Пример #1
class InterfaceToSolver:
    """A wrapper for the mip model class, allows interaction with mip using pd.DataFrames."""
    def __init__(self, solver_name='CBC'):
        self.variables = {}
        self.linear_mip_variables = {}

        self.solver_name = solver_name
        if solver_name == 'CBC':
            self.mip_model = Model("market", solver_name=CBC)
            self.linear_mip_model = Model("market", solver_name=CBC)
        elif solver_name == 'GUROBI':
            self.mip_model = Model("market", solver_name=GUROBI)
            self.linear_mip_model = Model("market", solver_name=GUROBI)
            raise ValueError("Solver '{}' not recognised.")

        self.mip_model.verbose = 0
        self.mip_model.lp_method = LP_Method.DUAL

        self.linear_mip_model.verbose = 0
        self.linear_mip_model.lp_method = LP_Method.DUAL

    def add_variables(self, decision_variables):
        """Add decision variables to the model.

        >>> decision_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1],
        ...   'lower_bound': [0.0, 0.0],
        ...   'upper_bound': [6.0, 1.0],
        ...   'type': ['continuous', 'binary']})

        >>> si = InterfaceToSolver()

        >>> si.add_variables(decision_variables)

        The underlying mip_model should now have 2 variables.

        >>> print(si.mip_model.num_cols)

        The first one should have the following properties.

        >>> print(si.mip_model.var_by_name('0').var_type)

        >>> print(si.mip_model.var_by_name('0').lb)

        >>> print(si.mip_model.var_by_name('0').ub)

        The second one should have the following properties.

        >>> print(si.mip_model.var_by_name('1').var_type)

        >>> print(si.mip_model.var_by_name('1').lb)

        >>> print(si.mip_model.var_by_name('1').ub)

        # Create a mapping between the nempy level names for variable types and the mip representation.
        variable_types = {'continuous': CONTINUOUS, 'binary': BINARY}
        # Add each variable to the mip model.
        for variable_id, lower_bound, upper_bound, variable_type in zip(
            self.variables[variable_id] = self.mip_model.add_var(

                variable_id] = self.linear_mip_model.add_var(

    def add_sos_type_2(self, sos_variables, sos_id_columns, position_column):
        """Add groups of special ordered sets of type 2 two the mip model.


        >>> decision_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'lower_bound': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        ...   'upper_bound': [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
        ...   'type': ['continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous',
        ...            'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous']})

        >>> sos_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'sos_id': ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B'],
        ...   'position': [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]})

        >>> si = InterfaceToSolver()

        >>> si.add_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> si.add_sos_type_2(sos_variables, 'sos_id', 'position')


        # Function that adds sets to mip model.
        def add_sos_vars(sos_group):
                list(zip(sos_group['vars'], sos_group[position_column])), 2)

        # For each variable_id get the variable object from the mip model
        sos_variables['vars'] = sos_variables['variable_id'].apply(
            lambda x: self.variables[x])
        # Break up the sets based on their id and add them to the model separately.
        # This is a hack to make sure mip knows there are binary constraints.
        self.mip_model.add_var(var_type=BINARY, obj=0.0)

    def add_sos_type_1(self, sos_variables):
        # Function that adds sets to mip model.
        def add_sos_vars(sos_group):
                        [1.0 for i in range(len(sos_variables['vars']))])), 1)

        # For each variable_id get the variable object from the mip model
        sos_variables['vars'] = sos_variables['variable_id'].apply(
            lambda x: self.variables[x])
        # Break up the sets based on their id and add them to the model separately.
        # This is a hack to make mip knows there are binary constraints.
        self.mip_model.add_var(var_type=BINARY, obj=0.0)

    def add_objective_function(self, objective_function):
        """Add the objective function to the mip model.


        >>> decision_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'lower_bound': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        ...   'upper_bound': [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
        ...   'type': ['continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous',
        ...            'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous']})

        >>> objective_function = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'cost': [1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 5.0, 0.0]})

        >>> si = InterfaceToSolver()

        >>> si.add_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> si.add_objective_function(objective_function)

        >>> print(si.mip_model.var_by_name('0').obj)

        >>> print(si.mip_model.var_by_name('5').obj)

        objective_function = objective_function.sort_values('variable_id')
        objective_function = objective_function.set_index('variable_id')
        obj = minimize(
            xsum(objective_function['cost'][i] * self.variables[i]
                 for i in list(objective_function.index)))
        self.mip_model.objective = obj
        self.linear_mip_model.objective = obj

    def add_constraints(self, constraints_lhs, constraints_type_and_rhs):
        """Add constraints to the mip model.

        >>> decision_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'lower_bound': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        ...   'upper_bound': [5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0],
        ...   'type': ['continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous',
        ...            'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous']})

        >>> constraints_lhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 1, 2, 2],
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 3, 4],
        ...   'coefficient': [1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]})

        >>> constraints_type_and_rhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 2],
        ...   'type': ['<=', '='],
        ...   'rhs': [10.0, 20.0]})

        >>> si = InterfaceToSolver()

        >>> si.add_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> si.add_constraints(constraints_lhs, constraints_type_and_rhs)

        >>> print(si.mip_model.constr_by_name('1'))
        1: +1.0 0 +0.5 1 <= 10.0

        >>> print(si.mip_model.constr_by_name('2'))
        2: +1.0 3 +2.0 4 = 20.0


        constraints_lhs = constraints_lhs.groupby(
            ['constraint_id', 'variable_id'],
            as_index=False).agg({'coefficient': 'sum'})
        rows = constraints_lhs.groupby(['constraint_id'], as_index=False)

        # Make a dictionary so constraint rhs values can be accessed using the constraint id.
        rhs = dict(
        # Make a dictionary so constraint type can be accessed using the constraint id.
        enq_type = dict(
        var_ids = constraints_lhs['variable_id'].to_numpy()
        vars = np.asarray([
            self.variables[k] if k in self.variables.keys() else None
            for k in range(0,
                           max(var_ids) + 1)
        coefficients = constraints_lhs['coefficient'].to_numpy()
        for row_id, row in rows.indices.items():
            # Use the variable_ids to get mip variable objects present in the constraints
            lhs_variables = vars[var_ids[row]]
            # Use the positions of the non nan values to the lhs coefficients.
            lhs = coefficients[row]
            # Multiply and the variables by their coefficients and sum to create the lhs of the constraint.
            exp = lhs_variables * lhs
            exp = exp.tolist()
            exp = xsum(exp)
            # Add based on inequality type.
            if enq_type[row_id] == '<=':
                new_constraint = exp <= rhs[row_id]
            elif enq_type[row_id] == '>=':
                new_constraint = exp >= rhs[row_id]
            elif enq_type[row_id] == '=':
                new_constraint = exp == rhs[row_id]
                raise ValueError(
                    "Constraint type not recognised should be one of '<=', '>=' or '='."
            self.mip_model.add_constr(new_constraint, name=str(row_id))
            self.linear_mip_model.add_constr(new_constraint, name=str(row_id))

    def optimize(self):
        """Optimize the mip model.

        If an optimal solution cannot be found and the investigate_infeasibility flag is set to True then remove
        constraints until a feasible solution is found.

        >>> decision_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'lower_bound': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        ...   'upper_bound': [5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0],
        ...   'type': ['continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous',
        ...            'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous']})

        >>> constraints_lhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 1, 2, 2],
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 3, 4],
        ...   'coefficient': [1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]})

        >>> constraints_type_and_rhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 2],
        ...   'type': ['<=', '='],
        ...   'rhs': [10.0, 20.0]})

        >>> si = InterfaceToSolver()

        >>> si.add_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> si.add_constraints(constraints_lhs, constraints_type_and_rhs)

        >>> si.optimize()

        >>> decision_variables['value'] = si.get_optimal_values_of_decision_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> print(decision_variables)
           variable_id  lower_bound  upper_bound        type  value
        0            0          0.0          5.0  continuous    0.0
        1            1          0.0          5.0  continuous    0.0
        2            2          0.0         10.0  continuous    0.0
        3            3          0.0         10.0  continuous   10.0
        4            4          0.0          5.0  continuous    5.0
        5            5          0.0          5.0  continuous    0.0
        status = self.mip_model.optimize()
        if status != OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL:
            # Attempt find constraint causing infeasibility.
            print('Model infeasible attempting to find problem constraint.')
            con_index = find_problem_constraint(self.mip_model)
                'Couldn\'t find an optimal solution, but removing con {} fixed INFEASIBLITY'
            raise ValueError('Linear program infeasible')

    def get_optimal_values_of_decision_variables(self, variable_definitions):
        """Get the optimal values for each decision variable.


        >>> decision_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'lower_bound': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        ...   'upper_bound': [5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0],
        ...   'type': ['continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous',
        ...            'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous']})

        >>> constraints_lhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 1, 2, 2],
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 3, 4],
        ...   'coefficient': [1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]})

        >>> constraints_type_and_rhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 2],
        ...   'type': ['<=', '='],
        ...   'rhs': [10.0, 20.0]})

        >>> si = InterfaceToSolver()

        >>> si.add_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> si.add_constraints(constraints_lhs, constraints_type_and_rhs)

        >>> si.optimize()

        >>> decision_variables['value'] = si.get_optimal_values_of_decision_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> print(decision_variables)
           variable_id  lower_bound  upper_bound        type  value
        0            0          0.0          5.0  continuous    0.0
        1            1          0.0          5.0  continuous    0.0
        2            2          0.0         10.0  continuous    0.0
        3            3          0.0         10.0  continuous   10.0
        4            4          0.0          5.0  continuous    5.0
        5            5          0.0          5.0  continuous    0.0

        values = variable_definitions['variable_id'].apply(
            lambda x: self.mip_model.var_by_name(str(x)).x, self.mip_model)
        return values

    def get_optimal_values_of_decision_variables_lin(self,
        values = variable_definitions['variable_id'].apply(
            lambda x: self.linear_mip_model.var_by_name(str(x)).x,
        return values

    def get_slack_in_constraints(self, constraints_type_and_rhs):
        """Get the slack values in each constraint.


        >>> decision_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'lower_bound': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        ...   'upper_bound': [5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0],
        ...   'type': ['continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous',
        ...            'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous']})

        >>> constraints_lhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 1, 2, 2],
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 3, 4],
        ...   'coefficient': [1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]})

        >>> constraints_type_and_rhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 2],
        ...   'type': ['<=', '='],
        ...   'rhs': [10.0, 20.0]})

        >>> si = InterfaceToSolver()

        >>> si.add_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> si.add_constraints(constraints_lhs, constraints_type_and_rhs)

        >>> si.optimize()

        >>> constraints_type_and_rhs['slack'] = si.get_slack_in_constraints(constraints_type_and_rhs)

        >>> print(constraints_type_and_rhs)
           constraint_id type   rhs  slack
        0              1   <=  10.0   10.0
        1              2    =  20.0    0.0

        slack = constraints_type_and_rhs['constraint_id'].apply(
            lambda x: self.mip_model.constr_by_name(str(x)).slack,
        return slack

    def price_constraints(self, constraint_ids_to_price):
        """For each constraint_id find the marginal value of the constraint.

        This is done by incrementing the constraint by a value of 1.0 and re-optimizing the model, the marginal cost
        of the constraint is increase in the objective function value between model runs.


        >>> decision_variables = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'lower_bound': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        ...   'upper_bound': [5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0],
        ...   'type': ['continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous',
        ...            'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous']})

        >>> objective_function = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        ...   'cost': [1.0, 3.0, 10.0, 8.0, 9.0, 7.0]})

        >>> constraints_lhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1, 1, 1, 1],
        ...   'variable_id': [0, 1, 3, 4],
        ...   'coefficient': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]})

        >>> constraints_type_and_rhs = pd.DataFrame({
        ...   'constraint_id': [1],
        ...   'type': ['='],
        ...   'rhs': [20.0]})

        >>> si = InterfaceToSolver()

        >>> si.add_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> si.add_constraints(constraints_lhs, constraints_type_and_rhs)

        >>> si.add_objective_function(objective_function)

        >>> si.optimize()

        >>> si.linear_mip_model.optimize()
        <OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL: 0>

        >>> prices = si.price_constraints([1])

        >>> print(prices)
        {1: 8.0}

        >>> decision_variables['value'] = si.get_optimal_values_of_decision_variables(decision_variables)

        >>> print(decision_variables)
           variable_id  lower_bound  upper_bound        type  value
        0            0          0.0          5.0  continuous    5.0
        1            1          0.0          5.0  continuous    5.0
        2            2          0.0         10.0  continuous    0.0
        3            3          0.0         10.0  continuous   10.0
        4            4          0.0          5.0  continuous    0.0
        5            5          0.0          5.0  continuous    0.0

        costs = {}
        for id in constraint_ids_to_price:
            costs[id] = self.linear_mip_model.constr_by_name(str(id)).pi
        return costs

    def update_rhs(self, constraint_id, violation_degree):
        constraint = self.linear_mip_model.constr_by_name(str(constraint_id))
        constraint.rhs += violation_degree

    def update_variable_bounds(self, new_bounds):
        for variable_id, lb, ub in zip(new_bounds['variable_id'],
            self.mip_model.var_by_name(str(variable_id)).lb = lb
            self.mip_model.var_by_name(str(variable_id)).ub = ub

    def disable_variables(self, variables):
        for var_id in variables['variable_id']:
            var = self.linear_mip_model.var_by_name(str(var_id))
            var.lb = 0.0
            var.ub = 0.0
Пример #2
plt.text((70), (78), "Region 2")
plt.plot((50, 50), (0, 80))

dist = {(f, c):
        round(sqrt((pf[f][0] - pc[c][0])**2 + (pf[f][1] - pc[c][1])**2), 1)
        for (f, c) in product(F, C)}

m = Model()

z = {i: m.add_var(ub=c[i]) for i in F}  # plant capacity

# Type 1 SOS: only one plant per region
for r in [0, 1]:
    # set of plants in region r
    Fr = [i for i in F if r * 50 <= pf[i][0] <= 50 + r * 50]
    m.add_sos([(z[i], i - 1) for i in Fr], 1)

# amount that plant i will supply to client j
x = {(i, j): m.add_var() for (i, j) in product(F, C)}

# satisfy demand
for j in C:
    m += xsum(x[(i, j)] for i in F) == d[j]

# SOS type 2 to model installation costs for each installed plant
y = {i: m.add_var() for i in F}
for f in F:
    D = 6  # nr. of discretization points, increase for more precision
    v = [c[f] * (v / (D - 1)) for v in range(D)]  # points
    # non-linear function values for points in v
    vn = [0 if k == 0 else 1520 * log(v[k]) for k in range(D)]
Пример #3
def re_allocate(cmap, jmin, jmax, Ns, Os, Tfwd, res_up, res_dw, time_limit, solver=CBC):
    start_time = str(time.time())
    joblist = cmap.index
    nodelist= cmap.columns
    nJ, nN = cmap.shape
    J = range(nJ)
    N = range(nN)
    assert len(jmin) == nJ and len(jmax) == nJ and len(res_up) == nJ and len(res_dw) == nJ
    # compute throughput of current map, cost will depend on it
    _cNj = cmap.sum(axis=1)
    c_rate = [interp1d4s(Ns[_j], Os[_j], _cNj[_j]) \
              if _cNj[_j] >= jmin[_j] else 0 for _j in range(cmap.shape[0])]

    with open("%s-b4.log" % start_time, 'w') as fp:
        fp.write(cmap.to_string() + '\n')
        fp.write(f"jmin={jmin}, jmax={jmax}, Ns={Ns}, Os={Os}, Tfwd={Tfwd}, res_up={res_up}, res_dw={res_dw}, time_limit={time_limit}\n")

    c_map = cmap.values
    m = Model(solver_name=solver)
    # create decision variable, J x N
    x = [[m.add_var('x({},{})'.format(j, n), var_type=BINARY) for n in N] for j in J]
    # job scalability constraint, should be either within the internal or zero
    bigM = nN + 1

    dummy4Jmin = [m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for _j in J]
    dummy4Jmax = [m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for _j in J]

    for _j in J:
        _nJ = xsum(x[_j][_n] for _n in N)

        m += _nJ >= jmin[_j] - bigM * dummy4Jmin[_j]
        m += _nJ <= 0 + bigM * (1 - dummy4Jmin[_j])

        m += jmax[_j] >= _nJ - bigM * dummy4Jmax[_j]
        m += _nJ <= 0 + bigM * (1 - dummy4Jmax[_j])

    # node allocations constraint
    for _n in N:
        m += xsum(x[_j][_n] for _j in J) <= 1 # at most one application

    # constraint to disallow job migration 
    dummy4xxorc = [[m.add_var('xxorc({},{})'.format(j, n), var_type=BINARY) for n in N] for j in J] # x XOR c
    dummy4migr  = [m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for _j in J]
    c = c_map # a shorter name for easy ref
    for _j in J:
        for _n in N:
            m += dummy4xxorc[_j][_n] <= x[_j][_n] + c[_j][_n]
            m += dummy4xxorc[_j][_n] >= x[_j][_n] - c[_j][_n]
            m += dummy4xxorc[_j][_n] >= c[_j][_n] - x[_j][_n]
            m += dummy4xxorc[_j][_n] <= 2 - x[_j][_n] - c[_j][_n]

    for _j in J:
        _xxorc_sumJ = xsum(dummy4xxorc[_j][_n] for _n in N)
        _nj_new = xsum(x[_j][_n] for _n in N)
        _nj_old = sum(c[_j])
        m += _nj_new - _nj_old >= _xxorc_sumJ  - bigM * dummy4migr[_j]
        m += _nj_new - _nj_old <= -_xxorc_sumJ + bigM * (1 - dummy4migr[_j])

    # approximate the scalability
    w4sappro = [[m.add_var('x({},{})'.format(j, i), var_type=CONTINUOUS, lb=0, ub=1) for i in range(len(Ns[j]))] for j in J]

    S_approx = {}
    for _j in J:
        I = range(len(Ns[_j]))
        m += xsum(w4sappro[_j]) == 1 # convexification

        _Nj = xsum(x[_j][_n] for _n in N)
        m +=_Nj == xsum(Ns[_j][_i] * w4sappro[_j][_i] for _i in I)

        m.add_sos([(w4sappro[_j][_i], Ns[_j][_i]) for _i in I], 2)  

        S_approx[_j] = xsum(Os[_j][_i] * w4sappro[_j][_i] for _i in I)

    # scale up/down cost
    dummy4upcost = [m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for _j in J]
    dummy4dwcost = [m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for _j in J]

    for _j in J:
        _Nj = xsum(x[_j][_n] for _n in N)
        _Cj = sum(c_map[_j])
        m += _Nj <= _Cj + (bigM - _Cj) * dummy4upcost[_j]
        m += _Nj >= (_Cj + 1) * dummy4upcost[_j]

        m += _Nj <= (_Cj - 1) + (bigM - (_Cj - 1)) * (1 - dummy4dwcost[_j])
        m += _Nj >= _Cj * (1 - dummy4dwcost[_j])
    rescale_cost = xsum(dummy4upcost[_j] * res_up[_j] * c_rate[_j] + dummy4dwcost[_j] * res_dw[_j] * c_rate[_j] for _j in J)
    # new steady performance 
    steady_perf = xsum(Tfwd * S_approx[_j] for _j in J)

    # set objective function
    m.objective = maximize(steady_perf - rescale_cost)

    # solve model
    status = m.optimize(max_seconds=time_limit)

    if status == OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL:
        print('optimal solution cost {} found'.format(m.objective_value)) 
    elif status == OptimizationStatus.FEASIBLE:
        print('sol.cost {} found, best possible: {}'.format(m.objective_value, m.objective_bound)) 
    elif status == OptimizationStatus.NO_SOLUTION_FOUND:
        print('no feasible solution found, lower bound is: {}'.format(m.objective_bound)) 
        print('something wrong', status)

    sol_map = np.zeros((nJ, nN), dtype=np.int8)
    if status == OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL:
        for _n in N:
            for _j in J:
                sol_map[_j][_n] = 1 if x[_j][_n].x > 0.5 else 0
        rate = [S_approx[_j].x for _j in J]
        cost = [(dummy4upcost[_j] * res_up[_j] * c_rate[_j] + dummy4dwcost[_j] * res_dw[_j] * c_rate[_j]) for _j in J]
        rate, cost = [], []
    sol_map_pd = pd.DataFrame(sol_map, index=joblist, columns=nodelist)
    with open("%s-after.log" % start_time, 'w') as fp:
        fp.write(sol_map_pd.to_string() + '\n')
        fp.write(f"opt_mdl.Status={status}, rate={rate}, cost={cost}")
    return status, sol_map, np.array(rate), np.array(cost)