nd notes per quarter note

        # We also want to check with a format 1 file, make sure it ends up in
        # the tempo track

        time = 0
        track = 1
        numerator = 4
        denominator = 2
        clocks_per_tick = 24
        MyMIDI = MIDIFile(2, file_format=1)
        MyMIDI.addTimeSignature(track, time, numerator, denominator,

        data = Decoder(MyMIDI.tracks[0].MIDIdata)


        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(0), 0x00)  # time
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(1), 0xFF)  # Code
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(2), 0x58)  # subcode
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(3), 0x04)  # Data length
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(4), numerator)
        self.assertEqual(data.unpack_into_byte(5), denominator)
                         clocks_per_tick)  # Data length
                         0x08)  # 32nd notes per quarter note
Пример #4
def MakeMidi(name, amountOfSixteenths, sixteenInterval, bpm, beatsPerMeasure, beatUnit, Kick_seq, Snare_seq, HiHat_seq):

    track    = 0
    channel  = 9                                #used midi channel
    time     = 0                                 #set time, in beats
    duration = 0.25                  #set duration in beats, 0.25 -> .../16 time signature
    bpm      = bpm                               #set bpm
    velocity = 100                               #set velocity     # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

    #create a track - defaults to format 2 - to enable addTimeSignature functionality
    MyMIDI = MIDIFile(2, adjust_origin = True)
    #set track, tempo and time
    MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, bpm)

    #add timesig
    MyMIDI.addTimeSignature(track, 0, beatsPerMeasure, int(math.log(beatUnit, 2)), 24)

    Kick = Kick_seq.pop(0)
    Snare = Snare_seq.pop(0)
    HiHat = HiHat_seq.pop(0)
    #add bassdrum
    for i in range(0, amountOfSixteenths):
        if i == Kick:
            MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 35, (time + i) * duration, duration, velocity)
            if Kick_seq:
                Kick = Kick_seq.pop(0)
        #add snare
        if i == Snare:
            MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 38, (time + i) * duration, duration, velocity)
            if Snare_seq:
                Snare = Snare_seq.pop(0)
        #add HiHat
        if i == HiHat:
            MyMIDI.addNote( track, channel, 42, (time + i) * duration, duration, velocity)
            if HiHat_seq:
                HiHat = HiHat_seq.pop(0)

    #write to MIDIfile
    with open("CreatedMidiFiles/" + name + ".mid", "wb") as output_file:
def generateMIDI(lijstKick, lijstSnare, lijstHihat, beatsPerMeasure, MIDIname, tempo):

    if beatsPerMeasure == 14:
        divider = 2
        divider = 1

    track    = 0
    #used midi channel
    channel  = 9
    #set time, in beats
    time     = 0
    #set duration in beats, 0.5 -> .../8 time signature
    duration = 0.5
    #set bpm
    bpm    = tempo
    #set velocity
    velocity   = 100  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard
    #create a track - defaults to format 2 - to enable addTimeSignature functionality

    if beatsPerMeasure > 7:
        n = 2#in the second mode(see main.py, the beatsPerMeasure is 14, but for the timeSignature we need 7)
        n = 1
    #numerator is the amount of counts in the timeSignature
    numerator = int(beatsPerMeasure / n)

    #checks if the beatsPerMeasure can be divided by 5
    if not(beatsPerMeasure % 5):
        d = 2#4th note----> 5/4
        d = 3#8th note ---> 7/8

    denominator = d

    MyMIDI = MIDIFile(2, adjust_origin=True)
    #set track, tempo and time
    MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, bpm)
    #set timeSignature
    MyMIDI.addTimeSignature(track, time, numerator, denominator, clocks_per_tick=24, notes_per_quarter=8)

    counter = 0 #sets counter to zero

    for i in range(beatsPerMeasure):
    #wanneer de counter het aantal gegeven beats heeft doorlopen stopt de functie

        if counter == beatsPerMeasure:
            generateList = False
            if i in lijstKick:
                MyMIDI.addNote( track, channel, 36, (time + i / divider ) * duration, duration / divider, velocity)#In this line 'i' is time of event
                # counter += 1
            if i in lijstSnare:
                MyMIDI.addNote( track, channel, 38, (time + i / divider ) * duration, duration / divider, velocity)#In this line 'i' is time of event
                # counter += 1
            if i in lijstHihat:
                MyMIDI.addNote( track, channel, 42, (time + i / divider) * duration, duration / divider, velocity)#In this line 'i' is time of event
                counter += 1

    #create midi directory if it doesn't exist
    if not os.path.isdir(mypath):
    # export a midi file
    with open(MIDIname, "wb") as output_file:

    print(colors.bcolors.GREEN + 'MIDI file is saved as: "'+ MIDIname + '"' + colors.bcolors.ENDC)
    # gets key signature
    # keySig = getKeySig()

    # asks user how many measures they want the song to be
    numBars = getNumBars()

    # time signature
    print("What time signature will you use?")
    numerator = getMeasureBeats()
    denominator = getSubDiv()
    denominator = int(math.log(denominator, 2))
    clocks_per_tick = 24
    notes_per_quarter = 8
    MyMIDI.addTimeSignature(track, time, numerator, denominator,

    # total_time represents the number of notes
    total_time = (numerator * numBars)
    while time < total_time:
        # put me in addNote for pitch
        rand_note = random.choice(MIDI_BASS_CLEF)
        rand_duration = 1 / (random.choice(NOTE_VALUES))
        MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, rand_note, time, rand_duration, volume)
        time += float(1 / (random.choice(NOTE_VALUES)))

    # write file to disk
    name_file = input("What do you want to name the file (name.midi)? ")
    binfile = open(name_file, 'wb')
Пример #7
#set time signature
addTimeSignature(track, time, numerator, denominator, clocks_per_tick, notes_per_quarter=8)

The denominator should be specified as a power of 2, with a half note being
one, a quarter note being two, and eight note being three, etc. Thus, for
example, a 4/4 time signature would have a numerator of 4 and a denominator of
2. A 7/8 time signature would be a numerator of 7 and a denominator of 3.

The clocks_per_tick argument specifies the number of clock ticks per metronome
click. By definition there are 24 ticks in a quarter note, so a metronome click
per quarter note would be 24. A click every third eighth note would be
3 * 12 = 36.
MyMIDI.addTimeSignature(track, 0, 7, 3, 24)

#adding a 7/8 rhythm
#add bassdrum
MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 35, 0, duration, velocity)
#add snare
MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 38, 3 * duration, duration, velocity)
MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 38, 5 * duration, duration, velocity)
#add hi-hat
for i in range(7):
    MyMIDI.addNote( track, channel, 42, (time + i) * duration, duration,

#write to MIDIfile