Пример #1
def tensor_train_template(init_rho, pb_index, rank=1):
    """Get rho_n from rho in a Tensor Train representation.

    rho : np.ndarray
    n_vec = np.zeros((rank, ), dtype=DTYPE)
    n_vec[0] = 1.0
    root_array = np.tensordot(init_rho, n_vec, axes=0)

    root = Tensor(name='root', array=root_array, axis=None)
    max_terms = len(pb_index)

    # +2: i and j
    root[0] = (Leaf(name=max_terms), 0)
    root[1] = (Leaf(name=max_terms + 1), 0)

    for i in pb_index:
        assert rank <= i

    train = [root]
    for k in range(max_terms):
        if k < max_terms - 1:
            array = np.eye(rank, pb_index[k] * rank)
            array = np.reshape(array, (rank, -1, rank))
            array = np.eye(rank, pb_index[k])
        spf = Tensor(name=k, array=array, axis=0)
        l = Leaf(name=k)
        spf[0] = (train[-1], 2)
        spf[1] = (l, 0)

    return root
Пример #2
def heisenberg(N, J=1.0, Jz=1.0, h=0):
    r"""Generate a MPO for Heisenberg Model.

    .. math::

        H = \sum^{N-2}_{i=0} \frac{J}{2} (S^+_i S^-_{i+1} + S^-_i S^+_{i+1})
            + J_z S^z_i S^z_{i+1}
            - \sum^{N-1}_{i=0} h S^z_i

    For 1-D antiferromagnetic, :math:`J = J_z = 1`.

    N : int
        number of sites.
    J : float
        coupling constant.
    Jz : float
        coupling constant in z-direction.
    h : float
        external magnetic field.

    mpo : [(5, 5, 2, 2) ndarray]
        A list of MPO matrixes.
    # Local operators
    I = np.eye(2)
    Z = np.zeros((2, 2))
    Sz = np.array([[0.5, 0.0], [0.0, -0.5]])
    Sp = np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 0.]])
    Sm = np.array([[0., 1.], [0., 0.]])
    # left-hand edge: 1*5
    Wfirst = np.array(
        [[-h * Sz, (J / 2.) * Sm, (J / 2.) * Sp, (Jz / 2.) * Sz, I]])
    # mid: 5*5
    W = np.array([[I, Z, Z, Z, Z], [Sp, Z, Z, Z, Z], [Sm, Z, Z, Z, Z],
                  [Sz, Z, Z, Z, Z],
                  [-h * Sz, (J / 2.) * Sm, (J / 2.) * Sp, (Jz / 2.) * Sz, I]])
    # right-hand edge: 5*1
    Wlast = np.array([[I], [Sp], [Sm], [Sz], [-h * Sz]])
    mpo = [Wfirst] + ([W] * (N - 2)) + [Wlast]
    return mpo
Пример #3
 def annihilator(self, k):
     """Acting on 0-th index"""
     dim = self.n_dims[k]
     lower = np.eye(dim, k=-1)
     sqrt_n = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(dim)))
     return sqrt_n @ lower
Пример #4
 def creator(self, k):
     """Acting on 0-th index"""
     dim = self.n_dims[k]
     raiser = np.eye(dim, k=1)
     sqrt_n = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(dim)))
     return raiser @ sqrt_n
Пример #5
 def _lower(self, k):
     """Acting on 0-th index"""
     dim = self.n_dims[k]
     sqrt_n = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(dim, dtype=DTYPE)))
     return sqrt_n @ np.eye(dim, k=-1, dtype=DTYPE)
Пример #6
 def _lower(self, k):
     """Acting on 0-th index"""
     dim = self.n_dims[k]
     return np.eye(dim, k=1, dtype=DTYPE)
Пример #7
 def _raiser(self, k):
     """Acting on 0-th index"""
     dim = self.n_dims[k]
     return np.eye(dim, k=1)