Пример #1
def update_database_from_model():
    """Introspection the model and add missing columns in the database
    this function can be ran in setup_model after setup_all(create_tables=True)
    import settings
    migrate_engine = settings.ENGINE()
    migrate_connection = migrate_engine.connect()
    from camelot.model import metadata
    from migrate.versioning.schemadiff import SchemaDiff
    from migrate.changeset import create_column
    schema_diff = SchemaDiff(metadata, migrate_connection)
    for table_with_diff in schema_diff.tablesWithDiff:
        missingInDatabase, _missingInModel, _diffDecl = schema_diff.colDiffs[table_with_diff.name]
        for col in missingInDatabase:
            create_column(col, table_with_diff)
Пример #2
def update_database_from_model():
    """Introspection the model and add missing columns in the database
    this function can be ran in setup_model after setup_all(create_tables=True)
    import settings
    migrate_engine = settings.ENGINE()
    migrate_connection = migrate_engine.connect()

    from camelot.model import metadata
    from migrate.versioning.schemadiff import SchemaDiff
    from migrate.changeset import create_column
    schema_diff = SchemaDiff(metadata, migrate_connection)

    for table_with_diff in schema_diff.tablesWithDiff:
        missingInDatabase, _missingInModel, _diffDecl = schema_diff.colDiffs[
        for col in missingInDatabase:
            create_column(col, table_with_diff)
Пример #3
def update_database_from_model():
    """Introspection the model and add missing columns in the database.    
    this function can be ran in setup_model after::
    migrate_engine = settings.ENGINE()
    migrate_connection = migrate_engine.connect()
    from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData 
    from migrate.versioning import schemadiff
    from migrate.changeset import create_column
    schema_diff = schemadiff.SchemaDiff(metadata, MetaData(migrate_connection, reflect=True))
    for table_name, difference in schema_diff.tables_different.items():
        for column in difference.columns_missing_from_B:
            LOGGER.warn( 'column %s missing in table %s'%(column, table_name) )
            table = metadata.tables[table_name]
            create_column(column, table)
Пример #4
def update_database_from_model():
    """Introspection the model and add missing columns in the database.    
    this function can be ran in setup_model after::
    migrate_engine = settings.ENGINE()
    migrate_connection = migrate_engine.connect()

    from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData
    from migrate.versioning import schemadiff
    from migrate.changeset import create_column
    schema_diff = schemadiff.SchemaDiff(
        metadata, MetaData(migrate_connection, reflect=True))

    for table_name, difference in schema_diff.tables_different.items():
        for column in difference.columns_missing_from_B:
            LOGGER.warn('column %s missing in table %s' % (column, table_name))
            table = metadata.tables[table_name]
            create_column(column, table)
Пример #5
Файл: 1.py Проект: MythTV/smolt
def upgrade():
    create_column(myth_role, hosts)
    create_column(myth_remote, hosts)
    create_column(myth_theme, hosts)
Пример #6
def upgrade():
    create_column(myth_systemrole, hosts)
    create_column(mythremote, hosts)
    create_column(myththeme, hosts)
Пример #7
Файл: 001.py Проект: ccoss/fas
def upgrade():
    create_column(col, GroupsTable)
Пример #8
Файл: 005.py Проект: ccoss/fas
def upgrade():
    create_column(col, GroupsTable)
Пример #9
def upgrade():
    create_column(col, PeopleTable)
def upgrade(migrate_engine):
    metadata = DeclarativeBase.metadata
    metadata.bind = migrate_engine
    create_column(Status.__table__.c.group_id, table=Status.__table__)
def upgrade(migrate_engine):
    metadata = DeclarativeBase.metadata
    metadata.bind = migrate_engine
    create_column(User.__table__.c.username, table=User.__table__)
Пример #12
Файл: 002.py Проект: ccoss/fas
def upgrade():
    create_column(col, PeopleTable)
def upgrade():
    # Upgrade operations go here. Don't create your own engine; use the engine
    # named 'migrate_engine' imported from migrate.
    create_column(description, shows_table)
Пример #14
def upgrade():
    # Upgrade operations go here. Don't create your own engine; use the engine
    # named 'migrate_engine' imported from migrate.
    create_column(description, shows_table)
Пример #15
def upgrade():
    create_column(myth_role, hosts)
    create_column(myth_remote, hosts)
    create_column(myth_theme, hosts)