Пример #1
def voice(old_voiced, nxt_chord):

    if old_voiced is None:
        return chords.from_shorthand(nxt_chord)

    old = [notes.note_to_int(n) for n in old_voiced]
    new = {notes.note_to_int(n) for n in chords.from_shorthand(nxt_chord)}

    res = []
    for note in old:
        if new:
            closest = min(new, key=lambda n: abs(note - n))
            if len(old) == 4:

    for n in new:
        best_index = 0
        min_dist = 12
        for i in range(0, len(old)):
            dist = abs(old[i] - n)
            if dist < min_dist:
                min_dist = dist
                best_index = i

        res.insert(i, n)

    return [notes.int_to_note(n) for n in res]
Пример #2
 def test_determine(self):
     map(lambda x: self.assertEqual(True,
         chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand('C' + x)) != [],
         "'C%s' should return a value" % x), chords.chord_shorthand.keys())
     map(lambda x: self.assertEqual('C' + chords.chord_shorthand_meaning[x],
         chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand('C' + x))[0],
         "The proper naming of '%s' is not '%s',expecting '%s'" % ('C' + x,
         chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand('C' + x)), 'C'
          + chords.chord_shorthand_meaning[x])), [x for x in
         chords.chord_shorthand.keys() if x != '5'])
     self.chordsTest([[['A13'], [
         ]], [['Am13'], [
         ]], [['AM13'], [
         ]]], lambda x: chords.determine(x, True), 'chord name')
Пример #3
def voice(old_voiced, nxt_chord):

    if old_voiced is None:
        return chords.from_shorthand(nxt_chord)

    old = [notes.note_to_int(n) for n in old_voiced]
    new = {notes.note_to_int(n) for n in chords.from_shorthand(nxt_chord)}

    res = []
    for note in old:
        if new:
            closest = min(new, key=lambda n: abs(note - n))
            if len(old) == 4:

    for n in new:
        best_index = 0
        min_dist = 12
        for i in range(0, len(old)):
            dist = abs(old[i] - n)
            if dist < min_dist:
                min_dist = dist
                best_index = i

        res.insert(i, n)

    return [notes.int_to_note(n) for n in res]
Пример #4
 def test_determine(self):
     for x in chords.chord_shorthand:
             chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand("C" + x)) != [],
             "'C%s' should return a value" % x,
     for x in (x for x in chords.chord_shorthand if x != "5"):
             "C" + chords.chord_shorthand_meaning[x],
             chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand("C" + x))[0],
             "The proper naming of '%s' is not '%s',expecting '%s'"
             % (
                 "C" + x,
                 chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand("C" + x)),
                 "C" + chords.chord_shorthand_meaning[x],
             [["A13"], ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "B", "D", "F#",]],
             [["Am13"], ["A", "C", "E", "G", "B", "D", "F#",]],
             [["AM13"], ["A", "C#", "E", "G#", "B", "D", "F#",]],
         lambda x: chords.determine(x, True),
         "chord name",
Пример #5
def sheets():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        sheets = Sheet.query.all()
        return jsonify({'sheets': [s.to_dict() for s in sheets]})
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        data = request.json
        sheet = Sheet(name=data['name'])
        chords = []
        for c in data['chords']:
            shorthand_notation = c['name']
            chord = Chord(name=shorthand_notation)
            chord.notes = ' '.join(ch.from_shorthand(shorthand_notation))
            inversions = [
                ' '.join(ch.first_inversion(chord.notes.split(' '))),
                ' '.join(ch.second_inversion(chord.notes.split(' '))),
                ' '.join(ch.third_inversion(chord.notes.split(' ')))
            chord.inversions = [
                Inversion(name=str(i), notes=notes)
                for i, notes in enumerate(inversions)
        sheet.chords = chords
        return jsonify(sheet.to_dict()), 201
Пример #6
def root_only_voice(chord:str):
    Expects a shorthand string like 'CM7' and will return with the root only (as semitone integer)
    note_names = chords.from_shorthand(chord) # shorthand -> unpitched note strings ['C', 'E', 'G', 'B']
    voiced_semitones = rebuild_chord_upwards([int(Note(note_names[0], octave=3))])
    return voiced_semitones # ensure we voice from root upwards (in case e.g. everything defaulted to same octave)
Пример #7
    def addquickchordinselection(self, text, midi):
        if text:
            colonindex = text.find(";")
            if colonindex < 0:
                chordtext = text
                arptext = ""
                chordtext = text[0:colonindex]
                arptext = text[colonindex + 1:]

                chordlist = CHORDS.from_shorthand(chordtext)
                self.setalert("onbekende chord.")
                chordlist = []

            if chordlist:
                for i in range(len(chordlist)):
                    chordlist[i] = NOTES.note_to_int(chordlist[i])
                chordlist = list(set(chordlist))

                tickmin, tickmax, midimin, midimax = self.getselectionregion()
                self.addchordinregion(chordlist, [tickmin, tickmax],
                                      [midimin, midimax], arptext)
                #self.anchor = 0
        return {}
Пример #8
def analyze_7th_chord(chord):

    :param chord:
    :return: chord_notes, chord_type_full, chord_modes

    >>> chord_notes, chord_type_full, results = analyze_chord("G7")
    >>> for chord_degree, key, harmonic_func_full in results:
    ...     print("{} (comprising {}) is a {} chord ({}) of the key of {}".format(chord_type_full,', '.join(chord_notes),
    ...                                                                           chord_degree, harmonic_func_full,
    ...                                                                           key))
    G dominant seventh (comprising G, B, D, F) is a V chord (dominant seventh) of the key of C

    chord_notes = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
    chord_type_full = chords.determine_seventh(chord_notes)[0]
    chord_type_short = chords.determine_seventh(chord_notes, shorthand=True)[0]
    type_key = 'M7' if chord_type_short[-2:] == 'M7' else (
        'm7' if chord_type_short[-2:] == 'm7' else
        ('m7b5' if chord_type_short[-2:] == 'm7b5' else '7'))

    chord_modes = []
    for key in CIRCLE_OF_5THS:
        harmonic_func = determine(chord_notes, key, shorthand=True)[0]
        harmonic_func_full = determine(chord_notes, key, shorthand=False)[0]
        chord_degree = harmonic_func[:-1]
        if chord_degree in MODE_CHORD_TYPE:
            func_chord_type = MODE_CHORD_TYPE[chord_degree]
            if func_chord_type == type_key:
                chord_modes.append((chord_degree, key, harmonic_func_full))
    return chord_notes, chord_type_full, chord_modes
Пример #9
def analyze_7th_chord(chord):

    :param chord:
    :return: chord_notes, chord_type_full, chord_modes

    >>> chord_notes, chord_type_full, results = analyze_chord("G7")
    >>> for chord_degree, key, harmonic_func_full in results:
    ...     print("{} (comprising {}) is a {} chord ({}) of the key of {}".format(chord_type_full,', '.join(chord_notes),
    ...                                                                           chord_degree, harmonic_func_full,
    ...                                                                           key))
    G dominant seventh (comprising G, B, D, F) is a V chord (dominant seventh) of the key of C

    chord_notes = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
    chord_type_full = chords.determine_seventh(chord_notes)[0]
    chord_type_short = chords.determine_seventh(chord_notes, shorthand=True)[0]
    type_key = (
        if chord_type_short[-2:] == "M7"
        else ("m7" if chord_type_short[-2:] == "m7" else ("m7b5" if chord_type_short[-2:] == "m7b5" else "7"))

    chord_modes = []
    for key in CIRCLE_OF_5THS:
        harmonic_func = determine(chord_notes, key, shorthand=True)[0]
        harmonic_func_full = determine(chord_notes, key, shorthand=False)[0]
        chord_degree = harmonic_func[:-1]
        if chord_degree in MODE_CHORD_TYPE:
            func_chord_type = MODE_CHORD_TYPE[chord_degree]
            if func_chord_type == type_key:
                chord_modes.append((chord_degree, key, harmonic_func_full))
    return chord_notes, chord_type_full, chord_modes
Пример #10
def normalizeChords(chordBlocks):
    allChords = []
    allChordNotes = []
    allStream = music21.stream.Stream()
    for chordBlock in chordBlocks:
        blockChords = []
        blockChordNotes = []
        blockStream = music21.stream.Stream()
        for line in chordBlock.lines:
            if line:
                for index, chord in line:
                        if chord in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']:
                            notes = [chord]
                            notes = [note.replace('b', '-') for note in mingus_chords.from_shorthand(chord)]

                    except Exception as e:

        if len(blockChords) > 0:
            [blockStream.insert(music21.chord.Chord([note.replace('b', '-') for note in notes])) for notes in blockChordNotes]
            keys = [blockStream.analyze(type).tonicPitchNameWithCase for type in ['AardenEssen', 'Simple', 'BellmanBudge', 'KrumhanslSchmuckler', 'KrumhanslKessler', 'TemperleyKostkaPayne']]
            key = max(set(keys), key=keys.count)
            consensus = keys.count(key) / float(len(keys))
            chordBlock['metaData']['key'] = key
            chordBlock['metaData']['keyConsensus'] = consensus
Пример #11
def chord(sheetId, chordId):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        chord = db.session.query(Chord).join(Sheet).filter(
            Sheet.id == sheetId).filter(Chord.id == chordId).first()
        return jsonify(chord.to_dict())
    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        data = request.json
        chord = db.session.query(Chord).join(Sheet).filter(
            Sheet.id == sheetId).filter(Chord.id == chordId).first()
        shorthand_notation = data['name']
        chord.name = shorthand_notation
        chord.notes = ' '.join(ch.from_shorthand(shorthand_notation))
        inversions = [
            ' '.join(ch.first_inversion(chord.notes.split(' '))),
            ' '.join(ch.second_inversion(chord.notes.split(' '))),
            ' '.join(ch.third_inversion(chord.notes.split(' ')))
        chord.inversions = [
            Inversion(name=str(i), notes=notes)
            for i, notes in enumerate(inversions)
        chord.updated_at = dt.utcnow()
        return jsonify(chord.to_dict()), 201
    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
        db.session.query(Chord).filter(Chord.sheet_id == sheetId).filter(
            Chord.id == chordId).delete()
            Inversion.chord_id == chordId).delete()
        return jsonify(
             f"Chord {chordId} has been deleted from Sheet {sheetId}."}), 201
Пример #12
def default_voice(chord:str):
    Expects a shorthand string like 'CM7' and will return with the natural voicing of ascending extensions as semitones (integers)
    note_names = chords.from_shorthand(chord) # shorthand -> unpitched note strings ['C', 'E', 'G', 'B']
    voiced_semitones = rebuild_chord_upwards([int(Note(note)) for note in note_names])
    return voiced_semitones # ensure we voice from root upwards (in case e.g. everything defaulted to same octave)
def longhand_trans(soup):
    # iterate over line in section in dup_free_c_list, convert to longhand & append to longhand_chords list
    longhand_chords = []
    for section in clean_duplicates(soup):
        for line in section:
            for chord in line:
    return longhand_chords
Пример #14
	def test_determine(self):
		map(lambda x: self.assertEqual(True, \
			chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand("C" + x)) != [],\
			"'C%s' should return a value" % x), \
		map(lambda x: self.assertEqual("C" + \
			chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand("C" + x))[0], \
			"The proper naming of '%s' is not '%s',"\
			"expecting '%s'" % ("C" + x, \
				chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand("C" + x)), \
				"C" + chords.chord_shorthand_meaning[x])),\
			[x for x in chords.chord_shorthand.keys() if \
				x != '5'])
		self.chordsTest([ [['A13'], ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'B', 'D', 'F#']],\
						  [['Am13'], ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'B', 'D', 'F#']],\
						  [['AM13'], ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#', 'B', 'D', 'F#']]],\
				lambda x: chords.determine(x, True), "chord name")
Пример #15
 def test_determine(self):
             lambda x: self.assertEqual(
                 chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand('C' + x)) != [],
                 "'C%s' should return a value" % x),
             lambda x: self.assertEqual(
                 'C' + chords.chord_shorthand_meaning[x],
                 chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand('C' + x))[0],
                 "The proper naming of '%s' is not '%s',expecting '%s'" %
                 ('C' + x, chords.determine(chords.from_shorthand('C' + x)),
                  'C' + chords.chord_shorthand_meaning[x])),
             [x for x in list(chords.chord_shorthand.keys()) if x != '5']))
     self.chordsTest([[['A13'], [
     ]], [['Am13'], [
     ]], [['AM13'], [
     ]]], lambda x: chords.determine(x, True), 'chord name')
Пример #16
 def _naive(self):
     naivebassline= []
     for chord in self.bassline:
         chord, _ , time = chord.split(' ')
         if chord in ['R','r']: naivebassline.append(['R']*int(time)); continue
         notes = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
         accessory_notes = notes[1:]
     self.bassline = flatten(naivebassline)
     self.bassline = map(lambda x:_note_sub[x],self.bassline)
Пример #17
        def from_chord_shorthand(self, shorthand):
                """Empties the container and adds the notes in the shorthand. \
See mingus.core.chords.from_shorthand for an up to date list of recognized format. 
>>> nc = NoteContainer()
>>> nc.from_chord_shorthand("Am")
['A-4', 'C-5', 'E-5']
                return self
Пример #18
    def from_chord_shorthand(self, shorthand):
        """Empty the container and add the notes in the shorthand.

        See mingus.core.chords.from_shorthand for an up to date list of
        recognized format.

        >>> NoteContainer().from_chord_shorthand('Am')
        ['A-4', 'C-5', 'E-5']
        return self
Пример #19
    def from_chord_shorthand(self, shorthand):
        """Empty the container and add the notes in the shorthand.

        See mingus.core.chords.from_shorthand for an up to date list of
        recognized format.

        >>> NoteContainer().from_chord_shorthand('Am')
        ['A-4', 'C-5', 'E-5']
        return self
Пример #20
    def __dump_chord(self, chord):
        if self.__notes_depot:
            logging.info("Notes in melody are: %s" % (", ".join(self.__notes_depot)))

        self.__notes_depot = []

        if chord:
                chord_tones = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
                logging.info("\nChord is %s" % chord)
                logging.info("Chord tones are: %s" % (", ".join(chord_tones)))
            except mt_exceptions.FormatError:
                logging.error("Error parsing chord symbol %s" % chord)
Пример #21
    def from_chord_shorthand(self, shorthand):
        """Empties the container and adds the notes in the shorthand. See \
mingus.core.chords.from_shorthand for an up to date list of recognized \
>>> nc = NoteContainer()
>>> nc.from_chord_shorthand(\"Am\")
['A-4', 'C-5', 'E-5']

        return self
Пример #22
 def get_notes_from_chord(self, chord = 'Cmaj7', octaves_above = 0, octaves_below = 0):
     notes = []
     for n in chords.from_shorthand(chord):
         note = Note(n)
         for i in xrange(octaves_above):
             note = Note(n)
             note.octave += i + 1
         for i in xrange(octaves_below):
             note = Note(n)
             note.octave -= i + 1
     return sorted(notes)
Пример #23
def progression_to_chords(progression, prog_type='shorthand'):
    progression is list of symbols -> chords_ is a list of unvoiced str e.g. as numerals ['I7', 'V7', 'II'] 
    and output is unvoiced chord strings -> [['C', 'E', 'G', 'Bb'], ...]
    NOTE: for numerals input, lower-case should not be used to imply minor (specify using '-', 'm', 'min')
    progression = parse_progression(
    )  # to prevent mingus' diatonic parsing doing something like I7->Cmaj7
    if prog_type == 'shorthand':  # e.g. Am7
        chords_ = [chords.from_shorthand(chord) for chord in progression]
    elif prog_type == 'numerals':  # e.g. IIm7
        chords_ = [progressions.to_chords(chord)[0] for chord in progression]
    return chords_  #a list of lists [['C', 'E', 'G', 'B'],...]
Пример #24
 def get_notes_from_chord(self,
     notes = []
     for n in chords.from_shorthand(chord):
         note = Note(n)
         for i in xrange(octaves_above):
             note = Note(n)
             note.octave += i + 1
         for i in xrange(octaves_below):
             note = Note(n)
             note.octave -= i + 1
     return sorted(notes)
Пример #25
def play_smart_solo_over_chords(chord_list):
	fluidsynth.set_instrument(13, 45)
	fluidsynth.set_instrument(10, 108)

	fluidsynth.main_volume(13, 75)
	fluidsynth.main_volume(10, 100)
	solo = Track()

	bars = generate_solo(chord_list)
	for i in range(len(bars)):
		chord = NoteContainer(chords.from_shorthand(chord_list[i]))
		bar = bars[i]
		fluidsynth.play_NoteContainer(chord, 13)
		fluidsynth.play_Bar(bar, 10)
		fluidsynth.stop_NoteContainer(chord, 13)
	return solo
Пример #26
def bassline(chord, beat_probas):

    chord_tones = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
    octave = 2

    b = Bar()

    for (bass, els, octa) in beat_probas:
        p = random.random()
        if p < bass:
            b.place_notes(Note(chord_tones[0], octave), 8)
        elif p < bass + els:
            b.place_notes(Note(random.choice(chord_tones[1:]), octave), 8)
        elif p < bass + els + octa:
            b.place_notes(Note(chord_tones[0], octave + 1), 8)

    return b
Пример #27
def get_notes_from_chord(response, fb_id):
    """Determine notes in a chord given the chord's name."""
    # ? AND/OR: Extract the notes user sent. Input to library function and return identified chord as response back to user
    # ? When user requests 7th chord, check if trait "7th" is present
    # ? When user requests inversions, check if trait "inversion" and get it's value, then use inversion function on chord
        # Extract Key-Quality (e.g. F major)
        kq_entity = response['entities']["Key_Quality:Key_Quality"][0]
    except KeyError as e:
        text = "Sorry! I couldn't identify the chord name :/"
        return text  # Exit early

    # Handle the various valid forms of key quality (e.g. f maj)
    key_quality = kq_entity['value']
    key_quality = key_quality.lower()
    key_quality = key_quality.capitalize()

        # Extract the key of the chord
        note = kq_entity['entities'][0]['value']
    except (KeyError, IndexError) as e:
        # Could arise when user joins key with quality (e.g. Fmajor)
        text = "Sorry! I'm not sure what the key is :/"
        return text  # Exit early

    # Format user input to requirement of from_shorthand() method
    if 'maj' in key_quality or 'major' in key_quality:
        key_quality = note + 'maj'
    elif 'min' in key_quality or 'minor' in key_quality:
        key_quality = note + 'min'
        key_quality = note

        # Determine the notes in requested chord
        notes_list = chords.from_shorthand(key_quality)
        notes_str = ', '.join(notes_list)
        text = f"The notes in a {key_quality} chord are {notes_str}."
    except Exception as e:
        print("EXCEPTION:", e)
        text = f"Sorry! I can't identify a {kq_entity['body']} chord :/"

    return text
Пример #28
def bassline(chord, beat_probas):

    chord_tones = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
    octave = 2

    b = Bar()

    for (bass, els, octa) in beat_probas:
        p = random.random()
        if p < bass:
            b.place_notes(Note(chord_tones[0], octave), 8)
        elif p < bass + els:
            b.place_notes(Note(random.choice(chord_tones[1:]), octave), 8)
        elif p < bass + els + octa:
            b.place_notes(Note(chord_tones[0], octave + 1), 8)

    return b
Пример #29
def sheet(sheetId):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        sheet = Sheet.query.get(sheetId)
        return jsonify({'sheet': sheet.to_dict()})
    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        data = request.json
        shorthand_notation = data['name']
        chord = Chord(name=shorthand_notation, sheet_id=sheetId)
        chord.name = shorthand_notation
        chord.notes = ' '.join(ch.from_shorthand(shorthand_notation))
        inversions = [
            ' '.join(ch.first_inversion(chord.notes.split(' '))),
            ' '.join(ch.second_inversion(chord.notes.split(' '))),
            ' '.join(ch.third_inversion(chord.notes.split(' ')))
        chord.inversions = [
            Inversion(name=str(i), notes=notes)
            for i, notes in enumerate(inversions)
        chord.updated_at = dt.utcnow()
        return jsonify(chord.to_dict()), 201
    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
        chordIds = [
            chord.id for chord in db.session.query(Chord).join(Sheet).filter(
                Sheet.id == sheetId).all()
        db.session.query(Sheet).filter(Sheet.id == sheetId).delete()
        for id in chordIds:
            db.session.query(Chord).filter(Chord.sheet_id == sheetId).filter(
                Chord.id == id).delete()
                Inversion.chord_id == id).delete()
        return jsonify({"msg": f"Sheet {sheetId} has been deleted."}), 201
Пример #30
 def test_from_shorthand(self):
     answers = {  # Triads Augmented Sevenths Sixths 6/9 Slash chords
                  # Suspended chords 9 11 13 Altered chords Special Poly
                  # chords
         'Amin': ['A', 'C', 'E'],
         'Am': ['A', 'C', 'E'],
         'A-': ['A', 'C', 'E'],
         'Amaj': ['A', 'C#', 'E'],
         'AM': ['A', 'C#', 'E'],
         'A': ['A', 'C#', 'E'],
         'Adim': ['A', 'C', 'Eb'],
         'Aaug': ['A', 'C#', 'E#'],
         'A+': ['A', 'C#', 'E#'],
         'A7#5': ['A', 'C#', 'E#', 'G'],
         'Amaj7+5': ['A', 'C#', 'E#', 'G'],
         'Amaj7+': ['A', 'C#', 'E#', 'G#'],
         'Amin7+': ['A', 'C#', 'E#', 'G'],
         'Amin7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'],
         'Am7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'],
         'Ami7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'],
         'A-7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'],
         'Amaj7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#'],
         'AM7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Ama7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#'],
         'A7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G'],
         'Amin7b5': ['A', 'C', 'Eb', 'G'],
         'Am7b5': ['A', 'C', 'Eb', 'G'],
         'Adim7': ['A', 'C', 'Eb', 'Gb'],
         'Am/M7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Am/ma7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'AmM7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Am/maj7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Amin6': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'F#'],
         'Am6': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'F#'],
         'Amaj6': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#'],
         'A6': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#'],
         'A6/9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#', 'B'],
         'A69': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#', 'B'],
         'A/G': ['G', 'A', 'C#', 'E'],
         'Amin/G': ['G', 'A', 'C', 'E'],
         'Am/M7/G': ['G', 'A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Asus2': ['A', 'B', 'E'],
         'Asus4': ['A', 'D', 'E'],
         'Asus47': ['A', 'D', 'E', 'G'],
         'A11': ['A', 'E', 'G', 'D'],
         'Asus': ['A', 'D', 'E'],
         'Asus4b9': ['A', 'D', 'E', 'Bb'],
         'Asusb9': ['A', 'D', 'E', 'Bb'],
         'Amaj9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#', 'B'],
         'A9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'B'],
         'Amin9': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'B'],
         'Am9': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'B'],
         'A7#11': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'D#'],
         'Am11': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'D'],
         'Amin11': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'D'],
         'Amaj13': [
         'A13': [
         'Am13': [
         'A7b9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'Bb'],
         'A7#9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'B#'],
         'A7b5': ['A', 'C#', 'Eb', 'G'],
         'A6/7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#', 'G'],
         'A67': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#', 'G'],
         'A5': ['A', 'E'],
         'Ahendrix': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'C'],
         'N.C.': [],
         'NC': [],
         'Dm|G': ['G', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'A'],
         'Dm7|G': [
         'Am7|G7': [
     map(lambda x: self.assertEqual(answers[x], chords.from_shorthand(x),
         'The shorthand of %s is not %s, expecting %s' % (x,
         chords.from_shorthand(x), answers[x])), answers.keys())
Пример #31
 def test_from_shorthand(self):
     answers = {  # Triads Augmented Sevenths Sixths 6/9 Slash chords
                  # Suspended chords 9 11 13 Altered chords Special Poly
                  # chords
         'Amin': ['A', 'C', 'E'],
         'Am': ['A', 'C', 'E'],
         'A-': ['A', 'C', 'E'],
         'Amaj': ['A', 'C#', 'E'],
         'AM': ['A', 'C#', 'E'],
         'A': ['A', 'C#', 'E'],
         'Adim': ['A', 'C', 'Eb'],
         'Aaug': ['A', 'C#', 'E#'],
         'A+': ['A', 'C#', 'E#'],
         'A7#5': ['A', 'C#', 'E#', 'G'],
         'Amaj7+5': ['A', 'C#', 'E#', 'G'],
         'Amaj7+': ['A', 'C#', 'E#', 'G#'],
         'Amin7+': ['A', 'C#', 'E#', 'G'],
         'Amin7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'],
         'Am7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'],
         'Ami7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'],
         'A-7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'],
         'Amaj7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#'],
         'AM7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Ama7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#'],
         'A7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G'],
         'Amin7b5': ['A', 'C', 'Eb', 'G'],
         'Am7b5': ['A', 'C', 'Eb', 'G'],
         'Adim7': ['A', 'C', 'Eb', 'Gb'],
         'Am/M7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Am/ma7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'AmM7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Am/maj7': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Amin6': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'F#'],
         'Am6': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'F#'],
         'Amaj6': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#'],
         'A6': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#'],
         'A6/9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#', 'B'],
         'A69': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#', 'B'],
         'A/G': ['G', 'A', 'C#', 'E'],
         'Amin/G': ['G', 'A', 'C', 'E'],
         'Am/M7/G': ['G', 'A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'],
         'Asus2': ['A', 'B', 'E'],
         'Asus4': ['A', 'D', 'E'],
         'Asus47': ['A', 'D', 'E', 'G'],
         'A11': ['A', 'E', 'G', 'D'],
         'Asus': ['A', 'D', 'E'],
         'Asus4b9': ['A', 'D', 'E', 'Bb'],
         'Asusb9': ['A', 'D', 'E', 'Bb'],
         'Amaj9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G#', 'B'],
         'A9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'B'],
         'Amin9': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'B'],
         'Am9': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'B'],
         'A7#11': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'D#'],
         'Am11': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'D'],
         'Amin11': ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'D'],
         'Amaj13': [
         'A13': [
         'Am13': [
         'A7b9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'Bb'],
         'A7#9': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'B#'],
         'A7b5': ['A', 'C#', 'Eb', 'G'],
         'A6/7': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#', 'G'],
         'A67': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'F#', 'G'],
         'A5': ['A', 'E'],
         'Ahendrix': ['A', 'C#', 'E', 'G', 'C'],
         'N.C.': [],
         'NC': [],
         'Dm|G': ['G', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'A'],
         'Dm7|G': [
         'Am7|G7': [
             lambda x: self.assertEqual(
                 answers[x], chords.from_shorthand(
                     x), 'The shorthand of %s is not %s, expecting %s' %
                 (x, chords.from_shorthand(x), answers[x])),
Пример #32
def main():
    misty_numerals = 'IM7, v-7, I7, IVM7, iv-9, bVII7, IM7, vi-7, ii-7, V7, iii-7, VI7, ii-7, V7, \
        IM7, v-7, I7, IVM7, iv-9, bVII7, IM7, vi-7, ii-7, V7, I6, bVII9, IM7, \
        v-7, I7b9, IVM7, IVM7,\
        bv-7, VII7, II7, iii-7, VI7b9, ii-7, V7, \
        IM7, v-7, I7, IVM7, iv-9, bVII7, IM7, vi-7, ii-7, V7, I6, I6'

    misty_durs = [
        1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
        2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1,
        1, 1

    mistyChart = sidewinder.Chart(progression=misty_numerals, key='F')

    twofiveone = ['IIm7', 'V7', 'IM7']
    two_five_ones = detect_numeral_pattern(

    tfo_durs = [[
        mistyChart.durations[tf['start_index'] + 1],
        mistyChart.durations[tf['start_index'] + 2]
    ] for tf in two_five_ones['hits']]

    # from random import choices
    # # asc = [1,2,3,4,5,4,3,1]
    # asc = [1,2,4,'b7','b9']
    # p = choices(asc, weights=[1,2,2,2,1], k=32)
    # print(p)
    # melody = get_scale_patterns('chromatic', p=p, keys=['F'], pattern_as_chromatic=True)
    # print(melody['F'][0])

    # add a selection of melody to a selection of bars in the Composition

    arps = [[from_shorthand(chord)[i] for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1)]
            for chord in mistyChart.progressionShorthandList]
    notes_ = []
    note_durations = []
    for arp, chord_dur in zip(arps, mistyChart.durations):
        if chord_dur == 1:
            note_durations += [8 for _ in range(8)]
            notes_ += [arp[i] for i in range(8)]
        elif chord_dur == 2:
            note_durations += [8 for _ in range(4)]
            notes_ += [arp[i] for i in range(4)]
    assert len(notes_) == len(note_durations)

    t = Track()
    for i, _ in enumerate(note_durations):
        t.add_notes(notes_[i], note_durations[i])

    # use the db to add/overlay a 251 lick in the right place
    start_index = two_five_ones['hits'][0][
        'start_index']  # refers to index in chord progression (not bar)
    key = two_five_ones['hits'][0]['key']
    durs = tfo_durs[0]  # [1,1,1]

    # chords_ = mistyChart.progressionShorthandList[start_index:start_index+len(twofiveone)]
    ### now search db for a 251 in F w/ duratons 1,1,1 then place at start_index
    db = TinyDB(
        r'C:\Users\Sam\Documents\Sidewinder\local files\jazz-licks-db-260720-new.json'
    )  # set-up / connection
    # candidate_licks = find_partial_matches(db, {'tags':'251'}) # gives db id's (doc_id) # searching should be better, done on actual chord metadata
    candidate_licks = find_by_chords_durations(db,
                                               chords=['Gm7', 'C7', 'FM7'],
                                               durations=[1, 1, 1])

    # candidate_licks = [load_entry(db, doc_id) for doc_id in candidate_licks] # instantiate from db
    lick251 = load_entry(db, candidate_licks[0])

    # for doc_id in candidate_licks[-15:]:
    #     print(db.get(doc_id=doc_id))
    # print(candidate_licks[0].chords)
    # candidate_licks[0].to_midi()

    notes_ = [nc[2] for bar in lick251.passage for nc in bar]
    notes_ = [nc[0] if bool(nc) else None for nc in notes_]
    durations_ = [nc[1] for bar in lick251.passage for nc in bar]

    # [start of Misty ... 251 lick notes_,durations_ ... rest of Misty]
    start_bar = 8  # could compute using start_index and misty_durs
    t2 = Track_from_list(t[:start_bar - 1])
    for n, d in zip(notes_, durations_):
        t2.add_notes(n, d)
    for bar in Track_from_list(
            t[start_bar - 1 + 4:]
    ):  # known that the lick is 4 bars, could probably compute from lick251.passage
        t2 + bar

    track_to_midi(t2, name='midi_out\\test251_lick_add')
Пример #33
 def test_from_shorthand(self):
     answers = {  # Triads Augmented Sevenths Sixths 6/9 Slash chords
         # Suspended chords 9 11 13 Altered chords Special Poly
         # chords
         "Amin": ["A", "C", "E"],
         "Am": ["A", "C", "E"],
         "A-": ["A", "C", "E"],
         "Amaj": ["A", "C#", "E"],
         "AM": ["A", "C#", "E"],
         "A": ["A", "C#", "E"],
         "Adim": ["A", "C", "Eb"],
         "Aaug": ["A", "C#", "E#"],
         "A+": ["A", "C#", "E#"],
         "A7#5": ["A", "C#", "E#", "G"],
         "Amaj7+5": ["A", "C#", "E#", "G"],
         "Amaj7+": ["A", "C#", "E#", "G#"],
         "Amin7+": ["A", "C#", "E#", "G"],
         "Amin7": ["A", "C", "E", "G"],
         "Am7": ["A", "C", "E", "G"],
         "Ami7": ["A", "C", "E", "G"],
         "A-7": ["A", "C", "E", "G"],
         "Amaj7": ["A", "C#", "E", "G#"],
         "AM7": ["A", "C#", "E", "G#"],
         "Ama7": ["A", "C#", "E", "G#"],
         "A7": ["A", "C#", "E", "G"],
         "Amin7b5": ["A", "C", "Eb", "G"],
         "Am7b5": ["A", "C", "Eb", "G"],
         "Adim7": ["A", "C", "Eb", "Gb"],
         "Am/M7": ["A", "C", "E", "G#"],
         "Am/ma7": ["A", "C", "E", "G#"],
         "AmM7": ["A", "C", "E", "G#"],
         "Am/maj7": ["A", "C", "E", "G#"],
         "Amin6": ["A", "C", "E", "F#"],
         "Am6": ["A", "C", "E", "F#"],
         "Amaj6": ["A", "C#", "E", "F#"],
         "A6": ["A", "C#", "E", "F#"],
         "A6/9": ["A", "C#", "E", "F#", "B"],
         "A69": ["A", "C#", "E", "F#", "B"],
         "A/G": ["G", "A", "C#", "E"],
         "Amin/G": ["G", "A", "C", "E"],
         "Am/M7/G": ["G", "A", "C", "E", "G#"],
         "Asus2": ["A", "B", "E"],
         "Asus4": ["A", "D", "E"],
         "Asus47": ["A", "D", "E", "G"],
         "A11": ["A", "E", "G", "D"],
         "Asus": ["A", "D", "E"],
         "Asus4b9": ["A", "D", "E", "Bb"],
         "Asusb9": ["A", "D", "E", "Bb"],
         "Amaj9": ["A", "C#", "E", "G#", "B"],
         "A9": ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "B"],
         "Amin9": ["A", "C", "E", "G", "B"],
         "Am9": ["A", "C", "E", "G", "B"],
         "A7#11": ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "D#"],
         "Am11": ["A", "C", "E", "G", "D"],
         "Amin11": ["A", "C", "E", "G", "D"],
         "Amaj13": ["A", "C#", "E", "G#", "B", "F#",],
         "A13": ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "B", "F#",],
         "Am13": ["A", "C", "E", "G", "B", "F#",],
         "A7b9": ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "Bb"],
         "A7#9": ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "B#"],
         "A7b5": ["A", "C#", "Eb", "G"],
         "A6/7": ["A", "C#", "E", "F#", "G"],
         "A67": ["A", "C#", "E", "F#", "G"],
         "A5": ["A", "E"],
         "Ahendrix": ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "C"],
         "N.C.": [],
         "NC": [],
         "Dm|G": ["G", "B", "D", "F", "A"],
         "Dm7|G": ["G", "B", "D", "F", "A", "C",],
         "Am7|G7": ["G", "B", "D", "F", "A", "C", "E", "G",],
     for x in answers:
             "The shorthand of %s is not %s, expecting %s"
             % (x, chords.from_shorthand(x), answers[x]),
Пример #34
def tritone_substitution(chord):
    chord_notes = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
    new_note = reduce_accidentals(tritone(chord_notes[0]))
    new_chord = new_note + '7'
    new_notes = chords.from_shorthand(new_chord)
    return new_chord, new_notes
Пример #35
def ending(first_track, second_track, subject, key=r""):

    if not bool(key):
        key = 'C'

    canon_subject = shift(subject, 2)

    cadence = [chord.I(key), chord.IV(key), chord.V(key), chord.I(key)]

    notes = []

    for note in canon_subject[-1]:
        if note[-1][0].name not in notes:

    bar = Bar(key=key)

    # Hitta om det finns ett ackord med de sista noterna i subjektet i, i så fall, komplettera det ackordet
    if len(notes) <= 2 or len(chord.determine(notes, True)) == 0:
        chord_notes = [intervals.fourth(notes[0], key)]
        subject_chord = chord.determine(notes, True)[0]
        chord_notes = chord.from_shorthand(subject_chord)
        if len(chord_notes) != len(notes):
            for note in notes:
            chord_notes = chord_notes[0]

    bar.place_notes(chord_notes[random.randint(0, len(chord_notes) - 1)], 2)

        bar)  #Sätt något som passar med andra hälften av subjektet

    while second_track[
            -1].current_beat < 1:  #Placing fitting notes in second to last bar

        duration = 2**random.randint(1, 3)
        pitch = cadence[0][random.randint(1, len(cadence[0]) - 1)]

        # If the randomized duration doesn't fit in the bar, make it fit
        if 1 / duration > 1 - second_track[-1].current_beat:
            duration = 1 / (1 - second_track[-1].current_beat)

        # Place the new note in the bar
        second_track[-1].place_notes(pitch, duration)

    first_track[-1].place_notes(cadence[0][0], 2)

    bar = Bar(key=key)
    bar.place_notes(cadence[1][0], 2)
    bar.place_notes(cadence[2][0], 2)

    bar = Bar(key=key)
    bar.place_notes(cadence[3][0], 1)

    bar = Bar(key=key)
    while bar.current_beat < 0.5:
        # Randomize pitch and duration of each note.
        duration = 2**random.randint(1, 3)
        pitch = cadence[1][random.randint(1, len(cadence[1]) - 1)]

        # If the randomized duration doesn't fit in the bar, make it fit
        if 1 / duration > 1 - bar.current_beat:
            duration = 1 / (1 - bar.current_beat)

        # Place the new note in the bar
        bar.place_notes(pitch, duration)
    while bar.current_beat < 1:

        duration = 2**random.randint(1, 3)
        pitch = cadence[2][random.randint(1, len(cadence[2]) - 1)]

        # If the randomized duration doesn't fit in the bar, make it fit
        if 1 / duration > 1 - bar.current_beat:
            duration = 1 / (1 - bar.current_beat)

        # Place the new note in the bar
        bar.place_notes(pitch, duration)

    bar = Bar(key=key)
    bar.place_notes(cadence[3][2], 1)
Пример #36
	def test_from_shorthand(self):
		answers = {
			# Triads
			"Amin" : ["A", "C", "E"],
			"Am" : ["A", "C", "E"],
			"A-" : ["A", "C", "E"],

			"Amaj" : ["A", "C#", "E"],
			"AM" : ["A", "C#", "E"],
			"A" : ["A", "C#", "E"],

			"Adim" : ["A", "C", "Eb"],

			# Augmented
			"Aaug" : ["A", "C#", "E#"],
			"A+" : ["A", "C#", "E#"],
			"A7#5" : ["A", "C#", "E#", "G"],
			"Amaj7+5" : ["A", "C#", "E#", "G"],
			"Amaj7+" : ["A", "C#", "E#", "G#"],
			"Amin7+" : ["A", "C#", "E#", "G"],

			# Sevenths
			"Amin7" : ["A", "C", "E", "G"],
			"Am7" : ["A", "C", "E", "G"],
			"Ami7" : ["A", "C", "E", "G"],
			"A-7" : ["A", "C", "E", "G"],

			"Amaj7" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G#"],
			"AM7" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G#"],
			"Ama7" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G#"],

			"A7" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G"],
			"Amin7b5" : ["A", "C", "Eb", "G"],
			"Am7b5" : ["A", "C", "Eb", "G"],
			"Adim7" : ["A", "C", "Eb", "Gb"],

			"Am/M7" : ["A", "C", "E", "G#"],
			"Am/ma7" : ["A", "C", "E", "G#"],
			"AmM7" : ["A", "C", "E", "G#"],
			"Am/maj7" : ["A", "C", "E","G#"],

			# Sixths
			"Amin6" : ["A", "C", "E", "F#"],
			"Am6" : ["A", "C", "E", "F#"],
			"Amaj6" : ["A", "C#", "E", "F#"],
			"A6" : ["A", "C#", "E", "F#"],

			# 6/9
			"A6/9" : ["A", "C#", "E", "F#", "B"],
			"A69" : ["A", "C#", "E", "F#", "B"],

			# Slash chords
			"A/G" : ["G", "A", "C#", "E"],
			"Amin/G" : ["G", "A", "C", "E"],
			"Am/M7/G" : ["G", "A", "C", "E", "G#"],

			# Suspended chords
			"Asus2" : ["A", "B", "E"],
			"Asus4" : ["A", "D", "E"],
			"Asus47" : ["A", "D", "E", "G"],
			"A11" : ["A", "E", "G", "D"],
			"Asus" : ["A", "D", "E"],
			"Asus4b9" : ["A", "D", "E", "Bb"],
			"Asusb9" : ["A", "D", "E", "Bb"],

			# 9
			"Amaj9" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G#", "B"],
			"A9" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "B"],
			"Amin9" : ["A", "C", "E", "G", "B"],
			"Am9" : ["A", "C", "E", "G", "B"],

			# 11
			"A7#11" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "D#"],
			"Am11" : ["A", "C", "E", "G", "D"],
			"Amin11" : ["A", "C", "E", "G", "D"],

			# 13
			"Amaj13" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G#", "B", "F#"],
			"A13" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "B", "F#"],
			"Am13" : ["A", "C", "E", "G", "B", "F#"],

			# Altered chords
			"A7b9" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "Bb"],
			"A7#9" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "B#"],
			"A7b5" : ["A", "C#", "Eb", "G"],
			"A6/7" : ["A", "C#", "E", "F#", "G"],
			"A67" : ["A", "C#", "E", "F#", "G"],

			# Special
			"A5" : ["A", "E"],
			"Ahendrix" : ["A", "C#", "E", "G", "C"],
			"N.C." : [],
			"NC" : [],

			# Poly chords
			"Dm|G" : ["G", "B", "D", "F", "A"],
			"Dm7|G" : ["G", "B", "D", "F", "A", "C"],
			"Am7|G7" : ["G", "B", "D", "F", "A", "C", "E", "G"],

		map(lambda x: self.assertEqual(answers[x], chords.from_shorthand(x),\
			"The shorthand of %s is not %s, expecting %s" % (x, chords.from_shorthand(x), answers[x])),\
Пример #37
"""Allen Forte has a theory of musical harmony based on set theory, and he says it's the key to
understanding some of the weirder 20th century music.

His analysis does a lot with "intervalic vectors," which are lists of each kind of interval in a chord.

I'm hoping to see what I can do with Forte-style analyses of music in the form of MIDI files.

import mingus.core.chords as chords
import mingus.core.intervals as intervals

augurs_of_spring_chord = chords.from_shorthand("Eb7|Fb")               # Example chord w/ interesting vector
interval_class_map = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]              # Interval with i semitones is class A[i].

def interval_class(note_first, note_second):
    """ class 1: minor seconds/major sevenths (1 or 11)
        class 2: major seconds/minor sevenths (2 or 10)
        class 3: minor thirds /major sixths   (3 or 9)
        class 4: major thirds /minor sixths   (4 or 8)
        class 5: perfect fourths & fifths     (5 or 7)
        class 6: tritones                     (6)
    return interval_class_map[intervals.measure(note_first, note_second)]

def chord_to_vector(chord):
    vector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    for i_first, note_first in enumerate(chord):                         # For each note,
        for i_second, note_second in enumerate(chord[i_first+1:]):       # pair it with each subsq. note
            determined_class = interval_class(note_first, note_second)
Пример #38

    elif args.action == 'tritone_substitution':
        for chord in args.chords:
            new_chord, new_notes = tritone_substitution(chord)
            print("The tritone substitution of {} is {} ({})".format(
                chord, new_chord, ', '.join(new_notes)))

    elif args.action == 'reharmonize_v_to_ii_v':
        for chord in args.chords:
            ii_chord_type_short, chord = reharmonize_v_to_ii_v(chord)
            print("II-V ({}, {})".format(ii_chord_type_short, chord))

    elif args.action == 'ii_v_tritone_substitution':
        for chord in args.chords:
            chord_notes = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
            new_note = reduce_accidentals(tritone(chord_notes[0]))
            new_chord = new_note + '7'

            ii_chord_type_short, chord = reharmonize_v_to_ii_v(new_chord)
            print("{} {}".format(ii_chord_type_short, new_chord))

    elif args.action == 'chord_modes':
        chords = [
            chords.determine_seventh(mode_func(args.key), shorthand=True)[0]
            for mode_func in MODE_CHORD_FUNCTIONS
        print(', '.join(chords))

    elif args.action == '12_bar_blues':
        for four_bars in twelve_bar_blues(args.key):
Пример #39
def tritone_substitution(chord):
    chord_notes = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
    new_note = reduce_accidentals(tritone(chord_notes[0]))
    new_chord = new_note + '7'
    new_notes = chords.from_shorthand(new_chord)
    return new_chord, new_notes
Пример #40
from mingus.core import chords, intervals, notes, scales 
from mingus.containers import Note, NoteContainer, Bar, Track, Composition
from mingus.containers.Instrument import MidiInstrument
from mingus.midi import MidiFileOut
from improv import generate_solo
from subprocess import call

num_progressions = 4
chords_list = ['CM', 'G7', 'CM7', 'FM7', 'G7', 'Am7', 'G7', 'C#+']
chords_bars = []
for chord in chords_list:
	chord_nc = NoteContainer(chords.from_shorthand(chord))
	bar = Bar()
	bar.place_notes(chord_nc, 1)
solo_track = Track()
chords_track = Track()
for _ in range(num_progressions):
	for bar in generate_solo(chords_list):
	for bar in chords_bars:

guitar = MidiInstrument()
guitar.instrument_nr = 26
solo_track.instrument = guitar

piano = MidiInstrument()
piano.instrument_nr = 0
chords_track.instrument = piano
Пример #41
def create_walking_bassline(_chords, durations=None):
    Will assume 4/4 and create patterns like http://www.thejazzpianosite.com/jazz-piano-lessons/jazz-chord-voicings/walking-bass-lines/
      - _chords as a list of shorthand symbols
      - durations as list of integers (for each chord)
    chords_ = [chord_note_and_family(c) for c in _chords]

    if durations is None:
        durations = [1] * len(chords_)

    variants = ['pedal', 'arp7', 'arp', 'diat', 'chrom', 'dblchrm']
    variant_weights = [.5, 5, 5, 2, .5, .3]
    styles = random.choices(population=variants,

    bassline = []
    new_durations = []
    for i, chord in enumerate(chords_):
        new_dur = [
            4, 4, 4, 4
        ]  # by default a full bar becomes 4 crotchets (TO-DO: add more variation)

        chord = rebuild_chord_upwards([
            Note(n) for n in from_shorthand(chords_[i][0] + chords_[i][1])
        ])  # ints
        style = styles[i]
        if style == 'pedal':
            basspattern = [chord[0]] * 4
        elif style == 'arp7':
            basspattern = [chord[0], chord[1], chord[2], chord[-1]
                           ]  # get last in case triad (won't have a seventh)
        elif style == 'arp':
            basspattern = [chord[0], chord[1], chord[2],
                           chord[1]]  # root, 3rd, 5th, 3rd
        elif style == 'diat':
            if chords_[i][1] == 'M7' or chords_[i][1] == 'Maj7':
                basspattern = [chord[0], chord[1], chord[2],
                               chord[1]]  # root, 3rd, 5th, 3rd
                basspattern = [
                    chord[0], chord[0] + 2, chord[1], chord[2]
                ]  # TO-DO chords from other modes will need adjustment e.g. b9
        elif style == 'chrom':
            if 'minMaj' in chords_[i][1]:
                basspattern = [chord[0], chord[1], chord[2],
                               chord[3]]  # root, 3rd, 5th, 7th
            elif 'm' in chords_[i][1]:
                basspattern = [
                    chord[0], chord[1], chord[2] - 1, chord[1] + 1
                ]  # root, minor 3, flat 5, b11 (leading tone for V/II-7)
            elif 'M' in chords_[i][1]:
                basspattern = [chord[0], chord[0] + 1, chord[0] + 2,
                               chord[2]]  # root, b9, 2, 5th
            elif chords_[i][1] in ['7', '7b9']:
                basspattern = [chord[0], chord[1], chord[2],
                               chord[0] + 1]  # root, 3rd, 5th, b9
            elif chords_[i][1] in ['9']:
                basspattern = [
                    chord[0], chord[1], chord[0] + 2, chord[3] - 12
                ]  # root, 3rd, 9th, down to b7
                    f'No chromatic basspattern given for chord type {chords_[i][1]}'
        elif style == 'dblchrm':
            if chords_[i][1] == 'M7' or chords_[i][1] == 'Maj7':
                basspattern = [chord[0], chord[2], chord[2] + 2,
                               chord[0] + 1]  # root, 5th, 6th, b9
                basspattern = [chord[0], chord[0], chord[2] - 1,
                               chord[2] - 1]  # root, root, b5, b5

        # TO-DO: need to drop octaves where we end up going to high...

        if durations[i] == 2:
            basspattern = [basspattern[0], basspattern[3]]
            new_dur = [4, 4]
        if durations[i] == 4:
            basspattern = [basspattern[0]]
            new_dur = [4]

            basspattern)  # as list of sublists of ints (one sublist per bar)
        new_durations += new_dur

    amount_of_extra_leading_tones = 0.25
    for i, chord in enumerate(chords_):
        roll = random.random()
        if roll < amount_of_extra_leading_tones and i < len(chords_) - 1:
            next_root = bassline[i + 1][0]
            bassline[i][-1] = next_root - 1

    bassline = notes_durations_to_track(
        [Note().from_int(int(n) - 12) for b in bassline for n in b],
        new_durations)  # - 12 to bring down to octave 3
    return bassline
Пример #42
def generate_solo(chord_list):
	notes = []
	bars = []
	note = random.choice(chords.from_shorthand(chord_list[0]))
	note = Note(note)
	syncopate = random.randrange(1) == 0
	bar = Bar()
	duration = random.choice([4, 8, 16])
	if syncopate:
		bar.place_notes(None, duration)
	bar.place_notes(note, duration)
	first = True
	for chord_name in chord_list:
		if first:
			beat = bar.current_beat
			first = False
			bar = Bar()
			beat = 0
		scale = generate_scale(chord_name)
		while beat < 1:
			if beat % .25 == 0:
				duration = random.choice([4, 8, 16])
			elif beat % .125 == 0:
				duration = random.choice([8, 16])
			rest = random.randrange(10) == 0 # 1/10
			if rest:
				bar.place_notes(None, duration)
				beginning = beat == 0
				stepwise = random.randrange(5) != 0 # 4/5
				leap = random.randrange(2) == 0 # 1/2
				if len(notes) >= 2:
					prev_motion = measure_motion(notes[-2], notes[-1], scale)
					prev_motion = random.choice([-1, 1])
				direction = int(math.copysign(1, prev_motion))
				resolve = False
				if abs(prev_motion) == 2:
					if len(notes) >= 3:
						prev2_motion = measure_motion(notes[-3], notes[-2], 
						prev2_motion = 0
					if prev2_motion == 2:
						if random.randrange(2) == 0:
							stepwise, leap = False, False
						stepwise, leap = False, False
				elif abs(prev_motion) > 2:
					stepwise, resolve = True, True
				if beginning:
					chord_tones = chords.from_shorthand(chord_name)
					note = closest_note(notes[-1], chord_tones)
				elif stepwise:
					if resolve:
						interval = -direction
						interval = random.choice([direction, direction, 
					# 2/3 probability to continue in same direction
					if notes[-1].octave <= 3:
						interval = 1
					elif notes[-1].octave >= 5:
						interval = -1
					note = note_at_interval(notes[-1], interval, scale)
				elif leap: # (1 - 4/5) * 1/2 = 1/10
					interval = random.choice([-1, 1]) \
							* random.choice(range(3, len(scale)))
					note = note_at_interval(notes[-1], interval, scale)
				else: # outlining a chord
					interval = 2 * direction
					note = note_at_interval(notes[-1], interval, scale)
				bar.place_notes(note, duration)
			beat = bar.current_beat
	return bars
Пример #43
def test():
    return jsonify({"C": ch.from_shorthand("C")})
Пример #44
        for chord in args.chords:

    elif args.action == 'tritone_substitution':
        for chord in args.chords:
            new_chord, new_notes = tritone_substitution(chord)
            print("The tritone substitution of {} is {} ({})".format(chord, new_chord, ', '.join(new_notes)))

    elif args.action == 'reharmonize_v_to_ii_v':
        for chord in args.chords:
            ii_chord_type_short, chord = reharmonize_v_to_ii_v(chord)
            print("II-V ({}, {})".format(ii_chord_type_short, chord))

    elif args.action == 'ii_v_tritone_substitution':
        for chord in args.chords:
            chord_notes = chords.from_shorthand(chord)
            new_note = reduce_accidentals(tritone(chord_notes[0]))
            new_chord = new_note + '7'

            ii_chord_type_short, chord = reharmonize_v_to_ii_v(new_chord)
            print("{} {}".format(ii_chord_type_short, new_chord))

    elif args.action == 'chord_modes':
        chords = [chords.determine_seventh(mode_func(args.key), shorthand=True)[0]
                  for mode_func in MODE_CHORD_FUNCTIONS]
        print(', '.join(chords))

    elif args.action == '12_bar_blues':
        for four_bars in twelve_bar_blues(args.key):
Пример #45
def play_solo_bar_with_chord(chord_name):
	chord = NoteContainer(chords.from_shorthand(chord_name))
	solo = solo_bar(chord_name)
	fluidsynth.play_NoteContainer(chord, 13)
	fluidsynth.play_Bar(solo, 10)
	fluidsynth.stop_NoteContainer(chord, 13)
Пример #46
"""Allen Forte has a theory of musical harmony based on set theory, and he says it's the key to
understanding some of the weirder 20th century music.

His analysis does a lot with "intervalic vectors," which are lists of each kind of interval in a chord.

I'm hoping to see what I can do with Forte-style analyses of music in the form of MIDI files.

import mingus.core.chords as chords
import mingus.core.intervals as intervals

augurs_of_spring_chord = chords.from_shorthand(
    "Eb7|Fb")  # Example chord w/ interesting vector
interval_class_map = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,
                      1]  # Interval with i semitones is class A[i].

def interval_class(note_first, note_second):
    """ class 1: minor seconds/major sevenths (1 or 11)
        class 2: major seconds/minor sevenths (2 or 10)
        class 3: minor thirds /major sixths   (3 or 9)
        class 4: major thirds /minor sixths   (4 or 8)
        class 5: perfect fourths & fifths     (5 or 7)
        class 6: tritones                     (6)
    return interval_class_map[intervals.measure(note_first, note_second)]

def chord_to_vector(chord):
    vector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    for i_first, note_first in enumerate(chord):  # For each note,
Пример #47
    def get_chord(self, chord, scope):
        notes = chords.from_shorthand(chord)

        return self.get_notes(notes, scope)
Пример #48
def read_notes(fn, notes):
    with open(fn) as f:
        content_lines = f.readlines()
    content = []
    for line in content_lines:
        if not (line.startswith('#')):
        elif (line.startswith('### ')):
            meta = line[4:]
            var, val = meta.split(':')
            print(var + '\t' + val)

# loop through content, computing start and end events
    currtime = 0
    tie_forward = False
    for line in content:
        tie_backward = tie_forward
        tie_forward = False

        if line[:4] in "<key:":  # get key for interpreting chords
            #           print "key:", line[5:-1], "keylet:", line[5:6]
            nkey = pitch_class_dict[line[5:6]]
            key = line[5:-1]
            if key[-1] == 'm':
                key = key.lower()
#               key=key[:-1].lower()
#           print "key:", key, "nkey:", nkey

        if line[0] in "<":  # skip tags such as <sot>, <eot>, <time>, <bar>

#       print("line:", line)
        note, duration = line.split(":")

        if duration.endswith('t'):
            tie_forward = True
            duration = duration[:-1]

            dnum, ddenom = duration.split("/")
            duration_num = float(dnum) / float(ddenom)
            duration_num = int(duration)

        if note[0] in "ABCDEFG":
            n = NoteContainer(Note(note))

            velocity = velocity_normal
            if tie_backward:
                velocity = velocity_slur

            notes.append([currtime, n, "S", velocity])
            notes.append([currtime + duration_num, n, "E"])
            currtime += duration_num
        elif note == "rest":
            currtime += duration_num
        elif note == "backup":
            currtime = currtime - duration_num
        elif note == "forward":
            currtime = currtime + duration_num

        # roman numeral chords, e.g. rchord-viidim7:1
        elif "rchord" in note:  # roman numeral chord such as I, IV
            x, c = note.split('-')
            simple_c = simplify_chord(c)
            log("rchord: " + c + "\tsimple: " + simple_c + "\tkey:" + key)
            progression = progressions.to_chords([simple_c], key)
            chord = NoteContainer(progression[0])
            notes.append([currtime, chord, "S", velocity_chord])
            notes.append([currtime + duration_num, chord, "E"])
            currtime += duration_num

        # numeric chord, e.g. nchord-145 = tonic (1) + third (16) + fifth (128)
        elif "nchord" in note:
            x, c = note.split('-')
            #           print "--chord:", c, "key:", key
            nc = int(c)
            n = 0
            while nc > 0:
                if nc & 1:
                    note = note_dict[(n + nkey) % 12]
                    #                   print "  --note", note
                        [currtime, [n + nkey + 48], "S", velocity_chord])
                        [currtime + duration_num, [n + nkey + 48], "E"])
                n += 1
                nc = nc // 2
            currtime += duration_num

        elif "chord" in note:  # chord such as Am7
            x, c = note.split('-')
            chord = NoteContainer(chords.from_shorthand(c))
            notes.append([currtime, chord, "S", velocity_chord])
            notes.append([currtime + duration_num, chord, "E"])
            currtime += duration_num
            print "Illegal music token item:", note