def main(): output_names = mido.get_output_names() for index, each in enumerate(output_names): print('out id: %d name: %s' % (index, each)) input_names = mido.get_input_names() for index, each in enumerate(input_names): print('in id: %d name: %s' % (index, each))
def play_from_encoder(directory): encoder = pickle_loader(directory + ".pkl") sample_rate = encoder.sample_rate buffer_size = 10 # sample buffer for playback. Hevent really determined what i does qualitatively. Probably affects latency play_duration = 100 # play duration in miliseconds pygame.mixer.pre_init(sample_rate, -16, 2,buffer = buffer_size) # 44.1kHz, 16-bit signed, stereo pygame.init() volLeft = 0.5;volRight=0.5 # Volume z_val = np.zeros([1,encoder.dimZ]) # Initial latent variable values port = mido.open_input(mido.get_input_names()[0]) # midi port. chooses the first midi device it detects. while True: mu_out = encoder.generateOutput(z_val) for msg in port.iter_pending(): if < z_val.shape[1]: z_val[0,] = msg.value else: print "Midi channel beyond latent variables" mu_out = map_to_range_symmetric(mu_out,[-1,1],[-32768,32768]) mu_out = mu_out.astype(np.int16) mu_out = np.array(zip(mu_out,mu_out)) # make stereo channel with same output sound = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(mu_out) channel = channel.set_volume(volLeft,volRight) pygame.time.delay(play_duration) sound.stop()
def open_port(self, portName): if not self.port or != portName: if self.port: self.port.close() print(portName) if portName in mido.get_input_names(): self.port = mido.open_input(portName, callback=self.dispatch_midi)
def main(): output_name = '' input_name = '' device_names = mido.get_input_names() for device_name in device_names: # FIXME: Heuristic to get our USB stick device if '-' in device_name and 'Through' not in device_name: output_name = device_name break else: print "No appropriate MIDI device. MIDI device names: ", device_names return print "Connected devices: ", device_names print "Opening device: ", output_name # or, with mido.open_ioport(output_name) as iop: with mido.open_output(output_name) as output: with mido.open_input(output_name, callback=print_message) as inp: #msg = mido.Message('sysex', data=[10]) Set type to digital output #msg = mido.Message('sysex', data=[101]) # send watchdog timer reset #msg = mido.Message('sysex', data=[99]) # Request device type msg = mido.Message('sysex', data=[77]) # Request device name #msg = mido.Message('sysex', data=[54,1,2,3,4]) # Set device name to '0x010203' #msg = mido.Message('note_on') print "sending msg: ", msg output.send(msg); print "waiting for response message" time.sleep(1) # Pause while we get MIDO callback print-outs print "script done"
def messages(self): if not mido: raise ValueError(MIDO_ERROR) try: input_names = mido.get_input_names() except AttributeError as e: e.args = (MIDO_ERROR,) + e.args raise ports = [mido.open_input(i) for i in input_names] if not ports: log.error('control.midi: no MIDI ports found') return port_names = ', '.join('"%s"' % for p in ports)'Starting to listen for MIDI on port%s %s', '' if len(ports) == 1 else 's', port_names) for port, msg in mido.ports.MultiPort(ports, yield_ports=True): mdict = dict(vars(msg), port=port) if self.use_note_off: if msg.type == 'note_on' and not msg.velocity: mdict.update(type='note_off') elif self.use_note_off is False: if msg.type == 'note_off': mdict.update(type='note_on', velocity=0) yield mdict
def start_midi_stream(file_name, display): last_note = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) mido.get_output_names() port_name = mido.get_input_names()[0] print('Starting on port: ' + port_name) with MidiFile() as mid: track = MidiTrack() try: print("Waiting For Keyboard Input ... ") with mido.open_input(port_name) as inport: for msg in inport: now = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) msg.time = now - last_note last_note = now if hasattr(msg, 'velocity') and msg.velocity == 0: msg = Message('note_off', note=msg.note, velocity=msg.velocity, time=msg.time) track.append(msg) if display: print(msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: if file_name: print("\nStopping and saving file ... ") else: print("\nStopping ...") finally: if file_name: print(file_name) mid.tracks.append(track) print("File Saved!") print("File Location: " + file_name) else: print("Done!")
def __init__(self): self.log = logger() if 'Teensy MIDI' not in mido.get_input_names(): self.log.error('Error connecting to Teensy foot controller.') sys.exit(1) self.input = mido.open_input(MidiController.DEVICE)'Device Registered.')
def start_key_thread(self): port_name = mido.get_input_names()[0] with mido.open_input(port_name) as inport: for msg in inport: if self.done: return if not self.current_note_to_play: print("cannot play notes during this state!") continue if hasattr(msg, 'note') and hasattr(msg, 'velocity') and msg.velocity > 0: print(msg.note) self.total_notes += 1 self.display_total_notes = self.info_font.render("Total Notes: " + str(self.total_notes), True, (205, 92, 92)) if hasattr(msg, 'note') and msg.note % 12 == self.current_note_to_play % 12 and hasattr(msg, 'velocity') and msg.velocity > 0: self.notes_correct += 1 self.display_note = self.note_font.render("Correct!!!", True, (0, 128, 0)) self.display_notes_correct = self.info_font.render("Correct Notes: " + str(self.notes_correct), True, (205, 92, 92)) self.display_average_tries = self.info_font.render( "Average Tries: " + str(round(self.total_notes / self.notes_correct)), True, (205, 92, 92)) self.average_note_time += time.time() - self.note_start_time self.display_average_time = self.info_font.render( "Average Time: " + str(round(self.average_note_time / self.notes_correct, 1)) + " seconds", True, (205, 92, 92)) self.current_note_to_play = 0 Thread(target=self.new_note()).start()
def main(): """reads the config file first, then opens the midi input and waits for commands""" device, midi_to_shortcut = read_conf() print(mido.get_input_names()) # input the name off your Midi device here. with mido.open_input(device) as inp: for message in inp: process_message(message, midi_to_shortcut)
def open_pair(input, output): if not isinstance(input, mido.ports.BaseInput): state.inp = mido.open_input([i for i in mido.get_input_names() if i.lower().startswith(input.lower())][0]) else: state.inp = input if not isinstance(output, mido.ports.BaseOutput): state.out = mido.open_output([i for i in mido.get_output_names() if i.lower().startswith(output.lower())][0]) else: state.out = output setup_threads() state.metronome = Metronome()
def __init__(self, ac): """Register the midi device. :param ac: The audio controller object """ self.log = logger() if 'Teensy MIDI' not in mido.get_input_names(): self.log.error('Error connecting to Teensy foot controller.') sys.exit(1) self.input = mido.open_input(MidiController.DEVICE)'Device Registered.') = ac
def open_midi_input_port(regex): """Open a MIDI input port matching a given regular expression, and return it. """ inports = mido.get_input_names() for name in inports: if re.match(regex, name): try: p = mido.open_input(name) except: pass else: return p
def _open_input(self, port): if self._in_port is None: try: self._in_port = mido.open_input(port) except IOError: print "Couldn't open input port '%s'. The following MIDI ports are available:" % port for p in mido.get_input_names(): print "'%s'" % p raise else: assert == port return self._in_port
def log_listener(): try: device_names = mido.get_input_names() devices = [ mido.open_input(device_name) for device_name in device_names ] devices = mido.ports.MultiPort(devices) for msg in devices: if hasattr(ns, 'midi_log_active'): dsp.log(msg) else: continue except IOError: dsp.log('Could not open MIDI devices for logging %s' % str(device_names))
def start(self): while True: names = mido.get_input_names() print names for id in IGNORED_DEVICES: names.remove(id) (newDevices_l, deletedDevices_l) = self.getDeviceDiff(names) print newDevices_l, deletedDevices_l, self.devices_d.keys() for newDeviceName in newDevices_l: self.addDevice(newDeviceName) for deletedDeviceName in deletedDevices_l: self.deleteDevice(deletedDeviceName) time.sleep(1)
def __init__(self, emit): self.emit = emit port_names = mido.get_input_names() if not port_names: raise IndexError("No MIDI input ports found") if len(port_names) == 1: idx = 0"Choosing MIDI input port %s", port_names[0]) else: print("MIDI input ports:") for (idx, name) in enumerate(port_names): print("{}. {}".format(idx, name)) idx = int(raw_input("Which MIDI input port? ")) assert 0 <= idx < len(port_names) self.midi_in = mido.open_input(port_names[idx])
def main(unused_argv): if FLAGS.list: print "Input ports: '" + "', '".join(mido.get_input_names()) + "'" print "Output ports: '" + "', '".join(mido.get_output_names()) + "'" return if FLAGS.input_port is None or FLAGS.output_port is None: print '--inport_port and --output_port must be specified.' return if (FLAGS.start_capture_control_number == FLAGS.stop_capture_control_number and (FLAGS.start_capture_control_value == FLAGS.stop_capture_control_value or FLAGS.start_capture_control_value is None or FLAGS.stop_capture_control_value is None)): print('If using the same number for --start_capture_control_number and ' '--stop_capture_control_number, --start_capture_control_value and ' '--stop_capture_control_value must both be defined and unique.') return if not 0 <= FLAGS.metronome_playback_velocity <= 127: print 'The metronome_playback_velocity must be an integer between 0 and 127' return generator = Generator( FLAGS.generator_name, FLAGS.num_bars_to_generate, ast.literal_eval(FLAGS.hparams if FLAGS.hparams else '{}'), FLAGS.checkpoint) hub = MonoMidiHub(FLAGS.input_port, FLAGS.output_port) stdout_write_and_flush('Waiting for start control signal...\n') while True: hub.wait_for_control_signal(FLAGS.start_capture_control_number, FLAGS.start_capture_control_value) hub.stop_playback() hub.start_capture(FLAGS.bpm) stdout_write_and_flush('Capturing notes until stop control signal...') hub.wait_for_control_signal(FLAGS.stop_capture_control_number, FLAGS.stop_capture_control_value) captured_sequence = hub.stop_capture() stdout_write_and_flush('Generating response...') generated_sequence = generator.generate_melody(captured_sequence) stdout_write_and_flush('Done\n') hub.start_playback(generated_sequence, FLAGS.metronome_playback_velocity)
def build_ui(self): self.confirm_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Confirm") self.confirm_button.clicked.connect(self.close) if self.model.get_selected_input() == 'Midi Source': self.in_port_label = QtGui.QLabel("Available Input Ports") self.available_ports = mido.get_input_names() self.available_ports.insert(0, '') selected_in_port = self.model.get_selected_in_port() self.in_ports_combo_box = QtGui.QComboBox() for port in self.available_ports: self.in_ports_combo_box.addItem(port) if selected_in_port in self.available_ports: "Get the index of that item" index = self.available_ports.index(selected_in_port) self.in_ports_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(index) else: self.in_ports_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(0) self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.grid.addWidget(self.in_port_label, 0, 0) self.grid.addWidget(self.in_ports_combo_box, 0, 1) self.grid.addWidget(self.confirm_button, 1, 1) else: self.build_no_settings_ui() self.setLayout(self.grid)
def start_key_thread(self): port_name = mido.get_input_names()[0] with mido.open_input(port_name) as inport: for msg in inport: if self.done: return if hasattr(msg, 'note') and hasattr(msg, 'velocity') and msg.velocity > 0: print(msg.note) self.total_notes_played += 1 self.display_total_notes_played = self.info_font.render( "Total Notes Played: " + str(self.total_notes_played), True, (205, 92, 92)) if hasattr(msg, 'note') and msg.note % 12 == self.current_note_to_play % 12 and hasattr(msg, 'velocity') and msg.velocity > 0: self.update_display_note(False) self.notes_correct += 1 self.display_notes_correct = self.info_font.render("Correct Notes: " + str(self.notes_correct), True, (205, 92, 92))
def __init__(self, target=MIDIOUT_DEFAULT): self.midi = None # don't ignore MIDI clock messages (is on by default) # TODO: check # self.midi.ignore_types(timing=False) self.clocktarget = None ports = mido.get_input_names() if len(ports) == 0: raise Exception("No MIDI output ports found") for name in ports: if name == target: isobar.log("Found MIDI input (%s)", name) self.midi = mido.open_input(name, callback=self.callback) if self.midi is None: isobar.log("Could not find MIDI source %s, using default", target) self.midi = mido.open_input(callback=self.callback)
def select_midi_input_port(self): acc = [] for p in mido.get_input_names(): acc.append(p) while True: print() mrn = self.config["midi-receiver-name"] for n, p in enumerate(acc): print(" [%d] %s" % (n+1, p)) print("\nPress [Enter] to select default") usr = infn("Select MIDI input port (%s) > " % mrn) if not usr: break try: n = int(usr) if 0 < n <= len(acc): mrn = acc[n-1] self.config["midi-receiver-name"] = mrn break else: raise ValueError() except ValueError: print("ERROR")
def get_port(): # informs user of available ports and returns their choice port_list = mido.get_input_names() print('Available MIDI ports are \n') for name in range(0, len(port_list)): print('%s' % name, port_list[name]) return port_list[int(input('\n Choose port by number: '))]
def get_midiinputs(self): # helper function for the gui app return mido.get_input_names()
import mido from pprint import pprint midi_devices = mido.get_input_names() port_dict = {} while True: pprint([(i, midi_devices[i]) for i in range(len(midi_devices))]) user_input = raw_input('select midi device number: ') print(midi_devices) if user_input is "" or midi_devices is []: break try: which_device = int(user_input) device_name = midi_devices.pop(which_device) inport = mido.open_input(device_name) port_dict[device_name] = inport except: print("please enter an into or nothing to continue") while 1: for device, midi_port in port_dict.iteritems(): # if two cc messages with the same control and channel have come then only append most recent for msg in midi_port.iter_pending(): print(msg)
def list_devices(): return { 'input': mido.get_input_names(), 'output': mido.get_output_names(), }
LED_BRIGHTNESS = 30 # Set to 0 for darkest and 255 for brightest LED_INVERT = False # True to invert the signal (when using NPN transistor level shift) LED_CHANNEL = 0 # set to '1' for GPIOs 13, 19, 41, 45 or 53 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--clear', action='store_true', help='clear the display on exit') args = parser.parse_args() # Create NeoPixel object with appropriate configuration. self.strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, LED_FREQ_HZ, LED_DMA, LED_INVERT, LED_BRIGHTNESS, LED_CHANNEL) # Initialize the library (must be called once before other functions). self.strip.begin() ledstrip = LedStrip() ports = mido.get_input_names() for port in ports: if "Through" not in port and "RPi" not in port and "RtMidOut" not in port: try: inport = mido.open_input(port) print("In-port set to "+port) except: print ("Failed to set "+port+" as in-port") green = 120 red = 100 blue = 220 while True: for msg in inport.iter_pending():
import mido from mido import Message from pprint import pprint import mingus.core.chords as chords import random from os import system import time outport = mido.open_output() input1 = mido.get_input_names()[0] for inp in mido.get_input_names(): if inp.find('Keystation') > -1: input1 = inp """ Application: 1. random generate chord and type(ex C, dominant) 2. translate with mingus 3. show on screen 4. wait until correctly pressed(or just one chance and show succes/failure) New features: ok- say chord name and correct/failed ok- consider the chord once n notes are playe(n is the number of notes of the current chord), then say right or wrong - wait until no more notes pressed - read midi and play it
def get_available_input_ports(): """Returns a list of available input MIDI ports.""" return mido.get_input_names()
import mido print(mido.get_output_names()) print(mido.get_input_names()) toFL = mido.open_output(name='loopMIDI Port 10', virtual=False) fromFL = mido.open_input(name='loopMIDI Port 1 10') while (1): msg = fromFL.poll() if (msg): print(msg)
def __init__(self, num_keys): self.num_keys = num_keys self.pixels = NeoPixel(board.D18, self.num_keys) self.inputs = mido.get_input_names() self.queue = [] self.pause = False
import pygame.midi pygame.midi.init() import mido #print(mido.get_input_names()) mido.set_backend('mido.backends.pygame') #inport = mido.open_input() print( mido.get_input_names()) inport = mido.open_input()
parser.add_argument("--nosplash", action="store_false", help=HM_NO_SPLASH) parser.add_argument("--norepl", action="store_false", help=HM_NO_REPL) args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print("Llia version %s.%s.%s" % constants.VERSION) sys.exit(0) if args.usage: print(USAGE) sys.exit(0) if args.midi_ports: import mido print("\nAvailable MIDI input ports:") for p in mido.get_input_names(): print("\t%s" % p) print("\nAvailable MIDI output ports:") for p in mido.get_output_names(): print("\t%s" % p) print() sys.exit(0) if args.listgui: print("\nAvailable GUI options:") for g in constants.GUI_OPTIONS: print("\t%-12s%s" % g) print() sys.exit(0) config = LliaConfig.create_instance(args)
def main(): print(mido.get_input_names())
def print_midi_info(): print() print_ports('Input MIDI Ports:', mido.get_input_names()) print_ports('Output MIDI Ports:', mido.get_output_names())
def getAllMidiInputs(self): try: return mido.get_input_names() except Exception as e: print("Impossible to run mido_get_output_names", e) return []
def _build_south_panel(self, south): self._midi_input_ports = mido.get_input_names() self._midi_output_ports = mido.get_output_names() port_rows = max(len(self._midi_input_ports), len(self._midi_output_ports)) init_id = self.config.global_osc_id() init_host = self.config["host"] init_port = self.config["port"] init_client = self.config["client"] init_client_port = self.config["client_port"] init_input = self.config["midi-receiver-name"] init_output = self.config["midi-transmitter-name"] self.var_id = StringVar() self.var_host = StringVar() self.var_port = StringVar() self.var_client = StringVar() self.var_client_port = StringVar() self.var_input = StringVar() self.var_output = StringVar() def restore_defaults(): self.var_id.set(init_id) self.var_host.set(init_host) self.var_port.set(init_port) self.var_client.set(init_client) self.var_client_port.set(init_client_port) self.var_input.set(init_input) self.var_output.set(init_output) restore_defaults() e_id = factory.entry(south, self.var_id) e_host = factory.entry(south, self.var_host) e_port = factory.entry(south, self.var_port) e_client = factory.entry(south, self.var_client) e_client_port = factory.entry(south, self.var_client_port) #factory.padding_label(south).grid(row=0, column=0, ipadx=8, ipady=8) e_id.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2) e_host.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2) e_port.grid(row=2, column=5, columnspan=2) e_client.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2) e_client_port.grid(row=3, column=5, columnspan=2) port_count = max(len(self._midi_input_ports), len(self._midi_output_ports)) lab_id = factory.label(south, "OSC ID") lab_host = factory.label(south, "Host") lab_host_port = factory.label(south, "Port") lab_client = factory.label(south, "Client") lab_client_port = factory.label(south, "Port") lab_midi_input = factory.label(south, "MIDI Input") lab_midi_output = factory.label(south, "MIDI Output") # factory.padding_label(south).grid(row=4, column=3, ipadx=8, ipady=8) lab_id.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=1, ipadx=8, ipady=8) lab_host.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=1) lab_host_port.grid(row=3, column=4, columnspan=1, ipadx=4) lab_client.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=1) lab_client_port.grid(row=3, column=4, columnspan=1) lab_midi_input.grid(row=5, column=1, columnspan=2, ipady=8) lab_midi_output.grid(row=5, column=5, columnspan=2, ipady=8) for n,p in enumerate(self._midi_input_ports): rb =, str(p), self.var_input, str(p)) rb.grid(row=n+6, column=1, sticky="W") for n,p in enumerate(self._midi_output_ports): rb =, str(p), self.var_output, str(p)) rb.grid(row=n+6, column=5, sticky="W") factory.padding_label(south).grid(row=0, column=7, ipadx=36) #b_restore = factory.button(south, "Restore", command=restore_defaults) b_continue = factory.button(south, "Continue", command=self.accept) b_help = factory.help_button(south) b_help.config(command=self.display_help) row = port_count + 6 #b_restore.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky="EW", pady=16) b_continue.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky="EW", pady=16) b_help.grid(row=row, column=3, padx=8, sticky="W") self.lab_warning = factory.label(south, "") self.lab_warning.config(foreground=factory.pallet("warning-fg")) self.lab_warning.grid(row=6, column=7, sticky="EW", columnspan=2, rowspan=4)
def list_devices(self): return mido.get_input_names()
if msg.control != ignore: midicallback(msg) savetime1 = time.time() if time.time() - savetime1 > 3: savetime1 = time.time() ignore = 255 except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Exiting") sys.exit() break if __name__ == "__main__": print("MIDItoOBS made by") print("!!MAKE SURE OBS IS RUNNING OR THIS SCRIPT WILL CRASH!!") print("Select Midi Device") deviceList = mido.get_input_names() counter = 0 for device in deviceList: print("%s: %s" % (counter, device)) counter += 1 input_select = int(input("Select 0-%s: " % str(len(deviceList)-1))) if input_select in range(0, len(deviceList)): print("You selected: %s (%s)" % (str(input_select), deviceList[input_select])) result = == deviceList[input_select]) if result: db.remove(Query().type == "device") db.insert({"type" : "device", "value": deviceList[input_select]}) else: db.insert({"type" : "device", "value": deviceList[input_select]}) try: midiport = mido.open_input(deviceList[input_select])
### Create instance of Piano and Recorder p = Piano() rec = Recorder() log = Logger(p, rec) ### Options verbose = "-v" in argv ### Select input and output devices if "-i" in argv: [ins, outs] = p.listDevices() print "[+] List of input devices" for i in range(len(ins)): print "%d: %s" % (i + 1, ins[i]) inDev = ins[int(raw_input("Select input device: ")) - 1] else: inDev = mido.get_input_names()[0] if "-o" in argv: print "[+] List of output devices" for i in range(len(ins)): print "%d: %s" % (i + 1, outs[i]) outDev = ins[int(raw_input("Select output device: ")) - 1] else: outDev = mido.get_output_names()[0] ### Connecting to input and output devices print "Testing inDev and outDev" if p.connect(inDev, outDev): if verbose: print "PASSED" else:
# this determines how much debugging information gets printed debug = config.getint('general', 'debug') try: r = redis.StrictRedis(host=config.get('redis', 'hostname'), port=config.getint('redis', 'port'), db=0) response = r.client_list() except redis.ConnectionError: print "Error: cannot connect to redis server" exit() # this is only for debugging print('------ INPUT ------') for port in mido.get_input_names(): print(port) print('-------------------------') try: inputport = mido.open_input(config.get('midi', 'device')) if debug > 0: print "Connected to MIDI input" except: print "Error: cannot connect to MIDI input" exit() while True: time.sleep(config.getfloat('general', 'delay')) for msg in inputport.iter_pending():
#!/usr/bin/env python """ List available PortMidi ports. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import mido def print_ports(heading, port_names): print(heading) for name in port_names: print(" '{}'".format(name)) print() print() print_ports('Input Ports:', mido.get_input_names()) print_ports('Output Ports:', mido.get_output_names())
def InConfig(): print("")"MIDIin...") print("List and attach to available devices on host with OUT port :") if platform == 'darwin': mido.set_backend('mido.backends.rtmidi/MACOSX_CORE') genericnumber = 0 for port, name in enumerate(mido.get_input_names()): #print() # Maxwell midi IN & OUT port names are different if name.find("from ") == 0: #print ("name",name) name = "to " + name[5:] #print ("corrected to",name) outport = FindOutDevice(name) midinputsname[port] = name #print() # print("name",name, "Port",port, "Outport", outport) ''' # New Bhoreal found ? if name.find(BhorealMidiName) == 0: try: bhorealin, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) # weird rtmidi call port number is not the same in mido enumeration and here BhoreralDevice = InObject(port_name, "bhoreal", outport, bhorealin) print("BhorealDevice.queue",BhoreralDevice.queue ) # thread launch to handle all queued MIDI messages from Bhoreal device thread = Thread(target=bhoreal.MidinProcess, args=(bhoreal.bhorqueue,)) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() print("Attaching MIDI in callback handler to Bhoreal : ", name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) BhoreralDevice.rtmidi.set_callback(bhoreal.AddQueue(port_name)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() ''' # Bhoreal found ? #print(BhorealMidiName, name.find(BhorealMidiName)) if name.find(BhorealMidiName) > -1: try: bhorealin, port_name = open_midiinput( outport ) # weird rtmidi call port number is not the same in mido enumeration and here except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit #print('Bhoreal Found..') #midinputs.append(bhorealin) InDevice.append(InObject(name, "bhoreal", outport, bhorealin)) # thread launch to handle all queued MIDI messages from Bhoreal device print("Launching Thread for Bhoreal") thread = Thread(target=bhoreal.MidinProcess, args=(bhoreal.bhorqueue, )) #thread = Thread(target=bhoreal.MidinProcess, args=(InDevice[port].queue,)) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() #print("midinputs[port]", midinputs[port]) print(name) InDevice[port].rtmidi.set_callback(bhoreal.AddQueue(name)) #midinputs[port].set_callback(bhoreal.AddQueue(name)) ''' # New LaunchPad Mini Found ? if name.find(LaunchMidiName) == 0: try: launchin, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit() LaunchDevice = InObject(port_name, "launchpad", outport, launchin) thread = Thread(target=launchpad.MidinProcess, args=(launchpad.launchqueue,)) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() print("Attaching MIDI in callback handler to Launchpad : ", name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) LaunchDevice.rtmidi.set_callback(launchpad.LaunchAddQueue(name)) ''' # Old LaunchPad Mini Found ? if name.find(LaunchMidiName) == 0: try: launchin, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit() #midinputs.append(launchin) #print('Launchpad Found..') InDevice.append(InObject(name, "launchpad", outport, launchin)) print("Launching Thread for Launchpad") thread = Thread(target=launchpad.MidinProcess, args=(launchpad.launchqueue, )) #thread = Thread(target=launchpad.MidinProcess, args=(InDevice[port].queue,)) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() # print(name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) InDevice[port].rtmidi.set_callback(launchpad.LaunchAddQueue(name)) #launchin.set_callback(launchpad.LaunchAddQueue(name)) # LPD8 Found ? if name.find('LPD8') == 0: #print('LPD8 Found..') try: LPD8in, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit() #midinputs.append(LPD8in) InDevice.append(InObject(name, "LPD8", outport, LPD8in)) print("Launching Thread for Launchpad") thread = Thread(target=LPD8.MidinProcess, args=(LPD8.LPD8queue, )) #thread = Thread(target=LPD8.MidinProcess, args=(InDevice[port].queue,)) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() # print(name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) InDevice[port].rtmidi.set_callback(LPD8.LPD8AddQueue(name)) # DJmp3 Found ? if name.find(DJName) == 0: #print('DJmp3 Found..') try: DJin, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit() InDevice.append(InObject(name, "DJmp3", outport, DJin)) print("Launching Thread for DJmp3") thread = Thread(target=dj.MidinProcess, args=(dj.DJqueue, )) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() # print(name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) InDevice[port].rtmidi.set_callback(dj.DJAddQueue(name)) # Beatstep Found ? if name.find(BeatstepName) == 0: #print('Beatstep Found..') try: Beatstepin, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit() InDevice.append(InObject(name, "Beatstep", outport, Beatstepin)) print("Launching Thread for Beatstep") thread = Thread(target=beatstep.MidinProcess, args=(beatstep.BEATSTEPqueue, )) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() # print(name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) InDevice[port].rtmidi.set_callback(beatstep.BeatstepAddQueue(name)) # BCR 2000 Found ? if name.find(BCRName) == 0: #print('BCR2000 Found..') try: BCRin, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit() InDevice.append(InObject(name, "BCR2000", outport, BCRin)) print("Launching Thread for BCR 2000") thread = Thread(target=bcr.MidinProcess, args=(bcr.BCRqueue, )) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() # print(name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) InDevice[port].rtmidi.set_callback(bcr.BCRAddQueue(name)) # Sequencer Found ? if name.find(gstt.SequencerNameOUT) == 0: #print('Sequencer Found..') try: Sequencerin, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit() InDevice.append(InObject(name, "Sequencer", outport, Sequencerin)) print("Launching Thread for Sequencer") thread = Thread(target=sequencer.MidinProcess, args=(sequencer.SEQUENCERqueue, )) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() # print(name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) InDevice[port].rtmidi.set_callback( sequencer.SequencerAddQueue(name)) # Everything that is not Bhoreal, Launchpad, beatstep, Sequencer, LPD8, BCR 2000 or DJmp3 if name.find(BhorealMidiName) != 0 and name.find( LaunchMidiName) != 0 and name.find('LPD8') != 0 and name.find( DJName ) != 0 and name.find(BeatstepName) != 0 and name.find( BCRName) != 0 and name.find(gstt.SequencerNameOUT) != 0: try: #print (name, name.find("RtMidi output")) if name.find("RtMidi output") > -1: print("No thread started for device", name) else: portin = object port_name = "" portin, port_name = open_midiinput(outport) #midinputs.append(portin) InDevice.append(InObject(name, "generic", outport, portin)) thread = Thread(target=MidinProcess, args=(midinputsqueue[port], port_name)) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() print("Launching thread for", name, "port", port, "portname", port_name) #midinputs[port].set_callback(AddQueue(name),midinputsqueue[port]) #midinputs[port].set_callback(AddQueue(name)) #genericnumber += 1 InDevice[port].rtmidi.set_callback(AddQueue(name, port)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() #print("") print(InObject.counter, "In devices")
import fastopc, time import numpy as np import mido import time #################################################### inputNames = mido.get_input_names() print(inputNames) inport = mido.open_input(inputNames[1]) sleepTime = 1.e-4 #################################################### class Board: def __init__(self): self.knobs = np.zeros(8) self.pitchwheel = 0.0 self.notes = np.zeros(128) def update(self, msg): if msg.type == 'note_on': self.notes[msg.note] = 1 elif msg.type == 'note_off': self.notes[msg.note] = 0 elif msg.type == 'pitchwheel': self.pitchwheel = msg.pitch elif msg.type == 'control_change': self.knobs[msg.control] = msg.value board = Board()
def main_app(offline: bool): global_storage = GlobalStorage() sm = None aq = None ae = None if not offline: sm = SimConnect() aq = AircraftRequests(sm, _time=200) ae = AircraftEvents(sm) global_storage.set_aircraft_events(ae) global_storage.set_aircraft_requests(aq) else: global_storage.set_aircraft_events(MockAircraftEvents()) global_storage.set_aircraft_requests(MockAircraftRequests()) print('Midi input devices:', mido.get_input_names()) print('Midi output devices:', mido.get_output_names()) selected_input = ConfigFile.get_midi_input() selected_output = ConfigFile.get_midi_output() print('Using midi input device:', selected_input) print('Using midi output device:', selected_output) aircraft = aq.get('TITLE') print("Current aircraft:", aircraft) outport = mido.open_output(selected_output) # pylint: disable=no-member control_change_dict = {} note_dict = {} def handle_message(msg: mido.Message): # print(msg) if msg.type == 'control_change': if msg.control in control_change_dict: control_change_dict[msg.control].on_cc_data(msg.value) elif msg.type == 'note_on': if msg.note in note_dict: note_dict[msg.note].on_note_data(True) elif msg.type == 'note_off': if msg.note in note_dict: note_dict[msg.note].on_note_data(False) inport = mido.open_input(selected_input, callback=handle_message) # pylint: disable=no-member for e in range(1, 17): encoder = RotaryEncoder(e, outport) global_storage.add_encoder(encoder) for b in range(1, 33): btn = PushButton(b, outport) global_storage.add_button(btn) for f in range(1, 3): fader = Fader(f) global_storage.add_fader(fader) c = ConfigFile(aircraft) c.configure() triggers = c.triggers for encoder in GlobalStorage().encoders: control_change_dict[encoder.rotary_control_channel] = encoder note_dict[encoder.button_note] = encoder for btn in GlobalStorage().buttons: note_dict[btn.button_note] = btn for f in GlobalStorage().faders: control_change_dict[f.control_channel] = f while True: for obj in GlobalStorage().all_elements: if obj.bound_simvar and aq: sv = aq.get(obj.bound_simvar) obj.on_simvar_data(sv) current_aircraft = aq.get('TITLE') if current_aircraft and aircraft != current_aircraft: print("Aircraft changed from", aircraft, "to", current_aircraft) break time.sleep(0.05) global_storage.clear() inport.close() outport.close()
def openIn(deviceName): inputPort = chooseDevice(mido.get_input_names(), deviceName) if inputPort: return mido.open_input(inputPort) else: return None
r = redis.StrictRedis(host=config.get('redis','hostname'), port=config.getint('redis','port'), db=0) response = r.client_list() except redis.ConnectionError: print("Error: cannot connect to redis server") exit() # combine the patching from the configuration file and Redis patch = EEGsynth.patch(config, r) del config # this determines how much debugging information gets printed debug = patch.getint('general','debug') # this is only for debugging print('------ INPUT ------') for port in mido.get_input_names(): print(port) print('-------------------------') # the scale and offset are used to map MIDI values to Redis values scale = patch.getfloat('output', 'scale', default=127) offset = patch.getfloat('output', 'offset', default=0) try: inputport = mido.open_input(patch.getstring('midi', 'device')) if debug>0: print("Connected to MIDI input") except: print("Error: cannot connect to MIDI input") exit()
Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] #avconv writer = Writer(fps=15, metadata=dict(artist=name), bitrate=1800) network_pkl = '/home/romain/win_desk/stylegan2/results/00098-stylegan2-feuilles1k-1gpu-config-e/network-snapshot-000600.pkl' G, _D, Gs = pretrained_networks.load_networks(network_pkl) truncation_psi = 1.0 w, h = 256, 256 seed = 45 rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) # src_seeds=[639,701,687,615,2268] # dst_seeds=[888,829,1898,1733] # style_ranges=[range(0,4)]*3+[range(4,8)]*2+[range(8,14)] loop, reset = True, False midi_name = 'Midi Fighter Twister:Midi Fighter Twister MIDI 1 28:0' assert midi_name in mido.get_input_names() Gs_kwargs = dnnlib.EasyDict() Gs_kwargs.output_transform = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True) Gs_kwargs.randomize_noise = False if truncation_psi is not None: Gs_kwargs.truncation_psi = truncation_psi latent = np.array([rand.randn(Gs.input_shape[1])]) dlatent =, None) # [seed, layer, component] images =, **Gs_kwargs) def press(event): global loop, reset
# # set up backend mido.set_backend('mido.backends.rtmidi') # system command to set up the midi thru port # TODO would be nice to do this in python, but # rtmidi has issues seeing ports it has created #os.system(runCmd) amidiProc = subprocess.Popen(['amidithru', name]) #print("launched amidithru with pid %s" % # regex to match on rtmidi port name convention nameRegex = "(" + name + ":" + name + "\s+\d+:\d+)" matcher = re.compile(nameRegex) newList = list(filter(matcher.match, mido.get_input_names())) input_name = newList[0] inport = mido.open_input(input_name) def uptime(): with open('/proc/uptime', 'r') as f: uptime_seconds = float(f.readline().split()[0]) return uptime_seconds # keep running and watch for midi cc while True: time.sleep(.01) while inport.pending():
def main(port): if (port is None): print ('Available MIDI ports') print (mido.get_input_names()) else: listen(port)
def list_input_devices(): return mido.get_input_names()
import mido print('Input ports:') for item in mido.get_input_names(): print("\t{}".format(item)) print('Output ports:') for item in mido.get_output_names(): print("\t{}".format(item))
def __init__(self, input_midi_ports, output_midi_ports, texture_type, passthrough=True, playback_offset=0.0): self._texture_type = texture_type self._passthrough = passthrough self._playback_offset = playback_offset # When `passthrough` is True, this is the set of open MIDI note # pitches. self._open_notes = set() # This lock is used by the serialized decorator. self._lock = threading.RLock() # A dictionary mapping a compiled MidiSignal regex to a condition variable # that will be notified when a matching messsage is received. self._signals = {} # A dictionary mapping a compiled MidiSignal regex to a list of functions # that will be called with the triggering message in individual threads when # a matching message is received. self._callbacks = defaultdict(list) # A dictionary mapping integer control numbers to most recently-received # integer value. self._control_values = {} # Threads actively being used to capture incoming messages. self._captors = [] # Potentially active player threads. self._players = [] self._metronome = None # Open MIDI ports. if input_midi_ports: for port in input_midi_ports: if isinstance(port, ports.BaseInput): inport = port else: virtual = port not in get_input_names() if virtual: "Opening '%s' as a virtual MIDI port for input.", port) inport = open_input(port, virtual=virtual) # Start processing incoming messages. inport.callback = self._timestamp_and_handle_message # this is needed because otherwise inport will get # garbage collected and stop receiving input events self._inport = inport else: logging.warning('No input port specified. Capture disabled.') self._inport = None outports = [] for port in output_midi_ports: if isinstance(port, ports.BaseInput): outports.append(port) else: virtual = port not in get_output_names() if virtual: "Opening '%s' as a virtual MIDI port for output.", port) outports.append(open_output(port, virtual=virtual)) self._outport = ports.MultiPort(outports)
import os, sys, inspect currentdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir) sys.path.insert(0, parentdir) import mido import time from modules.midiHelper import * midiPort = mido.get_input_names()[0] midiIN = mido.open_input(midiPort) midiOUT = mido.open_output(midiPort) print("~~~~~ Moving vPot up ~~~~~~") ch = 0 cc = [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23][ch] # first IP block for i in range(0, 127): msg = mido.Message('control_change', control=16, value=1) midiOUT.send(msg) time.sleep(0.01) time.sleep(0.2) # 2nd IP block for i in range(0, 27): msg = mido.Message('control_change', control=17, value=1) midiOUT.send(msg) time.sleep(0.01) for i in range(0, 27): msg = mido.Message('control_change', control=17, value=65) midiOUT.send(msg)
import mido from mido import Message msg = Message('note_on', note=60) print(msg) name = mido.get_input_names() print(name) inport = mido.open_input(name[0]) print(inport) msg = inport.receive() for msg in inport: print(msg) print(msg)
def initialize_MIDI_inout(): """Initialize a MIDI input and output port using RTMIDI through mido """ # select rtmidi as our backend mido.set_backend('mido.backends.rtmidi') # print "Backend selected is %s " % mido.backend # Enumerate the available port names outports = mido.get_output_names() inports = mido.get_input_names() # Now try to pick the right port to output on. # If we're in the deployed configuration, it's a MIO adapter, but # if we're in the lab, it might be something else. # In either event, there might be more than one matching adapter! # In that case, we'll punt and take the first one we find. outport = None for name in outports: if re.match(r'mio', name): try: outport = mido.open_output(name) break except: pass if not outport: for name in outports: try: outport = mido.open_output(name) break except: pass if not outport: print("Sorry, unable to open any MIDI output port.") sys.exit(1) # Now try to pick the right port to input on. # If we're in the deployed configuration, it's a MIO adapter, but # if we're in the lab, it might be something else. # In either event, there might be more than one matching adapter! # In that case, we'll punt and take the first one we find. inport = None for name in inports: if re.match(r'mio', name): try: inport = mido.open_input(name) break except: pass if not inport: for name in inports: try: inport = mido.open_input(name) break except: pass if not inport: print("Sorry, unable to open any MIDI input port.") sys.exit(1) return (inport, outport)
def _start(): '''Start the module This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables ''' global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name global debug, mididevice, port, previous_note, UpdateVelocity, UpdateDuration, TriggerThread, trigger_name, trigger_code, code, trigger, this, thread, control_name, control_code, previous_val, SetNoteOff, SetNoteOn, duration_note, lock, midichannel, monitor, monophonic, offset_duration, offset_velocity, outputport, scale_duration, scale_velocity, sendMidi, velocity_note # this can be used to show parameters that have changed monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name, debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug')) # get the options from the configuration file debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug') monophonic = patch.getint('general', 'monophonic', default=1) midichannel = patch.getint( 'midi', 'channel') - 1 # channel 1-16 get mapped to 0-15 mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device') mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice) mididevice = process.extractOne( mididevice, mido.get_output_names())[0] # select the closest match # values between 0 and 1 work well for the note duration scale_duration = patch.getfloat('scale', 'duration', default=1) offset_duration = patch.getfloat('offset', 'duration', default=0) # values around 64 work well for the note velocity scale_velocity = patch.getfloat('scale', 'velocity', default=1) offset_velocity = patch.getfloat('offset', 'velocity', default=0) # this is only for debugging, and to check which MIDI devices are accessible'------ INPUT ------') for port in mido.get_input_names():'------ OUTPUT ------') for port in mido.get_output_names():'-------------------------') try: outputport = mido.open_output(mididevice) monitor.success('Connected to MIDI output') except: raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI output") # this is to prevent two messages from being sent at the same time lock = threading.Lock() previous_note = None velocity_note = None duration_note = None def UpdateVelocity(): global velocity_note velocity_note = patch.getfloat('velocity', 'note', default=64) velocity_note = int( EEGsynth.rescale(velocity_note, slope=scale_velocity, offset=offset_velocity)) def UpdateDuration(): global duration_note duration_note = patch.getfloat('duration', 'note', default=None) if duration_note != None: duration_note = EEGsynth.rescale(duration_note, slope=scale_duration, offset=offset_duration) # some minimal time is needed for the duration duration_note = EEGsynth.limit(duration_note, 0.05, float('Inf')) # call them once at the start UpdateVelocity() UpdateDuration() trigger_name = [] trigger_code = [] for code in range(1, 128): trigger_name.append("note%03d" % code) trigger_code.append(code) trigger_name.append("control%03d" % code) trigger_code.append(code) trigger_name.append("polytouch%03d" % code) trigger_code.append(code) for name in [ 'note', 'aftertouch', 'pitchwheel', 'start', 'continue', 'stop', 'reset' ]: trigger_name.append(name) trigger_code.append(None) # each of the Redis messages is mapped onto a different MIDI message trigger = [] for name, code in zip(trigger_name, trigger_code): if config.has_option('trigger', name): # start the background thread that deals with this note this = TriggerThread(patch.getstring('trigger', name), name, code) trigger.append(this) monitor.debug(name, 'trigger configured') # start the thread for each of the triggers for thread in trigger: thread.start() control_name = [] control_code = [] for code in range(1, 128): control_name.append("note%03d" % code) control_code.append(code) control_name.append("control%03d" % code) control_code.append(code) control_name.append("polytouch%03d" % code) control_code.append(code) for name in [ 'note', 'aftertouch', 'pitchwheel', 'start', 'continue', 'stop', 'reset' ]: control_name.append(name) control_code.append(None) # control values are only interesting when different from the previous value previous_val = {} for name in control_name: previous_val[name] = None # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global if len(locals()): print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))
def devices(): for device in mido.get_input_names(): print(device)
def available_ports(cls, output=True): if output: return mido.get_output_names() return mido.get_input_names()