def least_cost_path (graph, coord, start, dest, cost):
	'''This function takes in any graph supplied by the user, by default the only graph built by the 
	script is the edmonton roads graph. This function can also take in any cost function of two 
	variables, start and destination. 
	heap = MinHeap()				# create a min heap
	heap.add(0, (start, start)) 			# dist, (vertice, prior vertice)
	reached = {}					# dictionary of vertices reached with their shortest cost and prior vertice
	while not heap.isempty():			# run the program until the heap is empty
		curr_dist, (curr_vert, pri_vert) = heap.pop_min()	# pop the min cost vertice and explore it, aka extract minimum distance runner
		for v in graph.neighbours(curr_vert):
			temp_dist = curr_dist + cost(coord, curr_vert, v) 					# Find new distance            
			if (v in reached and temp_dist < reached[v][1]) or v not in reached:		# Check if the key has been used already
				reached[v] = (curr_vert, temp_dist)	# Previous Vertice, distance
				if v != dest:
					heap.add(temp_dist, (v, curr_vert))	
	min_path = []				# Trace back the shortest path
	if dest in reached:			# First check if there is even a path
		curr_id = reached[dest][0]
		prior_id = dest
		while prior_id != start:		# trace back until we reach the start from dest
			min_path.insert(0,curr_id)	# keep adding prior vert to front of list
			prior_id = curr_id
			if prior_id not in reached:	
				return min_path
			curr_id = reached[prior_id][0]
	return min_path, reached[dest]
Пример #2
def least_cost_path(graph, start, dest, cost):
	reached = {}
	# For faster implementation, use MinHeap to substitute runners
	tree = MinHeap()
	tree.add((0, start, start), None)
	while tree and dest not in reached:
		#print("tree: " + str(tree._array))
		(dist, prev, curr) = tree.pop_min()[0]
		if curr in reached:
		reached[curr] = prev
		for succ in graph.neighbours(curr):
			tree.add((dist + cost(curr, succ), curr, succ), None)
	if dest not in reached:
		return []
	#print("reached: ", reached)
	path = []
	v = dest
	while True:
		if path[-1] == start:
		v = reached[v]
	path = path[::-1]
	#print("path: ", path)
	return path
Пример #3
def least_cost_path(graph, coord, start, dest, cost):
    '''This function takes in any graph supplied by the user, by default the only graph built by the 
	script is the edmonton roads graph. This function can also take in any cost function of two 
	variables, start and destination. 
    heap = MinHeap()  # create a min heap
    heap.add(0, (start, start))  # dist, (vertice, prior vertice)
    reached = {
    }  # dictionary of vertices reached with their shortest cost and prior vertice
    while not heap.isempty():  # run the program until the heap is empty
        curr_dist, (curr_vert, pri_vert) = heap.pop_min(
        )  # pop the min cost vertice and explore it, aka extract minimum distance runner
        for v in graph.neighbours(curr_vert):
            temp_dist = curr_dist + cost(coord, curr_vert,
                                         v)  # Find new distance
            if (
                    v in reached and temp_dist < reached[v][1]
            ) or v not in reached:  # Check if the key has been used already
                reached[v] = (curr_vert, temp_dist
                              )  # Previous Vertice, distance
                if v != dest:
                    heap.add(temp_dist, (v, curr_vert))

    min_path = []  # Trace back the shortest path

    if dest in reached:  # First check if there is even a path
        min_path.insert(0, dest)
        curr_id = reached[dest][0]
        prior_id = dest
        while prior_id != start:  # trace back until we reach the start from dest
                            curr_id)  # keep adding prior vert to front of list
            prior_id = curr_id
            if prior_id not in reached:
                return min_path
            curr_id = reached[prior_id][0]

    return min_path, reached[dest]
Пример #4
def make_tree(freq_table):

    trees = MinHeap()
    trees.add(1, TreeLeafEndMessage())
    for (symbol, freq) in freq_table.items():
        trees.add(freq, TreeLeaf(symbol))

    while len(trees) > 1:
        (rfreq, right) = trees.pop_min()
        (lfreq, left) = trees.pop_min()
        trees.add(lfreq + rfreq, TreeBranch(left, right))

    (totalfreq, tree) = trees.pop_min()
    return tree
Пример #5
def make_tree (freq_table):

    trees = MinHeap()
    trees.add(1, TreeLeafEndMessage())
    for (symbol, freq) in freq_table.items():
        trees.add(freq, TreeLeaf(symbol))

    while len(trees) > 1:
        (rfreq, right) = trees.pop_min()
        (lfreq, left) = trees.pop_min()
        trees.add(lfreq+rfreq, TreeBranch(left, right))

    (totalfreq, tree) = trees.pop_min()
    return tree
Пример #6
def shortestpath(tilemap, startnode, goalnode):
        Find the shortestpath between the startnode and the goalnode

        Input Arguments: tilemap: the tile map object
                         startnode: the location of start tile on the map (xtile, ytile)
                         goalnode: the location of the goal tile on the map (xtile, ytile)
                Note: startnode and goalnode must be walkable (in the tilemap.legaltileLoc set)

        Return: path: A shortest path list containing the tile locations from start tile to goal tile
    # reached dict, key: v_to, value: (actualcost, v_from)
    reached = dict()

    # explorenode minheap, key: totalcost, value: (actualcost, v_from, v_to)
    # totalcost = actualcost + heuristiccost
    explorenode = MinHeap()
    explorenode.add(0, (0, startnode, startnode))

    # The node to be explored, key: v_to, value: (actualcost, v_from)
    explorenodedict = dict()
    explorenodedict[startnode] = (0, startnode)

    while len(explorenode) > 0:
        # Get the node with minimun total cost
        totalcost, checknode = explorenode.pop_min()

        actualcost, v_from, v_to = checknode

        if v_to in reached:
            # node has already been reached

        # Add v_to to reached dict
        reached[v_to] = (actualcost, v_from)
        # Remove v_to from explorenodedict
        del explorenodedict[v_to]

        if v_to == goalnode:
            # reached goal

        # Explore the neighbour nodes of v_to
        for neighbournode in nodeneighbour(tilemap, v_to):
            if neighbournode in reached:
                # Don't do anything if the neighbournode has already been reached

            # Check if the neighbournode is in the explorenode dict
            if neighbournode in explorenodedict:
                # Check if the new actualcost (v_to's actualcost + 1) is less than the old actualcost
                if explorenodedict[neighbournode][0] > (reached[v_to][0] + 1):
                    # Update the actualcost and v_from for neighbournode
                    explorenodedict[neighbournode] = (reached[v_to][0] + 1,
                    newtotalcost = reached[v_to][0] + 1 + heuristiccost(
                        neighbournode, goalnode)

                    # Add the neighbournode with newtotalcost to minheap
                        (reached[v_to][0] + 1, v_to, neighbournode))
                # Add neighbournode to explorenodedict
                explorenodedict[neighbournode] = (reached[v_to][0] + 1, v_to)

                # Add neighbournode to explorenode minheap
                totalcost = reached[v_to][0] + 1 + heuristiccost(
                    neighbournode, goalnode)
                                (reached[v_to][0] + 1, v_to, neighbournode))

    # The path from start to dest
    path = []
    if goalnode in reached:

        while reached[goalnode][1] != startnode:
            goalnode = reached[goalnode][1]

        if goalnode != startnode:

    return path
Пример #7
#used to find top 10 job and states
from count import Counting
from minheap import MinHeap
import sys

#get the count for every job and state
count = Counting(sys.argv[1])
job_count, state_count, sum_count = count.count()

#find the top_10 jobs
job_heap = MinHeap(10)
job_fhandle = open(sys.argv[2],'w')
for key,value in job_count.items():
result = dict()
for i in range(min(10,len(job_count))):
    key,value = job_heap.extract()
    result[key.lstrip('""').rstrip('""')] = value
result = sorted(result.items(), key = lambda item:item[0])
result.sort(key = lambda x:x[1], reverse = True)
for item in result:
    key = item[0]
    value = item[1]
    p = round(value / sum_count * 100.0, 1)
    s = key + ';' + str(value) + ';' + str(p) + '%' + '\n'

#find the top_10 states
state_heap = MinHeap(10)
state_fhandle = open(sys.argv[3],'w')