Пример #1
def test_query_overlapping_filter_keys():
    gt_24 = expr.Comparison('age', expr.Gt(24))
    lt_38 = expr.Comparison('age', expr.Lt(38))
    compound1 = gt_24 & lt_38
    compound2 = gt_24 & lt_38
    query_filter = expr.Query(compound1, compound2).get_filter()
    assert query_filter == {
        '$and': [expr.query_expr(compound1),
Пример #2
def test_query_expr():
    field_name = 'test'
    value = 'value'

    # If you pass in a dictionary it is just returned
    assert expr.query_expr({field_name: value}) == {field_name: value}

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    class FaultyFilterLike(expr.FilterLike):
        def __query_expr__(self) -> dict:
            return 'hello'

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Пример #3
def test_nested_fields():
    assert expr.query_expr(Profile.thumbnail.width == 64) == {
        'thumbnail.width': 64

    assert expr.query_expr(Profile.thumbnail == {'width': 64, 'height': 128}) == \
           {'thumbnail': {'width': 64, 'height': 128}}

    # Add a query context
    tag_eq_holiday = fields.field('tag') == 'holiday'
    # check the query context is being used
    assert expr.query_expr(Profile.thumbnail == {'width': 64, 'height': 128}) == \
           {'$and': [{'tag': 'holiday'}, {'thumbnail': {'width': 64, 'height': 128}}]}

    # now check that it is carried over to 'width'
    assert expr.query_expr(Profile.thumbnail.width == 64) == \
           {'$and': [{'tag': 'holiday'}, {'thumbnail.width': 64}]}
Пример #4
def test_queryable():
    """Test queryable operators result in MongoDB expressions that we expect"""
    field_name = 'test'
    value = 'value'
    list_value = 'val1', 'val2'

    class TestQueryable(expr.Queryable):
        field = field_name

        def get_path(self) -> str:
            return self.field

    queryable = TestQueryable()

    # Check that the field name cannot be None
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        queryable.field = None
        queryable == value

    queryable.field = field_name

    # Special case for equals which drops the operator
    assert expr.query_expr(queryable == value) == {field_name: value}

    # Check that 'simple' operators (i.e. field <op> value)
    simple_operators = {
        '__ne__': '$ne',
        '__gt__': '$gt',
        '__ge__': '$gte',
        '__lt__': '$lt',
        '__le__': '$lte',
    for attr, op in simple_operators.items():
        query_expr = expr.query_expr(getattr(queryable, attr)(value))
        assert query_expr == {field_name: {op: value}}

    # Check operators that take a list of values
    list_operators = {
        'in_': '$in',
        'nin_': '$nin',
    for attr, op in list_operators.items():
        query_expr = expr.query_expr(getattr(queryable, attr)(*list_value))
        assert query_expr == {field_name: {op: list_value}}

    # Test exists
    assert expr.query_expr(queryable.exists_(True)) == {
        field_name: {
            '$exists': True
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # Test regex
    assert expr.query_expr(queryable.regex_(value)) == {
        field_name: {
            '$regex': value
    assert expr.query_expr(queryable.regex_(value, 'i')) == {
        field_name: {
            '$regex': value,
            '$options': 'i'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # Test starts_with
    assert expr.query_expr(queryable.starts_with_(value)) == {
        field_name: {
            '$regex': f'^{value}'