Пример #1
    def test_read_mime_types(self):
        eq = self.assertEqual

        # Unreadable file returns None

        with support.temp_dir() as directory:
            data = "x-application/x-unittest pyunit\n"
            file = pathlib.Path(directory, "sample.mimetype")
            mime_dict = mimetypes.read_mime_types(file)
            eq(mime_dict[".pyunit"], "x-application/x-unittest")

        # bpo-41048: read_mime_types should read the rule file with 'utf-8' encoding.
        # Not with locale encoding. _bootlocale has been imported because io.open(...)
        # uses it.
        with support.temp_dir() as directory:
            data = "application/no-mans-land  Fran\u00E7ais"
            file = pathlib.Path(directory, "sample.mimetype")
            file.write_text(data, encoding='utf-8')
            import _bootlocale
            with support.swap_attr(_bootlocale,
                                   lambda do_setlocale=True: 'ASCII'):
                mime_dict = mimetypes.read_mime_types(file)
            eq(mime_dict[".Français"], "application/no-mans-land")
Пример #2
    def test_read_mime_types(self):
        eq = self.assertEqual

        # Unreadable file returns None

        with support.temp_dir() as directory:
            data = "x-application/x-unittest pyunit\n"
            file = pathlib.Path(directory, "sample.mimetype")
            mime_dict = mimetypes.read_mime_types(file)
            eq(mime_dict[".pyunit"], "x-application/x-unittest")
Пример #3
def loadMimeTypes(mimetype_locations=['/etc/mime.types']):
    Multiple file locations containing mime-types can be passed as a list.
    The files will be sourced in that order, overriding mime-types from the
    files sourced beforehand, but only if a new entry explicitly overrides
    the current entry.
    import mimetypes
    # Grab Python's built-in mimetypes dictionary.
    contentTypes = mimetypes.types_map
    # Update Python's semi-erroneous dictionary with a few of the
    # usual suspects.
        '.conf': 'text/plain',
        '.diff': 'text/plain',
        '.exe': 'application/x-executable',
        '.flac': 'audio/x-flac',
        '.java': 'text/plain',
        '.ogg': 'application/ogg',
        '.oz': 'text/x-oz',
        '.swf': 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
        '.tgz': 'application/x-gtar',
        '.wml': 'text/vnd.wap.wml',
        '.xul': 'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml',
        '.py': 'text/plain',
        '.patch': 'text/plain',
    # Users can override these mime-types by loading them out configuration
    # files (this defaults to ['/etc/mime.types']).
    for location in mimetype_locations:
        if os.path.exists(location):

    return contentTypes
Пример #4
def untar(input_path, output_path):
    function allowing to untar files
    print("Reading archive at " + str(input_path))
    ext = mimetypes.guess_type(input_path)
    ext = str(ext[0]) + str(ext[1])

    # if mime type is None
    if ext is None:
        ext = mimetypes.read_mime_types(input_path)
    # if mime type is still None - read the extension
    if ext is None:
        raise UnknowMimeType(path.split(input_path)[1])

    if 'bzip2' in ext:
        with open(input_path, 'rb') as zipfile:

            data = bz2.decompress(zipfile.read())
            print(output_path + (path.split(input_path)[1].split('.')[0]))
            fzip = open(
                          (path.split(input_path)[1].split('.')[0]) + '.txt'),
    elif 'zip' in ext:
        zip_ref = FZ.ZipFile(input_path, 'r')

        raise NotImplementedError()
Пример #5
def loadMimeTypes(mimetype_locations=['/etc/mime.types']):
        Multiple file locations containing mime-types can be passed as a list.
        The files will be sourced in that order, overriding mime-types from the
        files sourced beforehand, but only if a new entry explicitly overrides
        the current entry.
    import mimetypes
    # Grab Python's built-in mimetypes dictionary.
    contentTypes = mimetypes.types_map
    # Update Python's semi-erroneous dictionary with a few of the
    # usual suspects.
            '.conf':  'text/plain',
            '.diff':  'text/plain',
            '.exe':   'application/x-executable',
            '.flac':  'audio/x-flac',
            '.java':  'text/plain',
            '.ogg':   'application/ogg',
            '.oz':    'text/x-oz',
            '.swf':   'application/x-shockwave-flash',
            '.tgz':   'application/x-gtar',
            '.wml':   'text/vnd.wap.wml',
            '.xul':   'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml',
    # Users can override these mime-types by loading them out configuration
    # files (this defaults to ['/etc/mime.types']).
    for location in mimetype_locations:
        if os.path.exists(location):
    return contentTypes
Пример #6
def loadMimeTypes(mimetype_locations=['/etc/mime.types']):
    Multiple file locations containing mime-types can be passed as a list.
    The files will be sourced in that order, overriding mime-types from the
    files sourced beforehand, but only if a new entry explicitly overrides
    the current entry.
    import mimetypes
    contentTypes = mimetypes.types_map
            '.conf':  'text/plain',
            '.diff':  'text/plain',
            '.exe':   'application/x-executable',
            '.flac':  'audio/x-flac',
            '.java':  'text/plain',
            '.ogg':   'application/ogg',
            '.oz':    'text/x-oz',
            '.swf':   'application/x-shockwave-flash',
            '.tgz':   'application/x-gtar',
            '.wml':   'text/vnd.wap.wml',
            '.xul':   'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml',
            '.py':    'text/plain',
            '.patch': 'text/plain',
    for location in mimetype_locations:
        if os.path.exists(location):
    return contentTypes
Пример #7
    def getFile(self, content_type, base_dir, file_name):
        file_name = '%s/%s' % (base_dir, file_name)

        if (file_name and os.path.isfile(file_name)):
            content_type = read_mime_types(file_name)
            with open(file_name) as fh:
                return content_type, fh.read()
            return None, None
 def test_upload_file(self):
     # note: due to limitations in the XML-RPC API, this test will always create a new media item
     filename = 'wordpress_logo.png'
     with open('tests/files/' + filename, "rb") as img:
         data = {
             'name': filename,
             'bits': xmlrpc_client.Binary(img.read()),
             'type': mimetypes.read_mime_types(filename) or mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0],
         response = self.client.call(media.UploadFile(data))
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, dict))
Пример #9
def main():
    file_count = 0
    exception_list = ''
    filetype = {'BE': {'BE000000AB': 'WRI'}, '5F': {'5F27A889': 'JAR', '5F434153455F': 'CAS/CBK'}, '5A': {'5A4F4F20': 'ZOO'}, '5B': {'5B50686F6E655D': 'DUN', '5B7665725D': 'SAM', '5B5645525D': 'SAM', '5B57696E646F7773': 'CPX', '5B47656E6572616C': 'ECF', '5B4D535643': 'VCW', '5B666C7473696D2E': 'CFG'}, '24': {'24464C3240282329': 'SAV'}, '25': {'252150532D41646F': 'EPS', '25504446': 'PDF/FDF'}, '21': {'2112': 'AIN', '213C617263683E0A': 'LIB'}, '23': {'23204D6963726F73': 'DSP', '23204469736B2044': 'VMDK', '2320': 'MSI','2320496':'IN', '2321414D52': 'AMR', '233F52414449414E': 'HDR'}, '28': {'2854686973206669': 'HQX'}, '2D': {'2D6C68': 'LHA/LZH'}, '2E': {'2E524543': 'IVR', '2E7261FD00': 'RA', '2E736E64': 'AU', '2E524D4600000012': 'RA/RM/RVB'}, '2A': {'2A2A2A2020496E73': 'LOG'}, '1A': {'1A04': 'ARC', '1A02': 'ARC', '1A03': 'ARC', '1A0000040000': 'NSF', '1A350100': 'ETH', '1A08': 'ARC', '1A52545320434F4D': 'DAT', '1A0000': 'NTF', '1A0B': 'PAK', '1A09': 'ARC', '1A45DFA393428288': 'MKV'}, '58': {'5854': 'BDR', '5850434F4D0A5479': 'XPT', '582D': 'EML', '58435000': 'CAP'}, '55': {'554641C6D2C1': 'UFA', '55434558': 'UCE', '55464F4F72626974': 'DAT'}, '54': {'5468697320697320': 'INFO'}, '57': {'576F726450726F': 'LWP', '57696E5A6970': 'ZIP', '575332303030': 'WS2', '574D4D50': 'DAT'}, '56': {'56455253494F4E20': 'CTL', '564350434830': 'PCH', '56657273696F6E20': 'MIF'}, '51': {'5157205665722E20': 'QSD', '51454C20': 'QEL', '514649': 'QEMU'}, '50': {'504158': 'PAX', '5041434B': 'PAK', '504B4C495445': 'ZIP', '504B0708': 'ZIP', '504943540008': 'IMG', '504E4349554E444F': 'DAT', '50350A': 'PGM', '50455354': 'DAT', '504B0304': 'ZIP(xls/xlsx/docx/swx/jar/kwd/ODP/ODT/OTT/pptx)', '504147454455': 'DMP', '504750644D41494E': 'PGD', '504B537058': 'ZIP', '504B0506': 'ZIP', '504D4343': 'GRP', '5000000020000000': 'IDX'}, '53': {'53494554524F4E49': 'CPI', '5349542100': 'SIT', '53484F57': 'SHW', '53514C4F434F4E56': 'CNV', '537570657243616C': 'CAL', '53514C69746520666F726D6174203300': 'DB', '534D415254445257': 'SDR', '53434D49': 'IMG', '5343486C': 'AST', '5374756666497420': 'SIT'}, '52': {'52494646': 'RIFF/4XM/ANI/AVI/CDA/CDR/CMX/DAT/DS4/QCP/RMI/WAV', '52657475726E2D50': 'EML', '5245564E554D3A2C': 'AD', '52415A4154444231': 'DAT', '526172211A0700': 'RAR', '52454745444954': 'REG', '52545353': 'CAP'}, 'B4': {'B46E6844': 'TIB'}, 'B5': {'B5A2B0B3B3B0A5B5': 'CAL'}, 'B0': {'B04D4643': 'PWL'}, 'B1': {'B168DE3A': 'DCX'}, 'FD': {'FDFFFFFF22': 'XLS', 'FDFFFFFF23': 'XLS', 'FDFFFFFF1C000000': 'PPT', 'FDFFFFFF1F': 'XLS', 'FDFFFFFF': 'DB', 'FDFFFFFF43000000': 'PPT', 'FDFFFFFF28': 'XLS', 'FDFFFFFF29': 'XLS', 'FDFFFFFF10': 'XLS', 'FDFFFFFF04': 'SUO', 'FDFFFFFF0E000000': 'PPT'}, '1D': {'1D7D': 'WS'}, 'FF': {'FFD8FFE3': 'JPEG', 'FFD8FFE2': 'JPEG', 'FFD8FFE1': 'JPG', 'FFD8FFE0': 'JFIF/JFIF/JPEG/JPG', 'FF4B455942202020': 'SYS', 'FFD8FFE8': 'JPG', 'FF575043': 'WP', 'FFFE': 'REG', 'FF464F4E54': 'CPI', 'FFFE23006C006900': 'MOF',  'FFFFFFFF': 'SYS', 'FF00020004040554': 'WKS'}, '67': {'67490000': 'SHD'}, '89': {'89504E470D0A1A0A': 'PNG'}, '3C': {'3C': 'XML/HTML/XDR', '3C3F786D6C2076657273696F6E3D': 'MANIFEST', '3C3F78': 'XML', '3C4D616B65724669': 'MIF', '3C21646F63747970': 'DCI'}, '80': {'80000020031204': 'ADX', '80': 'OBJ'}, '81': {'813284C18505D011': 'WAB'}, '3F': {'3F5F0300': 'GID/HLP'}, '3E': {'3E000300FEFF090006': 'WB3'}, '02': {'02647373': 'DSS'}, '03': {'03': 'DAT', '03000000': 'QPH', '0300000041505052': 'ADX'}, '00': {'00000100': 'SPL', '00004D4D585052': 'QXD', '001E849000000000': 'SNM', '00001A00051004': '123', '000100005374616E64617264204A6574204442': 'MDB', '006E1EF0': 'PPT', '00000020667479704D3441': 'M4A', '0000000C6A502020': 'JP2', '000001B3': 'MPG', '0000FFFFFFFF': 'HLP', '0000002066747970': '3GP', '0000001866747970': '3GP5', '00014241': 'ABA', '00014244': 'DBA', '0000001466747970': '3GP', '000100004D534953414D204461746162617365': 'MNY/TTF', '00001A0002100400': 'WK4', '00001A0000100400': 'WK3', '000001BA': 'MPG/VOB', '000100005374616E6461726420414345204442': 'ACCDB', '0006156100000002000004D200001000': 'DB', '0011': 'FLI', '00000200': 'CUR', '00004949585052': 'QXD'}, '01': {'01FF02040302': 'DRW', '01DA01010003': 'RGB', '0110': 'TR1', '010F0000': 'MDF'}, '07': {'0764743264647464': 'DTD', '07': 'DRW', '07534B46': 'SKF'}, '04': {'04': 'DB4'}, '08': {'08': 'DB'}, '09': {'0908100000060500': 'XLS'}, 'E9': {'E9': 'SYS/COM'}, 'E8': {'E8': 'SYS/COM'}, 'E4': {'E4525C7B8CD8A74D': 'ONE'}, 'E0': {'E01': ''}, 'E3': {'E3828596': 'PWL', 'E310000100000000': 'INFO'}, 'ED': {'EDABEEDB': 'RPM'}, 'EC': {'ECA5C100': 'DOC'}, 'EB': {'EB3C902A': 'IMG', 'EB': 'SYS/COM'}, '0C': {'0CED': 'MP'}, '0A': {'0A030101': 'PCX', '0A020101': 'PCX', '0A050101': 'PCX'}, '0F': {'0F00E803': 'PPT'}, '0D': {'0D444F43': 'DOC'}, '0E': {'0E574B53': 'WKS', '0E4E65726F49534F': 'NRI'}, '38': {'38425053': 'PSD'}, '32': {'32BE': 'WRI'}, '31': {'31BE': 'WRI'}, '30': {'3026B2758E66CF11': 'WMA/WMF', '30': 'CAT', '30314F52444E414E': 'NTF', '300000004C664C65': 'EVT'}, '37': {'377ABCAF271C': '7Z'}, '60': {'60EA': 'ARJ'}, '63': {'6375736800000002': 'CSH', '636F6E6563746978': 'VHD'}, '64': {'646E732E': 'AU', '6465780A30303900': 'dex', '64000000': 'P10', '64737766696C65': 'DSW'}, 'FE': {'FEEF': 'GHO-GHS'}, '66': {'66490000': 'SHD', '664C614300000022': 'FLAC', '66726565': 'MOV'}, '1F': {'1F8B08': 'GZ', '1FA0': 'TAR.Z', '1F9D90': 'TAR.Z'}, '68': {'68490000': 'SHD'}, '9C': {'9CCBCB8D1375D211': 'WAB'}, 'C8': {'C8007900': 'LBK'}, 'C3': {'C3ABCDAB': 'ACS'}, '78': {'78': 'DMG'}, 'C5': {'C5D0D3C6': 'EPS'}, 'CA': {'CAFEBABE': 'CLASS'}, 'CF': {'CFAD12FE': 'DBX', 'CF11E0A1B11AE100': 'DOC'}, '99': {'99': 'GPG', '9901': 'PKR'}, '91': {'91334846': 'HAP'}, '95': {'9500': 'SKR', '9501': 'SKR'}, '11': {'1100000053434341': 'PF'}, '6C': {'6C33336C': 'DBB'}, '6D': {'6D6F6F76': 'MOV', '6D646174': 'MOV'}, '8A': {'8A0109000000E108': 'AW'}, 'DB': {'DBA52D00': 'DOC'}, 'DC': {'DCFE': 'EFX', 'DCDC': 'CPL'}, '3A': {'3A56455253494F4E': 'SLE'}, '7E': {'7E424B00': 'PSP'}, '7B': {'7B0D0A6F20': 'LGC/LGD', '7B5C707769': 'PWI', '7B5C72746631': 'RTF'}, '7A': {'7A626578': 'INFO'}, '49': {'494433': 'MP3', '49545346': 'CHI/CHM', '49544F4C49544C53': 'LIT', '49443303000000': 'KOZ', '496E6E6F20536574': 'DAT', '49536328': 'CAB/HDR', '49491A0000004845': 'CRW', '492049': 'TIF/TIFF', '49492A00': 'TIF'}, '46': {'464158434F564552': 'CPE', '465753': 'SWF', '46726F6D': 'EML', '464C56': 'FLV', '464F524D00': 'AIFF'}, '47': {'47494638': 'GIF', '47504154': 'PAT'}, '44': {'44424648': 'DB', '444D5321': 'DMS', '444F53': 'ADF', '445644': 'DVR'}, '45': {'454C49544520436F': 'CDR', '454E545259564344': 'VCD', '456C6646696C6500': 'EVTX', '458600000600': 'QBB', '455646090D0AFF00': 'E01', '4552465353415645': 'DAT', '4550': 'MDI'}, '42': {'425A68': 'TAR.BZ2', '424F4F4B4D4F4249': 'PRC', '424D': 'BMP/DIB', '424547494E3A5643': 'VCF', '424C4932323351': 'BIN'}, '43': {'436174616C6F6720': 'CTF', '4350543746494C45': 'CPT', '43232B44A4434DA5': 'RTD', '434F4D2B': 'CLB', '434246494C45': 'CBD', '43524547': 'DAT', '43505446494C45': 'CPT', '435753': 'SWF', '434D5831': 'CLB', '436C69656E742055': 'DAT', '4344303031': 'ISO', '434F5744': 'VMDK', '43525553482076': 'CRU'}, '40': {'40404020000040404040': 'ENL'}, '41': {'414376': 'SLE', '41724301': 'ARC', '415647365F496E74': 'DAT', '41433130': 'DWG', '414D594F': 'SYW', '414F4C': 'ABI/ABY/BAG/IDX/IDX/IND/IND/ORG/PFC/PFC'}, 'A0': {'A0461DF0': 'PPT'}, 'A9': {'A90D000000000000': 'DAT'}, 'AC': {'ACED000573720012': 'PDB', 'AC9EBD8F0000': 'QDF'}, '77': {'77696465': 'MOV'}, '76': {'76323030332E3130': 'FLT'}, '75': {'7573746172': 'TAR'}, '74': {'74424D504B6E5772': 'PRC'}, '73': {'737A657A': 'PDB', '736C682E': 'DAT', '736C6821': 'DAT', '737263646F636964': 'CAL', '736D5F': 'PDB', '736B6970': 'MOV'}, '72': {'72696666': 'AC', '72656766': 'DAT', '727473703A2F2F': 'RAM'}, '70': {'706E6F74': 'MOV'}, '4F': {'4F504C4461746162': 'DBF', '4F67675300020000': 'OGA/OGG/OGX/OGV', '4F7B': 'DW4'}, '4D': {'4D6963726F736F667420432F432B2B20': 'PDB', '4D4C5357': 'MLS', '4D6963726F736F66742057696E646F7773204D6564696120506C61796572202D2D20': 'WPL', '4D56': 'DSN', '4D494C4553': 'MLS', '4D52564E': 'NVRAM', '4D546864': 'MID/MIDI', '4D4D002B': 'TIF/TIFF', '4D563243': 'MLS', '4D41523100': 'MAR', '4D4D002A': 'TIF', '4D534346': 'CAB', '4D5A': 'Windows/DOS executable file', '4D41723000': 'MAR', '4D444D5093A7': 'HDMP', '4D53465402000100': 'TLB', '4D535F564F494345': 'CDR/MSV', '4D6963726F736F66742056697375616C': 'SLN', '4D4D4D440000': 'MMF', '4D2D5720506F636B': 'PDB', '4D56323134': 'MLS'}, '4E': {'4E49544630': 'NTF', '4E45534D1A01': 'NSF', '4E422A00': 'JNT/JIP', '4E616D653A20': 'COD', '4E41565452414646': 'DAT'}, '4B': {'4B444D': 'VMDK', '4B47425F61726368': 'KGB', '4B490000': 'SHD'}, '4C': {'4C4E0200': 'GID/HLP', '4C01': 'OBJ', '4C5646090D0AFF00': 'E01', '4C00000001140200': 'LNK'}, '4A': {'4A47030E': 'JG', '4A4152435300': 'JAR', '4A47040E': 'JG'}, '48': {'4848474231': 'SH3', '48695021': 'hip'}, 'D7': {'D7CDC69A': 'WMF'}, 'D4': {'D42A': 'AUT'}, 'D0': {'D0CF11E0A1B11AE1': 'PPT/XLS/DOC/PPS/MSI/MSC/MTW/OPT/XLA/VSD'}, '69': {'696D' : 'Python'}}

    # Identify file types. This chunk is cpu intensive. To get past the lazy stupid os.walk issues:
    # chunk the console printing
    # chunk the result file writing
    # Use nested dictionary to first match first byte and process further if match found

    folder = folder_handler()
    f = open('results.txt', 'a+')
    for path, folders, files in os.walk(folder):
        chunk = ''
        for file_name in files:
            file_num = 0
            file_count += 1
            mime_result = ''
            file_full = os.path.join(path, file_name)
            file_title, ext = os.path.splitext(file_full)

                all_mime = mimetypes.read_mime_types(file_full)  # Loading the mime and type map
                if ext in all_mime.keys():
                    mime_result = all_mime.get(ext).replace('application/', '').replace('x-', '').replace('-program', '')
                mime_result = ''

                with open(file_full) as fi:
                    hex_content = fi.read(7).encode('hex')
            except IOError as e:
                exception_list = "".join(file_full)

            hex_content2 = hex_content[0:2].upper()
            hex_content7 = hex_content[0:7].upper()
            if hex_content2 and hex_content2 in filetype.keys():
                for key, value in filetype[hex_content2].iteritems():
                    if key in hex_content7 or hex_content7 in key and file_num == 0:
                        file_num = 1
                        chunk = "".join("%s : %s %s" % (file_full, value, str(mime_result)))
                file_num = 1
                chunk = "".join("%s : Not in the signature database %s" % (file_full, str(mime_result)))

        if chunk:
            write_results(f, chunk)
    print 'Files not processed due to permission issues', file_with_exceptions(exception_list)
    print 'Total Files processed = %s' % (str(file_count))
Пример #10
    def get_mimetype(self, media_path):
        Determine/return the mimetype of the specified file path object
        :param media_path:

        to_return = ''
            to_return = mimetypes.read_mime_types(media_path)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            to_return = mimetypes.guess_type(media_path)[0]

        return to_return
Пример #11
 def test_upload_file(self):
     # note: due to limitations in the XML-RPC API, this test will always create a new media item
     filename = 'wordpress_logo.png'
     with open('tests/files/' + filename, "rb") as img:
         data = {
             or mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0],
         response = self.client.call(media.UploadFile(data))
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, dict))
Пример #12
    def test_read_mime_types(self):
        eq = self.assertEqual

        # Unreadable file returns None

        with os_helper.temp_dir() as directory:
            data = "x-application/x-unittest pyunit\n"
            file = pathlib.Path(directory, "sample.mimetype")
            file.write_text(data, encoding="utf-8")
            mime_dict = mimetypes.read_mime_types(file)
            eq(mime_dict[".pyunit"], "x-application/x-unittest")

        # bpo-41048: read_mime_types should read the rule file with 'utf-8' encoding.
        # Not with locale encoding. _bootlocale has been imported because io.open(...)
        # uses it.
        data = "application/no-mans-land  Fran\u00E7ais"
        filename = "filename"
        fp = io.StringIO(data)
        with unittest.mock.patch.object(mimetypes, 'open',
                                        return_value=fp) as mock_open:
            mime_dict = mimetypes.read_mime_types(filename)
            mock_open.assert_called_with(filename, encoding='utf-8')
        eq(mime_dict[".Français"], "application/no-mans-land")
Пример #13
    def _prepare_files(self, array: dict, field: str, files: list) -> dict:
        """Prepares a message file.

        :param dict array: Result array to fill
        :param str  field: Type of files to prepare
        :param list files: List of files to prepare

        :returns: Prepared files

        for idx, file in enumerate(files):
            key = field + '[' + str(idx) + ']'

            if file['type'] == self.FILE_TYPE_FILE:
                if not file['mime_type']:
                    file['mime_type'] = mimetypes.read_mime_types(

                if not file['file_name']:
                    file['file_name'] = os.path.basename(file['file_path'])

                array[key] = (file['file_name'], open(file['file_path'],
                                                      'rb'), file['mime_type'])
            elif file['type'] == self.FILE_TYPE_CONTENT:
                if not file['file_name']:
                    file['file_name'] = 'file.dat'

                if not file['mime_type']:
                    file['mime_type'] = 'application/octet-stream'

                array[key] = (file['file_name'], file['content'],
            elif file['type'] == self.FILE_TYPE_URL:
                if not file['file_name']:
                    file['file_name'] = os.path.basename(file['url'])

                if not file['mime_type']:
                    file['mime_type'] = 'application/octet-stream'

                response = requests.get(file['url'])

                array[key] = (file['file_name'], response.content,

        return array
Пример #14
    def uploader(self, parent_asset_id, file_loc):
        parent_asset_id : str
            A UUID representing the parent asset ID.
        file_loc : str
            The location of the file you want to upload

        # Create a new asset.
        asset = self.client.create_asset(

        return self.client.upload(asset, open(file_loc, "rb"))
Пример #15
    def saveimages(self, client, siteurl):

        # 保存图片
        for i in self.images:
            imgurl = urllib.urlopen(i.oldurl)
            if imgurl.getcode() == 200:
                imgdata = imgurl.read()
                if len(imgdata) > 0:
                    filename = os.path.basename(i.oldurl)
                    data = {
                        'name': filename,
                        'bits': xmlrpc_client.Binary(imgdata),
                        'type': mimetypes.read_mime_types(filename) or mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0],
                    response = client.call(media.UploadFile(data))
                    i.newurl = response["url"]
                    i.id = response["id"]
        # 替换
        for i in self.images:
            strinfo = re.compile(i.oldurl)
            self.post.content = strinfo.sub(i.newurl, self.post.content)
        # 给图片加链接
        imgs = pq(self.post.content).find("img[src!='']")
        for i in imgs:
            e = pq(i)
            imgobj = ""
            item = filter(lambda x:x.newurl == e.attr("src"), self.images)
            if len(item) > 0:
                imgobj = item[0]
            if imgobj != "":
                oldimg = lxml.html.tostring(i)
                newimg = "<a href='%s%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>" % (siteurl, imgobj.getimageurl(), oldimg)
                strinfo = re.compile("""<img\s.*?\s?src\s*=\s*['|"]?(%s).*?>""" % imgobj.newurl)
                self.post.content = strinfo.sub(newimg, self.post.content)

        # 清空
        self.images = []
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, path):
        import os
        import mimetypes

        self.directory = Directory(
        self.path: str = path
        self.fileName = os.path.split(path)[-1]
        self.absPath: str = os.path.abspath(path)
            self.relPath: str = os.path.relpath(path)
        except ValueError:
            self.relPath: Optional[str] = None
        self.os = os

        self._fd: Optional[io.IOBase] = None
        self._fileOpen = False

            self.mimeType = mimetypes.read_mime_types(self.path)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
Пример #17
def loadMimeTypes(mimetype_locations=["/etc/mime.types"]):
    Multiple file locations containing mime-types can be passed as a list.
    The files will be sourced in that order, overriding mime-types from the
    files sourced beforehand, but only if a new entry explicitly overrides
    the current entry.
    import mimetypes

    # Grab Python's built-in mimetypes dictionary.
    contentTypes = mimetypes.types_map
    # Update Python's semi-erroneous dictionary with a few of the
    # usual suspects.
            ".conf": "text/plain",
            ".diff": "text/plain",
            ".exe": "application/x-executable",
            ".flac": "audio/x-flac",
            ".java": "text/plain",
            ".ogg": "application/ogg",
            ".oz": "text/x-oz",
            ".swf": "application/x-shockwave-flash",
            ".tgz": "application/x-gtar",
            ".wml": "text/vnd.wap.wml",
            ".xul": "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml",
            ".py": "text/plain",
            ".patch": "text/plain",
    # Users can override these mime-types by loading them out configuration
    # files (this defaults to ['/etc/mime.types']).
    for location in mimetype_locations:
        if os.path.exists(location):
            more = mimetypes.read_mime_types(location)
            if more is not None:

    return contentTypes
Пример #18
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import mimetypes
import os
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields.files import FieldFile
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

# additional mimetypes, for example Office 2007/2010 documents
mime_file = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data/mime.types')
type_map = mimetypes.read_mime_types(mime_file)
for extension, mime_type in type_map.iteritems():
    mimetypes.add_type(mime_type, extension)

class DocumentStatus(models.Model):
    Status of the document.
    Defines document's stage in the workflow or just marks it as some custom
    status, eg. draft, unreviewed, published, etc.
    name        = models.CharField(_("status name"), max_length=150, help_text=_("Displayed name of the document's status."))
    slug        = models.SlugField(max_length=150, unique=True, help_text=_("Slug name - important for the programmers."))
    description = models.CharField(_("status description"), max_length=250, blank=True, help_text=_("Status description - can be left empty."))
    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _("Document status")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Document statuses")
Пример #19
    _isSecureSSL = True  # That is handled by your browser
    nam = QNetworkAccessManager()
    MyCookieJar = None

def getFileNameForUrl(dlKey: str) -> str:
    return os.path.join(conf.currentPortalConfigDirectory,

if not isPyodide:

if os.path.exists("mime.types"):

# Source: http://srinikom.github.io/pyside-docs/PySide/QtNetwork/QNetworkReply.html
NetworkErrorDescrs = {
    "The remote server refused the connection (the server is not accepting requests)",
    "The remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received "
    "and processed",
    "The remote host name was not found (invalid hostname)",
    "The connection to the remote server timed out",
    "The operation was canceled via calls to PySide.QtNetwork.abort() or "
    "PySide.QtNetwork.close() before it was finished.",
Пример #20
	QSslConfiguration.setDefaultConfiguration( baseSslConfig )
	nam = QNetworkAccessManager()
	_isSecureSSL = True
	#We got no valid certificate file - accept all SSL connections
	nam = QNetworkAccessManager()
	class SSLFIX( QtCore.QObject ):
		def onSSLError(self, networkReply,  sslErros ):
	nam.sslErrors.connect( _SSLFIX.onSSLError )
	_isSecureSSL = False

if os.path.exists("mime.types"):
	mimetypes.types_map.update( mimetypes.read_mime_types("mime.types") )

#Source: http://srinikom.github.io/pyside-docs/PySide/QtNetwork/QNetworkReply.html
NetworkErrorDescrs = {
	"ConnectionRefusedError": "The remote server refused the connection (the server is not accepting requests)",
	"RemoteHostClosedError": "The remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed",
	"HostNotFoundError": "The remote host name was not found (invalid hostname)",
	"TimeoutError": "The connection to the remote server timed out",
	"OperationCanceledError": "The operation was canceled via calls to PySide.QtNetwork.abort() or PySide.QtNetwork.close() before it was finished.",
	"SslHandshakeFailedError": "The SSL/TLS handshake failed and the encrypted channel could not be established. The PySide.QtNetwork.sslErrors() signal should have been emitted.",
	"TemporaryNetworkFailureError": "The connection was broken due to disconnection from the network, however the system has initiated roaming to another access point. The request should be resubmitted and will be processed as soon as the connection is re-established.",
	"ProxyConnectionRefusedError": "The connection to the proxy server was refused (the proxy server is not accepting requests)",
	"ProxyConnectionClosedError": "The proxy server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed",
	"ProxyNotFoundError": "The proxy host name was not found (invalid proxy hostname)",
	"ProxyTimeoutError": "The connection to the proxy timed out or the proxy did not reply in time to the request sent",
	"ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError": "The proxy requires authentication in order to honour the request but did not accept any credentials offered (if any)",
Пример #21
            eq(mime_dict[".pyunit"], "x-application/x-unittest")

        # bpo-41048: read_mime_types should read the rule file with 'utf-8' encoding.
        # Not with locale encoding. _bootlocale has been imported because io.open(...)
        # uses it.
<<<<<<< HEAD
        with os_helper.temp_dir() as directory:
        with support.temp_dir() as directory:
>>>>>>> 3.9
            data = "application/no-mans-land  Fran\u00E7ais"
            file = pathlib.Path(directory, "sample.mimetype")
            file.write_text(data, encoding='utf-8')
            import _bootlocale
            with support.swap_attr(_bootlocale, 'getpreferredencoding', lambda do_setlocale=True: 'ASCII'):
                mime_dict = mimetypes.read_mime_types(file)
            eq(mime_dict[".Français"], "application/no-mans-land")

    def test_non_standard_types(self):
        eq = self.assertEqual
        # First try strict
        eq(self.db.guess_type('foo.xul', strict=True), (None, None))
        eq(self.db.guess_extension('image/jpg', strict=True), None)
        # And then non-strict
        eq(self.db.guess_type('foo.xul', strict=False), ('text/xul', None))
        eq(self.db.guess_type('foo.XUL', strict=False), ('text/xul', None))
        eq(self.db.guess_type('foo.invalid', strict=False), (None, None))
        eq(self.db.guess_extension('image/jpg', strict=False), '.jpg')
        eq(self.db.guess_extension('image/JPG', strict=False), '.jpg')

    def test_filename_with_url_delimiters(self):
Пример #22
 def register_mimetype_file(self, fname):
     """Register a mimetype for a given extension.
     for ext, t in mimetypes.read_mime_types(fname).iteritems():
         mimetypes.add_type(t, ext)
Пример #23
            except e:
                print("Error open tokens file: " + e)
        oauth = authenticate_with_box()

    if len(argv) == 2:
        if str(argv[1]) == "firstrun":
            print("First run exiting")

    print("Loading mimetypes")
    mimetype_locations = ['/etc/mime.types']
    contentTypes = mimetypes.types_map
    for location in mimetype_locations:
        if os.path.exists(location):
            more = mimetypes.read_mime_types(location)
            if more is not None:

    print("Starting box client")
    client = Client(oauth)
    me = client.user(user_id='me').get()
    print('user_login: '******'login'])

    if len(argv) == 2:
    # debug terminal at end
Пример #24
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, mimetypes.read_mime_types(self.input(0)))
Пример #25
    def __init__(self, magic_file=''):

        ''' initialization method for labMagic class

        :param magic_file: [optional] string with local path to magic.mgc file

        title = '%s.__init__' % self.__class__.__name__

    # construct class field model
        from jsonmodel.validators import jsonModel
        self.fields = jsonModel(self._class_fields)

    # validate inputs
        input_fields = {
            'magic_file': magic_file
        for key, value in input_fields.items():
            if value:
                object_title = '%s(%s=%s)' % (title, key, str(value))
                self.fields.validate(value, '.%s' % key, object_title)

    # construct magic method
        magic_kwargs = {
            'mime': True,
            'uncompress': True
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        sys_name = localhostClient().os.sysname
        if sys_name == 'Windows':
            if not magic_file:
                raise IndexError('%s(magic_file="...") is required on Windows systems.')
        import os
        if magic_file:
            if not os.path.exists(magic_file):
                raise ValueError('%s(magic_file=%s) is not a valid file path.' % (title, magic_file))
            magic_kwargs['magic_file'] = magic_file
        # workaround for module namespace conflict
            from sys import path as sys_path
            import magic
            sys_path.insert(0, sys_path.pop())
            self.magic = magic.Magic(**magic_kwargs)
            raise Exception('\nmagiclab requires the python-magic module. try: pip install python-magic\npython-magic requires the C library libmagic. See documentation in labpack.parsing.magic.')

    # construct mimetypes method
        import mimetypes
        self.mimetypes = mimetypes.MimeTypes()

    # retrieve updates to mimetypes
        mimetype_urls = self.fields.schema['mimetype_urls']
        from labpack.storage.appdata import appdataClient
        mime_collection = appdataClient('Mime Types')
        mime_filter = mime_collection.conditional_filter([{-1:{'must_contain': ['mime.types']}}])
        mime_list = mime_collection.list(mime_filter)
        for key in mimetype_urls.keys():
            file_path = os.path.join(mime_collection.collection_folder, key)
            if key not in mime_list:
                file_dir = os.path.split(file_path)[0]
                if not os.path.exists(file_dir):
                import requests
                    response = requests.get(mimetype_urls[key])
                except Exception:
                    from labpack.handlers.requests import handle_requests
                    request_kwargs = {'url': mimetype_urls[key]}
                    response_details = handle_requests(requests.Request(**request_kwargs))
                    print('magiclab attempted to retrieve latest mimetype registry resource at %s but ran into this non-fatal error: %s' % (mimetype_urls[key], response_details['error']))
                with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
            ext_map = mimetypes.read_mime_types(file_path)
            for key, value in ext_map.items():
                self.mimetypes.add_type(value, key)
Пример #26
 def register_mimetype_file(self, fname):
     """Register a mimetype for a given extension.
     for ext, t in mimetypes.read_mime_types(fname).iteritems():
         mimetypes.add_type(t, ext)
Пример #27
Файл: hfs.py Проект: gandaro/hfs
# See LICENSE for details

import os

from urllib import url2pathname
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from mimetypes import read_mime_types

from gevent import wsgi
from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
from werkzeug.wrappers import Request, Response
from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound, HTTPException
from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule
from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication

MIMETYPES = read_mime_types('/etc/mime.types')
FILEDIR = 'files'

def showfile(request, args):
    # `root' is the file directory's absolute pathname
    root = os.path.abspath(FILEDIR) + os.sep
    path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, args['path'].strip('/\\')))

    if not path.startswith(root):
        raise Forbidden()

    elif not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.isfile(path):
        raise NotFound()

    elif not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
        raise Forbidden()