def run(self, parameters): result = self.fetch_result() found_buoys = yield self.database_query("start_gate") buoys = np.array(map(Buoy.from_srv, found_buoys.objects)) if len(buoys) == 2: ogrid, setup, target = yield self.two_buoys(buoys, 10) elif len(buoys) == 4: ogrid, setup, target = yield self.four_buoys(buoys, 10) else: raise Exception # Put the target into the point cloud as well points = [] points.append(mil_tools.numpy_to_point(target.position)) pc = PointCloud(header=mil_tools.make_header(frame='/enu'), points=np.array(points)) yield self._point_cloud_pub.publish(pc) print "Waiting 3 seconds to move..." yield self.nh.sleep(3) yield setup.go(move_type='skid') pose = yield self.tx_pose ogrid.generate_grid(pose) msg = ogrid.get_message() print "publishing" self.latching_publisher("/mission_ogrid", OccupancyGrid, msg) print "START_GATE: Moving in 5 seconds!" yield target.go(initial_plan_time=5) defer.returnValue(result)
def publish_lla(self): ''' Publish a point message with the current LLA computed from an odom and absodom message. ''' _, _, lla = self.enu(self.enu_pos) lla_msg = PointStamped() lla_msg.header.frame_id = 'lla' lla_msg.header.stamp = self.stamp lla_msg.point = numpy_to_point(lla) self.lla_pub.publish(lla_msg)
def setUp(self): pub = rospy.Publisher('clicked_point', PointStamped, queue_size=4) rospy.sleep(1) points = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [10, 0, 0], [10, 10, 0], [0, 10, 0]]) for point in points: ps = PointStamped() ps.header.frame_id = 'a' ps.point = numpy_to_point(point) rospy.loginfo(ps) pub.publish(ps) rospy.sleep(1) rospy.sleep(1)
def position_to_object(self, position, color, id, name="totem"): obj = PerceptionObject() = int(id) obj.header = mil_tools.make_header(frame="enu") = name obj.position = mil_tools.numpy_to_point(position) obj.color.r = color[0] obj.color.g = color[1] obj.color.b = color[2] obj.color.a = 1 return obj
def got_request(self, req): to_frame = "enu" if req.to_frame == '' else req.to_frame resp = BoundsResponse(enforce=False) self.bounds = [self.convert(CoordinateConversionRequest(frame="lla", point=lla)) for lla in self.lla_bounds] bounds = [numpy_to_point(getattr(response, to_frame)) for response in self.bounds] resp.enforce = self.enforce resp.bounds = bounds return resp
def got_request(self, req): to_frame = "enu" if req.to_frame == '' else req.to_frame resp = BoundsResponse(enforce=False) self.bounds = [ self.convert(CoordinateConversionRequest(frame="lla", point=lla)) for lla in self.lla_bounds ] bounds = [ numpy_to_point(getattr(response, to_frame)) for response in self.bounds ] resp.enforce = self.enforce resp.bounds = bounds return resp
def as_MoveGoal(self, move_type=MoveGoal.DRIVE, **kwargs): if 'focus' in kwargs: if not isinstance(kwargs['focus'], Point): kwargs['focus'] = mil_tools.numpy_to_point(kwargs['focus']) if 'speed_factor' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['speed_factor'], float): # User wants a uniform speed factor sf = kwargs['speed_factor'] kwargs['speed_factor'] = [sf, sf, sf] for key in kwargs.keys(): if not hasattr(MoveGoal, key): fprint( "MoveGoal msg doesn't have a field called '{}' you tried to set via kwargs." .format(key), title="POSE_EDITOR", msg_color="red") del kwargs[key] return MoveGoal(goal=self.as_Pose(), move_type=move_type, **kwargs)
def as_MoveGoal(self, move_type='drive', **kwargs): if 'focus' in kwargs: if not isinstance(kwargs['focus'], Point): kwargs['focus'] = mil_tools.numpy_to_point(kwargs['focus']) if 'speed_factor' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['speed_factor'], float): # User wants a uniform speed factor sf = kwargs['speed_factor'] kwargs['speed_factor'] = [sf, sf, sf] for key in kwargs.keys(): if not hasattr(MoveGoal, key): fprint("MoveGoal msg doesn't have a field called '{}' you tried to set via kwargs.".format(key), title="POSE_EDITOR", msg_color="red") del kwargs[key] return MoveGoal( goal=self.as_Pose(), move_type=move_type, **kwargs )
def _make_bounds(cls): fprint("Constructing bounds.", title="NAVIGATOR") if (yield cls.nh.has_param("/bounds/enforce")): _bounds = cls.nh.get_service_client('/get_bounds', navigator_srvs.Bounds) yield _bounds.wait_for_service() resp = yield _bounds(navigator_srvs.BoundsRequest()) if resp.enforce: cls.enu_bounds = [ mil_tools.rosmsg_to_numpy(bound) for bound in resp.bounds ] # Just for display pc = PointCloud(header=mil_tools.make_header(frame='/enu'), points=np.array([ mil_tools.numpy_to_point(point) for point in cls.enu_bounds ])) yield cls._point_cloud_pub.publish(pc) else: fprint("No bounds param found, defaulting to none.", title="NAVIGATOR") cls.enu_bounds = None
def do_buoys(srv, left, right, red_seg, green_seg, tf_listener): ''' FYI: `left`: the left camera ImageGetter object `right`: the right camera ImageGetter object ''' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Get all the required TF links try: # Working copy of the current frame obtained at the same time as the tf link tf_listener.waitForTransform("enu", "front_left_cam", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) left_image, right_image = left.frame, right.frame cam_tf = tf_listener.lookupTransform("front_left_cam", "front_right_cam", left.sub.last_image_time) cam_p, cam_q = tf_listener.lookupTransform("enu", "front_left_cam", left.sub.last_image_time) cam_p = np.array([cam_p]) cam_r = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(cam_q)[:3, :3] break except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException, TypeError) as e: print e rospy.logwarn("TF link not found.") time.sleep(.5) continue red_left_pt, rl_area = red_seg.segment(left_image) red_right_pt, rr_area = red_seg.segment(right_image) green_left_pt, gl_area = green_seg.segment(left_image) green_right_pt, gr_area = green_seg.segment(right_image) area_tol = 50 if np.linalg.norm(rl_area - rr_area) > area_tol or np.linalg.norm(gl_area - gr_area) > area_tol: rospy.logwarn("Unsafe segmentation") StartGateResponse(success=False) red_point_np = do_the_magic(red_left_pt, red_right_pt, cam_tf) red_point_np = np.array( + cam_p)[0] green_point_np = do_the_magic(green_left_pt, green_right_pt, cam_tf) green_point_np = np.array( + cam_p)[0] # Just for visualization for i in range(5): # Publish it 5 times so we can see it in rviz mil_tools.draw_ray_3d(red_left_pt, left_cam, [1, 0, 0, 1], m_id=0, frame="front_left_cam") mil_tools.draw_ray_3d(red_right_pt, right_cam, [1, 0, 0, 1], m_id=1, frame="front_right_cam") mil_tools.draw_ray_3d(green_left_pt, left_cam, [0, 1, 0, 1], m_id=2, frame="front_left_cam") mil_tools.draw_ray_3d(green_right_pt, right_cam, [0, 1, 0, 1], m_id=3, frame="front_right_cam") red_point = PointStamped() red_point.header = mil_tools.make_header(frame="enu") red_point.point = mil_tools.numpy_to_point(red_point_np) red_pub.publish(red_point) green_point = PointStamped() green_point.header = mil_tools.make_header(frame="enu") green_point.point = mil_tools.numpy_to_point(green_point_np) green_pub.publish(green_point) time.sleep(1) # Now we have two points, find their midpoint and calculate a target angle midpoint = (red_point_np + green_point_np) / 2 between_vector = green_point_np - red_point_np # Red is on the left when we go out. yaw_theta = np.arctan2(between_vector[1], between_vector[0]) # Rotate that theta by 90 deg to get the angle through the buoys yaw_theta += np.pi / 2.0 p = midpoint q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw_theta) target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header = mil_tools.make_header(frame="enu") target_pose.pose = mil_tools.numpy_quat_pair_to_pose(p, q) return StartGateResponse(target=target_pose, success=True)
def run(self, args): if not self.pose: raise Exception('Cant move: No odom') commands = args.commands arguments = commands[1::2] commands = commands[0::2] self.send_feedback('Switching trajectory to lqrrt') self.change_trajectory('lqrrt') self.send_feedback('Switching wrench to autonomous') yield self.change_wrench('autonomous') for i in xrange(len(commands)): command = commands[i] argument = arguments[i] action_kwargs = { 'move_type': args.movetype, 'speed_factor': args.speedfactor } action_kwargs['blind'] = args.blind if args.speedfactor is not None: if ',' in args.speedfactor: sf = np.array(map(float, args.speedfactor[1:-1].split(','))) else: sf = [float(args.speedfactor)] * 3 action_kwargs['speed_factor'] = sf if args.plantime is not None: action_kwargs['initial_plan_time'] = float(args.plantime) if args.focus is not None: focus = np.array(map(float, args.focus[1:-1].split(','))) focus[2] = 1 # Tell lqrrt we want to look at the point point = numpy_to_point(focus) action_kwargs['focus'] = point if command == 'custom': # Let the user input custom commands, the eval may be dangerous so do away with that at some point. self.send_feedback( "Moving with the command: {}".format(argument)) res = yield eval( "self.move.{}.go(move_type='{move_type}')".format( argument, **action_kwargs)) elif command == 'rviz': self.send_feedback('Select a 2D Nav Goal in RVIZ') target_pose = yield util.wrap_time_notice( self.rviz_goal.get_next_message(), 2, "Rviz goal") self.send_feedback('RVIZ pose recieved!') res = yield self.move.to_pose(target_pose).go(**action_kwargs) elif command == 'circle': self.send_feedback('Select a Publish Point in RVIZ') target_point = yield util.wrap_time_notice( self.rviz_point.get_next_message(), 2, "Rviz point") self.send_feedback('RVIZ point recieved!') target_point = rosmsg_to_numpy(target_point.point) direction = 'cw' if argument == '-1' else 'ccw' res = yield self.move.circle_point( target_point, direction=direction).go(**action_kwargs) else: shorthand = { "f": "forward", "b": "backward", "l": "left", "r": "right", "yl": "yaw_left", "yr": "yaw_right" } command = command if command not in shorthand.keys( ) else shorthand[command] movement = getattr(self.move, command) trans_move = command[:3] != "yaw" unit = "m" if trans_move else "rad" amount = argument # See if there's a non standard unit at the end of the argument if not argument[-1].isdigit(): last_digit_index = [ i for i, c in enumerate(argument) if c.isdigit() ][-1] + 1 amount = float(argument[:last_digit_index]) unit = argument[last_digit_index:] # Get the kwargs to pass to the action server station_hold = amount == '0' if station_hold: action_kwargs['move_type'] = MoveGoal.HOLD msg = "Moving {} ".format( command) if trans_move else "Yawing {} ".format( command[4:]) self.send_feedback(msg + "{}{}".format(amount, unit)) res = yield movement(float(amount), unit).go(**action_kwargs) if res.failure_reason is not '': raise Exception('Move failed. Reason: {}'.format( res.failure_reason)) defer.returnValue('Move completed successfully!')
def do_buoys(srv, left, right, red_seg, green_seg, tf_listener): ''' FYI: `left`: the left camera ImageGetter object `right`: the right camera ImageGetter object ''' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Get all the required TF links try: # Working copy of the current frame obtained at the same time as the tf link tf_listener.waitForTransform("enu", "front_left_cam", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) left_image, right_image = left.frame, right.frame cam_tf = tf_listener.lookupTransform("front_left_cam", "front_right_cam", left.sub.last_image_time) cam_p, cam_q = tf_listener.lookupTransform( "enu", "front_left_cam", left.sub.last_image_time) cam_p = np.array([cam_p]) cam_r = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(cam_q)[:3, :3] break except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException, TypeError) as e: print e rospy.logwarn("TF link not found.") time.sleep(.5) continue red_left_pt, rl_area = red_seg.segment(left_image) red_right_pt, rr_area = red_seg.segment(right_image) green_left_pt, gl_area = green_seg.segment(left_image) green_right_pt, gr_area = green_seg.segment(right_image) area_tol = 50 if np.linalg.norm(rl_area - rr_area) > area_tol or np.linalg.norm( gl_area - gr_area) > area_tol: rospy.logwarn("Unsafe segmentation") StartGateResponse(success=False) red_point_np = do_the_magic(red_left_pt, red_right_pt, cam_tf) red_point_np = np.array( + cam_p)[0] green_point_np = do_the_magic(green_left_pt, green_right_pt, cam_tf) green_point_np = np.array( + cam_p)[0] # Just for visualization for i in range(5): # Publish it 5 times so we can see it in rviz mil_tools.draw_ray_3d(red_left_pt, left_cam, [1, 0, 0, 1], m_id=0, frame="front_left_cam") mil_tools.draw_ray_3d(red_right_pt, right_cam, [1, 0, 0, 1], m_id=1, frame="front_right_cam") mil_tools.draw_ray_3d(green_left_pt, left_cam, [0, 1, 0, 1], m_id=2, frame="front_left_cam") mil_tools.draw_ray_3d(green_right_pt, right_cam, [0, 1, 0, 1], m_id=3, frame="front_right_cam") red_point = PointStamped() red_point.header = mil_tools.make_header(frame="enu") red_point.point = mil_tools.numpy_to_point(red_point_np) red_pub.publish(red_point) green_point = PointStamped() green_point.header = mil_tools.make_header(frame="enu") green_point.point = mil_tools.numpy_to_point(green_point_np) green_pub.publish(green_point) time.sleep(1) # Now we have two points, find their midpoint and calculate a target angle midpoint = (red_point_np + green_point_np) / 2 between_vector = green_point_np - red_point_np # Red is on the left when we go out. yaw_theta = np.arctan2(between_vector[1], between_vector[0]) # Rotate that theta by 90 deg to get the angle through the buoys yaw_theta += np.pi / 2.0 p = midpoint q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw_theta) target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header = mil_tools.make_header(frame="enu") target_pose.pose = mil_tools.numpy_quat_pair_to_pose(p, q) return StartGateResponse(target=target_pose, success=True)
def enu_position_to_geo_point(self, enu_array): self.send_feedback('Waiting for LLA conversion') lla_msg = yield self.to_lla( ToLLRequest(map_point=numpy_to_point(enu_array))) defer.returnValue(lla_msg.ll_point)
def run(self, args): if not self.pose: raise Exception('Cant move: No odom') commands = args.commands arguments = commands[1::2] commands = commands[0::2] self.send_feedback('Switching wrench to autonomous') yield self.change_wrench('autonomous') for i in xrange(len(commands)): command = commands[i] argument = arguments[i] action_kwargs = {'move_type': args.movetype, 'speed_factor': args.speedfactor} action_kwargs['blind'] = args.blind if args.speedfactor is not None: if ',' in args.speedfactor: sf = np.array(map(float, args.speedfactor[1:-1].split(','))) else: sf = [float(args.speedfactor)] * 3 action_kwargs['speed_factor'] = sf if args.plantime is not None: action_kwargs['initial_plan_time'] = float(args.plantime) if args.focus is not None: focus = np.array(map(float, args.focus[1:-1].split(','))) focus[2] = 1 # Tell lqrrt we want to look at the point point = numpy_to_point(focus) action_kwargs['focus'] = point if command == 'custom': # Let the user input custom commands, the eval may be dangerous so do away with that at some point. self.send_feedback("Moving with the command: {}".format(argument)) res = yield eval("self.move.{}.go(move_type='{move_type}')".format(argument, **action_kwargs)) elif command == 'rviz': self.send_feedback('Select a 2D Nav Goal in RVIZ') target_pose = yield util.wrap_time_notice(self.rviz_goal.get_next_message(), 2, "Rviz goal") self.send_feedback('RVIZ pose recieved!') res = yield self.move.to_pose(target_pose).go(**action_kwargs) elif command == 'circle': self.send_feedback('Select a Publish Point in RVIZ') target_point = yield util.wrap_time_notice(self.rviz_point.get_next_message(), 2, "Rviz point") self.send_feedback('RVIZ point recieved!') target_point = rosmsg_to_numpy(target_point.point) distance = np.linalg.norm(target_point - self.pose[0]) target_point = rosmsg_to_numpy(target_point.point) direction = 'cw' if argument == '-1' else 'ccw' res = yield self.move.circle_point(target_point, direction=direction).go(radius=distance) else: shorthand = {"f": "forward", "b": "backward", "l": "left", "r": "right", "yl": "yaw_left", "yr": "yaw_right"} command = command if command not in shorthand.keys() else shorthand[command] movement = getattr(self.move, command) trans_move = command[:3] != "yaw" unit = "m" if trans_move else "rad" amount = argument # See if there's a non standard unit at the end of the argument if not argument[-1].isdigit(): last_digit_index = [i for i, c in enumerate(argument) if c.isdigit()][-1] + 1 amount = float(argument[:last_digit_index]) unit = argument[last_digit_index:] # Get the kwargs to pass to the action server station_hold = amount == '0' if station_hold: action_kwargs['move_type'] = 'hold' msg = "Moving {} ".format(command) if trans_move else "Yawing {} ".format(command[4:]) self.send_feedback(msg + "{}{}".format(amount, unit)) res = yield movement(float(amount), unit).go(**action_kwargs) if res.failure_reason is not '': raise Exception('Move failed. Reason: {}'.format(res.failure_reason)) defer.returnValue('Move completed successfully!')