Пример #1
    def _renderObs(self, obs, ac=None):
        if self.viewer is None:
            from minerl.viewer.trajectory_display import HumanTrajectoryDisplay, VectorTrajectoryDisplay
            vector_display = 'Vector' in self.env_spec.name
            header = self.env_spec.name
            # TODO: env_specs should specify renderers.
            instructions = '{}.render()\n Actions listed below.'.format(header)
            subtext = 'render'
            cum_rewards = None
            if not vector_display:
                self.viewer = HumanTrajectoryDisplay(header,

                self.viewer = VectorTrajectoryDisplay(
        # Todo: support more information to the render
        self.viewer.render(obs, 0, 0, ac, 0, 1)

        return self.viewer.isopen
    def _make_display(self, header, subtext, instructions, cum_rewards=None, vector_display=False):
        """Makes the trajectory display. Forms the reward plot from the data frames
            header (str): The header of the individual trajectory
            subtext (str): The subtext of the trajectory.
            instructions (str): The default instructions.

        cum_rewards = np.cumsum([x[2] for x in self.data_frames]) if cum_rewards is None else cum_rewards
        if not vector_display:
            return HumanTrajectoryDisplay(
                header, subtext, instructions=instructions,

            return VectorTrajectoryDisplay(
                header, subtext, instructions=instructions,
Пример #3
class MineRLEnv(gym.Env):
    """The MineRLEnv class.

            To actually create a MineRLEnv. Use any one of the package MineRL environments (Todo: Link.)
            literal blocks::

                import minerl
                import gym

                env = gym.make('MineRLTreechop-v0') # Makes a minerl environment.

                # Use env like any other OpenAI gym environment.
                # ...

            xml (str): The path to the MissionXML file for this environment.
            observation_space (gym.Space): The observation for the environment.
            action_space (gym.Space): The action space for the environment.
            port (int, optional): The port of an exisitng Malmo environment. Defaults to None.
            noop_action (Any, optional): The no-op action for the environment. This must be in the action_space. Defaults to None.
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['rgb_array', 'human']}


    def __init__(self, xml, observation_space, action_space, env_spec, port=None, noop_action=None, docstr=None):
        self.action_space = None
        self.observation_space = None
        self._default_action = noop_action

        self.viewer = None

        self._last_ac = None
        self.xml = None
        self.integratedServerPort = 0
        self.role = 0
        self.agent_count = 0
        self.resets = 0
        self.ns = '{http://ProjectMalmo.microsoft.com}'
        self.client_socket = None

        self.exp_uid = ""
        self.done = True
        self.synchronous = True

        self.width = 0
        self.height = 0
        self.depth = 0

        self.xml_file = xml
        self.has_init = False
        self._seed = None
        self.had_to_clean = False
        self._is_interacting = False
        self._is_real_time = False
        self._last_step_time = -1
        self._already_closed = False
        self.instance = self._get_new_instance(port)
        self.env_spec = env_spec

        self.observation_space = observation_space
        self.action_space = action_space

        self.resets = 0
        self.done = True

    def _get_new_instance(self, port=None, instance_id=None):
        Gets a new instance and sets up a logger if need be. 

        if not port is None:
            instance = InstanceManager.add_existing_instance(port)
            instance = InstanceManager.get_instance(os.getpid(), instance_id=instance_id)

        if InstanceManager.is_remote():
            launch_queue_logger_thread(instance, self.is_closed)

        return instance

    def init(self):
        """Initializes the MineRL Environment.

            This is called automatically when the environment is made.

            observation_space (gym.Space): The observation for the environment.
            action_space (gym.Space): The action space for the environment.
            port (int, optional): The port of an exisitng Malmo environment. Defaults to None.

            EnvException: If the Mission XML is malformed this is thrown.
            ValueError: The space specified for this environment does not have a default action.
            NotImplementedError: When multiagent environments are attempted to be used.
        exp_uid = None

        # Parse XML file
        with open(self.xml_file, 'r') as f:
            xml = f.read()
        # Todo: This will fail when using a remote instance manager.
        xml = xml.replace('$(MISSIONS_DIR)', missions_dir)

        if self.spec is not None:
            xml = xml.replace('$(ENV_NAME)', self.spec.id)
            xml = xml.replace('$(ENV_NAME)', MINERL_CUSTOM_ENV_ID)

        # Bootstrap the environment if it hasn't been.
        role = 0

        if not xml.startswith('<Mission'):
            i = xml.index("<Mission")
            if i == -1:
                raise EnvException("Mission xml must contain <Mission> tag.")
            xml = xml[i:]

        self.xml = etree.fromstring(xml)
        self.role = role
        if exp_uid is None:
            self.exp_uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
            self.exp_uid = exp_uid

        # Force single agent
        self.agent_count = 1
        turn_based = self.xml.find(
            './/' + self.ns + 'TurnBasedCommands') is not None
        if turn_based:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Turn based or multi-agent environments not supported.")

        e = etree.fromstring("""<MissionInit xmlns="http://ProjectMalmo.microsoft.com"
                                SchemaVersion="" PlatformVersion=""" + '\"' + malmo_version + '\"' +
        e.insert(0, self.xml)
        self.xml = e
        self.xml.find(self.ns + 'ClientRole').text = str(self.role)
        self.xml.find(self.ns + 'ExperimentUID').text = self.exp_uid
        if self.role != 0 and self.agent_count > 1:
            e = etree.Element(self.ns + 'MinecraftServerConnection',
                              attrib={'address': self.instance.host,
                                      'port': str(0)
            self.xml.insert(2, e)

        if self._is_interacting:
            hi = etree.fromstring("""
                </HumanInteraction>""".format(self.interact_port, self.max_players))
            # Update the xml

            ss  = self.xml.find(".//" + self.ns + 'ServerSection')
            ss.insert(0, hi)

        video_producers = self.xml.findall('.//' + self.ns + 'VideoProducer')
        assert len(video_producers) == self.agent_count
        video_producer = video_producers[self.role]
        # Todo: Deprecate width, height, and POV forcing.
        self.width = int(video_producer.find(self.ns + 'Width').text)
        self.height = int(video_producer.find(self.ns + 'Height').text)
        want_depth = video_producer.attrib["want_depth"]
        self.depth = 4 if want_depth is not None and (
                want_depth == "true" or want_depth == "1" or want_depth is True) else 3
        # print(etree.tostring(self.xml))
        self._last_ac = None

        self.has_init = True

    def noop_action(self):
        """Gets the no-op action for the environment.

        In addition one can get the no-op/default action directly from the action space.


            Any: A no-op action in the env's space.
        return self.action_space.no_op()

    def _process_observation(self, pov, info):
        Process observation into the proper dict space.
        pov = np.frombuffer(pov, dtype=np.uint8)

        if pov is None or len(pov) == 0:
            pov = np.zeros(
                (self.height, self.width, self.depth), dtype=np.uint8)
            pov = pov.reshape((self.height, self.width, self.depth))[
                  ::-1, :, :]

        if info:
            info = json.loads(info)
            info = {}

        # Ensure mainhand observations are valid
            info['equipped_items.mainhand.type'] = info['equipped_items']['mainhand']['type']
            info['equipped_items.mainhand.damage'] = np.array(info['equipped_items']['mainhand']['damage'])
            info['equipped_items.mainhand.maxDamage'] = np.array(info['equipped_items']['mainhand']['maxDamage'])
        except Exception as e:
            if 'equipped_items' in info:
                del info['equipped_items']

        bottom_env_spec = self.env_spec
        while isinstance(bottom_env_spec, EnvWrapper):
            bottom_env_spec = bottom_env_spec.env_to_wrap

            if info['equipped_items.mainhand.type'] not in bottom_env_spec.observation_space.spaces[
                info['equipped_items.mainhand.type'] = "other"  # Todo: use handlers. TODO: USE THEM<
        except Exception as e:
        # Process Info: (HotFix until updated in Malmo.)
        if "inventory" in info and "inventory" in bottom_env_spec.observation_space.spaces:
            inventory_spaces = bottom_env_spec.observation_space.spaces['inventory'].spaces

            items = inventory_spaces.keys()
            inventory_dict = {k: np.array(0) for k in inventory_spaces}
            # TODO change to maalmo
            for stack in info['inventory']:
                if 'type' in stack and 'quantity' in stack:
                    type_name = stack['type']
                    if type_name == 'log2':
                        type_name = 'log'

                        inventory_dict[type_name] += stack['quantity']
                    except ValueError:
                    except KeyError:
                        # We only care to observe what was specified in the space.
            info['inventory'] = inventory_dict
        elif "inventory" in bottom_env_spec.observation_space.spaces and not "inventory" in info:
            # logger.warning("No inventory found in malmo observation! Yielding empty inventory.")
            # logger.warning(info)

        info['pov'] = pov

        obs_dict = bottom_env_spec.observation_space.no_op()

        # A function which updates a nested dictionary.
        def recursive_update(nested_dict, nested_update):
            for k, v in nested_update.items():
                if k in nested_dict:
                    if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping):
                        r = recursive_update(nested_dict.get(k, {}), v)
                        nested_dict[k] = r
                        nested_dict[k] = np.array(v)
            return nested_dict

        obs_dict = recursive_update(obs_dict, info)

        self._last_pov = obs_dict['pov']
        self._last_obs = obs_dict

        # Now we wrap
        if isinstance(self.env_spec, EnvWrapper):
            obs_dict = self.env_spec.wrap_observation(obs_dict)

        return obs_dict

    def _process_action(self, action_in) -> str:
        Process the actions into a proper command.
        self._last_ac = action_in
        action_in = deepcopy(action_in)

        if isinstance(self.env_spec, EnvWrapper):
            action_in = self.env_spec.unwrap_action(action_in)

        bottom_env_spec = self.env_spec
        while isinstance(bottom_env_spec, EnvWrapper):
            bottom_env_spec = bottom_env_spec.env_to_wrap

        # TODO: Decide if we want to remove assertions.
        action_str = []
        for act in action_in:
            # Process enums.
            if isinstance(bottom_env_spec.action_space.spaces[act], spaces.Enum):
                if isinstance(action_in[act],   int):
                    action_in[act] = bottom_env_spec.action_space.spaces[act].values[action_in[act]]
                    assert isinstance(
                        action_in[act], str), "Enum action {} must be str or int".format(act)
                    assert action_in[act] in bottom_env_spec.action_space.spaces[
                        act].values, "Invalid value for enum action {}, {}".format(
                        act, action_in[act])

            elif isinstance(bottom_env_spec.action_space.spaces[act], gym.spaces.Box):
                subact = action_in[act]
                assert not isinstance(
                    subact, str), "Box action {} is a string! It should be a ndarray: {}".format(act, subact)
                if isinstance(subact, np.ndarray):
                    subact = subact.flatten()

                if isinstance(subact, Iterable):
                    subact = " ".join(str(x) for x in subact)

                action_in[act] = subact
            elif isinstance(bottom_env_spec.action_space.spaces[act], gym.spaces.Discrete):
                action_in[act] = int(action_in[act])

                "{} {}".format(act, str(action_in[act])))

        return "\n".join(action_str)

    def make_interactive(self, port, max_players=10, realtime=True):
        Enables human interaction with the environment.

        To interact with the environment add `make_interactive` to your agent's evaluation code
        and then run the `minerl.interactor.`

        For example:

        .. code-block:: python

            env = gym.make('MineRL...')
            # set the environment to allow interactive connections on port 6666
            # and slow the tick speed to 6666.
            env.make_interactive(port=6666, realtime=True) 

            # reset the env
            # interact as normal.

        Then while the agent is running, you can start the interactor with the following command.

        .. code-block:: bash

            python3 -m minerl.interactor 6666 # replace with the port above.

        The interactor will disconnect when the mission resets, but you can connect again with the same command.
        If an interactor is already started, it won't need to be relaunched when running the commnad a second time.

            port (int):  The interaction port
            realtime (bool, optional): If we should slow ticking to real time.. Defaults to True.
            max_players (int): The maximum number of players

        self._is_interacting = True
        self._is_real_time = realtime
        self.interact_port = port
        self.max_players = max_players

    def _hello(sock):
        comms.send_message(sock, ("<MalmoEnv" + malmo_version + "/>").encode())

    def reset(self):
        # Add support for existing instances.
            if not self.has_init:

            while not self.done:
                self.done = self._quit_episode()

                if not self.done:

            return self._start_up()
            # We don't force the same seed every episode, you gotta send it yourself queen.
            self._seed = None

    def _start_up(self):
        self.resets += 1

            if not self.client_socket:
                logger.debug("Creating socket connection!")
                sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
                sock.connect((self.instance.host, self.instance.port))

                # Now retries will use connected socket.
                self.client_socket = sock

            self.done = False
            return self._peek_obs()
        except (socket.timeout, socket.error) as e:
            logger.error("Failed to reset (socket error), trying again!")
            raise e
        except RuntimeError as e:
            # Reset the instance if there was an error timeout waiting for episode pause.
            self.had_to_clean = True
            raise e

    def _clean_connection(self):
        logger.error("Cleaning connection! Something must have gone wrong.")
            if self.client_socket:
        except (BrokenPipeError, OSError, socket.error):
            # There is no connection left!

        self.client_socket = None
        if self.had_to_clean:
            # Connect to a new instance!!
                "Connection with Minecraft client cleaned more than once; restarting.")
            if self.instance:
            self.instance = self._get_new_instance(instance_id=self.instance.instance_id)

            self.had_to_clean = False
            self.had_to_clean = True

    def _peek_obs(self):
        obs = None
        start_time = time.time()
        if not self.done:
            logger.debug("Peeking the client.")
            peek_message = "<Peek/>"
            comms.send_message(self.client_socket, peek_message.encode())
            obs = comms.recv_message(self.client_socket)
            info = comms.recv_message(self.client_socket).decode('utf-8')

            reply = comms.recv_message(self.client_socket)
            done, = struct.unpack('!b', reply)
            self.done = done == 1
            if obs is None or len(obs) == 0:
                if time.time() - start_time > MAX_WAIT:
                    self.client_socket = None
                    raise MissionInitException(
                        'too long waiting for first observation')
            if self.done:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Something went wrong resetting the environment! "
                    "`done` was true on first frame.")

        # See if there is an integrated port
        if self._is_interacting:
            port = self._find_server()
            self.integratedServerPort = port
            logger.warn("MineRL agent is public, connect on port {} with Minecraft 1.11".format(port))
            # Todo make a launch command.

        return self._process_observation(obs, info)

    def _quit_episode(self):
        comms.send_message(self.client_socket, "<Quit/>".encode())
        reply = comms.recv_message(self.client_socket)
        ok, = struct.unpack('!I', reply)
        return ok != 0

    def seed(self, seed=42, seed_spaces=True):
        """Seeds the environment!

        This also seeds the aciton_space and observation_space sampling.

        THIS MUST BE CALLED BEFORE :code:`env.reset()`
            seed (long, optional):  Defaults to 42.
            seed_spaces (bool, option): If the observation space and action space shoud be seeded. Defaults to True.
        assert isinstance(seed, int), "Seed must be an int!"
        self._seed = seed
        if seed_spaces:

    def step(self, action):

        withinfo = MineRLEnv.STEP_OPTIONS == 0 or MineRLEnv.STEP_OPTIONS == 2

        # Process the actions.
        malmo_command = self._process_action(action)
            if not self.done:

                step_message = "<Step" + str(MineRLEnv.STEP_OPTIONS) + ">" + \
                               malmo_command + \
                               "</Step" + str(MineRLEnv.STEP_OPTIONS) + " >"

                # Send Actions.
                comms.send_message(self.client_socket, step_message.encode())

                # Receive the observation.
                obs = comms.recv_message(self.client_socket)

                # Receive reward done and sent.
                reply = comms.recv_message(self.client_socket)
                reward, done, sent = struct.unpack('!dbb', reply)

                # Receive info from the environment.
                if withinfo:
                    info = comms.recv_message(
                    info = {}

                # Process the observation and done state.
                out_obs = self._process_observation(obs, info)
                self.done = (done == 1)
                if self._is_real_time:
                    t0 = time.time()
                    # Todo: Add catch-up
                    time.sleep(max(0, TICK_LENGTH - (t0 - self._last_step_time)))
                    self._last_step_time = time.time()

                return out_obs, reward, self.done, {}
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Attempted to step an environment with done=True")
        except (socket.timeout, socket.error) as e:
            # If the socket times out some how! We need to catch this and reset the environment.
            self.done = True
                "Failed to take a step (timeout or error). Terminating episode and sending random observation, be aware. "
                "To account for this failure case in your code check to see if `'error' in info` where info is "
                "the info dictionary returned by the step function.")
            return self.observation_space.sample(), 0, self.done, {"error": "Connection timed out!"}

    def _renderObs(self, obs, ac=None):
        if self.viewer is None:
            from minerl.viewer.trajectory_display import HumanTrajectoryDisplay, VectorTrajectoryDisplay
            vector_display = 'Vector' in self.env_spec.name
            header= self.env_spec.name
            # TODO: env_specs should specify renderers.
            instructions='{}.render()\n Actions listed below.'.format(header)
            subtext = 'render'
            if not vector_display:
                self.viewer= HumanTrajectoryDisplay(
                    header, subtext, instructions=instructions,

                self.viewer= VectorTrajectoryDisplay(
                    header, subtext, instructions=instructions,
        # Todo: support more information to the render
        self.viewer.render(obs, 0, 0, ac, 0, 1)

        return self.viewer.isopen

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        if mode == 'human' and (
                not 'AICROWD_IS_GRADING' in os.environ or os.environ['AICROWD_IS_GRADING'] is None):
            self._renderObs(self._last_obs, self._last_ac)
        return self._last_pov

    def is_closed(self):
        return self._already_closed

    def close(self):
        """gym api close"""
        if self.viewer is not None:
            self.viewer = None

        if self._already_closed:

        if self.client_socket:
            self.client_socket = None

        if self.instance and self.instance.running:

        self._already_closed = True

    def reinit(self):
        """Use carefully to reset the episode count to 0."""
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        sock.connect((self.instance.host, self.instance.port))

            sock, ("<Init>" + self._get_token() + "</Init>").encode())
        reply = comms.recv_message(sock)
        ok, = struct.unpack('!I', reply)
        return ok != 0

    def status(self):
        """Get status from server.
        head - Ping the the head node if True.
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        sock.connect((self.instance.host, self.instance.port))


        comms.send_message(sock, "<Status/>".encode())
        status = comms.recv_message(sock).decode('utf-8')
        return status

    def _find_server(self):
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        sock.connect((self.instance.host, self.instance.port))

        start_time = time.time()
        port = 0
        while port == 0:
                sock, ("<Find>" + self._get_token() + "</Find>").encode())
            reply = comms.recv_message(sock)
            port, = struct.unpack('!I', reply)
        # print("Found mission integrated server port " + str(port))
        return  port
        # e = self.xml.find(self.ns + 'MinecraftServerConnection')
        # if e is not None:
        #     e.attrib['port'] = str(self.integratedServerPort)

    def _init_mission(self):
        ok = 0
        num_retries = 0
        logger.debug("Sending mission init!")
        while ok != 1:
            xml = etree.tostring(self.xml)
            token = (self._get_token() + ":" + str(self.agent_count) +
                     ":" + str(self.synchronous).lower())
            if self._seed is not None:
                token += ":{}".format(self._seed)
            token = token.encode()
            comms.send_message(self.client_socket, xml)
            comms.send_message(self.client_socket, token)

            reply = comms.recv_message(self.client_socket)
            ok, = struct.unpack('!I', reply)
            if ok != 1:
                num_retries += 1
                if num_retries > MAX_WAIT:
                    raise socket.timeout()
                logger.debug("Recieved a MALMOBUSY from Malmo; trying again.")

    def _get_token(self):
        return self.exp_uid + ":" + str(self.role) + ":" + str(self.resets)