Пример #1
    def test_status(self):
        status = self.device.status()  # type: YeelightStatus

        assert repr(status) == repr(YeelightStatus(self.device.start_state))

        assert status.name == self.device.start_state["name"]
        assert status.developer_mode is True
        assert status.save_state_on_change is True
        assert status.delay_off == 0
        assert status.music_mode is None
        assert len(status.lights) == 1
        assert status.is_on is False and status.is_on == status.lights[0].is_on
        assert (status.brightness == 100
                and status.brightness == status.lights[0].brightness)
        assert (status.color_mode == YeelightMode.ColorTemperature
                and status.color_mode == status.lights[0].color_mode)
        assert (status.color_temp == 3584
                and status.color_temp == status.lights[0].color_temp)
        assert status.rgb is None and status.rgb == status.lights[0].rgb
        assert status.hsv is None and status.hsv == status.lights[0].hsv
        # following are tested in set mode tests
        # assert status.rgb == 16711680
        # assert status.hsv == (359, 100, 100)
        assert (status.color_flowing is False
                and status.color_flowing == status.lights[0].color_flowing)
        assert (status.color_flow_params is None and status.color_flow_params
                == status.lights[0].color_flow_params)
        # color_flow_params will be tested after future implementation
        # assert status.color_flow_params == "0,0,1000,1,16711680,100,1000,1,65280,100,1000,1,255,100" and status.color_flow_params == status.lights[0].color_flow_params
        assert status.moonlight_mode is True
        assert status.moonlight_mode_brightness == 100
Пример #2
    def test_status(self):
        status = self.device.status()  # type: YeelightStatus

        assert repr(status) == repr(YeelightStatus(self.device.start_state))

        assert status.name == self.device.start_state["name"]
        assert status.is_on is False
        assert status.brightness == 100
        assert status.color_temp == 3584
        assert status.color_mode == YeelightMode.ColorTemperature
        assert status.developer_mode is True
        assert status.save_state_on_change is True