Пример #1
import math

import pytest

from miio import Device, MiotDevice, RoborockVacuum
from miio.exceptions import DeviceInfoUnavailableException, PayloadDecodeException

DEVICE_CLASSES = Device.__subclasses__() + MiotDevice.__subclasses__(
)  # type: ignore

@pytest.mark.parametrize("max_properties", [None, 1, 15])
def test_get_properties_splitting(mocker, max_properties):
    properties = [i for i in range(20)]

    send = mocker.patch("miio.Device.send")
    d = Device("", "68ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")
    d.get_properties(properties, max_properties=max_properties)

    if max_properties is None:
        max_properties = len(properties)
    assert send.call_count == math.ceil(len(properties) / max_properties)

def test_default_timeout_and_retry(mocker):
    send = mocker.patch("miio.miioprotocol.MiIOProtocol.send")
    d = Device("", "68ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")
    assert d._protocol._timeout == 5
    d.send(command="fake_command", parameters=[])
    send.assert_called_with("fake_command", [], 3, extra_parameters=None)
Пример #2
    DUMMY_MODEL = "dummy.model"

    d = Device("", "68ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", model=DUMMY_MODEL)
    d.raw_command("dummy", {})

    assert d.model == DUMMY_MODEL

def test_missing_supported(mocker, caplog):
    """Make sure warning is logged if the device is unsupported for the class."""
    _ = mocker.patch("miio.Device.send")

    d = Device("", "68ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")

    assert "Found an unsupported model" in caplog.text
    assert "for class 'Device'" in caplog.text

@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", Device.__subclasses__())
def test_device_ctor_model(cls):
    """Make sure that every device subclass ctor accepts model kwarg."""
    ignore_classes = ["GatewayDevice", "CustomDevice"]
    if cls.__name__ in ignore_classes:

    dummy_model = "dummy"
    dev = cls("", "68ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", model=dummy_model)
    assert dev.model == dummy_model